ACTION-410: Let the TAG know whether and when the IRIEverywhere plan in HTML WG went as planned

Let the TAG know whether and when the IRIEverywhere plan in HTML WG went as planned

Larry Masinter
Due on:
November 1, 2010
Created on:
March 24, 2010
Associated Issue:
Related emails:
  1. Minutes of the TAG F2F of 19-21 October 2010 are now ready for review (from on 2010-10-30)
  2. Final Agenda for TAG F2F 19-21 October 2010 (from on 2010-10-14)
  3. Agenda for TAG F2F of October 19-21 2010 (from on 2010-10-13)
  4. Draft TAG telcon minutes of 2010-09-02 available (from on 2010-09-02)
  5. Draft minutes from 20 May 2010 (from on 2010-05-26)
  6. Re: Draft minutes from 20 May 2010 (from on 2010-05-26)
  7. Preparation for this week's TAG teleconference: F2F Agenda Preparation (from on 2010-05-19)
  8. minutes TAG meeting 24-26 March in Cambridge, MA, USA for review (from on 2010-04-12)

Related notes:

let's see where we are Tue 13 Apr, when planning the agenda for the 15 Apr telcon

Larry, do you expect to claim victory (a) when the HTML WG closes the issue (b) at last call, (c) at CR, or (d) at PR?

Dan Connolly, 5 Apr 2010, 20:58:36

The IRI working group seems to have revived, and here is now considerable activity and a sequence of meetings. I'll report on the status & relationship to IRIEverywhere-27 before 11/1, but you can see status at .

Larry Masinter, 17 Sep 2010, 23:16:57

Display change log.

Tim Berners-Lee <>, Peter Linss <>, Daniel Appelquist <>, Chairs, Yves Lafon <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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