ACTION-719: Reply to Hannes pointing to the minutes, summarizing the discussion, and asking him if he has any more specific questions.
Reply to Hannes pointing to the minutes, summarizing the discussion, and asking him if he has any more specific questions.
- State:
- closed
- Person:
- Larry Masinter
- Due on:
- June 20, 2012
- Created on:
- June 13, 2012
- Related emails:
- Draft TAG minutes from telcon of 2012-08-02 (from on 2012-09-07)
- Minutes of 2012-08-23 TAG telcon (from on 2012-08-28)
- Draft minutes of Wed 13th June 2012 TAG F2F (from on 2012-06-19)
Related notes:
talked to Hannes at IETF meeting, he will get back to us.
Larry Masinter, 2 Aug 2012, 18:04:40Display change log.