EOWG Meetings 2017

From Education & Outreach

EOWG Meetings main page

Minutes from the WAI site TF are one a separate page.

Draft minutes are available at the end of the teleconference at the URI: http://www.w3.org/YYYY/MM/DD-eo-minutes where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, and DD the date. <-- you have to change that in the linked URI :)

15 December Teleconference


  1. Getting in synch with current work and upcoming work
  2. Next Meeting: 12 January 2018
  3. Happy Holidays. Here's to an awesome 2018 for EOWG!



(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] name, date
  • [done] Andrew, 9 Jan 2018
  • [done] Sylvie, 21 December 2017

08 December Teleconference


  1. Selecting Tools revision - EOWG Thorough Review
  2. Making Diff versions - a brief tutorial of options
  3. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (Brent, 5 min, end of meeting)

Editorial group work (optional for the rest of EO):

  1. Old Users Resources


The meeting began with a look at progress on Selecting Evaluation Tools, the narrative that tells people what to look for in evaluation tools and introduce the use of the Evaluation Tools List to support their search for a tool. With input from the group, Laura and Nic will take next steps to complete the document for final review. Expect the survey next week. Shawn next provided a quick tutorial in how to create and cleanup diff versions so editors can highlight changes made to edited documents to expedite the review process. Brent asked EOWG to keep up with editing tasks, surveys - trying to plan face to face for 2018, for example - and the work for this week.

Minutes 08 December


Present: Jesus_Pulido, Sylvie, Brent, Shawn, Laura, Norah, Robert, Shadi, Sharron, Vicki, Roy, Howard, James

Regrets: Nic, Chris, Amanda, Andrew, Stephane, Kris_Anne

01 December Teleconference


  1. Update on Resource Schedule
  2. Business Case - discuss next iteration, get overall feedback on approach, content, etc.
  3. Meeting time change proposal - alternate Thursday 6:30pm Eastern (time conversion Thur) and Friday 8:30am Eastern (time conversion Fri)
  4. Outreach opportunity - Intro video - announcing Monday
  5. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
    • Business Case - Please provide additional feedback on approach, overall content, etc.
    • Stories of Web Users - Approval to publish survey coming early next week

Second part of meeting:


The meeting began with an update and reminder of the use of the Resource Management Schedule. Editors are encouraged to list their own work and timelines as soon as possible. Next Sharron updated the group on progress on the Business Case, received good feedback and asked participants to gather testimonials based on the questions posted on the Business Case Wiki. Next the group discussed the opportunity to include more people from Pacific countries by modifying the meeting schedule every other week. EOWG passed a resolution to do that, verifying that starting in January 2018, we will meet at Friday 8:30 am ET one week and Thursday 6:30 pm ET the next one. Next Shawn announced the outreach opportunity for a new video released to coincide with UN International Day of Disabled Persons. EO Participants are asked to be on the alert and to repost to social media when it is released. Reminder that Stories of Web Users survey is posted for approval. The rest of the meeting was spent as Vicki led her editorial team through the changes and got suggestions and feedback in preparation for posting an approval survey next week of changes to the Older User Resources document. Thanks everyone!

Minutes 01 December


Present: Sharron, Brent, shawn, Vicki, Shadi, Laura, Chris, Robert, Norah, Roy, Eric, Sylvie, Nic, KrisAnne, Howard, Kris, Anne, James

Regrets: Andres, Vivienne, Stephane, Jesus, Sylvie(?), Eric(?), Amanda

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] name, date

17 November Teleconference


  1. TPAC Summary, Recognition, and Thank You
    • Meeting accomplishments
    • Thanks for WAI Site Usability Testing
  2. Tweaked Approach
  3. Business Case - Discuss Rough Concept Draft of significantly revised resource
    • Updated Requirements Analysis with additional notes (aka Sharron's crime wall)
    • Draft first page
    • Discuss:
      • High-level feedback one this approach and draft
      • New sub-pages - linked in left nav area or only in paragraph text?
  4. WCAG 2.1 Understanding Collaborative Team - getting going on editorial help
    • Final call for joining effort (currently: Shadi, Norah, Vivienne, Sylvie, James, Denis, Brent, Sharron)
  5. Laws & Policies - Approval to Publish Survey - due Mon 20 Nov
  6. Schedule for next 8 weeks
  7. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey


The meeting began with welcome and introduction from Chris O'Brian who joined EO at TPAC, glad to have his help! Brent debriefed from TPAC giving a big shout out to the Visa team for the continued usability work they are doing. He then walked the teams through a new approach that chairs are introducing to increase the rate of publication of content revisions for the new site. Editors and their small teams are expected to commit to a production schedule and to document that on the Google Worksheet. next Sharron walked the group through the new approach to the Business Case and asked for high level feedback and validation of direction. Please weigh in on the survey or in GitHub with any additional thoughts. Brent reiterated that EO has committed to support AGWG in getting the WCAG 2.1 Understanding documents in shape by spring of 2018. Shadi stepped up to lead the effort and several from EO agreed to add that work to their existing EO commitments. Brent reminded all to take the Availability survey and the Approval to Publish Policies survey ASAP. If you have no opinion or were unable to review, complete the surveys anyway and abstain, thus demonstrating general engagement in EO even when time is stretched. Sharron spoke about the talk at Accessing Higher Ground that highlight WAI work. She was also able to meet with Rachel Comerford of the Publishing Working group and with Mary and David of the AccessLearn Community Group. Both would like to see relevant content for their constituencies woven into the WAI site revisions. Brent wrapped up with a reminder to complete all surveys and stay in touch. Big thanks to all for the level of effort and terrific work all are doing.

Minutes 17 November


Present: Shawn, Brent, Chris, Laura, Nic, Norah, Robert, Roy, Shadi, Sharron, KrisAnne, Vicki, James

Regrets: Stéphane, Jesús, Sylvie, Eric

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] name, date
  • [done] Sylvie, 21 November 2017
  • [done] Howard, 29 November 2017

Face to Face Meeting 07 and 09 November


07 Nov Agenda

09 Nov Agenda

Summary 07 November

The meeting began with a demonstration of the GitHub process for migrating content into the new site including how the repositories are structured and how they technically work together. The demo is being recorded and the link will be circulated when it has been captioned. An open issue is whether to use markdown or HTML for new pages in GitHubEO. The group next joined the AGWG to discuss EO support for the work on the Understanding WCAG documents needed for the new SCs of WCAG 2.1. As well, there may be some need to integrate understanding text for mobile, low vision, and cognitive issues into existing materials. Shadi has offered to be point person for the collaboration and will contact EO volunteers for the work within the next two weeks. The TFs have created drafts and EO will primarily be responsible for consistency of writing style, tone, and editorial approach rather than technical content. Work will be done in GitHub. After lunch, EO took up consideration of the progress Vivienne is making as editor of the Developing Presentations & Training materials. She has been delayed by the inability of her co-editor to contribute at this time. New participant Chris O'Brien agreed to step up to help. The latest edit approach is sent as an attachment to a message from Vivienne to the WG list. Shawn will do a punch list session with Vivienne and Chris as a follow up to get the resource to the next stage. The afternoon was spent in process discussion. There is much concern from W3C that EOWG is shipping resources at a much reduced rate. While the redesign is understood to be a time commitment, there remains the need to demonstrate progress on resources. Rather than continue to allow editorial teams to set their own production schedule, chairs will develop an editorial calendar and require stricter adherence to a schedule.

Minutes of 07 November Face to Face meeting

Summary 09 November

Sharron brought her work on the revisions to the Business Case to the group to validate her approach. Research was put in the Biz case wiki and she will circulate the next draft, based on group input to the review team by 15 November. She also reported that Shadi, Nic, and Laura had met previously and worked out the issues with the Selecting Eval Tools and a review draft is expected next week. Chris O'Brien of Accessible Media has joined EO as a member participant - welcome! Charlotte and Liz, assisted by Shawn and James, gathered usability data from attendees during W3C Plenary Day (08 November). Both the functional testing of the prototype and the preference testing of the 4 versions of the home page. Outcomes will be summarized and delivered at the full EO meeting on 01 December. Liz will summarize the October test results at the 15 November Web TF meeting. In the meantime, even though EOWG liked and testers positively responded to the personas tiles and that way of approaching content, James pointed out that it adds considerable complexity and could delay launch even further. The decision was made to continue the plans for launch without adding personas to the first iteration of the visual design (keeping them in the back of mind.) A publication /editorial calendar and schedule will be implemented and tags added to docs to support persona categorization at some future time. As Charlotte's research is completed, we will base decisions about visual design on data and timing of content development, with the understanding that we can iterate with agility. Thanks to everyone for insight and patience working through these changes.

Minutes of 09 November Face to Face meeting


  • Present:
    • Tuesday 07 November: Amanda, Vivienne, Sharron, Roy, Nic, Eric, Brent, KrisAnne, Shawn, (Chris_O'Brien), Robert, Shadi, Charlotte (afternoon), James (afternoon), Soosung Chun(akaLeo), Judy(some)
    • Thursday 09 November: Nic, KrisAnne, Robert, Chris O'Brien, Vivienne(part), Amanda, Shawn, Jan M, Sharron, Brent, Eric, John Kirkwood, Jeanne(some), Katie H-S(some), James(some), Charlotte(some)

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] name, date

27 October 2017 Teleconference


  1. Updates from Editors on Resource Revisions - Brent to send prep document to Resource Managers asking for timeline updates, clarity on where projects currently stand. Editors will provide an update at Friday teleconference. (Brent, RMs)
  2. Process discussion: Need a way to indicate review team acceptance/approval of editor resource updates. How to manage?
  3. Updated GitHub issues- "wai-redesign-prep." Each editor should use this as an instruction to port their project into the new site design.(Eric)
  4. TENTATIVE Pending review team acceptance/approval - Selecting Eval Tools - Review and ready for EOWG approval
  5. TPAC
    • Informal usability testing
    • Resource Work - Any additional besides what is listed in F2F November 2017 wiki
    • Prep for TPAC work on Training Resources (review in advance)
    • Possibility to submit a session proposal for the breakout at TPAC on Wednesday. Currently proposed TPAC Plenary Day break out session topics.
    • WCAG 2.1 SC Understandings - Who is interested in joining in this work? - Survey Results
      • Editor/Lead: Brent, Norah
      • Review Team: Vivienne, Sylvie, Brent, Norah, James, Denis, Sharron
  6. Wrap-up/Work for the week


The meeting began with editor's updates of resources:

  • Policies Robert has results from usability testing that may require UI changes, folding it into updates to align voice and tone and expect wrap within two weeks and will seek approval within new design.
  • Accessibility Intro Shawn has revised the plan according to preliminary feedback and needs more specifics from the review team about what changes they want to see to the information in the WAI pages.
  • Mobile Accessibility Shawn updated the primary page and is waiting for a review of that and guidance about what to do with the subpages. That question is on the F2F agenda.
  • Developing Web Accessibility Presentations and Training Vivienne has stripped the resource down to the framework due to the outdated nature of many resources. As she finds updated or alternative materials, she is adding links back into the framework.
  • Older User Resources Vicki revised it based on preliminary feedback and is ready for a round of approval from review team and then ready to go ahead and move to the next step of full group approval.
  • Easy Checks Shawn reported that she is doing a few minor tweaks for now and will do the major revision after site launch.
  • How People with Disabilities Use the Web Norah feels it is complete, signed off by review team and ready for full group approval.
  • The Business Case for Accessibility Sharron plans a one page summary of all issues, elimination of sub pages treatment, and will have draft on Monday 30 Oct with the idea of brainstorming this approach at TPAC.
  • Selecting Evaluation Tools Laura reported that she and Nic feel very close to done once they work through a pull request from Shadi with a different perspective. They meet Tuesday morning to discuss.

Next Brent reminded editors that the review by a small group was an important part of the final process and asked that they document review team sign off on the submitted draft before requesting EO general needed support to move resources into the new design when the time is right; and then we did a quick overview of what to expect at TPAC.

  • Charlotte and Liz are attending from Visa and will focus on doing informal usability testing on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. Shawn has posted that work as a break idea on plenary day.
  • Please review the work that has been done in prep for the conversations at TPAC, for example Vivienne's work on the Training resources so we are all familiar and ready to make decisions and recommendations.
  • EOWG will meet with AGWG to discuss EO's support of developing the Understanding docs for WCAG 2.1
  • May meet with Publishing (unconfirmed)

The meeting wrapped up with thanks to all and a reminder to do the work for the week and keep surveys up to date. Minutes of 27 October Minutes of 27 October


  • Present: Vivienne, Vicki, Laura, Brent, Shawn, Robert, EricE, Sharron, Nic, Denis, Sylvie, Stèphane (notabene on IRC), Norah
  • Regrets: Kris Anne, James, Shadi, Howard

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] name, date

13 October Teleconference


  1. WAI Site Redesign Usability Study Debrief: Quick overview of the study event (10 minutes)
  2. Resource Revision Work (+-30 minutes)
    • Discuss where we are, how editors and reviewers are feeling, and what's left.
    • What is working. What is not working. How do we as a team optimize the work ahead of us.
  3. TPAC Face-to-Face: 07-09 November (+-20 minutes)
  4. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)


The meeting began with a quick summary of the outcomes of the usability study. Big thanks to Visa for hosting us and to Charlotte, Liz, and Sydney for their work with the test participants. For the most part, people were pleased with the design and the modern look but still a bit confused about what is here and how to find items of interest. More usability and possible home page redesign is needed. Next the group considered progress on resource revisions in prep for the new site. Agreed that while good work has been done it is not sufficiently complete for the relaunch to be feasible at TPAC. Will consider doing more usability testing (informally) and work on resources and liaison with other WGs. The agenda for the TPAC F2F is taking shape, please update your availability and add agenda items if there are specific areas of interest that you suggest the group to focus on. The meeting wrapped up with reminders to check Work for this Week and the Weekly Survey. Thanks everyone!

Minutes of 13 October


  • Present: Brent, Eric, Laura, Nic, Roy, Shadi, Shawn, Vivienne, Robert, Stephane, Jesus, Norah, James
  • Regrets: Susan, Kris Anne, Sylvie, Sharron

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] name, date
  • [done] Sylvie, 17 October 2017
  • [done] Howard, 18 October 2017
  • [done] Sharron 23 October 2017

22 September Teleconference


  1. Resource Editing! - Brief update on Revision Plans and where each resource is (opportunity to comment if want)
  2. Reminder about review surveys - Please avoid "approve" without careful review; if you can't review carefully by survey close, better to check "pass and accept decisions of the group" or "I can get to this on (specific date)".
  3. WAI Site Usability Study - Test Plan and Things that we want to watch for during testing
  4. TPAC reminders - F2F page
  5. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey

Optional additional topic:


Minutes of 22 September


  • Present: Shawn, Sharron, Eric, Denis, Robert, Roy, KrisAnne, Norah, Shadi, Howard, James
  • Regrets: Andrew, Stéphane, Jesús, Laura, Sylvie,

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] name, date
  • [done] Sylvie, 26 September 2017

08 September Teleconference


  1. Usability Testing
    • Editors: If want draft revised material included, provide EOWG and staff sufficient time to review it for any serious issues — e.g., vendor-neutrality, potentially offensive text —, and fix any issues before it goes into test site. Target dates:
      • Send draft to w3c-wai-eo@w3.org by 13 Sept (for 4 business day review through 19 Sept, then, if needed, discussion on 20 & 22 Sept)
      • If any issues, fix and send version for usability testing to wai-eo-editors@w3.org by 26 Sept
    • If have questions for usability testing (on existing content or revised content), send today to public-wai-eo-site@w3.org (They may or may not fit in the usability testing plan.)
  2. Re-titling resources
    New Survey: In an effort to make the decisions quicker and easier, please put your perspectives in this survey (you can change your answers at any time)
    — For context, see prototype navigation with shortened titles; full titles are in Proposed navigation (Google Sheet).
    1. How People With Disabilities Use the Web - two sub-pages - GitHub 49 - Survey Results 1
    2. Narrow topic issue pages - see GitHub 85 - Survey Results topic
    3. Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility - see GitHub 84 - Survey results: Easy?, First, Common, Last
    4. Essential Components of Web Accessibility - see GitHub 1 - Survey Results C
    5. Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization - see GitHub 3 - Survey Results bcase
    6. Navigation questions
      • Mobile Accessibility new resource rough draft
        — Proposal, Title: Mobile Accessibility Intro for Designers and Developers
        — Proposal, navigation: Mobile Accessibility Intro
      • WAI-ARIA new resource rough draft
        — Proposal, navigation: WAI-ARIA Developers' Intro
        — Proposal, Title: WAI-ARIA Developers' Intro
  3. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey


Usability testing will be in first week of October, all EO participants welcome to observe in Austin if you can make it to the Visa lab. RMs who would like draft content to be in the testing site, please submit by September 13th. Resource title discussion continued and the following resolutions passed:

  1. Title of "Diversity of Web Users" will change to "Diverse Abilities and Barriers" and title of "Diversity of Web Use" will change to "Tools and Techniques"
  2. No prefix added to narrow topic resources
  3. No name change to the Easy Checks until the content is changed
  4. Leave title of resource as "Essential Components of Web Accessibility"

There is an important Approval to Publish survey linked from work for this week. Please plan time to do thorough review by 19 September. If you have improvements to suggest, the sooner the better. Thanks to all for patience with naming of parts and for all you do!

Minutes of 08 September


  • Present: Jesús, Shawn, Sharron, Eric, Denis, Robert, Roy, Laura, KrisAnne, Norah, Shadi, Sylvie, Howard, James
  • Regrets: Andrew, Stéphane, Vicki, Vivienne, Brent

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Brent Bakken, 12 September 2017 (okay with all resolutions)
  • [done] name, date

01 September Teleconference


  1. Re-titling resources
    — For context, see prototype navigation with shortened titles; full titles are in Proposed navigation (Google Sheet).
    — There was insufficient input in GitHub, so discussion is needed to get input on renaming the following:
    1. Essential Components of Web Accessibility (in Nav under "Standards/Guidelines" as placeholder
      "[How Standards Work Together]")
      - see GitHub 1
    2. Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization (in Nav under "Plan & Manage" as placeholder
      "[Business Case]")
      - see GitHub 3
    3. Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility (in Nav under "Test & Evaluate" as placeholder
      "[Easy Checks for Common Problems]")
      - see GitHub 84
    4. How People With Disabilities Use the Web - Renaming two pages - GitHub 49
      • Diversity of Web Users (in Nav under "Accessibility Fundamentals" as placeholder
        "[Diverse Abilities and Disabilities]")
      • Diversity of Web Use (in Nav under "Accessibility Fundamentals" as placeholder
        "[Tools and Techniques People Use]")
    5. "FAQ" for pages addressing specific important issue
    6. Mobile Accessibility Standards FAQ page and new resource:
      • Mobile Accessibility previous FAQ/landing page, Requirements Analysis (in Nav under "Standards/Guidelines" as placeholder
        "[FAQ: Mobile Accessibility at W3C]")

        — FAQ: Mobile Accessibility Work at W3C
        — FAQ: Mobile Accessibility Standards/Guidelines
      • Mobile Accessibility new resource rough draft, [@@ GitHub issues] (in Nav under "Design & Develop" as placeholder
        "[Intro to Mobile Accessibility]")
        scope is broader than Developers, especially first part
        — Intro to Mobile Accessibility
        — Mobile Accessibility Intro
    7. WAI-ARIA new resource rough draft, [@@ GitHub issues] (in Nav under "Design & Develop" as placeholder
      "[Intro to WAI-ARIA]")
      need to avoid confusion with WAI-ARIA Overview
      — Intro to WAI-ARIA
      — WAI-ARIA Developers' Intro
    8. Presentations You Can Use (in Nav under "Teach & Advocate" as placeholder
      "Presentations You Can Use")
      fyi: These are planned for updating after launch
    9. (may need to wait until after relaunch ?) Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Interim Repairs (in Nav under "Plan & Manage" as "Approaches for Interim Repairs") - see GitHub 78
  2. (Did not get to this agenda item) Business Case
    • Suggested editing approach to Biz Case proposes to eliminate current 5-page structure. Discuss with the following questions in mind:
      • Does a truncated approach risk losing important information still needed by various stakeholders?
      • While editors have a good grasp of business drivers in the US do they sufficiently reflect global perspectives?
      • Other?
  3. Editor Check In - use the time to ask questions of your colleagues or share information about your own progress.
  4. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey

Minutes of 01 September


  • Present: Jesús, Shawn, Sharron, Brent, Eric, Denis, Robert, Roy, Laura, Shadi, Sylvie, Howard, James,
  • Regrets: Andrew, Stéphane, Vicki, Vivienne

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Name, Date


EOWG convened to consider specific names of selected resources. This is part of the preparation for the usability testing that will be conducted next month in Austin. One of the goals of the redesign is to make articles more easily findable. An aspect of that is to give them titles that will be quite clear about what to expect the content to be. Discussion included suggestions for new names for Essential Components of Web Accessibility, Developing A Business Case, Easy Checks, Specific parts of How People with Disabilities Use the Web, Possible FAQ pages, Mobile Accessibility, Presentations You Can Use, and Interim Repair. Next discussion concerned the proposed approach to the Business Case resource. EO considered the question of whether the notion of a "Business Case" was easily translatable and if the extreme truncation of the current resource from five pages to one would omit information that is valuable globally. General agreement was to try an approach of doing a high level, short, and focused summary of the essential business arguments and then link to case studies and more "deep dive" articles on specific aspects. Brent wrapped up with a reminder to keep up with the revision of your own resources, be alert to surveys where we can get much work done if we all participate, and to have a nice weekend. Thanks all!


  • Present: Jesús, Shawn, Sharron, Brent, Eric, Denis, Robert, Roy, Laura, Shadi, Sylvie, Howard, James
  • Regrets: Andrew, Stéphane, Vicki, Vivienne

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Name, Date

25 August (Nav meeting)

Optional Redesigned Nav Meeting

Optional meeting on 25 August for people who want to discuss the navigation for the redesign, see: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/2017JulSep/0038.html


  1. alt3 to address GitHub 80, 81
  2. questions:
    • Duplicates in nav? Keep in mind that having page in multiple primary nav complicates breadcrumb, and the sub-pages can like to these as related documents, e.g., the sub-pages linked under Train & Advocate can point to the Business Case, so maybe not need it in the nav, too...
      • BAD in both Design & Develop, and Train & Advocate ?
      • Essential Components/[How Accessibility Works] in both Accessibility Fundamentals and Standards/Guidelines ?
      • Business Case in both Plan & Manage and Train & Advocate?
    • category headings in nav (How People with Disabilities Use the Web, Planning and Managing, Developers's Intros, Tutorials, Eval Tools, Conformance Eval) — to link or not to link? Some people didn't want any "annotated nav pages"; however, I'm thinking that we'll need them for some of the pages where the old URIs were very popular: including How People with Disabilities Use the Web, Tutorials, Getting Started Tips, possibly Planning and Managing.
  3. Shortened titles for nav, see "Proposed (alt3)" tab in Nav (Google Sheet)
  4. Potentially re-titling the documents formerly-known-as (FKA)
    (We won't make any decisions on this call, but might get some ideas flowing for EOWG to comment on)
  5. If we have the energy & Norah is on the call: Approaches for Interim Repairs - see GitHub 78

25 August 2017 minutes

18 August

No teleconference

11 August Teleconference


  1. Charter review closed Thursday. No objections! Approved! Results
  2. EOWG Name – please see EOWG Name and add your thoughts under "Your input"
  3. "Mobile Accessibility" – discuss that there are broader issues beyond "mobile", yet "mobile accessibility" important for international standards harmonization, SEO, and meeting what people look for
  4. Face-to-face meeting at TPAC – add your Ideas for topics
  5. Editing and Reviewing
  6. Work for this week
    • Intro Review Team: Respond to Review #1
    • Easy Checks Editing and Review Teams: Respond to Review #1
    • Developing Presentations and Training Editor Team: respond to Vivienne's e-mails
    • other?

11 August 2017 minutes

04 August

No teleconference

28 July Teleconference


  1. Current New Resources Update
    • Accessible Media Tutorial - approval to publish survey
    • Developers' Intro to ARIA - nearly complete draft ready for:
      • High level feedback from EOWG participants
      • Detailed review by Review Team
    • Mobile additions in current Tutorials
      • Processing final issues
      • Approval to publish coming soon
  2. EOWG Resource Management - check-in and clarifications
  3. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
    • All of EOWG
      • Accessible Media Tutorial - Approval to Publish survey
      • Mobile additions - Approval to Publish survey
      • ARIA Developer's Intro - high-level comments
    • Review Teams:
      • Intro to Accessibility: Review #1
      • ARIA: draft this coming week
      • Mobile: draft maybe next week


EOWG met for one hour to discuss and make decisions on the following resources in development and those in an edit process for the new web site. The Accessible Media Tutorial is in final processing for comments received during previous review and will be offered for consideration of Approval to Publish next week. The ARIA Introduction will now be developed within the new process. The editors will iterate with the review team (and any others who care to jump in.) The Mobile material is being integrated into existing tutorials and we wanted everyone to be prepared for a single-pass approval request on those. Next, Chairs introduced and answered questions about the Google sheet used to track Resource Management and prep for new site. Shawn and James then walked us through the updates to the EOWG style guide and editor and review team guides and instructions. A key point is the need for extreme tersification of nearly all resources. Examples in the style guide are provided to help. Keep in touch with work for the week, continue to focus on resource management and development for new site and have a great weekend. Thanks all!

Minutes 28 July 2017


  • Present: Sharron, Brent, Robert, Shawn, Judy, Jesús, James, Howard, EricE, Laura, Sylvie
  • Regrets: Denis, Norah, Caleb, Sarah, Stéphane, Shadi, KrisAnne,Andrew, Vicki, Vivienne

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Norah Sinclair, Aug. 2, 2017
  • [done] Andrew, 4 August 2017
  • [done] Name, Date

21 July Teleconference


  1. QuickRef comment
  2. EO Planning and EO mailing lists
    • EO Planning meeting moved from Thursdays to Wednesdays so get agenda (or 'not meeting' notice) out earlier
    • New EO mailing lists
  3. Resource Assignments - brief intro
  4. Editing and Review Teams Guidance - what other questions do you have and what other info would be helpful?
  5. Resource Assignments - detailed review and confirmation
  6. Check: "before launch" do-able by Sept? Options?
  7. (if time) Intro to Accessibility - for Review Team
  8. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey


The weekly EOWG meeting began with an update of the Quick Ref. Eric received public comment requesting a way to omit a tag from the filtering function. On Eric's recommendation, the group passed the following resolution:

  • RESOLUTION: Will address the request for a function to de-select tags in a future version but will not make that change right now so we can address the UI considerations outlined in GitHub Issue #316438001

Next Shawn introduced a new set of EO planning and mailing lists and offered each resource manager/editor to create a list for them to archive communications as materials are reviewed. The group looked briefly at the assignment of resource management - editing and reviewing teams before reading the newly created Guide for Editing and Review Teams. Discussion ensued about assignments, changes that may be needed, a reality check on timing, etc. Chairs emphasized that while the "Guide" may look daunting, the task is actually much simpler. Several resources will need little more than reformatting, structural improvements, and light editing. Others are more challenging and those are prioritized to get started soon. The goal is to get the materials in shape to be a reflection of modern communication practice and to minimize bloated, outdated content. We are asking for enormous effort over the next few months to get resources in shape for an early November launch. We agreed not to post anything that had not been vetted and improved and all of our combined effort will be needed. Shawn began the process with her Intro to Accessibility review team as an example. The next EOWG Charter is out for review, participants are asked to prompt their AC reps for positive comments ASAP. The meeting wrapped with a reminder to stay in touch with work for this week, use the planning team for any help needed for specific resources, and a reminder that chairs will try to minimize meeting time and provide more time for group wok on resources. Thank you!

Minutes 21 July 2017


  • Present: Sharron, Eric, Brent, Shadi, Denis, Jesus, Shawn, Vivienne, Sylvie, Robert, Norah, KrisAnne
  • Regrets: James, Howard, Andrew, Stéphane

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] James, 25 July 2017
  • [done] Laura, 26 July 2017
  • [done] Andrew, 4 August 2017
  • [done] Name, Date

07 July Teleconference


  1. Resource Editing Logistics
    • Editorial groups (2 people) and Review groups (3+ people) - for each resource
    • Each participant: editor on at least 1, reviewer on at least 3
  2. Next priority updates to sign up for:
    • EOWG Resources to update
      • [asap] Policies data updating - people to fill in data and then approve adding
    • Understanding WCAG 2.1 Success Criteria Task Force - slow start now, lots in Q4, mostly done in early 2018, with little after that
  3. WAI Style Guide - (Issues June, Issues July)
    • Look useful? Suggestions for improvements? Missing info?
    • Comments to wai-eo-editors@w3.org with subject: [style guide]... (will move to GitHub later)
  4. Search of specific resources - initial reactions? (different from broader Smart Search) (15+- minutes)
  5. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey


After a brief round of introductions, the chairs introduced a new approach to resource managing and editing. Essentially the plan for each active EOWG participant to accept the assignment of one resource to be co-lead editor on (each resource will have two editors). As well, chairs ask that EO participants step forward to agree to review at least three additional resources. This escalated process is meant to facilitate processing of resource updates to streamline them and prepare them for inclusion in the launch of the redesigned WAI web site. To orient participants to that task, Shawn walked us through the resources that have been targeted and prioritized for updates. To determine where each person would like to assign themselves, please see the Current Projects Table to become more familiar with the work that must be done. The WAI Style Guide is actively being updated to support consistency in the way information is presented. Next Judy joined the meeting to share the progress on the Search function prototype currently in development. She invited comment about we can most efficiently support the developer to get from this prototype to the full site search needed. The meeting was overtime, so Brent asked everyone to be sure to look at Work for the Week and respond to open questionnaires. Thanks to all!

Minutes 07 July 2017


  • Present:
  • Regrets:

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Sylvie, 11 July 2017
  • [done] James, 12 July 2017
  • [done] Andrew, 4 Aug 2017
  • [done] Name, Date

23 June Teleconference


  1. EOWG re-charter status update
  2. EOWG reviews and surveys
  3. Mobile Developers Intro - proposed additions to existing tutorials:
  4. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey


The weekly EOWG teleconference began with an introduction from new participant Jesus Pulido from AMAC at Georgia Tech. Shawn presented a brief update on the re-charter effort and thanked everyone for prompts to their AC reps. We have received several supportive statements, some questions and the charter draft is finalized and heading to W3C management and on to the AC for approval in early July. Next was a discussion of EO reviews and surveys. It is important to demonstrate active participation by a large number of EO participants. However, it is not helpful to just check off "looks good, no comment" if you have not read the materials. It skews the approval process. Discussion suggested ways for participants to indicate their active contributions even when unable to carefully consider all of the resources under current review. Chairs will integrate those suggestions into the survey answers and process. Next Judy introduced changes to the Developer's intro to Mobile and showed how some content was being integrated into existing tutorials with Eric's help. Expect questions about those pull requests in this week's survey. The meeting wrapped up with thanks to all for their continued dedication to EO work, a reminder to check the Work for this Week and to complete surveys including the teleconference attendance survey. Welcome Jesus and thanks all!

Minutes 23 June 2017


  • Present: Shadi, Jesus, Andrew, Shawn, Brent, Laura, Sharron, Denis, Norah, Robert, Eric, Judy, James, Kris Anne, Howard, Adina
  • Regrets: Sylvie, and no survey response from Adina, Kazuhito, Shwetank, Kevin, Caleb, Sarah

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Sylvie, 11 July 2017
  • [done] Name, Date

16 June 2017 Teleconference


  1. TPAC 2017
    • TPAC 6-10 November 2017 - EOWG Face-to-Face meeting Tue 07 & Thur 09 November
    • Hotel is expected to sell out, and airlines get expensive (a big conference in the area)
    • Registration open now - 6 October for regular/advanced
  2. EOWG Re-Charter
    • WCAG Understanding documents - EO help with new Understanding for new Success Criteria? (example: SC 1.4.1 Understanding)
    • Landscape of rechartering EO
    • W3C tweet promotion - opportunity to Like & RT above
    • Evidence of value of EOWG Resources - EOWG discussion of issues, and ideas for what to gather
    • Other issues?
    • FYI - approval coming
  3. Accessible Media Resource - Issues
  4. Before And After (BAD) Redesign
  5. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
    • Developers' Intro to Mobile
      • Please Note: Before this resource is complete, the formatting will change to something that is slightly different from the Tutorial Format.
      • Some of the questions we may ask in a survey this coming week include the following:
        • Does the re-organized workflow throughout the Developers' Intro work better?
        • The "WAI Guidance" and "Upcoming" pages are still not integrated because these don't seem like the same kind of content. Reactions?
        • Do the mini-user-scenarios work better, now more clearly tied to technical solutions that developers can use?
        • Do you expect that the topics and content for the "tips and techniques" pages will be useful for developers?
        • Does the wording of the headers on the conceptual intro seem less provocative but still engaging?
      • This survey will be an "In-Progress Draft" review: Looking at organization, flow, and overall content topics (from a high level).
    • Evidence of value of EOWG Resources


The meeting began with a reminder from the chairs that TPAC 2017 registration is now open. The EOWG face to face meeting will be held Tuesday 07 November and Thursday 09 November and the plenary day is Wednesday 08 November. Next was discussion of the re-charter effort. Participants are asked to review the current EOWG charter draft and be prepared to approve and submit for review by the W3C AC. Related to the charter, the following resolutions were passed:

  1. At the discretion of the chairs, EOWG can add to the charter deliverables related to supporting the development of the WCAG Understanding documents.
  2. Charter accepted with minor reorder of deliverables and revised introduction to the document.

Shawn reminded all that our charter is not automatic, explicit statements of support are needed, including how people use WAI/EO resources in the community. Please add to the statements of support on EO wiki. As well, W3C launched a tweet campaign last week focused on accessibility. EO participants are urged to like and retweet those.

Next, Judy Brewer joined to discuss progress on the Accessible Media Resource. Several questions and comments were addressed and a brief preview of the revised BAD resource was also provided. Brent wrapped up with reminders about work for this week, a request to provide support for the value of EOWG work, and a reminder to stay on top of attendance surveys and comments on current work. Thanks all!

Minutes 16 June 2017


  • Present: Sharron, Brent, EricE, Shadi, Shawn, Denis, KrisAnne, Jesus, Howard, Robert, James, Caleb, Judy
  • Regrets: Andrew, Laura

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Laura, June 19
  • [done] Norah, June 21
  • [done] Andrew, June 22
  • [done] Sylvie, July 11

02 June 2017 Teleconference


  1. F2F debrief - F2F minutes/notes
  2. Mobile Accessibility - first view of full draft, to provide background for today on a few questions:
    • Mini personas : We'd talked about linking to these fully off-page, but please check two different approaches shown to linking to or listing these, as part of "why this is important"
    • For candidate success criteria being submitted to WCAG 2.1 but not yet confirmed: How best to present these? Separate, integrated, other?
    • [If time allows]: Any reaction on the code examples? More are in development, but feedback on these could help confirm the approach.
    • [If time allows]: We've been debating how to make the document as easily maintainable as possible, even while mobile guidance is in flux. Trying two strategies: comment in/out swappable sections; and "long view" timeline references in the first page "concepts" section.
  3. Accessible Media thorough review survey coming:
    • heads up on a few questions we'll be asking
  4. Work for this Week & no Weekly Survey


In the absence of Chair Brent Bakken, Shawn led the meeting and began with the debrief from the May face to face meeting at AccessU. It was led as a design workshop for the new WAI site with focus on IA, categorization of resources, and visual design. Details of face to face meeting are on the wiki. Next, Judy joined to provide a look at the first view of a full draft of Mobile Accessibility Developer Intro. Discussion ensued about use of mini personas; how to reference candidate success criteria from WCAG 2.1; reaction on the proposed title and code examples; and document maintainance while mobile guidance is in flux. EOWG is encouraged to continue to review the draft Mobile resource and comment in the Mobile repo in GitHub. Judy also told EOWG that a thorough review survey of the Accessible Media resource is coming so please be prepared to respond quickly. Wrap-up included discussion of strategy for gathering EOWG re-charter support, consideration of schedule for publishing policies and a reminder to check the work for this week. Thanks all!

Minutes 02 June 2017


  • Present: Robert, Shawn, Laura, Judy, Denis, KrisAnne, Norah, Shadi, Sharron, Andrew_in_spirit, James, Caleb
  • Regrets: Brent, Adina, Sylvie

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Sylvie, 11 July 2017
  • [done] Name , date

19-20 May 2017 Face-to-Face

Minutes 19 May, Minutes 20 May Much of the 2 days were creative design sessions, not heavily documented in minutes. Some of the design work will be posted to the WSTF list.

F2F Agenda

Minuting was pretty light for some agenda items as we were brainstorming and drafting on large whiteboards. Friday's meeting was a creative design type workshop and process planning discussion. We spent a lot of time working on naming conventions for the information architecture of the WAI site redesign as well as top level nav and resource titles. All in effort to make the site more intuitive and make resources more find-able and searchable.

We also spent a lot of time on the WAI site home page which culminated in a draft visual design mock-up. Previous work on design of secondary and tertiary pages are also included in the mock-up site.

Spent some additional time Friday discussing EO processes. Saturday we focused on various resources. Most of that information is in the minutes.

12 May 2017 Teleconference


  1. Web Accessibility Laws and Policies
  2. Draft EOWG Charter (20 minutes)
    • Link in "advanced notice" e-mail to W3C Members - OK?
    • Revisions in place as developing - OK?
  3. Accessible Media Tutorial (link will be added when updated)
    • Latest updates to resource
    • New pages: subtitles, decision tree
    • Ready for thorough review (speak now!)
  4. Review 19-20 May face-to-face agenda
  5. Plan User Feedback sessions at AccessU
  6. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey


The meeting began with a summary of the updates made to 'Web Accessibility Laws and Policies.' Discussion included consideration of those changes and concluded with the following resolutions:

  1. Add simple sentence to introduction and leave the add/update interaction where it is with visual design at editors discretion.
  2. Publish Web Accessibility Laws and Policies this week.

After the meeting, Mary Jo sent additional comments about Policies work to the EO editors list. Next up was a consideration of the Draft EOWG charter which had brief discussion. Then EO listened as Judy described the ongoing work on the Accessible Media resource. Divergent perspectives remain about what the resource is and how to categorize within EOWG's existing suite of documents. A survey is expected for all to weigh in on these questions. Next the co-chairs asked the group to review the upcoming face to face agenda. Items were added and tweaked and are on the face to face wiki page. There are user feedback sessions planned during AccessU and all EO participants attending are welcome to conduct data gathering sessions. The meeting wrapped up with a reminder to stay current with the surveys and work for this week. Looking forward to being with many of you in Austin next week!

Minutes 12 May


  • Present: Sharron, Shawn, Laura, Robert, Denis, Howard, KrisAnne, EricE, Brent, Sylvie, Judy, James, Caleb, MaryJo, Norah
  • Regrets: Shadi, Sarah, Adina, Andrew

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Andrew, 14 May
  • [done] Name , date

05 May 2017 Teleconference


  1. Policies Relating to Web Accessibility - Policies Prototype
    • Last issues before the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) - List of Open Issues
    • Name of Resource
      • Current Name: Policies Relating to Web Accessibility
      • Name in Prototype: Web Accessibility Laws & Policies
  2. Accessible Media Tutorial
  3. Update on other resources Judy is shepherding
  4. 19-20 May Face-2-Face Update - Draft Agenda
  5. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey


Robert and MaryJo walked the group through the updates to and current status of Web Accessibility Policies, the resource they have been working on since the first of the year. On GitHub, 63 issues have been closed, 7 remain and are associated with milestones, some of which will be addressed in the next iteration. The plan is to have a stable working draft to share at AccessU on May 17th. Please watch the surveys for specific review questions and approval to publish a draft. The following resolutions passed:

  1. Link text will be the English title of the external document The native language title will appear in unlinked parentheses. A note that links may go to other languages will be presented in the introductory text. The issue will be revisited after launch.
  2. Remove expand/collapse feature of the Policies Table
  3. The title of the resource has been changed to Web Accessibility Laws and Policies.

Judy joined for a detailed discussion of the Media Tutorial work in progress. There is objection to calling this resource a tutorial. The following perspectives were shared: In favor of calling the media resource a tutorial and adding to the suite:

  • There is wide recognition of the value and quality of the Tutorials among the accessibility community
  • Editors are willing to make changes so that the resource is more closely similar to the existing tutorials
  • Editors would like to support the ease of use and findability of the media work by associating it with the tutorial family.

Another perspective is this:

  • The media article is broader and does not incorporate the same approach - a step by step instruction for how to implement accessible media - that characterizes the current tutorials.
  • Shoehorning an non-similar resource like this one into the Tutorial group could jeopardize and damage the understanding of what the Tutorials provide. Risk confusing people.
  • Better to address findability in the IA and search of the new web site currently in development.

Those perspectives will be considered and commented upon in the weekly survey. Also in queue for this new work is the progress on the Mobile and ARIA Guides, wiring in more documents with metadata, etc to improve search, and since Denis and Robert are addressing some management resources, Judy is considering updates related to Procurement and maybe Advocacy. The BAD interface is being modernized and Judy identified a need for an integrated approach of how to use BAD for curriculum. All of this work will be available for preview at an upcoming teleconference or perhaps on Day2 of the face to face. Brent wrapped up with a reminder for availability surveys for F2F and teleconference meeting, a prompt to look for the work for this week, and thanks to all.

Minutes 05 May


  • Present: Brent, Robert, Sharron, EricE, Caleb, Laura, Howard, MaryJo, Mitchell, Norah, KrisAnne
  • Regrets: Andrew, Shadi, Shawn, Denis, James, Adina, Sylvie

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Shawn, 10 May
  • [done] Sylvie, 11 May
  • [done] Andrew, 14 May
  • [done] Name , date

28 April 2017 Teleconference


  1. Tutorials - Out of Draft!!!!!
  2. Policies - prototype, open issues
    • Submission form
      • Are terms understandable or need descriptions?
      • Are there elements that should not be required on the submission form that are currently required, or vice versa?
      • Any other comments?
    • Trying to get prototype polished before AccessU. Expect thorough review survey open 2-9 May.
  3. May F2F Draft Agenda
  4. Improving EOWG participation and work approach:
    • Approach for surveys - separate surveys better, e.g., would last week's survey have been better split apart?
      • Weekly Survey - minutes, resolutions, availability, other more simple questions, etc. (Due on following Wednesday)
      • Resource Survey - review, feedback on issues, follow-up on meeting discussion, etc. (Due in 1 to 2 weeks)
      • Full Review and/or Approval Survey - Calling for full review and/or approval of a resource or other large project (Due in 2 weeks)
    • Suggestions for Work for this Week section
    • Any other ideas?
  5. Accessible Media Tutorial
  6. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey



Minutes 28 April


  • Present: Sharron, Brent, KrisAnne, MaryJo, Norah, Robert, Howard, Sylvie, Shadi, James
  • Regrets: Shawn, Denis, Caleb, Laura, Andrew

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Shawn, 2 May 2017
  • [done] Andrew, 14 May
  • [done] Name , date

21 April 2017 Teleconference


  1. How People with Disabilities Use the Web - Update Draft
    • COGA input will be several weeks so we're not going to wait for it, adding note that Users page will be updated later
    • This week survey for review of changes; then publish next week!
  2. Policies Relating to Web Accessibility
  3. 2017 EOWG Rechartering Update - Charter Work
  4. New Tutorials / Developer's Guides (30 minutes)
  5. F2F Meetings (10 minutes)
    • F2F in Austin 19 & 20 May - participation availability, meet Friday and Saturday morning only or Saturday all day?
    • Dates for EOWG F2F in California in November, week of TPAC (6-10 Nov)
    • Suggestions for Work for this Week section
    • Any other ideas?
  6. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey


The meeting began with a status review of How People w/Disabilities Use Web. A few COGA members met and submitted comments based on their review of the resource. Since the full group is fully loaded with WCAG2.1, determination was made to publish with these comments and the understanding that the descriptions will be up for revision when there is more time for COGA reveiw. Watch for a final approval to publish survey on this resource. MaryJo and Robert accepted further comments on the Web Accessibility Policies and reported they were closing GitHub issues and should have completed an input form within the week. EOWG Re-Chartering is in progress. Please remember to add deliverables as they occur to you and as you have interest in working on them. Also feel free to comment on the inclusion and prioritization of items on the list that is taking shape. The next face to face EOWG meeting is in Austin on May 19th. EOWG is asked to use May F2F wiki page to indicate which days, if any, you will attend. In November, the face to face will be held in conjunction with TPAC. Brent asked all to complete the survey for best days for TPAC F2F. Next, Judy joined the meeting to share progress and get first reactions to the developer guides, formerly referenced as new tutorials. Extensive conversation resulted in good information for Judy to relay to the editor. EOWG is asked to continue the rolling commentary and forego the formality of the survey in the interest of speedy processing of comments. Wrapped up with a reminder to complete weekly surveys, continue to comment on developer guides and update availability. Thanks all.

Minutes 21 April


  • Present: EricE, Robert, Shawn, Sharron, Brent, Shadi, Denis, MaryJo, Norah, Judy
  • Regrets: Sylvie, Andrew, Laura, Howard, Caleb
  • No survey/no show: Adina, Kazuhito, Shwetank, James, Kris Anne

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Andrew, 2 May 2017
  • [done] Name, date

14 April 2017 Teleconference


  1. Tutorials
    • Minor changes update based on survey results
    • Timeline for publishing and announcement
  2. How People with Disabilities Use the Web - waiting for COGA input, then will survey for review of final changes
  3. Charter:
  4. New Tutorials / Developer's Guides - check-in on more detailed outlines with refined approach:
  5. F2F Meetings
  6. Policies Relating to Web Accessibility - Prototype
    • Confirming default is country details on separate pages (not main page) (yet available with button or link) [@@ link to GitHub issue], [@@ find link to previous minutes discussion]
    • Introduction revised
    • Submission Form - watch for addition to survey next week!
  7. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey


Eric thanked everyone for Tutorial review and feedback, reported minor changes based that and said there was one unsettled issue that he and Shadi would resolve before sending around for final approval to publish. Shadi then noted that updates had been made to How people with Disabilities Use the Web. Many related to mobile resources and, pending COGA review of the treatment of cognitive, that will also be ready for final publication review from EO. A round of introductions welcomed Mitchell Evan from SSB Bart group to the working group. Shawn led us through the charter status (extended through August) and plans for rechartering. In considering what deliverables may be included, discussion began with a Deliverable proposed by Shadi for which there could be editor funding provided. The work is to develop an Accessibility Statements resource that builds on WCAG 2.0 Conformance Claims and WCAG-EM Evaluation Statement and the expected result would be an annotated template like the Reporting Template, with a "generator tool" (as stand-alone or as part of the WCAG-EM Report Tool). EOWG passed the following resolution:

RESOLUTION: EOWG supports the proposed work to develop guidance for crafting accessibility statements.

Shawn then referred attendees to the list of possible deliverables and asked the groups to consider if we actually want to do everything that's listed and/or if there is anything else we want to do that's not listed? Denis and Howard both suggested possible projects for the next charter and will put project descriptions on the wiki for group review. Since the next charter will emphasize outreach, we also must consider what must be done before the outreach push. Judy joined the meeting to discuss the New Tutorials / Developer's Guides and walk the group through the refined approach. There was some discussion of the updated approach, titles, and content and questions will be reiterated on the weekly survey. Brent next reminded the group of upcoming face to face meetings - the first in Austin on May 19th and 20th and the next related to TPAC in California in November the week of the 6th. Please complete date preferences survey and note that the Conference hotel is expected to sellout. Make reservations now and change/cacel up to 48 hours. In wrapping up, Brent noted that work has been done on the Policies Relating to Web Accessibility Prototype and there remain questions about table details and the submission form. Look for questions on the survey - only one survey for this week. Thanks all!

Minutes 14 April


  • Present: Brent, Sharron, Shawn, Shadi, EricE, Robert, Mitchell, Denis, Norah, Howard, Caleb, KrisAnne, James, Judy
  • Regrets: Sylvie, Andrew, Laura, Kevin
  • No survey/no show: Shawetank, Kazuhito, Adina

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Name, date
  • [done] Sylvie, 19 April 2017
  • [done] Andrew, 2 May 2017

07 April 2017

No teleconference

31 March 2017 Teleconference


  1. Menus Tutorial and Page Structure Tutorial
  2. Policies Relating to Web Accessibility - fyi, next steps:
  3. How People with Disabilities Use the Web (Update Draft)
  4. New Topics Proposals
  5. Work for this Week & Surveys


Shawn began the meeting by acknowledging the new participants and said we would do full introductions when Judy and Brent joined later in the meeting. Eric reviewed the updates he had made from comments on the Menu and Page Structure Tutorials and announced that the Approval to Publish would post this week. Robert gave a quick update on the Policies work that he has done with MaryJo and Andrew. They have addressed comments on prototype and next steps are to add information to country-specific pages, implement filters in the summary table, and develop and wire up the submission form. Next Shadi thanked everyone for comments about How People with Disabilities Use the Web and the group agreed to:

  1. Include more examples of mobile use, even if incidental, and
  2. keep the wording in the intro for "age related impairments."

At this point, Judy and Brent had joined the meeting so a round of introductions ensued. Then Judy thanked people for their survey and GitHub comments and led discussion about the proposed new tutorials and update to the BAD. Discussion centered on whether the tutorial format is appropriate for these resources as described and Judy committed to providing a mockup for group consideration. As well, Judy asked to interview Howard and anyone else who has used the BAD as curriculum support. Brent wrapped up with reminders about work for this week and surveys.

Minutes 31 March


  • Present: Sharron, Robert, EricE, Shawn, Norah, Sarah, Shadi, Laura, Howard, Judy, James, Brent, KrisAnne
  • Regrets: Caleb, Sylvie, Denis, Adina, Andrew, Kevin

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Denis Boudreau, 2017-03-31
  • [done] Sylvie, 19 April 2017
  • [done] Andrew, 2 May 2017
  • [done] Name, date

24 March 2017 Teleconference


  1. Policies Relating to Web Accessibility - Thanks for completing survey, will bring next iteration next week!
  2. Web Accessibility Tutorials - fyi on recent updates:
  3. How People with Disabilities Use the Web - discuss:
  4. New Tutorials - any questions before survey this week
  5. Update BAD Demo - any questions before survey this week
  6. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey


Robert and Andrew updated the group on the updates made to Web Accessibility Policies and thanked everyone for the useful feedback. With MaryJo, they are processing comments, expect discussion next week, and will also create timeline for final delivery of that resource. Next Eric updated the group on the progress he made this week addressing the many comments he received on the Web Accessibility Tutorials. We have implemented NotoSans font since we have adopted that font for the new website. Next steps are to do general clean-up and updates. Then he will send to Norah and KrisAnne for copyediting. Once those are complete, will bring to EO for the final approval survey to publish Page Structures, Menus, and Carousels tutorials - yay! Next Shadi reviewed comments he has received so far on How People w/Disabilities Use the Web - and thanked our new participant Norah Sinclair for excellent comments. An issue was resolved around the section heading titles and a pointer to one more specific issue will be circulated. Good progress thanks all. Judy Brewer joined to update EOWG on the status of newly funded work to create new tutorials and modernize the BAD demo. She asks for input about direction and approach to get these projects off with good "aim." Specific direction is this week's survey with requested response by 29 March. Brent wrapped up with reminders to check in on Work for this Week and be aware of the overlap in surveys - How People Use Web survey will close on Monday 27 March and the weekly survey with the New Tutorial/BAD questions will close on 4 April. Please give these your consideration. Thanks all!

Minutes 24 March


  • Present: Sharron, Shawn, Andrew, EricE, Brent, Caleb, Norah, Howard, Robert, Shadi, Judy
  • Regrets: Kazuhito, James, Kevin, Shwetank, Denis, Sylvie, Laura, KrisAnne

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Name, date
  • [done] Sylvie, 27 March 2017
  • [done] Laura, 27 March 2017
  • [done] Kris Anne, 28 March 2017
  • [done] James, 5 April 2017

17 March 2017 Teleconference


  1. Introduce Norah Sinclair
  2. How People with Disabilities Use the Web - survey is up, please give careful consideration. Open until 27 March.
  3. Questions about Template for Accessibility Evaluation Reports? (Howard)
  4. Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (Robert)
  5. Mobile Accessibility
  6. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey


The meeting began with introduction to new participant Norah Sinclair. Next was a reminder that the survey is active for final review and approval to publish How People with Disabilities Use the Web. Howard then walked the group through the Eval Template updates and we agreed to the shorter intro version. Updates are now ready to finalize in a survey. Robert shared updates to the Policies prototype that were greatly appreciated by the group - the table is now more readable and useful. Susan pointed people to her mobile accessibility questions on GitHub and asked for high level considerations of an approach that de-emphasizes the Overview and outdated supporting texts and instead works to integrate mobile accessibility into general planning and implementation of an overall accessibility strategy. As we wrapped up, Denis asked about including colleagues as Invited Experts to work with him on the role-based accessibility matrix. Sharron urged them to continue the work on the Community Group WAI-Engage while she investigates current policy about IEs. Caleb gave an update on web site redesign progress since the NotoSans font had been adopted. He and Eric are building a components library to support consistency going forward. The meeting ended with reminders to look for updated Work for this Week, a new weekly survey and high priority for review of How People with Disabilities Use the Web to approve it for publication. Thanks all!

Minutes 17 March


  • Present: Howard, Laura, Sharron, Norah, Denis, Susan, Adina, Caleb, Kris Anne, Robert
  • Regrets: Sylvie, Kazuhito, Andrew, James, Kevin, Shwetank, Eric, Shawn, Shadi, Brent

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Sylvie, 20 March 2017
  • [done] Andrew, 20 March 2017
  • [done] Shawn, 21 March 2017
  • [done] Brent, 22 March 2017
  • [done] Eric, 23 March 2017
  • [done] James, 5 April 2017

10 March 2017 Teleconference


  1. Face-to-Face debrief
  2. How People with Disabilities Use the Web - survey coming next week
  3. WCAG TA work - EOWG review '
  4. Font for redesign - OK?
  5. Website Redesign TF meeting in Austin last week of March - OK?
  6. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey


The meeting began with a quick summary of the work done at the recent EOWG Face to face. The redesign work took up the first day and other considerations included the new EO process; decision to request an extension of the current EO charter while preparing for the next one; revisions to the tutorials and How People with Disabilities Use the Web; updates to the Policies work. Shadi thanked everyone for their careful attention to How People with Disabilities Use the Web. He is in the process of making the suggested changes and will open a survey for two weeks to allow everyone the time to review and approve for publication. Chairs reminded the group to add an indication of the priority of comments as follows:

  • High Priority - this comment must be addressed before publication.
  • Editors' Discretion - allow the editor to consider your comment and respond with own judgement.
  • Future Improvement - comment is for next iteration and does not need to be addressed at this time.

Next a discussion of the new web site font settled on a consensus for using Noto Sans as the font in the redesign. Judy Brewer joined to present EO with a framework for their participation in the coming WCAG TA work which will include review but not creation of new Tutorials and the update to the Before and After Demo (BAD). The Web Redesign Task Force plans to do some face to face work at the end of March or early April and anyone with interest is welcome to come to Austin and participate. Details will follow as they are determined. The meeting wrapped up with a reminder to update availability for teleconferences, check with work for this week, continue to work on RM assignments and complete the weekly survey and the publication review for How People Use Web. Thanks!

Minutes 10 March


  • Present: Shawn, Brent, Caleb, Howard, Kris_Anne, Laura, Robert,Shadi, Sharron, JudyBrewer, James
  • Regrets: Sylvie, Kazuhito, Andrew, James, Denis, Susan, Kevin, Shwetank, Adina, Eric

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Sylvie, 14 March 2017
  • [done] Andrew, 20 March 2017
  • [done] Eric, 23 March 2017
  • [done] name, 00 Month 2017

27-28 February 2017 Face-to-Face

17 February 2017 Teleconference


  1. Web Accessibility Tutorials
  2. Policies Relating to Web Accessibility
  3. Website Redesign update
    • General Task Force Update
    • Invitation for someone to: 1. go through list of pages in XLS and add current page title, 2. go through current sitemap and make sure all pages are in the XLS. <- great opportunity for brief tour of WAI Resources
  4. Prep for Face to Face
    • Review agenda (updated F2F agenda)
    • Read/become familiar with any materials you have not yet considered.
    • Related to How People with Disabilities Use the Web read with intention in mind to:
      1. Address minimum to get it out of draft and meet current charter commitment.
      2. Start defining Next Gen in new IA through concrete GitHub issues.
    • Prepare for process discussion to close the F2F on Tuesday.
  5. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey


Eric began by reviewing his recent work on the Web Accessibility Tutorials, specifically the Navigation one. There was not much group review this week but Shadi had comments that resulted in significant revision. The result is that the Navigation Tutorial is renamed Menus Tutorial and the inpage navigation material and multiple ways are parked in a holding area called "Ideas." Indicate your acceptance/suggestions in this week's survey and look for more on Page Structure for next time. Next Robert, MaryJo, and Andrew walked the group through the work on the prototype and content revisions to Policies related to web accessibility. EO praised the progress, appreciates the work and provided direction for next steps. Next Shawn summarized activity by redesign TF.

Much progress has been made on information architecture that will be continued at the face to face. Caleb accepted an assignment related to IA to be completed this week. Additional prep for the face face includes:

  • Review agenda and become familiar with items that you have not yet reviewed.
  • Consider open issues around How People with Disabilities Use the Web which we will address during the face to face meeting
  • Consider previous discussions and survey comments about process to make decisions about workflow, etc.

Brent wrapped up with reminders about availability survey, work for this week, and thanks to all for good work.

Minutes 17 February


  • Present: Sharron, Andrew, Shadi, Howard, Robert, Shawn, Brent, Eric, Shadi, KrisAnne, MaryJo, Caleb, Laura
  • Regrets: Sylvie, Kazuhuto, James, Denis, Susan, Kevin, Shwetank

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] name, 00 Month 2017

10 February 2017 Teleconference


  1. Web Accessibility Tutorials
    • OK to publish Carousels.
    • Plan for publishing Navigation and Page Structure Tutorials in addition:
      • Navigation Tutorial review and approval in this week’s survey.
      • Page Structure review and approval in next week’s survey next Friday (February 17, 2017).
      • Implementing changes in the following week and hopefully publish all three tutorials to the w3c server.
      • Announcement during CSUN week?
    • Call for Review of the Navigation Tutorial
      • Changes overview (90% editorial, 10% minor)
      • Approval questions are in the weekly survey!
  2. F2F Agenda
  3. Policies Relating to Web Accessibility
  4. Individual work
  5. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey


The weekly EOWG teleconference began with a report from Eric about how he has addressed comments on the Carousels Tutorial. Based on the survey response, it is ready publish. In the enxt two weeks the group will comment on Page Structure and Navigation and in that way, three new tutorials will be published around the time of the CSUN conference. A look at the face to face agenda prompted no discussion and EO participants were encouraged to continue to review and add items of interest. Discussion of the Policies work, led by maryJo and supported by Andrew and Robert included general discussion about the following GitHub issues:

  • Disclaimer (#1)
  • Scope column (#5)
  • Status column (#6)
  • New/Updated indicator (#7)
  • Non-legally binding policies (#8)
  • Status and Updates paragraph too wordy (#12)
  • Terminology section (#14)

Brent reminded everyone to get the surveys done by Wednesday as possible and said he would keep the 3 Feb survey open til the end of the day today due to lack of timely response. He wrapped up with a reminder to update availability, watch for the new survey and thanks for everyone's contribution.

Minutes 10 February


  • Present: Sharron, Andrew, Denis, Howard, Robert, Shawn, Brent, Eric, Shadi, KrisAnne, Adina, MaryJo, James
  • Regrets: Laura, Sylvie, Kazuhuto, Caleb

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Caleb, 00 Month 2017

03 February 2017 Teleconference


  1. Policies Relating to Web Accessibility
  2. Web Accessibility Tutorials
    • #408 Carousels: Heading on the Concepts Page
      • Eric to compile list of candidates, brief discussion
    • #412 Carousels: Heading on the Styling Page
      • Page content has changed editorially
      • Discussion on the heading, some good thoughts from Shadi in the pull request.
      • Tentative change to “Indicate Button Status”.
  3. Template for Accessibility Evaluation Reports
  4. Mobile Accessibility - Update
  5. WAI Site Redesign - brief update
    • Visual Design Update
    • Current work on visual design issues
  6. Topic ideas and recommendations for EOWG February Face-to-Face as well as the 2017 EOWG Chartering wiki
  7. Commenting on new WCAG Techniques (5-10 minutes)
    • Current vetting of new success criteria by the AG WG, see GitHub Issues
    • EOWG participants may comment as individuals and help with the development of new techniques. For an overview of what is involved and how to help, visit the WCAG Techniques Wiki page
  8. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey


The meeting began with a look at the Policies work. Andrew culled the issues for consideration from MaryJo's text document. Eric integrated the text into the Prototype. Participants may review the Policies considerations on GitHuband add comments or open new ones. Eric did a quick review of his work on Tutorials, primarly Carousels largely based on edit suggestions from KrisAnne. After discussion and consideration, the following resolution was made: RESOLUTION: Section heading of Concepts page will change to "What makes a carousel accessible." Other changes were accepted with thanks for Eric's dedication. Next Howard reviewed the changes he made to update the Template for Eval Report, including references to WCAG2, links to EasyChecks and a download of a blank template. EO will review changes and comment in the weekly survey. Sharron then let the group know that even thought Susan's workload meant she had to step away from EO for a few months, she would continue her suggestions for updates and TF coordination on Mobile Resources. Thanks were extended to the group for their prompt and thorough comments on the visual aspect of the WAI site redesign. The TF met and worked through and closed many of the issues. Alicia has gone back to work to address the ones that remain and will coordinate with Charlotte's information architecture work while addressing concerns about font style and weight. All expressed their excitement and support for the direction of the design, "a game changer" in Caleb's view. Chairs thanked those who contributed ideas for the charter and the face to face meeting and reminded us all that this is member driven EOWG, meant to fulfill the vision of what the global community needs to support implementing accessibility more widely and broadly. Your ideas are welcome to drive that vision. Chairs pointed people to the work on WCAG2.1 Techniques (links are in the this week's agenda) as an important way for individuals to contribute even if EO has not yet convened to consider and comment as a group. Finally Chairs wrapped up with a reminder to take the survey, check in with the W4TW on the wiki and to keep current with your meeting availability. Thanks everyone.

Minutes for 03 February 2017 Meeting


  • Present: Brent, Sharron, Laura, Kris Anne, Adina, Caleb, Robert, Howard, Eric, James, Denis, Andrew
  • Regrets: Sylvie, Kazuhito, Shadi, Shawn, Mary Jo, Susan

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Shawn, 9 Feb 2017
  • [done] Sylvie, 10 Feb 2017

27 January 2017 Teleconference


  1. Web Accessibility Tutorials (20 minutes)
    • Carousels: Implemented the changes, quick overview
      • Implemented Kris Anne’s copyediting suggestions (Changes, thanks Kris Anne!!!)
      • Changed style of the :hover/:focus on the play/pause button to dotted border instead dashed to avoid the “hashtag effect” (Live, thanks Denis!)
      • Added “An working example of this code is available” box to the tutorial (Demo, Related #404 Issue 😉, thanks Howard!)
      • Changed wording around the touch area (Commit, thanks Shadi!)
      • Removed the contrast values and instead now link to the design tips (Commit, thanks Shadi!)
      • Small stuff: Changed wording on the concepts page for the animations page (Commit)
      • Question: Heading in the Carousel Concepts page – Currently: “What are the key points?” (Issue)
    • Site Navigation: Explanation of the changes.
      • Added wording to the fly-out page about fly-out menus not easy to use for certain people with disabilities (Issue, thanks Shawn!)
      • Multiple changes to all pages, again simplifying and aligning more with what we’ve learned with the carousels. (mainly that they go round and round and round 😉)
      • Important question: Keep Application Menus and if yes, where to put it
  2. EOWG 27-28 February Face-to-Face (20 minutes)
  3. WAI Site Redesign - visual design mockup (30 minutes)
  4. EOWG Recharter - Scope, Focus, Deliverables - brainstorm on: (30 minutes)
    • What are top priorities and "wishlist"? (Old deliverables and wishlists)
    • Are there any high impact things like Easy Checks and Perspectives videos to consider? Maybe video clip intros to resources like Quick Reference and Report Tool?
    • Which potential deliverables do we have editor commitments on for now or later in the charter period?
    • Some initial ideas...
  5. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)


Eric reviewed the comments he received and actions he took to edit the Web Accessibility Tutorials. He expressed gratitude for the review and comments, especially to Kris Anne for taking a thorough edit pass and Denis and Howard for their suggestions which have been implemented. EO participants should continue to monitor progress and comment in GitHub as changes are made. Brent reminded everyone of the face to face meeting Feb 27 and 28. It is confirmed to be held at the Hotel Solamar, in the GasLamp district of downtown San Diego during the week of CSUN in San Diego. Please feel free to add agenda item suggestions as we finalize the work we will do at that meeting and update your intention to be there for that. Next we considered the visual design work on the WAI web site redesign. Alicia has acted on preliminary feedback and walked us through the current iteration. EO is asked to comment by Monday if possible, Tuesday at the latest. Next was the issue of our recharter. EOWG will be rechartered in May and participants are encouraged to think about what to focus on in next few years and to help define scope and approach by submitting ideas to the Re-Charter Page of the EOWG wiki. Brent wrapped up with a reminder to update availability for meetings, try to complete review and commenting on visual design mock-up, and attend to the work for this week. Thanks all!

Minutes for 27 January 2017 Meeting


  • Present: Brent, Sharron, Laura, Kris Anne, Adina, Caleb, Alicia, Robert, Howard, Eric, James, Shawn
  • Regrets: Sylvie, Kazuhito, Shadi, Mary Jo, Denis, Andrew

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Andrew, 30 January 2017
  • [done] Sylvie, 30 January 2017
  • [done] name, 00 Month 2017

20 January 2017 Teleconference


  1. Reminder of F2F meeting in San Diego in California - Update your Participation if you haven't already (5 minutes)
  2. Web Accessibility Tutorials (30+ minutes)
  3. Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (15 minutes)
    • Received some detailed review and comments on the input form and main page proposals.
    • There are still a lot of open questions on the main page, currently not easy to address.
    • Need help with:
      • Volunteer to help with coding it up (prototyping).
      • Volunteer to help with defining and managing issues through GitHub.
  4. Easy Checks (20 minutes)
    • Open issue: Increments - Need someone to fill in Safari instructions.
    • Then will publish minor updates from public comments.
  5. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)



Minutes for 20 January 2017 Meeting


  • Present: Brent, Shawn, Laura, Shadi, Denis, Andrew, Robert, Howard, Eric, Caleb, Mary Jo, James
  • Regrets: Susan, Sharron

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Sylvie, 24 January 2017
  • [done] Sharron, 30 January 2017
  • [done] name, 00 Month 2017

13 January 2017 Teleconference


  1. Reminder Face-to-Face meeting in San Diego on 27-28 February (before CSUN)
  2. Weekly Work Report - What got done? What's planned next? What help is needed? Current Work, RM Tool
    • Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (Mary Jo)
    • Web Accessibility Tutorials (Eric)
    • Any other reports?
  3. Easy Checks public comment resolutions
  4. Mobile Accessibility
    • Analysis summary / modernized approach needed
    • Will put issues in GitHub around clarification of titles and text for mobile resources
    • Use input to draft modern version of resources
  5. Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
  6. (if time) Metadata - pick Caleb and Laura's brain (optional for those who want to stay and learn) (remaining time)


The meeting began with a welcome to the new year and a confirmation of the fact that the next face to face meeting is finalized for February 27 and 28 in San Diego. Feel free to contribute ideas for what work to focus on when we are together. Next MaryJo presented a word document with her suggestions for new Policy page content and some questions for the group. Discussion led to three questions that will be on the survey Andrew and Robert agreed to support - Robert will update the prototype with MaryJos's text and Andrew will take the questions and move them into GitHub. Eric has addressed issues submitted for Tutorials and asks EO to complete a survey for review and approval, due on Tuesday the 17th. Caleb and Shawn reported on the publication of Easy Checks and the comments that have been received. To address those public comments, the following resolutions were made:

  • RESOLUTION: Accept the change to Easy Checks defining text size.
  • RESOLUTION: All text should provide at least minimum contrast between text and its background by default.
  • RESOLUTION: No changes will be made to Easy Checks content about text resize.

Denis and Robert are working on the QuickTips with the goal of clarifying current Tips, considering the publication of the three still in draft, and then proposing next steps for development of the resource. Susan had proposed updates for Mobile Accessibility and will put those in GitHub. Laura has begun to develop a template for metadata included in WAI pages. Brent reminded everyone to update their availability and to complete work for this week including the weekly survey. Caleb and Laura stayed to discuss with Shawn and the Chairs the approach to improving metadata on in WAI resources while the meeting adjourned for others.

Minutes for 13 January 2017


  • Present: Denis, Eric, Sharron, Susan, Brent, Mary Jo, Caleb, Shawn, Laura, Robert, Kris Anne
  • Regrets: Andrew, James, Kazuhito, Howard

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] Howard, 18 January 2017
  • [done] James, 18 January 2017
  • [done] Andrew, 16 January 2017
  • [done] Sylvie, 24 January 2017
  • [done] name, 00 Month 2017

[template] 00 Month 2017 Teleconference




Minutes: @@


  • Present: @@
  • Regrets: @@ (No survey response from @@)

(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes

  • [done] name, 00 Month 2017