- Minutes -

Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference

01 Dec 2017


The meeting began with an update and reminder of the use of the Resource Managment Schedule Editors are encouraged to list their own work and timelines as soon as possible. Next Sharron updated the group on progress on the Business Case, received good feedback and asked participants to gather testimonials based on the questions posted on the Business Case Wiki. Next the group discussed the opportunity to include more people from Pacifc countries by modifying the meeting schedule every other week. EOWG passed a resolution to do that, verifying that starting in January 2018, we will meet at Friday 8:30 am ET one week and Thursday 6:30 pm ET the next one. Next Shawn announced the outreach opportunity for a new video released to coincide with UN International Day of Disabled Persons. EO Participants are asked to be on the alert and to repost to social media when it is released. Reminder that Stories of Web Users survey is posted for approval. The rest of the meeting was spent as Vicki led her editorial team through the changes and got suggestions and feedback in preparation for posting an approval survey next week of changes to the Older User Resources document. Thanks everyone!



Sharron, Brent, Shawn, Vicki, Shadi, Laura, Chris, Robert, Norah, Roy, Eric, Sylvie, Nic, KrisAnne, Howard, Kris, Anne, James
Andrew, Vivienne, Stephane, Jesus, Sylvie(?), Eric(?), Amanda
Sharron, Brent, Shawn


Resource Management Schedule

<Brent> Resource Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nJb1_PNbT6bMEz0AuWA1HRj-w2LeujXMatvmajYS4is/edit#gid=148670560

Brent: We are hoping to get all the resources on the schedule and to make sure that all editors understand how to use this. The idea is to start focusing on specific resources to faciliate completion of the revisions.

The idea was to increase focus, support editors and drive the resources to final drafts and publication. Any comments, questions, does everyone understand how to use it?

Business Case

Sharron: Not much new to report right now. Want to thank those that completed the survey and gave some feedback.
... Kris Anne asked about having the legal section moved. I am working on that. Had some technical difficulty with it. Will keep working on it.
... If anyone has real world stories about business case from their organization, that bring these point to life, please send them to me so that we can try and work them into the resource.
... I feel the more guideance and input you can provide will make this a more meaningful. Testamonials, case studies, statements, that show how when accessibility was implemented that it made a big impact.
...if you have an opportunity to ask your leadership or if you know, pass along to me information like this:

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. EOWG will alternate its meeting schedule starting in January 2018. Meetings will be held Friday 8:30 am ET one week and Thursday 6:30 pm ET the following week.
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/12/04 23:19:07 $