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Overview of "Web Accessibility for Older Users: A Literature Review"

Page Contents

- Introduction
- Who the Literature Review is for
- What is in the Literature Review 

Who develops the WAI-AGE Literature Review


Web Accessibility for Older Users: A Literature Review analyzes guidelines, professional articles, and scientific literature on the requirements of people with Web accessibility needs related to ageing.

The focus of the Literature Review is particularly on Europe, but also includes research outside of Europe. Most of the findings apply internationally.

Who the Literature Review is for

The purpose of the Literature Review is to inform education and outreach to better promote accessibility solutions for older Web users, and potentially develop profiles or extensions to WAI guidelines.

The Literature Review itself is primarily for researchers and academics. However, the outcomes of the Literature Review will be used to develop resources for users, industry, and others.

What is in the Literature Review

Web Accessibility for Older Users: A Literature Review summarizes literature and statistics about how older adults use the Web, age-related functional limitations, and requirements of older Web users in the "Older adults and age-related functional limitations" section. The bulk of the literature review analyzes:

  • Existing literature reviews
  • Previous approaches to ‘senior friendly’ Web guidelines
  • Relationship with WAI guidelines
  • Training older adults to Use ICT and the Web
  • Studies of older Web users’ specific disabilities
  • Aspects of Web Design affecting the elderly
  • Involving the elderly in Web design and development
  • General usability studies involving elderly people

An initial finding of the Literature Review is that while existing WAI guidelines address many requirements of older Web users, there is little reference to the WAI guidelines in literature about and guidelines covering the needs of older Web users.

Technical report format

The Literature Review follows the W3C format for technical reports that includes several sections at the beginning: links to different versions, editors, copyright, abstract, and status with the link to errata and the email address for comments.

Who developed the WAI-AGE Literature Review

The Literature Review was developed with the Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG), which is part of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).