Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference

27 Feb 2017

See also: IRC log


Shadi, Brent, Eric, Charlotte, James, Denis, KrisAnne, Sharron, Laura, Adine, Howard, Shawn, Andrew, SarahPulis, dboudreau, Adina, Robert, Kevin


Introductions around the table

<yatil> [Everyone introduces themselves: Shadi, Brent, Eric, Charlotte, James, Denis, KrisAnne, Sharron, Laura, Adine, Howard, Shawn, Andrew, SarahPulis]

<shadi> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/

<shawn> top tasks -- https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/2017JanMar/0041.html

<shawn> Shadi: Mission is to make the web accessible. Who is primary audience?

<shawn> AA: & Sarah: higher level, policy

<shawn> Sarah: ... current personas are tech heavy. orgs now head of UX often leading accessibility. ...

<shawn> [ discussion of Andy persona & role of WAI...]

<shawn> Denis: planting the seeds so other people can run with it. (we dont have resources to do ourselves)

<shawn> [ discussion of "crowdsourcing" and components list and vetting ]

<yatil> Personas: https://w3c.github.io/wai-website-personas/

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say huge and maybe THE primary audience?

<shawn> SLH: maybe THE key, top, major, one primary audience is the person who gets assigned a role of "accessibility specialist" but has little or no knowledge (Brent first mentioned this role and Sharron and others shaking head)

<Andrew> shadi: disability advocates, maybe in a disability organisation - trying to make the case for accessibility. Doesn't understand the technical aspects, but wants enough knowledge to argue for increasing acessibility

<Andrew> Laura: third party is hired to do implement accessibility, but they have no knowledge - run a simple test to prove they've done it well

<Andrew> Sarah: QA team and accessibility testers - how to go about testing

<shawn> SLH: everyone wants the quick hit info. maybe all our resources have that quick info bite at the top, clear with lots of white space, and then the details are lower down on that page

<shawn> [ ee nods waves excitedly and then says "I mildly agree" ;-]

<shawn> [ rejigging personas ]

<shawn> James: channeling Caleb: I expect WAI info to be 100% trustworthy. If it's on WAI website, it better be right!

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to also ask if newbie A.S.

<scribe> scribe: Sharron

<scribe> New personas: Andy + Sammy's credibility issues

Anna-Lenna, less technical more PM and advocacy

Miles: Less print, mre UX and content management

Patricia: legislative aide, researcher, decision maker in government
... senior Congressional/Parliment staffer

Quentin: functional QA person. already doing QA and must add accessibility to that.
... needs to feel confident enough to try

James: will go through the Top Tasks, validate or remove, and if there are any not here, writie it down to add at the end of the process
... placing stickies related to each Top Task inot affinity map on the wall

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say mobile page says its all mobile :-)

<Andrew> Eric: yes to Shawn's need for an mobile landing page that says we cover it everywhere, but does point to some specific like testing

<shawn> KrisAnne: re about cost -- things we can say , e.g., if put off to end, more. integrate throughout

<Andrew> https://www.w3.org/blog/2010/04/new-release-of-the-w3c-cheat-s/

<Andrew> https://gethtml.at/

<shawn> 645 148 810 #

<yatil> https://yatil.github.io/wai-colors-font-test/

<yatil> -1 to use different fonts

<Adina> +q Adina

<dboudreau> I’d suggest Oswald bold for headings and Montserrat for content

<dboudreau> (both sans serif)

<dboudreau> https://designschool.canva.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/cache/2015/12/162/162-1324x1003.jpg

<yatil> https://yatil.github.io/wai-colors-font-test/

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say fonts & coding. asking for input and to say find the right balance for cool and sexy - it's important

<dboudreau> https://blog.snappa.io/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/oswald-montserrat-light.png

<shawn> character test is also important

<Zakim> yatil, you wanted to react to shawn

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to repeat that others have done this research -- let's ask others and to say live version *much* clearer than images and to say liam

<Zakim> rjolly, you wanted to talk about dyslexic.com typeface recommendations

<Andrew> to aid font discussion https://theestablishment.co/hating-comic-sans-is-ableist-bc4a4de87093#.vla1ig9dk

<shawn> +1 to Robert that some sites with basic fonts look good

<Andrew> and on dyslexic fonts in general - http://www.dyslexia-reading-well.com/dyslexia-font.html

<Andrew> [[Contrary to media hype, and even a Scientific American article about Dyslexie, no independent research has found that any font significantly improves reading speed or comprehension for dyslexics]]

<Andrew> [[ 2013 Spanish study found that Helvetica, Courier, Arial and Verdana were the best fonts for dyslexics, the same fonts of choice for many efficient readers (study - http://www.dyslexia-reading-well.com/support-files/italian_study_on_fonts_2013.pdf)]]

<shawn> Kevin: ... do HTML mockup then we can look at these and different fonts in real example

<shawn> LOTS of agreements

<yatil> BBC uses: font-family: Arial, Helvetica, freesans, sans-serif;

<shawn> W3C TR redesign uses sans-serif – defers to the system font

<Andrew> my final contribution on dyslexia for today - https://typography.guru/journal/letters-symbols-misrecognition/

<shawn> easy checks https://www.w3.org/WAI/eval/preliminary

<Andrew> current mobile material - https://www.w3.org/WAI/mobile/Overview

<shawn> "Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility" -- retitle suggested by Charlotte's IA draft "Introduction to Evaluating Web Accessibility (Start Here!)"

<dboudreau> +1 to Charlotte’s proposal

<shawn> "Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility" -- retitle suggested by Charlotte's IA draft "Introduction to Evaluating Web Accessibility (Start Here!)"

<dboudreau> (I know it’s not a proposal, but it translates our intent much better)

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

    Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.147 (CVS log)
    $Date: 2017/06/03 16:24:55 $

    Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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    This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.147  of Date: 2016/03/23 18:03:34  
    Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/
    Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)
    Succeeded: s/Mission is to make the web audience./Mission is to make the web accessible./
    Succeeded: s/have resourcecs to so ourselves)/have resources to do ourselves)/
    Succeeded: s/swebsite/website/
    Succeeded: s/@@/sans-serif – defers to the system font/
    Succeeded: s/final contribution/my final contribution/
    Found Scribe: Sharron
    Inferring ScribeNick: Sharron
    Present: Shadi Brent Eric Charlotte James Denis KrisAnne Sharron Laura Adine Howard Shawn Andrew SarahPulis dboudreau Adina Robert Kevin
    WARNING: No meeting chair found!
    You should specify the meeting chair like this:
    <dbooth> Chair: dbooth
    Found Date: 27 Feb 2017
    People with action items: 
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