- Minutes -

Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference

23 Jun 2017


The weekly EOWG teleconference began with an introduction from new participant Jesus Pulido from AMAC at Georgia Tech. Shawn presented a brief update on the re-charter effort and thanked everyone for prompts to their AC reps. We have received several supportive statements, some questions and the charter draft is finalized and heading to W3C management and on to the AC for approval in early July. Next was a discussion of EO reviews and surveys. It is important to demonstrate active participation by a large number of EO participants. However, it is not helpful to just check off "looks good, no comment" if you have not read the materials. It skews the approval process. Discussion suggested ways for participants to indicate their active contributions even when unable to carefully review all of the resources. Chairs will integrate those suggestions into the survey answers and process. Next Judy introduced changes to the Developer's intro to Mobile and showed how some content was being integrated into existing tutorials with Eric's help. Expect questions about those pull requests in this week's survey. The meeting wrapped up with thanks to all for their continued dedication to EO work, a reminder to check the Work for this Week and to complete surveys inlcluding the teleconference attendence survey. Welcome Jesus and thanks all!



Shadi, Jesus, Andrew, Shawn, Brent, Laura, Sharron, Denis, Norah, Robert, Eric, Judy, James, Kris Anne, Howard, Adina
Sylvie, and no survey response from Adina, Kazuhito, Shwetank, Kevin, Caleb, Sarah



Shawn: New participant Jesus Pulido introduces himself and all attendees do the same. Welcome to EOWG!

Jesus intro: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/2017AprJun/0046.html

Re-charter status update

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/charter2017

Shawn: Thanks to everyone for your input on the charter, we sent Advance Notice in May, we had a few comments, have responded and now have the charter ready to go the W3C maangement and then to W3C AC for approval.
... many thanks to everyone who spoke to your AC reps, we have had many statements of strong support, much appreciated. As a reminder, there is a section in our charter prep page that documents community use of EO resources. Please add to that if you have good examples, specifics of anything used in MOOCS, etc.

<j-pulido> Absolutely.

Shawn: will let you know when it goes to AC review and will ask that you prompt you AC reps to comment early so we can address any issues and demonstrate strong support right off the bat. Any questions about the charter?

EO reviews and survey

Shawn: Some people will be looking at participation as the charter is reviewed, so it is important to demonstrate how broad is our active participation. Thanks to all who joined today and lets maintain a high level of participation.
... in the surveys, it is really important that you give genuine consideration to the resources. There are times when you just don't have time for the level of review needed, and we understand that. So please do complete the surveys but if you are only able to skim, you can indicate that. If you are unable to give it careful attention, you are able to indicate that as well.
... it is confusing to sort comments if you just check off, "sure looks good" when others have indicated that a resource is *not* ready. On the other hand, if you have held off and jump in with minor comments when we are in a final review, that is difficult to process at that point. So we need to think about balance
... we want to improve our communication about the levels of review and wanted to be sure participants understand what is being asked. It is important to complete the surveys but you should feel comfortable to use the options of "skimmed it" or just indicate were not able to do the work that week.

Sharron: By filling out survey, you document active participation.

Brent: And surveys are editable until they close.

Shawn: Suggestions or comments about this process?

James: When I take the surveys, I find the questions to be incomplete or kind of "passive aggressive". With the culture of the group, it may be good to have a choice that is "I did not get to it cause I am working on other EO stuff" or something. Given our limited time, we may need to find a way to indicate that a particular resource is not my priority but I am actively engaged and productive.
... we can get everyone involved in things, there is plenty of work. Some people may feel that to review or edit materials is not their strength. May need to find ways to demonstrate participation that capture what people are actually doing.

Shawn: great input thank you James. We want people to use skills and interest in the group to the best effect. So if you find that you are not being used well, please speak up.

Denis: I want to agree with James. There are some resources that are of less interest to me so it is not the best use of my time, I feel less engaged. The survey does not actually give me the option to say "this is less priority." Would be useful to allow people to work and comment on the things they are most interested in and then don't ask for detailed review until it is nearly ready to publish.
... we need sub groups to do more work at what they are most interested in.

<yatil> [ Good points by James and Denis. ]

Shawn: Yes, there has been growing support for that kind of operation - smaller groups with more autonomy. James made a comment "I am working on other EO work and can't get to this" and this is fine.

Brent: Once we get through the charter process, we will be able to implement and facilitate people participating in the ways that are most rewarding and productive.

James: An option that says "I will not be commenting on this resource" even early on would be useful in allowing people to opt out of the entire review process for specific resources. What if there is an open option to say what they are working on and thereby document what they actually are producing? We can then have some metrics for actual contributions.

<Brent> +1 to James because people are working on things that are not being reflected in the survey each week.

Eric: What did you do/what did you contribute last week - that is an good idea. I did not get to the stuff in this survey but here is what I *did* work on.

Sharron: +1

<rjolly> +1 to yatil's idea

<krisannekinney> +1 to that idea

Sharron: Yes, this is very good idea. Some people arevworking on things not on surveys or even in teleconferences

Judy: In the past, we had options and observations on the calls that gave us important insights about how materials were used as well as things to work on.

Shawn: Great thanks all for the input and we will be refining how the work gets done. We have seen significant improvement and will continue to try different approaches and see how we can keep people happily engeged. Charter should be ready early in July.

Developer's intro

Judy: I appreciate the comments we have gotten for these resources. They were planned as additional tutorials, have morphed into one tutorial, two what we are calling Developer's Intro, the BAD work as well as Mobile Friendly insertion of mobile guidance into existing tutorials.
... for example, we had materials in this intro about how to use tutorials with mobile in mind and a suggestion was made that it did not belong there but should be integrated into existing ones. So I wanted to to alert you to the work and let you know that they will be integrated there and we will ask for your comments. Thanks to Eric for his re-naming and early comments.
... the intent is to fit the style of existing tutorials and in some cases it is difficult to match (no code snippets for example.) Some times the reference is to "mobile freindly," sometimes "responsive." One questions will see if there is a need for conssitency in that.

<Judy> https://github.com/w3c/wai-tutorials/pull/526

Judy: also a suggestion that best solution may be more than one insertion and put it instead in a couple of places. In some cases it was a point that might belong on Concepts page, but those are very tightly organized and link to specific internal content. Looking at today's agenda, it links to an example...

<yatil> Best go to the files changed tab: https://github.com/w3c/wai-tutorials/pull/526/files

Shawn: Want to make everyone aware of what the task will be and give you a chance to ask questions if you have them. Use the GitHub link, then GitHub -- see Files changed tab. Any questions about what the Work for this Week will be or how to get to it and what to do?

Brent: Is there anyone on the call who does not understand what to do on GitHUb?

<krisannekinney> some of us are just learning about GitHub it can be daunting :)

Eric: Pull requests are just fancy issues, the only difference is that you can see changes of the file and put inline comments.

<shawn> [[ To look at pull requests: Follow link, read first comment under "Conversation" tab, then look at "Files changed: tabe to see the exact change. The go back to "Conversation" tab to see other comment -- and add your own ]]


Shawn: Thanks again for joining and for you input. This week's survey remains open and will put the suggestions into new surveys going forward.

<dboudreau> thanks all! have a great rest-of-your-day!

Shawn: Extended survey from this week as well as the new questions on the Developer's Intros. Thanks for all your efforts and see you next week.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/06/23 14:59:57 $



Shawn: New participant Jesus Pulido introduces himself and all attendees do the same. Welcome to EOWG!

Jesus intro: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/2017AprJun/0046.html

Re-charter status update

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/charter2017

Shawn: Thanks to everyone for your input on the charter, we sent Advance Notice in May, we had a few comments, have responded and now have the charter ready to go the W3C maangement and then to W3C AC for approval.
... many thanks to everyone who spoke to your AC reps, we have had many statements of strong support, much appreciated. As a reminder, there is a section in our charter prep page that documents community use of EO resources. Please add to that if you have good examples, specifics of anything used in MOOCS, etc.

<j-pulido> Absolutely.

Shawn: will let you know when it goes to AC review and will ask that you prompt you AC reps to comment early so we can address any issues and demonstrate strong support right off the bat. Any questions about the charter?

EO reviews and survey

Shawn: Some people will be looking at participation as the charter is reviewed, so it is important to demonstrate how broad is our active participation. Thanks to all who joined today and lets maintain a high level of participation.
... in the surveys, it is really important that you give genuine consideration to the resources. There are times when you just don't have time for the level of review needed, and we understand that. So please do complete the surveys but if you are only able to skim, you can indicate that. If you are unable to give it careful attention, you are able to indicate that as well.
... it is confusing to sort comments if you just check off, "sure looks good" when others have indicated that a resource is *not* ready. On the other hand, if you have held off and jump in with minor comments when we are in a final review, that is difficult to process at that point. So we need to think about balance
... we want to improve our communication about the levels of review and wanted to be sure participants understand what is being asked. It is important to complete the surveys but you should feel comfortable to use the options of "skimmed it" or just indicate were not able to do the work that week.

Sharron: By filling out survey, you document active participation.

Brent: And surveys are editable until they close.

Shawn: Suggestions or comments about this process?

James: When I take the surveys, I find the questions to be incomplete or kind of "passive aggressive". With the culture of the group, it may be good to have a choice that is "I did not get to it cause I am working on other EO stuff" or something. Given our limited time, we may need to find a way to indicate that a particular resource is not my priority but I am actively engaged and productive.
... we can get everyone involved in things, there is plenty of work. Some people may feel that to review or edit materials is not their strength. May need to find ways to demonstrate participation that capture what people are actually doing.

Shawn: great input thank you James. We want people to use skills and interest in the group to the best effect. So if you find that you are not being used well, please speak up.

Denis: I want to agree with James. There are some resources that are of less interest to me so it is not the best use of my time, I feel less engaged. The survey does not actually give me the option to say "this is less priority." Would be useful to allow people to work and comment on the things they are most interested in and then don't ask for detailed review until it is nearly ready to publish.
... we need sub groups to do more work at what they are most interested in.

<yatil> [ Good points by James and Denis. ]

Shawn: Yes, there has been growing support for that kind of operation - smaller groups with more autonomy. James made a comment "I am working on other EO work and can't get to this" and this is fine.

Brent: Once we get through the charter process, we will be able to implement and facilitate people participating in the ways that are most rewarding and productive.

James: An option that says "I will not be commenting on this resource" even early on would be useful in allowing people to opt out of the entire review process for specific resources. What if there is an open option to say what they are working on and thereby document what they actually are producing? We can then have some metrics for actual contributions.

<Brent> +1 to James because people are working on things that are not being reflected in the survey each week.

Eric: What did you do/what did you contribute last week - that is an good idea. I did not get to the stuff in this survey but here is what I *did* work on.

Sharron: +1

<rjolly> +1 to yatil's idea

<krisannekinney> +1 to that idea

Sharron: Yes, this is very good idea. Some people arevworking on things not on surveys or even in teleconferences

Judy: In the past, we had options and observations on the calls that gave us important insights about how materials were used as well as things to work on.

Shawn: Great thanks all for the input and we will be refining how the work gets done. We have seen significant improvement and will continue to try different approaches and see how we can keep people happily engeged. Charter should be ready early in July.

Developer's intro

Judy: I appreciate the comments we have gotten for these resources. They were planned as additional tutorials, have morphed into one tutorial, two what we are calling Developer's Intro, the BAD work as well as Mobile Friendly insertion of mobile guidance into existing tutorials.
... for example, we had materials in this intro about how to use tutorials with mobile in mind and a suggestion was made that it did not belong there but should be integrated into existing ones. So I wanted to to alert you to the work and let you know that they will be integrated there and we will ask for your comments. Thanks to Eric for his re-naming and early comments.
... the intent is to fit the style of existing tutorials and in some cases it is difficult to match (no code snippets for example.) Some times the reference is to "mobile freindly," sometimes "responsive." One questions will see if there is a need for conssitency in that.

<Judy> https://github.com/w3c/wai-tutorials/pull/526

Judy: also a suggestion that best solution may be more than one insertion and put it instead in a couple of places. In some cases it was a point that might belong on Concepts page, but those are very tightly organized and link to specific internal content. Looking at today's agenda, it links to an example...

<yatil> Best go to the files changed tab: https://github.com/w3c/wai-tutorials/pull/526/files

Shawn: Want to make everyone aware of what the task will be and give you a chance to ask questions if you have them. Use the GitHub link, then GitHub -- see Files changed tab. Any questions about what the Work for this Week will be or how to get to it and what to do?

Brent: Is there anyone on the call who does not understand what to do on GitHUb?

<krisannekinney> some of us are just learning about GitHub it can be daunting :)

Eric: Pull requests are just fancy issues, the only difference is that you can see changes of the file and put inline comments.

<shawn> [[ To look at pull requests: Follow link, read first comment under "Conversation" tab, then look at "Files changed: tabe to see the exact change. The go back to "Conversation" tab to see other comment -- and add your own ]]


Shawn: Thanks again for joining and for you input. This week's survey remains open and will put the suggestions into new surveys going forward.

<dboudreau> thanks all! have a great rest-of-your-day!

Shawn: Extended survey from this week as well as the new questions on the Developer's Intros. Thanks for all your efforts and see you next week.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/06/23 14:59:57 $