Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference

11 Aug 2017

See also: IRC log


Brent, notabene, Sharron, shawn, Robert, James, Norah, Howard, shadi, Kris_Anne, EricE, Jesús_Pulido, Laura, VickiIRC
Sylvie, Denis, Andrew


<scribe> Chair: Brent

<scribe> Scribe: Sharron

<shawn> New meeting links and numbers are in https://www.w3.org/2017/08/01-eowg-info.html (please do not put links in IRC, unless commented out with /me !)

<Norah> Hi, webex link says meeting cancelled

<shawn> howard - use link above or the wone you got in the meeting invite that I sent via email from WebEx

Charter results


<rjolly> thank you for working to ensure we continue to exist as a working group!

<notabene> Congrats!

Shawn: We had no objections, had W3 management approve in advance

Sharron: Shawn did such good work in advance, thank you!

Shawn: The work we did in advance and the teamwork from Judy and Shadi made the difference.

Brent: The amount of work that Shawn did was astounding.

Sharron: And the quality of work made a difference.

Shawn: Yes and the fact that so many participate at such a high level.

Sharron: Thanks all!

Shawn: Results are available to those of you who have member access. There were a few comments and we will address those for due dilligence.

EOWG name

<Laura> can someone resend the webex link?

Shawn: We moved the planning meeting up one day so we could post an agenda in the hope that folks will read and prep for our meetings, being more efficient.

<Howard> I like the first option

Shawn: chiars and staff have considered the comment about "accessibility" belonging in the name of this group. Chairs and staff have been back and forth. Current proposal is to add a11y to the front of the name and keep the acronym.

<shawn> Sharron: strongly not change change acronym, not strong about anme itself

Sharron: I have no strong feelings about the name itself but strongly prefer not to change the acronym

<notabene> no objection to not changing the acronym

<Howard> I did

<James> Is changing the name at all necessary?

<rjolly> I don't feel like it needs changing, but i'm ok with AEOWG if needed for clarity

<notabene> feeling that it may confuse people though, to change name but not acronym

Shawn: Not necessary but since it was a suggestion, we want to be responsive.

<Howard> If up to us, I would keep the same.

<shawn> proposed: Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) -- several other options

Robert: why was the suggestion made?

<Norah> I like WAI-EOWG

<notabene> yeah, that's a good idea Norah

Shawn: Becasue we do not do EO on other topics than accessibility, e.g., HTML, CSS, SVG, EME

<Brent> S/Becasue/Because/

Robert: With that further understanding, I have no objection to adding Accessibility to the name, maybe remove education from the name.
... and I like WAI/EOWG as Norah suggested

Shawn: Chairs and staff ruled out WAI since it is not well known.

<Norah> It was Eric's suggestion :)

<yatil> It was Eric’s joke… :-D

Howard: Who is confused by this? When I mention EOWG it is always in context, have not found there is confusion in the presentations I make
... is it the other W3 groups that are confused by our name?
... if it not really causing a problem in the wider community, I can't see the point in making the change.

<Norah> I recently introduced EOWG as a working group of the WAI and it seemed pretty clear to the group I was talking to.

James: It could potentially cause more confusion. EOWG has a strong brand in the global ally community and people will wonder where it went. I know I was confused by where did WCAG go?

<Norah> I think it might be confusing to change name, but keep same acronym.

<notabene> +1 with Norah as I said before

Eric: I don't feel strongly. When outside accessibility community I have stumbled in explaining where I work and the focus of the work. I don't see that addiing "accessibility" to the beginning, it should be OK, keep the identification and especially if we keep the acronymn.

Mobile accessibility as a term

<notabene> +1 for keeping the "mobile" in "mobile accessibility" for reasons stated

Shawn: There is some concern about using the term since the issues addressed are broader than simply mobile. Based on the need for harmonization and for people to find mobile when they search for it, our proposal is to keep the term as the name of our page but clarify the broader scope. Any thoughts?

<Howard> keep "mobile accessibility" as a term

James: People always ask about mobile accessiiblity so good idea to keep it since it is the term our users use.

<notabene> In my company we say "mobile accessibility" for both native apps and for mobile-based web accessibility, FTR.

<Norah> I think term mobile accessibility works for now, maybe transitions out later, but still relevant now.

Eric: I am not a big fan of talking about mobile accessibility since we now have touch screens in other devices. But since it is established and recognized as a marketing term, I have no incentive to change it.

Shawn: Great, thanks everyone for the input.

Face to face at TPAC

Brent: Page on the wiki invites topics.

<Brent> F3F Page: https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_F2F_November_2017#Ideas_for_topics

<Vicki> Yes... European F2F

Brent: We would like for y'all to think about how to use the time. Want to post an agenda by the end of September. There are projects in motions and lots of work will be done between now and then. Thinking about that, we want to be sure to use the time well and focus on the items that you are most engaged and interested in.
... I have been thinking of a few and how to add to the agenda.
... last part is the participation detail, please add to that as you know your plans.
... we will revisit every couple of weeks until we firm it up at the end of September.
... any questions?

Editing and Reviewing

<Vicki> see u in lyon

Brent: No need to hash out details, just wanted to provide a time for questions or to address any issues that RMs have encountered. Please notice in the management Google sheet, the second page is timeline. Editors/co-editors, please try to complete your timelines even if they are tentative. We understand they could change. If you need help to get started, reach out to us and we will help.
... second set of columns allow you to track actual progress and links to comments or detail about your progress.
... any questions about this work, the tools, how to track and such. Any hep needed from us to move things along?

Howard: Since I am doing a new resource, do I need a proposal?

<notabene> question: ready to review "How People with Disabilities Use the Web" but I'm not listed (no problem, lags happen) - do I send an email directly to the editors?

<Howard> Kris Anne, Jesus - want me to start on a proposal and then set up a meeting after first draft?

<krisannekinney> That would be great Howard

<Norah> What is the projected launch date of new website?

Brent: The first step is to get with your co-chairs and develop the approach, requirements, etc to create create a solid plan, put those thoughts in the timeline sheet. If you are not working on a pre-launch item, you can create a new line in the sheet. You may need to coordiante with your team if others on your team have prioritized items that *are* pre-launch.

Shawn: There is so much work to do on the pre-launch resources, it would be most helpful if you would focus on those. We need everyone's attention on pre-launch items.

Brent: If you are on a review team for a pre-launch resource, need to do that first.

<shawn> Shawn happy to have additional help on pre-launch work

<shawn> Sharron: If not on team for pre-launch, please consider adding your contributions to pre-launch work. There is an enormous amount of editing and review needed.

<shawn> ... strongly urge to focus attention on pre-launch items

<notabene> Would it be more effective if I worked on this "ready for new site?" tab rather than on anything else?

<shawn> please contact chairs and staff contact if you have time and want to know where to contribute

<notabene> ok will do that

<Vicki> sorry... I cannot get on the phone. just IRC.

<Norah> great, thanks

<Norah> no, I can hear, but don't have good microphone

<Norah> webex phone connection hung up on me twice, but I have audio through computer

<Vicki> I completed the list you gave me Sharron.

Sharron to Norah: Let's see about working through the "ready to publish." Vicki has been doing some of that and we will want to coordinate.

Brent: Other than the Developing Presentations, does anyone want to bring up other items?

Sharron: to Vivki, thanks so much for your work on those - tremendously helpful!

Howard: I don't see the Presentations located anywhere in the wiki, shall I put it somewhere?

<Howard> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nJb1_PNbT6bMEz0AuWA1HRj-w2LeujXMatvmajYS4is/

<Vicki> pleasure. send more in.

<shawn> Sharron: right. lots of different things, can be confusing. check tracking sheet, or ask, if any questions

Laura: I am confused, I am on exisiting presentations and thought I missed an email,

Brent: any final comments?
... Wrap-up


Brent: Still waiting on Judy for the resources she and the dedicated editor are working on,look for a survey on that. Otherwise, will be a short survey, want everyone to have plenty of time to work on your materials and updates. Make sure you ahve the new WebEx connection. Any new buisness?

<Howard> Sharron, yes that would be helpful. Thanks.

<rjolly> bye all!

<Vicki> bye

Brent: thanks so much for patience and lots of work on this big push on updating resources. Short meeting, short surveys to give back as much time as possible to doing the updates. See you next week.

<Vicki> .- Vicki

trackbot, end meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/08/11 13:32:47 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.152  of Date: 2017/02/06 11:04:15  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/other topics than accessibility/other topics than accessibility, e.g., HTML, CSS, SVG, EME/
Succeeded: s/somewhre/somewhere/
Default Present: Brent, notabene, Sharron, shawn, Robert, James, Kris, Anne, Norah, Howard, shadi, Kris_Anne, EricE++++++, Jesús_Pulido, Laura, VickiIRC
Present: Brent notabene Sharron shawn Robert James Norah Howard shadi Kris_Anne EricE Jesús_Pulido Laura VickiIRC
Regrets: Sylvie Denis Andrew
Found Scribe: Sharron
Inferring ScribeNick: Sharron
Found Date: 11 Aug 2017
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2017/08/11-eo-minutes.html
People with action items: 

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]