- Minutes -

Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference

17 Mar 2017


The meeting began with introduction to new participant Norah Sinclair. Next was a reminder that the survey is active for final review and approval to publish How People with Disabilities Use the Web. Howard then walked the group through the Eval Template updates and we agreed to the shorter intro version. Updates are now ready to finalize in a survey. Robert shared updates to the Policies prototype that were greatly appreciated by the group - the table is now more readable and useful. Susan pointed people to her mobile accessibility questions on GitHub and asked for high level considerations of an approach that de-emphasizes the Overview and outdated supporting texts and instead works to integrate mobile accessibility into general planning and implementation of an overall accessibility strategy. As we wrapped up, Denis asked about including colleagues as Invited Experts to work with him on the role-based accessibility matrix. Sharron urged them to continue the work on the Community Group WAI-Engage while she investigates current policy about IEs. Caleb gave an update on web site redesign progress since the NotoSans font had been adopted. He and Eric are building a components library to support consistency going forward. The meeting ended with reminders to look for updated Work for this Week, a new weekly survey, and high priority for review of How People with Disabilities Use the Web to approve it for publication. Thanks all!


Howard, Laura, Sharron, Norah, Denis, Susan, Adina, Caleb, Kris Anne, Robert
Eric, Andrew, Shadi, Shawn, Brent, Sylvie,



Norah: from Georgia Tech, provides services to students with disabilities, collaboraton with G3ict and others, web accessibility initiatives

All: self introductions

Survey for HPWDuW

Sharron: Survey is live and highest priority at this time, thanks!


Evaluation Template

Howard: been working on this for a few months. Here is the updated version

<Howard> https://w3c.github.io/wai-eval-report-templates/

<Howard> https://w3c.github.io/wai-eval-report-templates/

Norah: I have used this resource, it is exciting to learn it is being updated.

Howard: Good to hear - there were a couple of suggestions last time I asked for review. I have implemented those and the only one still open is the wording change. Brent and James have suggested two versions for the change. Wanted to see what the group thinks.

<Howard> https://github.com/w3c/wai-eval-report-templates/issues/3

Sharron: Seems like the consensus is to the shorter version so let's go with that.

<Laura> +1

<rjolly> +!

<Howard> +1 for James shorter intro

<kakinney> +1

<rjolly> +1

<dboudreau> +1 to james' shorter version

Sharron: any other comments?

Policies Relating to Web Accessibility

<rjolly> https://w3c.github.io/wai-policies-prototype/

<rjolly> And here is the link to the GitHub Issues page/list for the Policies Prototype: https://github.com/w3c/wai-policies-prototype/issues

Robert: The policies prototype has been updated.
... we have removed the updated column and the status column is now the date enacted and it has been completed. That is the major change. Have put in some WCAG version info. The country pages have been created (thanks Eric)

Sharron: What about the form?

Robert: not created yet, but I have some ideas about how we can keep it on the same page with a hide/show mechanism.
... MaryJo and I will have a work session today, will make some changes. Will have requests for feedback from the group for this week's survey.

Sharron: If you can get the info to me by the end of the day, I will put it into this week's survey.

Robert: and for your information, Norah this will be styled in future.
... everyone is welcome to move through the issues, chime in and look for the specific questions on this week's survey.

Laura: The table is much better, I like the re-org of the columns

<Howard> agree - visually less busy

KrisAnne: Thanks for making the web policies yes or No rather than True or False - makes me happy

Mobile Accessibility

<kakinney> the birds sound is glorious. :)

Susan: I wanted to ask the group to weigh in on the approach to the mobile resources. These are all similar to the explorations we did in the face to face, and a few meetings.


Susan: My general feeling is that most of these should be retired and to take an approach of integration into overall WCAG conformance.
... there is a question about use cases to address the requirements.
... we should work mobile into the rest of the resources so that mobile is not seen as a separate siloed issue. Need to find where mobile specific info and native apps, testing techniques, etc can be inserted. Its more than just providing an overview. As you go from Q1 to Q3 the questions get more high level.

<Adina> I've added two more points to #2

Sharron: You are not saying to remove the mobile overview page but only that it is not enough?

Susan: Yes that is right, making sure that people understand mobile must be part of their planning, managing, policies, etc. Make sure it is addressed everywhere. We also need to reaffirm who is our audience now - in 2017 - and identify the gaps in our current information for that audience.

KrisAnne: I know as part of the work for this week I was looking at the new HPWDuW. I noticed that the stories of web users have added mobile users so maybe that is a good indication that we are thinking about integration of mobile into our general resources.

Susan: That is great to know I will look at it.
... people with disabilities especially get great use from mobile devices.

Adina: There is the result function to see people's comments. When you look at the survey Susan, be sure to look at that to see how the group has commented


Sharron: Any other topics before we wrap up for the day?

Denis: When I was at CSUN I met a couple of people who work for a sub company of a big Health Care org. They are not W3C members. They have created a role-based accessibility project internally and were presenting on that topic at CSUN. We had a lot of chemistry and common interests. I asked them about availability to join EO.

Denis: since I started the role-based work on the Community Group people have picked it up and iterated, which is great. I started a side channel of work with these new freinds but it is being done outside of EO.
... they are currently giving us their time and energy without participation status.

Adina: Is there a possibility that the membership fees could be on a sliding scale?

Sharron: Yes that exists, but it sounds like this compnay is a large one.

Howard: I was an Invited Expert, EO is still able to do that.

Sharron: Yes but there are considerations about WGs serving the memebers. I will check in with Brent and Shawn and see what is possible. In the meantime, there is no reason why they cannot participate on GitHub and through the WAI-IG list while we sort out the requirements of the charter and new W3C policies around Invited Experts.

Denis: There are a couple of things that must happen first in any case - mapping out the work and checking out the permissions from their companay

Caleb: The VISA folks are all invited experts ... is that a problem?
... we have spoken of having an army of volunteers and the problem becomes coordination if they are not EO participants. Without greater connectivity you lose momentum.

KrisAnne: I understand that it is a member organization but it is tremendously important to have a public face that it human, not in a policy and tech way, but to highlight the human impact of these guidelines and technical specifications. I want people to understand that EO translates tech speak into human speak and the profound importance of that.

Adina: I will send email inquiry about how to provide the most support for EO's charter.

Sharron:Thanks, anything else before we wrap up?

Caleb: Quick update on the re-design work. The decision was made to use NotoSans font and Alicia has updated the visual design based on that. We are using the new look to buidl components - Eric and I are creating buttons, links, grids, etc as a library to use as we build out the site.
... to ensure consistency and give the style guide and componenet library to support that consistency.

Sharron: and the TF face to face?

Caleb: not sure about the exact timing for that, I think the first week of April.

Sharron: Sounds good, are there any other topics that were not on the agenda?
... hearing none, I will ask you to watch for updates to work for this week, a new weekly survey, and don't forget to weigh in on the work that Shadi has done on How People Use Web. Thanks everyone!

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/03/21 15:44:44 $