EOWG Meetings 2019
EOWG Meetings main page
Draft minutes are available at the end of the teleconference at the URI: http://www.w3.org/YYYY/MM/DD-eo-minutes where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, and DD the date. <-- you have to change that in the linked URI :)
20 December Teleconference
- WCAG-EM Report Tool update (<10 minutes)
- Get resolution on minor change "New in WCAG 2.1" -> "Added in WCAG 2.1"
WCAG 2.1 option wording (can add your +1 to the GitHub issue now :-)
- Get resolution on minor change "New in WCAG 2.1" -> "Added in WCAG 2.1"
- Curricula (~40 minutes)
- fyi, Next curriculum agreed on in survey: Developers Intermediate
- Supporting Material - discuss issues from survey results on curricula materials
- Appropriateness for proposal Comparing Course Offerings.
- Proposal Course Types and Formats -- Terminology in Use (clarifying scope).
- 2019–2020 (10-20 minutes)
- Great work!
- Charter process, EOWG Charter for August 2017 - June 2020
- F2F Meetings in 2020 confirmed (survey results on F2Fs, availability results)
- March 2020, CSUN, California, USA
- June 2020, Campus UAB, Barcelona, Spain
- October 2020, W3C TPAC, Vancouver, Canada
- Eval Videos (<remaining time)
- Discuss assistive technology (AT) icons
- Comments for final revisions - discuss any input for now (survey open for additional thoughts)
- Work for this Year (5 minutes)
- Eval Videos survey (closes 7 January)
- Present: @@
- Regrets: @@ (No survey response from @@)
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
13 December Teleconference
- Present: @@
- Regrets: @@ (No survey response from @@)
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
06 December 2019 Teleconference
(Reminder of Reviews (Squirrel, Monkey, Butterfly, etc.:-)
- Evaluation Resources Intro Videos
- Discuss Assistive Technologies icons (to be used in a video very briefly)
- (fyi: Voice-over recording scheduled for next week!)
- Survey for Monkey Review of video changes - open 4-11 December
- WAI 5 ability icon set
- Discuss feedback
- Survey for Monkey Review - open 6-12 December
- Updated WCAG-EM Report Tool
- Summary of changes: Added WCAG 2.1 and import functionality, Minor impact on the UI (to "Scope" and "Audit" sections)
- Survey for Butterfly Review (approval to publish) - open 6-12 December
- Work for this Week
- Eval videos - Survey for Monkey Review of video changes - open 4-11 December
- Curricula support material - Survey for Squirrel Review of requirements analysis - open 4-11 December
- Weekly Survey - open 6-12 December
- WAI 5 ability icon set - Survey for Monkey Review
- WCAG-EM Report Tool - Survey for Butterfly Review (approval to publish)
- Outreach
- Update your Availability for EOWG Teleconferences, especially for 3 January
The meeting began with a reminder to review the newly implemented animal iconsto understand resource review levels. Chairs are available to answer any questions about them. Next Shadi presented the new set of videos for review, explaining that survey responses were used to make modifications. Today's review will confirm that issues have been adequately addressed. Most discussion centered on the disability icons circulated earlier. Shadi thanked the group for the feedback which the producers will consider. He reminded them that the survey would be open until the 11th but after the voiceover is recorded on the 12th changes would be much harder to implement, so please get any additional feedback in ASAP. Shawn reiterated that as these are refined they are likely to be used consistently across the WAI site. Shadi then updated the group on changes that have been made to the WCAG-EM Report Tool, including the option to choose WCAG 2.1 criteria. There is a wish list for further improvements and Shadi is reviewing how much more of the developer's time is available and how to prioritize next steps. Brent closed with a reminder of the open surveys and work for this week.
- Present: Shawn, Sharron(first part), Brent, Helen, Lewis, Laura, Eric, Shadi, Mark, Vicki, Hidde, Howard, Kris Anne
- Regrets: Estella, Kevin, Daniel
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Sharron, 12 December 2019
- [done] Name, Date
22 November 2019 Teleconference
- Resource Project Updates
- Evaluation Videos - Monkey survey just closed. Editor to follow up on comments.
- WAI Curricula - Butterfly Approval survey open until 26 November
- Authoring Tools list - a bit on hold while working on related aspect of submitting tool data
- Evaluation Videos - Survey results
- Overall:
- Different styles for small phrases (eg. "evaluating", "Checks", "not technical", "any web browser", ...)
- Branding videos, especially in the starting sequence of all videos
- Review of specific comments
- Overall:
- Wrap Up
- Face to face meetings in 2020
- End of Year Schedule
- Upcoming work, surveys, holidays
Chairs began the meeting with a review of the current status of resources in development. Highlighted were: the recent conclusion a monkey review survey for the Evaluation Videos. Editor will follow up on comments; WAI Curricula - Butterfly Approval survey open until 26 November; and notification that review of the Authoring Tools list is a bit on hold while the editor works on related aspect of submitting tool data. Looking at theSurvey results of the Evaluation Videos, Shadi led a discussion to resolve submitted comments. The discussion was extensive and led to decisions on most issues. Still unresolved is the need for a "browser plugin" icon and Shadi said that all ideas are welcome and please send them. Brent wrapped up the meeting with a request for all to review proposed Face-to-Face meetings in 2020 and asked that we make some decisions soon for planning purposes.] Chairs also asked that people consider and register their availability through the end of the year holidays so we can finalize an end of year schedule. Thanks for all your contributions.
- Present: Brent, Daniel, Eric, Hidde, Jenn, Kevin, Laura, Lewis, Mark, Shadi, Sharron, Vicki, KrisAnne, Sylvie, Estella, Shawn<
- Regrets: Norah, Amanda, Denis, Howard, Helen, Andrew, Vivienne
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, Date
15 November 2019 Teleconference
- Curricula - preparing to publish first iteration for 3 December (60+/- minutes)
- First iteration and will have Editor availability and Working Group time to make revisions promptly
- Naming sections Issue 117
- Curricula first page - any comments?
- Supporting Materials Requirements Analysis - introduction
- Evaluation Video - optional input on music - who wants to be in group analyzing options? (5 minutes)
- Work for this Week (5 minutes)
- 5 Eval Videos - Monkey Review Survey by Thursday 21 Nov
- Curricula publish first iteration - Butterfly Review Survey by Tuesday 26 Nov
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Lewis, 18 December 2019
08 November 2019 Teleconference
- Curricula - Requirements Analysis, Module 1 draft - upcoming: (10 minutes)
- Requirements Analysis for supporting material - coming next week
- Approval to publish first iteration (and continue development) - coming week of 18 Nov (CW 47)
- W3Cx MOOC - announce in December, run end of January
- Evaluation Video (survey results, compiled) - final decisions: (<90 minutes)
- Better identifying resource titles in the audio
- Clarifying the video only has illustrative visuals
- Pronouncing "WCAG" and "WAI" in different parts
- Showing "WCAG-EM" as a separate sticker/text
- Simplifying text in the end-plate of the video
- Discuss and select improved style for textboxes
- Evaluation Video - optional input on music - who wants to be in group analyzing options? (5 minutes)
- Notifications for wiki page updates and GitHub repositories (optional: if time — 5-10 minutes)
- Work for this Week (5 minutes)
- Starfish review of Authoring Tools List, last chance for big-picture comments! (Eric for Hidde, 1m)
- Upcoming work on Videos - drafts of other videos!
- Upcoming work on Curricula
Minutes: https://www.w3.org/2019/11/08-eo-minutes.html
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, Date
25 October 2019 Teleconference
- WCAG-EM Report Tool - fyi on updates in-progress (pull requests for report tool)
- Evaluation Video draft (Requirements and Scripts)
- Video - discuss all ideas
- Audio options - initial discussion
- Authoring Tools List Draft (Requirements Analysis)
- Notifications for wiki page updates and GitHub repositories
- Work for this Week (5+ minutes)
- Survey on Evaluation Video draft - for additional comments
- Authoring Tools List
- Ready for Starfish review - (Reminder of new names for Review Stages)
- Add your thoughts to Open Issues "EOWG input wanted"
- Outreach: Media Resource
- Meeting next week or not will be updated under Upcoming Teleconferences
The meeting began with an update from Shadi on the changes recently made to the WCAG-EM Report Tool. EO noted the addition of a function to import auto-test results and made a few suggestions about how to be clear about the choice to filter for WCAG 2 or 2.1 as well as Level A, AA, and AAA. Leaving implementation to the editors, EO agreed that the new report tool could launch without further input from the group with the understanding that we can revisit in future as we learn from its use in the community. Next the group reviewed the evaluation animated video draft. We shared the screen and tried to focus primarily on the visuals. The draft was well-received and the following comments will be considered by the editors and the production team for the next draft. These were suggested actions, not final decisions (for editor's discretion):
- Minimize the jarring effect of the logo on the pale blue background (maybe extend to a ribbon across the full width)
- Make fonts fully consistent
- Improve line breaks as suggested
- Make boxes with resource titles look less like buttons and more evocative of web pages.
- Less motion while narration is going (esp sequence about iteration seconds 9-12)
- De-emphasize music (and maybe consider not having it)
- Add clarity to the narration so that the "Including" resources are identified as actual titles.
Wrapping up, Chairs reminded people to stay in touch with work for the week as we will be trying to get more done in GitHub to avoid iterative surveys on the same resources. For example, we will put detailed instruction about the changes to the Authoring Tools list on work for this week. Hidde has arranged it in GitHub so folks know review priorities making it easier to comment there. Also, please continue to do outreach on the recently published Media Resource and generally stay in tune with W4TW. Thanks for all you do!
Minutes: https://www.w3.org/2019/10/25-eo-minutes.html
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, Date
- [done] Vicki, 12 December 2019
- [done] Sylvie, 06 November 2019
18 October 2019 Teleconference
- Evaluation Videos
- Background: survey results and diff of changes due to survey
- Review Stages and Levels
- discuss draft new "animal handles"
- Authoring Tools List
- Outreach — Promoting Media resource
- Work for this Week
- Update your Availability for possible EOWG face-to-face meetings in 2020 - new questions on Barcelona, Spain in June 2020
- Schedule time to review draft video animations next week. Probably available on Wednesday 23 and be discussed on Friday 25 October.
- Review Authoring Tools List Draft and comment in GitHUb or e-mail.
Minutes: https://www.w3.org/2019/10/18-eo-minutes.html
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, Date
- [done] Vicki, 12 December 2019
- [done] Sylvie, 06 November 2019
04 October 2019 Teleconference
- Evaluation Intro Videos - Current versions of scripts
- Discussion around approval survey results
- Objection on overall wording style
- Objection on message of video 5
- Updated disability icons (sent by mail)
- Discussion around approval survey results
- Outreach - Promoting Media resource
- Work for this Week
Minutes: https://www.w3.org/2019/10/04-eo-minutes.html
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, Date
- [done] Sylvie, 10 October 2018
27 September 2019 Teleconference
- Authoring Tools List - Requirements Analysis, early rough mock-up
- WAI-Curricula - Module 1 draft
- Evaluation Videos - Requirements and Scripts
- Survey Reminder: Approval of Scripts for Evaluation Videos
- Outreach - Promoting Media resource
- Work for this Week
- Survey closing Monday, 30 September: Approval of Scripts for Evaluation Videos
The meeting began with a review of comments and how they were addressed relating to the early rough draft of the Authoring Tools List Hidde led conversation to consider whether it was useful to ask vendors about planned future support for currently unmet requirements and post it within the list information. EO leans toward *not* including such info as being more noise than help. Next Daniel led a discussion of recent updates to the WAI-Curricula, especially Module 1 draft Discussion of the section title "Ideas for Assessment" led to EO decision to try "Assess Knowledge" or "Ideas to Assess Knowledge" instead. Discussion around timing concluded with decision to provide statement(s) to dispel any assumption that units/topics/modules should be equal in length or to suggest any hard timings. Can use current Training section of WAI to provide examples of varied timings based on environment, goals, and audiences. Next Shadi led a consideration of comments on the Evaluation Videos - Requirements and Scripts. They are hoping to finalize script and visuals and perhaps even begin animating next week. The iconography, while considered OK for this purpose will need to be revisited, polished, and revised if wider distribution is anticipated. The meeting wrapped up with a reminder of open surveys (please complete!); a look at work in progress for Promoting Media resource recently published, and a reminder to review work for this week and help the editors make progress on their resources. Happy Birthday Shadi and thanks to all!
Minutes: https://www.w3.org/2019/09/27-eo-minutes.html
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Sylvie, 03 October 2019
- [done] Vicki, 03 October 2019
20 September 2019 Teleconference
- Videos
- Discuss sample visuals "stills", e.g., representations of people, disabilities, background color, etc.
- Survey: To approve audio scripts and storyboards (if you can provide input on the storyboards by Wednesday 25, then we can discuss it that Friday 27!)
- WAI-Curricula
- OK changes that we plan to do throughout the other Units: Unit 1 - Changes made in September
- Unit 3 — issues from survey results
- Accessibility reduce development costs.
- Accessibility and quality.
- Relationship between business case and accessibility laws and policies.
- Promoting Media resource (10 minutes)
- Ask personal connections to add link to it. For blog posts, articles, etc. with Comment field, add link in comments where comfortably appropriate.
- Work for this Week
- Current surveys and closing dates listed in Work for this Week
Minutes: https://www.w3.org/2019/09/20-eo-minutes.html
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
13 September 2019 Teleconference
- Eval Videos (survey results, updates following survey comments "diff") - discuss: (60-80 min)
- Finalizing the script
- Overall direction and 'human touch'
- Illustration of 'people' throughout
- Show examples of real 'tools'?
- Tagline 'Essential for some, useful for all'
- Closing screen: order of information
- Video 1: branching out needs more context?
- Video 3: free/non-free tools
- Initial ideas for visuals
- White vs colored (blue/teal) background
- Illustration of 'barriers' as 'bugs'
- Other illustrations ('computer', etc.)
- Finalizing the script
- Authoring Tools List (background: Requirements Analysis) – discuss: (20-30 min)
- Changes to the Authoring Tools List Prototype
- Format of accessibility features we'll ask vendors to report on (note: “partially” triggers a text box)
- The wording of the individual Accessibility Features
- Introduce survey on above
- COGA doc review - 4 Sept e-mail (5 min)
- Media resource promotion (4 min)
- Work for this Week (1 min)
- Curricula Unit 3 Survey
- Curricula Ideas for Assessment Survey
- Authoring Tools List Survey
Minutes: https://www.w3.org/2019/09/13-eo-minutes.html
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Sharron, 20 September 2019
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
8 September 2019 Teleconference
- Media resource (10+ minutes)
- Confirm changes since approval to publish survey
- Check in on graphics (4 Sept e-mail)
- Curricula - discuss: (30+- minutes)
- Updated Unit and Topic titles
- Draft new approach for Ideas for Assessment
- New approach for competencies.
- New style for Homework Ideas.
- Eval Video Scripts (Eval Survey Results) - discuss: (40-60 minutes)
- Repetition between Intro and other videos
- Repetition of illustrations across videos
- Use of text and real screen shots in videos
- Abstract illustrations of users (eg. pawns)
- Abstract illustrations of products (eg. browsers)
- Tagline: "essential for some, useful for all"
- Ending: "For more information [on ...?]"
- [postponed to next week] COGA resource for EOWG comment - COGA announcement (5 minutes)
- Work for this Week (5 minutes)
- Complete the EOWG Weekly Teleconference Availability Survey - Updated with dates to the end of the year
Minutes: https://www.w3.org/2019/09/08-eo-minutes.html
- Present: @@
- Regrets: @@ (No survey response from @@)
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
30 August 2019 Teleconference
16 August 2019 Teleconference
02 August 2019 Teleconference
- Work for this Week & Planning work in August
- Media resource open issues, thorough review, and publication
- Curricula schedule
- Authoring Tool mock-ups for review
- Video scripts for review
- Authoring Tool List Requirements: Discuss and provide feedback / acceptance
if time and participants - Media resource issue: Terminology - Audio Description / Video Description / Described Video- Curricula: Discuss input from 30 July survey
- Unit 5 title discussion - Review GitHub Issue #26 for details, background, and rationale
- Optional word-smithing discussion:
- Changing the word "crucial" - Review GitHub Issue #27 for details, background, and rationale
- Case Study wording - Review GitHub Issue #28 for details, background, and rationale
- Present: Shawn, Brent, Daniel, Estella, Helen, Howard, Jenn, Lewis, Hidde, EricE, Robert, Sylvie
- Regrets: Sharron, Amanda, Laura, Shadi, Vicki (No survey response from Kris Anne, Norah, Chris)
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
26 July Teleconference
- Update on first set of videos on evaluation (<15 minutes)
- Issue: Creating this set of videos in the proposed style/quality takes resources away from the other videos we want to create later on
- Option 1: Explore doing the 5 resource-intro videos in one style, and the 10 easy-checks videos in another style
- Option 2: Explore a different style (eg. screen-casts with minimal graphics instead of animations) for this video set
- Option 3: Reduce the amount of videos, for example only the 5 resource-intro videos or only the easy-checks videos
- Option 4: Continue with this approach because the evaluation videos are important, and reduce on the other videos
- Option 5: Other ideas?
- Media resource update (15+ minutes)
- History of updates
- GitHub issues for EOWG comment
- fyi: Terminology - Audio Description / Video Description / Described Video
- fyi: disposition from last week Level of detail to include and links to outside resources
- updated draft images next week (images issue)
- Outreach (10+ minutes)
- QuickRef - draft tweet for July
- Translations - draft tweet for July
- Authoring Tool list (<15 minutes)
- Introduction to Requirements Analysis
- (We'll discuss the Requirements Analysis next week. We'll have a mock-up in the next week or two.)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
Minutes: 26 July 2019 EOWG
- Present: Vicki, Brent, Lewis, Sharron, Shadi, Eric, Howard, Laura, Daniel, Estella, Shawn
- Regrets: Amanda, Denis, Sylvie, Vicki, Andrew, Hidde
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2019
19 July Teleconference
- Curricula
- Replacing "Prerequisites" with "Competences". Any objections?
- Several formulas to write learning outcomes:
- Learners should be able to: - describe... - Explain... - Define
- Without the "Learners should be able to" introductory sentence: ## Learning outcomes -- - Describing... - Explaining... - Defining..."
- Media resource
- Images (follow-on from last week's discussion)
Important Note: these images are rough concepts drafts, not polished yet- Intro page images
- Planning puzzle?
- Video image if done better?
- Alignment (some right and some left)?
- Checklist images
- Eye-candy images:
- Intro page images
- Linking to outside resources
- Understanding User Needs - new section at the top of the intro page
- Example Video link on Intro page
- Images (follow-on from last week's discussion)
- Reminder of Review Stages and Levels - curricula units and mobile resource moving from "Complete draft" to "Thorough review".
- WrapUp
- Media resource - ready for complete review with updated content - see Work for this Week.
- New survey: Availability for Possible EOWG Face-To-Face Meetings in 2020
- New curricula survey coming soon
Daniel walked EO through the changes he made to the Curriculum based on received comments. On the question of replacing "Prerequisites" with "Competencies," there are mixed feelings. A few folks would prefer simpler language which will be considered, specific suggestions welcome. As well, consideration is being given to how learning outcomes will be referenced. EO should be alert to surveys that will be regularly presented to collect all feedback as the resource development progresses. Next Shawn reviewed changes to the images on the media narrative and the media checklists. Among the comments about placement and meaning was the suggestion to revisit the icon for planning that was previously developed and is in use in the planning guide. Comments were received, noted, and will processed next week. Please watch for revisions and prepare for final, thorough review. On the question of linking to outside resources, there is general acceptance of the need based on current bandwidth for developing detailed instructions. Points made include the need to balance the reality of the current media landscape against WAI's dedication to a neutral, diverse web; need to establish criteria for linking out; and mindfulness of maintenance issues. On the question of the new section on understanding user needs, consensus was that it is an important, useful section. Suggestions were made to link to existing user stories, to consider the 'busyness' of the paragraph, and to be sure we are confident in the placement of the paragraph at the beginning. EO was encouraged to revisit the Review Stages and Levels to be prepared for the next rounds of review of the curriculum and media resources. The meeting wrapped up with a schedule review and a reminder to stay in touch with Work for This Week. Thanks, all.
Minutes: 19 July 2019 EOWG
- Present: Vicki, Daniel, Lewis, Shawn, Hidde, Howard, KrisAnne, Laura, Shadi, Sharron, EricE, Robert
- Regrets: Denis, Sylvie, Brent, Chris, Andrew, Amanda, Estella
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Norah Sinclair, 22 July 2019
- [done] Brent Bakken, 23 July 2019
- [done] Sylvie, 24 July 2019
- [done] name, 00 Month 2019
12 July Teleconference
- EOWG Face-to-Face Meetings
- Curricula
- Unit 1
- Unit 2
- Curricula survey results
- Issues for discussion (might be updated according to feedback)
- Video based resources
- Making Audio and Video Media Accessible (20 minutes)
- Image concept drafts:
- Ready for complete review with updated content! - see History for changes since 19 June survey
- Outreach upcoming
- QuickRef
- Translations
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
Minutes: 12 July 2019 EOWG
- Present:
- Regrets:
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
Minutes: 12 July 2019 EOWG
- Present: Vicki, Daniel, Lewis, Shawn, Hedde, Howard, KrisAnne, Laura, Shadi, Sharron, EricE, Robert
- Regrets: Denis, Sylvie, Brent, Chris, Andrew, Amanda, Estella
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2019
- [done] Sylvie, 24 July 2019
28 June Teleconference
- EOWG production timeline and management
- 4 hour commitment each week
- Survey options include extended time and opt-out
- Current contributions grid can track focus
- Discussion
- Videos - updates to video production planning were posted (based on previous discussions). Will review and discuss survey input to prioritize and schedule work.
- Wrap-Up
- Work for this week will include new curriculum survey
- Outreach on CAPTCHA review
- Thanks and adjourn
Sharron opened the meeting with acknowledgement of the increase in documents for review and comment. She asked EOWG participants to review their commitment of 4 hours each week (including 2 hours of teleconference meeting). To help prioritize how to dedicate time, Chairs and staff contact will:
- Post the time estimated for review and survey for posted resources
- Provide option to ask for extended time to complete survey
- Allow participants to "opt-out" of commenting - but please do answer the survey to document the opt-out.
- Track contributions to various resources on the [https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_Current_Projects#Current_Contributions Current contributions grid.
Next Shadi brought comments about the video resource production plan for discussion, resulting in the following resolution:
RESOLUTION: focus first set of videos on evaluation. (Do not go forward now - might later - with videos on: Planning and Managing, Business Case, Contacting Organizations, Accessibility Statements.)
There was discussion on bringing to video the "Involving Users with Disabilities..." resource but time ran out and did not reach consensus. Tabled for now. The meeting wrapped up with a reminder about work for this week and the surveys, which have been extended a bit. Thanks for all you do and have a nice weekend.
21 June 2019 Teleconference
- Making Audio and Video Media Accessible - draft is ready for review (almost complete)! (60-100 minutes)
- Discuss comments on content — including any comments from the optional survey or new comments in the meeting:
- Are all topics covered well? Is anything missing? Is anything in there that shouldn't be?
- Are there any significant issues?
- Any comments on details that we want to discuss in this meeting? (Things that probably don't need discussion you can just put in the survey or GitHub.)
- Discuss Sign Languages - How to Cover?
- (if time) Discuss Other Language Audio
- Discuss comments on content — including any comments from the optional survey or new comments in the meeting:
- EOWG teleconference preparation process question (5-10 minutes)
- Work for this Week and upcoming surveys (5 minutes)
Discussed Making Audio and Video Media Accessible. For Intro page, considered links moved from "Making Media Accessible"(previous) section to first section: "Elements of Accessible Audio and Video Media"(current). RESOLUTION: Leave links in the first section. Discussed issues from survey and others.
Minutes: 21 June 2019 EOWG
- Present: Brent, Lewis, Howard, Robert, Estella, Vicki, Sylvie, Eric, Hidde, Daniel, Shadi, Shawn
- Regrets: Sharron, Laura, Amanda, Jennifer (No survey response from actives Howard, Kris Anne, Norah, Chris)
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Sharron
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
07 June 2019 Teleconference
- Silver Update
- A peek at the Template for Silver content
- Curricula
- Background: WAI Curricula Requirements Analysis
- Unit 5: Applying and managing accessibility
- Survey Results
- Guidance for discussion: Issues from surrvey and general quesstions for discussion
- Outreach Updates - any to report?
- Wrap-up
- Coming Surveys
- Work for this week
- Other announcements?
Jeanne gave an update of Silver Task Force work, especially a summary of recent focus at the face to face meeting held at AccessU in Austin. The meeting resulted in a change to process, comments and actions. EOWG is invited to review and participate. Daniel thanked participants who had commented on the Curriculum Survey and led a discussion related to those comments and the structure of the resource in general. Points made included the need for policy to be a driver in planning and managing accessibility; discussion on how "Suggested Teaching Materials" would be understood; suggestions for alternative wording; understanding that topic delivery order is meant to be flexible; discussion of checklist. The question was raised if the curriculum is intended to focus solely on web accessibility or is it larger in scope? It is meant to be web-focused was the reply. Daniel will review the discussion and integrate suggestions for the next iteration. EOWG has responsibility for outreach and we polled to see what had been seen or done. A mention of GAAD tweets and not much else. Chairs will plan for a more formal outreach campaign. Announcements included the great news that the European Accessibility Act based on WCAG is now in effect and is applicable for banks, airlines, retail, etc. Wrapped up with the notice to please stay current with W4TW and thanks for all you do!
- Present: Sharron(first part), Howard, Lewis, Estella, Shawn, Laura, Daniel, Shadi, Jeanne(first part), Jenn(first part), KrisAnne
- Regrets: Vicki, Brent, Sylvie (No survey response from most people)
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
31 May 2019 Teleconference
- Media Resource
- Final Concept Design, Requirements, History of changes
- Overall organization ready for EOWG approval.
- Title.
- Upcoming Work
- Curricula - Unit 5 revised for review next week. Unit 1 coming next.
- Videos - Final overall plan and detailed outlines coming in June.
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
- Curricula Unit 5 for review probably Tuesday in prep for Friday telecon
- Updates to Introduction to Web Accessibility - minor link and wording updates primarily for business case
Estel-la Oncins Noguer has joined EOWG and briefly introduced herself. Estel-la is a Post-Doctoral researcher at the TransMedia Catalonia and posted a full introduction to the group on the EO mailing list. Attending EO contributors did a round of brief introductions and welcome. Shawn next led a review of the proposed conceptual design for what is currently - and temporarily - referred to as the Media Resource. The group considered a preview of the current organizational approach and passed the following Resolution:
EOWG approves this overall organization.
Next the group considered how to title the resource. Shawn will take the feedback, process it, and return with a short list of options. Input from contributors included:
- Need for global recognition of terms complicates naming conventions
- Ensuring resource is well tagged with anticipated search terms is as important as title.
- There are mixed feelings about the use of WAI in the title:
- Pro: adds authority, neutral, gives confidence among those who know WAI, helps strengthen the WAI brand among those who do not, links seen out of context of the site add to WAI brand recognition.
- Con: Unnecessary as it is already on the WAI site, most people do NOT know WAI and so it is marginally useful, may have implications in naming future resources.
Finally, the meeting wrapped up with notice to stay in touch with work for this week. There is likely to be a survey on Tuesday to prepare EO for Friday's meeting, including a look at the updates to the curriculum based on F2F feedback and the current state of planning for the video scripting production. Availability surveys are updated. Thanks to all contributors, see you next week!
- Present: Sharron, Howard, EricE, Laura, Robert, Shawn, Lewis, Brent, KrisAnne, Estella
- Regrets: Amanda, Andrew, Vicki, Sylvie, Denis, Chris
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, date
- [Done] Daniel, June 3rd 2019
- [done] Sylvie, 20 June 2019
13 & 14 May Face-to-Face
03 May Teleconference
- May EOWG Face-to-Face meeting
- Updates
- Final Attendance
- Videos for training - requirements analysis
- Overall videos page — Deliverable 1
- Discuss proposed videos
- Accessibility Roles & Responsibilities Mapping (ARRM)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
The weekly meeting began with a reminder of the logistics for the upcoming EOWG face to face meeting in Austin on May 13th. Next was consideration and discussion of the requirements and production planning for the first set of five videos intended to support greater understanding and use of WAI/EOWG resources. The group decided to postpone production of a short intro to the QuickRef since that document is due to change significantly within the next year. Focus will be on short, instructional videos about how to use resources including Evaluation documents, Planning and Managing and the Business Case. Suggestion was made to add Accessibility Statements as a stand alone video. Full discussion can be found in the meeting minutes. Updates to production approach and plans are documented in the Video Resource page of the EO wiki. Next the group heard from Denis about the changes the ARRM group has made to the Role Based Decision Tree, including expansion from 5 to 7 steps and the addition of roles to the considerations. We are asked to review the process in advance of the face to face meeting and be prepared to comment about the new approach. Chairs wrapped up with a reminder to complete surveys and stay current with Work for This Week.
- Present: Brent, Sharron, Robert, Shawn, Lewis, Laura, EricE, Daniel, Shadi, Denis, Vicki, Howard, KrisAnne
- Regrets: Vivienne, Rachel, Amanda, Stephane, Sarah, Bri, Sylvie, Andrew, Jennifer
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, Date
- [done] Sylvie, 20 June 2019
26 April Teleconference
- May EOWG Face-to-Face meeting (5 minutes)
- Updates
- Final Attendance
- Accessible Media Resource (60 minutes)
- Background: Overview, Brief notes from last teleconference, What has changed & ideas for input
- Requirements Analysis — work towards agreement on content (keeping in mind this is internal only so doesn't need to have perfect grammar, etc.)
- Rough Concept Draft — discuss high-level organization, structure, flow, tone, approach, meeting audience needs, overall content, etc. (not word-smithing or copy-editing or design nit-picks yet, please)
- Title — share ideas for draft/working title
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
- Present: @@
- Regrets: @@
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, Date
- [done] Sylvie, 20 June 2019
19 April Teleconference
- Outreach - Continue with Translations Campaign
- Accessible Media resource
- Discuss questions, suggestions, and other feedback on the first 3 sections (Overview, Requirements Analysis, Outline) of the Accessible Media Resource Project Page
- WAI Curricula
- sample teaching outline
- separated "teaching outline" into smaller "lessons"
- focus only on "Lesson 1: Stories of People with Disabilities"
- is this the right type of content? structure? granularity?
- Naming of resource
- sample teaching outline
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
Starting off with an outreach review, Chairs reminded the group that Translations was the current focus, please point to any mentions that you have made or seen. Next resource for outreach will be determined by planning team, suggestions welcome. Next outreach campaign, including highlighted resource on WAI home page, coming soon. Shawn then asked for input on the requirements document for the Accessible Media Resource, back in rotation to be completed and published. There were mixed feelings and discussion concluded:
- content/video creators and implementers are primary audience
- need to add examples of videos meant for internal rather than public use
- add examples of university/educational settings
- guidance needed for which WCAG SCs apply to media implementation
- unresolved question of whether this is/isn't a "tutorial"
Shadi and Daniel presented their recent formatting of the WAI Curriculum resource. Using EO suggestions that presentation should be more granular, they have broken content into "lessons" within Units. EO general response was quite positive that this is a good direction. In considering how to name the resource, consideration was given to the term "curricula" and to the use of the WAI name in the title. Please add additional thoughts to the Curricula Naming page of the EO wiki. Brent wrapped up with reminders to check regularly on Work for this Week to complete surveys and stay up with progress on projects.
- Present: Sharron, Brent, Laura, Robert, Lewis, Shawn, Daniel, Shadi, Sylvie, EricE, Howard
- Regrets: Vivienne, Amanda, Stéphane, Sarah, Andrew, Bri, Jenn, Vicki, KrisAnne, Chris
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Vicki, 25 April 2019
05 April Teleconference
- Introductions - new EOWG participants and new WAI staff
- Curricula - issues from survey (Shadi)
- Curricula naming (Shadi)
- Easy Checks Next (Sharron)
- Background: Easy Checks Project plan, Easy Checks Next Gen, Easy Checks 2 April minutes
- Discussion: WAI bookmarklets suggested to allow significant simplification.
- Outreach
- Wrap up (5 minutes)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
- Face to face meeting availability survey (meeting next month in Austin, please update availability.)
- Weekly survey with video question - Complete by Friday 5 April
- Approval to Publish Updates to Accessibility Principles Complete by Tuesday 09 April
The meeting began with introduction of new staff Daniel Montalvo who will work with Shadi on the WAI-Guide project and new member participant Jenn Chadwick of Site Improve. After the round of introductions Shadi thanked the group for their comments on the curriculum question he had posed in last week's survey. There was discussion about the feedback given on the overall structure, the teaching outline, and other suggestions for how the modules may be perceived and used. For the most part, the group preferred "assistive technology" to "access technology;" slight preference for "instructor" over "trainer" and disinclination to point to many (if any) external resources. The reason for this had mostly to do with maintenance. Looking at resources currently determined to be "outdated" due to broken links, Vicki volunteered to remove links and update content of "Better Web Browsing" - thank you Vicki! Next was discussion of the easy Checks revision. From the small group meetings, there are questions for EOWG about whether to use bookmarklets directly within the new version and request for suggestion of more current tools to use as examples. If EO contributors have suggestions, please add to Suggested tools to consider for Easy Checks. The meeting wrapped up with a reminder that translation outreach is active, anf to look at surveys and work for this week. Thanks for all you do.
05 April 2019 EOWG Meeting Minutes
- Present: Brent, Sharron, Howard, Shawn, Shadi, Laura, Daniel, Jenn, Vicki, Denis, EricE, Kris_Anne, Chris
- Regrets: Stéphane, Amanda, Sarah, Andrew, Lewis, Norah, Sylvie
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Sylvie, 19 April 2019
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
02 April 2019 Easy Checks small group Teleconferences (2)
Pacific Meeting: Several people noted that they frequently point people to Easy Checks; it is easy and useful; and would be good for us to update it. Noted that many people still have only IE, e.g., in government; thus, we should keep IE WAT instructions. Even though WAT is not being updated, it still works fine. (However, some readers think they need to download IE to do the checks.) Any tool we include needs to be easy to use and the results easy to understand.
Europe Meeting: Participant goals centered around making it seem updated, making it easier, and sticking to the basics. There was general agreement to do a phased approach to get updates in soon, and plan for longer-term improvements. A different approach to the content was discussed: to provide bookmarklets for the checks, instead of instructions for other tools. Some supported that idea now; some want more information. Sharron took the task of investigating and documenting potential issues, pros, cons. We also discussed having a concrete example (such as page title) to help with evaluating the approach. The group supported bringing this idea to all of EOWG this week to get initial input.
Minutes of both meetings: https://www.w3.org/2019/04/02-eo-minutes.html
- Present:
- Pacific Meeting: Andrew, Amanda, Bri, Shawn, Sharron
- Europe Meeting: Sylvie, Laura, Kris Anne, Eric, Shawn, Sharron
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
29 March Teleconference
- Outreach campaign - Translations ready for you to promote!
- Video-Based Resources - discuss updated proposal and priorities (note: updated based on input from last EOWG meeting)
- Pages available for EOWG input:
- F2F meeting reminders:
- Mon 13 & Tue 14 May 2019 in Austin with AccessU - confirmed!
- September 2019 in Japan with TPAC (probably Mon 16 & Tue 17)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
- Video question on weekly survey
- Curricula survey - First Review of "People And Access Technology" - complete by Thursday 4 April
- Approval survey (coming) for Accessibility Principles 2.1 updates - complete by Tuesday 9 April
- Present: Sharron, Lewis, Shadi, Shawn, Robert, Laura, Denis, Howard, KrisAnne, Vicki
- Regrets: Eric, Denis, Brent, Amanda, Stephane, Sarah, Andrew, Bri, Sylvie, Vivienne
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Sylvie, 1 April 2019
- [done] Eric 2019-04-04
- [done] Brent, 05 April, 2019
- [done] Name, Date
22 March Teleconference
- F2F meetings
- Thanks for productive meeting before CSUN!
- Mon 13 & Tue 14 May 2019 in Austin (to be confirmed)
- September 2019 in Japan with TPAC (probably Mon 16 & Tue 17)
- Outreach
- Add 2019 Mentions of EOWG & other WAI resources
- Everyone can do now
- Next campaign: WAI Translations - discuss audience, messages, initial announcements
- Pages available for EOWG input
- Curriculum - developing team, who's interested (10 minutes)
- Video priorities - discuss options on Suggested Deliverables
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
- Approve WCAG Quick Ref tags for 2.1 success criteria
- Curricula
- ...
First item on the agenda was to welcome to EOWG Jennifer Chadwick (Jenn) whe serves as the Lead Accessibility Strategist, North America at Siteimprove. She is based in Toronto, Canada and is interested in working with the new curriculum project. Next was a recap of the recent face to face meeting. Thanks for productive face-to-face meeting before CSUN. Upcoming face-to-face meetings: Mon 13 & Tue 14 May 2019 in Austin with AccessU (to be confirmed), September 2019 in Japan with TPAC (probably Mon 16 & Tue 17).
Some outreach ready now. Campaign on WAI Translations coming next week.
New and updated pages for EOWG input added to Work for this Week, for discussion at next EOWG telecon.
Curricula is ready for EOWG review and comment. Seeking people who want to be on sub-group for focused work on it.
Lots of discussion on Videos. (That page will be updated with input from the meeting.)
Actions for everyone:
- F2F availability: update https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/EO-2019-F2F-Input/
- Outreach: Everyone can do now & Add 2019 Mentions of EOWG & other WAI resources
- Several surveys this week
- Present: Howard, Lewis, Shawn, Brent, Laura, Jenn, Norah, Chris, Shadi, Vicki
- Regrets: Sharron, Eric, Amanda, Stephane, Robert, Sylvie
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Sharron, 25 March
- [done] Stephane, 27 March
- [done] Sylvie, 29 March
- [done] Eric, 2019-04-04
- [done]Name, Date
01 March Teleconference
- Translations - Introduce final design
- WAI Curricula
- CSUN Face-to-Face Agenda
- Review materials prior to the meeting
- Daylight Savings time switch reminder (US - 10 March) - World Clock
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
- QuickRef Tags for new 2.1 SCs
- UnDoc work
- Attendance Survey
Shawn and Eric have completed a design for the presentation of translated WAI documents and provided a preview of the translations interface for EO review and comment. Response was quite positive and Shawn gave kudos to Eric for his hard work and asked for an opinion on whether to soft launch. Is it OK if a buzz gets going before an official announcement is made? Those in attendance felt that would be no problem. If you would like to comment, please send email to wai-eo-editors@w3.org. Shadi updated on progress on the planning of the WAI curricula and pointed to WAI Guidepage of the wiki. EOWG looks forward to working on this at the face to face later this month and Shadi will provide advance prep materials. Howard is working on a similar resource for UC and eager to collaborate. Shadi and Howard will meet and bring the plan to the Chairs for consideration of when and how to best work together. Chairs the walked the group through additional topics for the F2F Agenda. Shawn explained the task of WGAC 2.1 SC integration and suggested the group be prepared in advance for that work as well. Sharron updated about QuickRef tagging, planned for completion on Wednesday March 6. Shadi reminded us of video brainstorms started at TPAC. He suggested to continue the discussion as part of curricula and/or outreach considerations. Wrapped up with a reminder to check work for this week, complete surveys as posted, and prep for March face to face meeting. Thanks for all you do!
- Present: Sharron, Lewis, Kris Anne, Shawn, Shadi, EricE, Brent, Sylvie, Laura, Howard, Norah
- Regrets: Vicki, Andrew (No survey response from Vivienne, Jes, Robert, Denis, Rachel, Stephane, Kris Anne, Brent, Howard, Amanda, Chris, Lewis, Norah)
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done]Vicki, 07 Month 2019
08 February Teleconference
- Outreach tracking - please record Mentions of EOWG & WAI Resources
- Current Participant Contributions - thanks!!! what else?
- Quick Ref - call for contributors for team to develop tags for 2.1 SCs
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
Chairs let the group know that we were activating the outreach plan developed at October's face to face meeting. To help document and perhaps amplify the messaging around EO and WAI resources, we are asking EO contributors to post to the outreach wiki page or drop a line to the planning group about any outreach that you do yourself or any mentions that you find "in the wild." Stéphane confirmed that internal use of WAI resources for training or advocacy was useful to note as well. Norah suggested we develop a calendar for "Feature of the Month" so we can coordinate and all be singing the same tune. We will take some time at the March face to face to do that. Next Shawn shared a table she has made of current contributions by EO participants. The purpose is to acknowledge work by so many and invite additional participation by keeping everyone informed about what is in queue and coming up. All are invited to review and let staff know if changes/updates are needed. Also contact chairs to participate in work on areas of interest. Sharron will lead a small group to update QuickRef tags related to new 2.1 SCs. Please step up to help if you have interest and time. Undoc team has shipped batches 1 and 2 to AG and nearly ready to ship batch 3. Developing a productive weekly cadence. Brent wrapped up with a reminder to check the work for the week and again, thanks for all you do.
- Present: Stéphane, Sharron, Lewis, Laura, Shawn, Brent, Shadi, Howard, EricE, Chris, Norah, Vicki, Kris Anne, Sylvie
- Regrets: Andrew, Robert, Amanda
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
18 January 2019 Teleconference
- Accessibility Roles & Responsibilities Mapping (ARRM)
- Discuss survey comments
- WAI resources tour - user quotes leading to "We have a resource for that!"
- Share ideas for quotes that are engaging, succinct, and have broad coverage
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
- Business case bibliography additions
- Translations updates
- Change Text Size or Colors in translations UI - proposal, GitHub issue 122
- New issue: "you" translate formal 123
The meeting focused on processing comments received from EO contributors related to the Accessibility Roles and responsibilities Mapping tool (ARRM). Denis thanked everyone for their useful comments and first addressed a request to begin informally sharing it privately with work colleagues outside of EO. Denis weighed the risk of releasing something before the process was fully proven and urged the group to wait for a few months until there has been an opportunity to work more of the statements through the decision tree and be sure it still holds. The team will try to accelerate the process of assigning primary ownership of each statement and get a stable draft in place to share privately. They will then circle back to assign secondary and tertiary levels of responsibility and hope to get useful feedback from external teams who may be using it informally. Denis asked for support from EO to develop the overview and introductory materials. The question of whether to call the list items "checkpoints" was discussed at length. The ARRM team was asked to consider all the comments and alternative suggestions. Finally, the choice of what to call the items is left to their discretion. Next Shawn shared that she will give a webinar called "Tour of WAI Resources." her intent is to make short video clips of people asking questions about finding things on WAI and her tour will be given in response to those. She asked for input on her list of questions. Some people expressed concern about the approach of video clips in a live webinar and Shawn will consider them. The meeting wrapped up with a note that there is not a current survey but please check in with the work for this week, remember that we are seeking people with interest and ability for translations, and update your availability and topic suggestions for the face to face meeting in March. Thanks all!
- Present: Sharron, Vicki, Denis, Howard, Shadi, Brent, Lewis, Laura, EricE, Robert, SteveLee, Shawn, Rachel, Sean, BillTyler, Norah, KrisAnne
- Regrets: Amanda, Andrew, MaryJo, Norah, Sylvie, Vivienne, Bri
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
11 January 2019 Teleconference
- Translation Priorities for WAI Resources
- Discuss any rationale for different priorities
- Archive "How to Change Text Size or Colors"?
- Discuss rationale for options
- Cognitive Accessibility (COGA) resources
- Introduce existing COGA documents and initial ideas for new WAI Resources on COGA (COGA wiki)
- EOWG Face-to-Face Meeting at CSUN conference 11 & 12 of March (1 minute)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
- COGA resources
- Wrap-Up
The meeting began with happy new year wishes all around and an introduction of COGA TF staff contact Steve Lee to EOWG contributors. Next Shawn reviewed the current proposal for prioritization of translation of WAI resources. Discussion included questions about hierarchy of current considerations for translation and where Policies might fit in the list. Overall the group seems satisfied with the current priorities DRAFT list with a suggestion to make more clear that this is not a comprehensive list of intended resources for translation but only the primary and secondary priorities. Also mentioned was the close collaboration with Internationalization and how they intend to adopt some of the methodology that Shawn has implemented for WAI. Next was a discussion bout whether to archive the page "How to Change Text Size or Colors." Discussion led to the conclusion that the page should be simplified, generalized, and maintained. Robert will do that. Then a discussion of how to link to it led to suggestions that will be compiled in GitHub. Steve Lee then provided background on COGA work and asked for EO help in making the resources findable and usable for more of the general public. This was an introduction of the idea and more detail will be provided next week. A final date and location is set for the EOWG face to face meeting at CSUN. EO contributors will please add availability and ideas for topics to the wiki page. Please check in with work for this week as well. Thanks all for your valuable contributions, and happy new year!
- Present: Sharron, Shawn, Lewis, Steve Lee, EricE, Shadi, Laura, KrisAnne, Robert, Norah
- Regrets: Amanda, Sylvie, Andrew, Vicki, Brent, Denis
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018
[template] 00 Month 2019 Teleconference
Minutes: @@
- Present: @@
- Regrets: @@ (No survey response from @@)
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2018