EOWG F2F March 2019
Pearson and CSUN Conference
Dates: 11-12 March 2019
Location: Anaheim Marriott, CA, USA (Conference Hotel information)
Meeting room: 304 (Silver: 312, AG: 315)
WiFi Network: CSUNATC19 - password CSUNATC19
Observers are welcome, with permission of the Co-Chairs.
- IRC info
- Tuesday WebEx
- Phone: Not planning a teleconference connection, as no one has said they will participate by phone.
Materials for Meeting
Please review materials before the meeting.
WCAG 2.1 SC Updates in EOWG Resources
- Add judiciously, not need to add for every SC
- Record general idea, don't have time now for polished wordsmithing
- Example additions: proposal for Accessibility Principles
- Group 1: Chris, Laura, Mary Jo, Shadi, Sharron
- How People with Disabilities Use the Web (3 sub-pages) — add relevant info
- Results: Analysis & pull request coming
- Group 2: Brent, Howard, Kris Anne, Vicki
- Perspectives pages (10 sub-pages) — add relevant info
- Results: proposed addition to Colors with Good Contrast, proposed addition to keyboard, Analysis (google sheet) includes some "maybe"s
- Group 3: Andrew, Eric, Robert, Sarah, Shawn
- Tips for Getting Started Writing, Designing, Developing — consider if any meet the criteria for a new tip
- Easy Checks — consider if any meet the criteria for an "easy check"
- Results: Tips & Easy Checks suggestions (google doc)
- ? Later: Tutorials
- Curricula Requirements Analysis
- Introduction to Web Accessibility overview outline of initial module
- To comment before the meeting: curricula new GitHub issue
Brainstorms from 22 Oct 2018 (listed in survey), previous ideas
Focus on videos supporting training.
Decision Tree Review (1st part)
GOAL: Show progress, persona-based framework validation (using Keyboard Access content type), automated testing and WCAG 2.1 adds.
- Role definition document - updated version following 1st round of comments
- Accessibility Checkpoint Master List - updated with 4 content types (IMG, DOC, KBD, FRM)
- Role-Based Decision Tree - updated version following 1st round of comments
Breakout groups (2nd part)
GOAL: Task points and ownership validation, using framework to create breakdown (3 groups - guided workshop, templates)
- Images and Graphs — participants: ARRM Team Lead (Bill) + Andrew, Brent, Chris
- Document Structure — participants: ARRM Team Lead (Denis) + Kris Anne, Laura, Sharron, Vicki
- Keyboard Access — participants: ARRM Team Lead (Sean) + Eric, Mary Jo, Robert, Sarah
Easy Checks
- Easy Checks Next Gen links to current resource, open issues, project plan framework
- Survey includes comments on approach
- Reminder to list Mentions of EOWG & other WAI resources
- Everyone can do now
- Promotional campaigns upcoming
- Messaging for upcoming campaigns
- Cadence/frequency
- Social media, blog posts, articles - list of venues and contacts
- Policies Workflow
- Open issues related to content
- Open issues related to user interface, functionality, etc.
- Overview / Update
- Plain Language Workshop
- Documents for before and after training
- [@@ Plain Language Workshop support document]
Monday, March 11
- 8:00 am: Room opens, coffee and tea available
- 8:30 am: gather, greetings, contributions, agenda review
- 9:00 am: 2.1 updates to EOWG docs (all)
- Task introduction (Shawn), Q & A on task activities
- Small group work on updating docs
- 10:30 am - 10:50 am: Break
- 10:45 am - 12:30 pm: 2.1 updates to EOWG docs
- Small groups complete work
- All: Review small group work and address issues.
- All: Discuss proposals from Group 3 on potential additional Tips and Checks.
- 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm: Lunch in the meeting room
- 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm: Easy Checks
- 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm: Silver update (from Jeanne and Shawn L.)
- 3:00 pm - 3:20 pm: Break
- 3:20 pm to end of day: Break-outs:
Tuesday, March 12
- 8:00 am: Room opens, coffee and tea available
- 8:30 am - 10:10: Curriculum (Shadi leads)
- 10:10 am - 10:30 am: Break
- 10:30 am - noon: Curriculum (continued) and Videos
- noon - 12:45 pm: Lunch in the meeting room
- 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm: ARRM - Decision Tree Review (Denis leads)
- 2:00 pm - 2:20 pm: Break
- 2:20 pm - 3:00 pm: ARRM - Work in breakout groups
- 3:00 pm - end of day: Breakout Groups
Accessibility accommodations are available on request.
Food provided will include vegan, gluten-free, and low-carb options.
If you have accessibility or food requests, send them to public-eo-plan@w3.org with subject: F2F Request (or privately to the chairs & team contact).
Ideas for topics
2.1 updates to EOWG docs — Good work for F2F (shawn from EOWG current projects) - anytime, up to full day?ARRM — Discussion (Tuesday) and F2F follow up on the development of this resource. Maybe an hour or so, going over latest developments, knocking off some remaining issues and concerns, getting feedback from the group. (Denis Boudreau) (Chairs tweak - spend enough time so that participants really get into it and understand the approach, issues, etc.) - Tuesday, 1/4-1/2 dayCurriculum — ... (shawn 4 shadi) - Monday anytime or Tuesday morning (not tue afternoon), 1/2 dayPolicies — Address open issues (shawn from EOWG current projects) - Andrew, Mary Jo, Robert, Lainey, [Sharron, Brent, Shawn] -- Monday late afternoonOutreach — easy things that everyone can do! (Shawn, Sharron, Brent) - ideas- Comment on blogs & such (Shawn)
featured resource monthly or so for everyone to focus their promotion (Norah)
SilverEasy Checks
probably not:
- ? Videos — ... (shawn 4 shadi)
- ?[hope to do before CSUN] 2.1 QuickRef — Tags for new 2.1 SCs -- would this be good small group work? (shawn from EOWG current projects)
- Translations QA — QA process for translation submissions (est. 20 mins) (shawn)
- User Stories / Persona integration — will probably have COGA at least by then, and maybe some mobile, maybe AccessLearn if we push them? @@link to them ... (shawn) - Needs project leader to define goals, issues etc. -- then probably would be good F2F discussion.
- COGA — IA of resources (Shawn & Steve)
- 2.1 UnDocs — would this be good small group work? (Shawn 4 Brent & Norah)
Expected participation in F2F survey
Attending in person
Attending Monday and Tuesday:
- Andrew Arch (expect both days)
- Brent Bakken
- Chris O'Brien
- Eric Eggert
- Howard Kramer (morning only on Tuesday, taking workshop in p.m.)
- Kris Anne Kinney (will be there both days)
- Laura Keen
- Mary Jo Mueller (I'm pretty sure)
- Robert Jolly
- Sarah Pulis (expect both days)
- Shadi Abou-Zahra
- Sharron Rush
- Shawn Henry
- Vicki Menezes Miller (strong likelihood for both days)
Attending Monday only:
- ...
Attending Tuesday only:
- Bill Tyler (traveling on Monday)
- Denis Boudreau (traveling on Monday)
By phone
- Lewis Phillips - Tuesday
Cannot participate
- Sylvie
- Norah Sinclair
- Stéphane Deschamps