Contacts for promotion
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Suggested format for listings:
- What it is - contact person (who knows how to contact them). Notes on what types of material is most relevant for it/them.
W3C & WAI channels
- WAI highlight appears on WAI home page. WAI RSS Feed.
- WAI IG Announcement list and Discussion list
- W3C News appears on W3C home page; populates twitter, W3C newsletters, ...
- Twitter: w3c_wai, w3c (auto-populated from w3c news)
- Facebook: w3c (auto-populated from w3c news)
- Linkedin: w3c
- bi-weekly W3C news
General Web designer & developer
Note: One contact for each document being promoted may wish to set up a few Google Alerts with relevant phrases in order to monitor and document where references to that document are being made.
Lists & Misc:
- WSG Announcements (If you have an event, resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any country), please let me know - russ at )
- Web Design References, UMD - Laura Carlson. form to Suggest a Link
- A List Apart (tech notes?)
- Smashing Magazine
- Net Magazine
- SitePoint
- OReilly Radar
- WritersUA monthly user assistance update contact: Joe W. joe at welinske dot com
- Links for light reading Max Design / Russ Weakley - distributed through Web Standards Group
- Higher Education Web Professionals Association (HighEdWeb)
- International Webmasters Association/HTML Writers Guild (IWA/HWG) Is this still active enough?
- Web Design and Developers Association
- Web Industry Professionals Association Incorporated (WIPA) of Australia
- World Organization of Webmasters (WOW)
Web Accessibility focused
Lists & Misc:
- LinkedIn Groups - Jennison A.
- The WebAIM Email Discussion List
- Knowbility Blog, Universally Designed - posters: Sharron, Wayne
- Accessibility India Maxability blog accessibilityindia @
- Do It Myself Blog - Glenda Watson-Hyatt
- Nomensa's Humanizing Technology Blog - Léonie W (has contact info: Jennifer, Shawn)
- accessiWatch v0.1 (2011) (Denis B.)
- The Paciello Group Blog (Tech Notes?)
- STC Accessibility Sig
- Coalition of Organizations for Accessible Technology (COAT)
- Knowbility - Sharron R.
- The WebAIM Newsletter (Jared Smith)
Disability focused
- Helen Walsh - Diverse Disability Media - DDM - <diversedisabilitymedia @ comcast.[basketball___]>
Organizations that have blogs, newsletters, lists, etc.:
- Disability.Gov - Disability.Gov (has contact info: George)
- Institute for Human Centered Design (IHCD) - Jennifer O. (has contact info: Shawn)
- American Foundation for the Blind - Paul S. (has contact info: Jennifer, Shawn)
- Royal National Institute for the Blind (has contact info: Vicki)
- NFB Technology Access Blog - Mark R & Clara V (has contact info: Jennifer, Shawn)
- The American Council of the Blind - Melanie B. (has contact info: Jennifer)
- Visionaware - ?name (has contact info: Jennifer)
- San Francisco Lighthouse - ?name (has contact info: Jennifer)
- Podcast - Assistive Technology Update produced by Easter Seals indata Indiana Assistive Technology Act: The publication is "AT Update" and consists of Fast-paced news, tips, and interviews for AT professionals and enthusiasts. While services are provided throughout Indiana, information seems wide-ranging. Here's the Contact page.
- LF Legal [especially for policies and standards harmonization)
- HeadStar E-Access Live and E-Access Bulletin - Dan J. (has contact info: Jennifer, Shawn)
- United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) (has contact info: Vicki)
E-mail lists:
- (subscribed: Jennifer)
- VICUG-L@LISTSERV.ICORS.ORG 285 members (subscribed: Jennifer)
- ...
- Medium
- HuffPost
The following reporters have covered web accessibility and might be interested in covering more.
- Julia Métraux — Please put my new email on your PR lists for disability-related issues! Thank you! May 2023 tweet
- Emily Johnson, Digital Content Editor, InformationWeek — 10 Oct 2018 UI Developers Move the Needle on Accessibility
- Lisa Morgan, Freelance Writer, InformationWeek — 10 Oct 2018 Good Tech Design is Accessible, But There's a Skills Gap
Miscellaneous Items That Need Closer Review/Consideration
- See if any of these blogs seem worth hand-picking
- See if any of these associations seem worth targeting