EOWG Meetings 2016
EOWG Meetings main page
Minutes from the WAI site TF are one a separate page.
Draft minutes are available at the end of the teleconference at the URI: http://www.w3.org/YYYY/MM/DD-eo-minutes where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, and DD the date.
16 December 2016 Teleconference
- Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility (30+ minutes)
- Latest draft of Easy Checks
- Open issues to discuss:
- Diff of the changes over the last week - since the review survey went out (scroll down to see diff)
- (e-mail with other links)
- Approval to publish?
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility - Policy Links (20+ minutes)
- Rough Prototype
- Current Status
- Upcoming Work
- Web Accessibility Tutorials (20+- minutes)
- Carousels - Comments overview
- Structure – Generally OK, question is styling page: Is it distinct enough or should we point at the future Design Tutorial and just list styling considerations on the Carousels Concepts page (or somewhere else). (Anatomy is now Structure again.)
- Code – Generally OK, but some might be too much: Depends on how developer focused we want to do it. One idea would be to add links to the Full Code for people who want the deep dive.
- Links – Generally OK, people didn’t care too much. However there might be a gain in clearly marking in-tutorial vs. extra-tutorial links (but not distinguish between WAI and non-WAI links, and non-W3C links).
- Site Navigation
- General overview of the new organization
- Some pain points with the new structure
- Carousels - Comments overview
- Weekly Work Report - What got done? What's planned next? What help is needed? Current Work, RM Tool (10 minutes)
- Mobile Accessibility (Susan)
- Any other reports?
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
The last meeting of 2016 began with the final review of the next version of Easy Checks. Discussion prompted Shawn to make edits during the meeting at by the end, EO passed the following resolution:
With the approved changes, the Easy Checks will publish today!
Next Mary Jo presented the group with her thoughts about the Web Accessibility Policies prototype and took discussion comments back for consideration as she continues developing this tool and process. Eric discussed the progress of the Web Accessibility Tutorials including the evolution of a Site Navigation tutorial from several related topics as proposed at the F2F. Issues are on GitHub and EO review and comments are welcome and encouraged. Susan provided an update on her approach to the update to the Mobile pages and her work with Sharron and coordination with the Mobile Accessibility TF from WCAG. EO participants are urged to work on their resources and continue to review Work for this Week for updates during the break. No more EOWG meetings this year.
- Present: Brent, Shadi, Robert, Howard, Sharron, EricE, Susan, Caleb, Laura, James, Shawn, MaryJo, KrisAnne
- Regrets: Kazuhito, Sylvie, Andrew, Chris
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, date
09 December 2016 Teleconference
- December meeting and work schedule
- 16 December - last meeting in 2016
- Focus is going to be:
- (if needed) Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion
- (if needed) Easy Checks
- Tutorials
- Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion
- Title - consensus?
- Current: "Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion: Related Aspects of a Web for Everyone"
- Candidate: "Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion: Related Aspects of a Web for All"
- Candidate: "Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion: A Web for Everyone"
- fyi on changes from the review
- Call for re-review and approval to publish. Schedule for survey: Can people get it done by Wednesday 14? (survey available today)
- Title - consensus?
- Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility
- Disclaimer - Issue #37, Proposed implementation - Discuss as needed, approve.
- Open Issues Issue #35 - Need to check open issues in wiki and mark closed or create GitHub issues. Volunteer?!?
- Publish version now or wait for check on open issues? If now, Schedule for survey: Can people get it done by Wednesday 14? (survey available today)
- Web Accessibility Tutorials
- Carousel Tutorial - Latest changes:
- Organization and Content
- Code (and other examples) expressive enough? Is the content coherent?
- We need to link to other sections of the tutorials – any ideas for best practices, good implementations (icons, wording, different link styles)?
- Carousel Tutorial - Latest changes:
- Any other reports or updates?
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
Chairs announced that next Friday, December 16th will be the last meeting for this year. EOWG will not meet again until January 6, 2017. With that in mind, there is much to do this week to wrap up the ongoing document reviews in preparation for publication. First was The Accessibility, Usability, Inclusion document and after extensive discussion and consideration of alternatives, the following resolution passed:
- RESOLUTION: The title will be Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion with no subtitle. One more review of this document is requested this week.
Caleb next brought the current iteration of Easy Checks to the group. Discussion prompted these next steps:
- Caleb and Shawn will replace the yellow highlighted caution box with a paragraph that has a heading about Easy Checks scope, what the checks can and cannot do.
- Robert will look at the remaining open issues in the wiki, determine if they are indeed still open and if so, move them to GitHub. Sharron will support him.
Next Eric brought the group up to date on his Tutorials work and set the expectation for more review in January with a publication goal by the end of that month. Brent reminded the group that while there are several items for review this week, he strongly encouraged everyone to power through since we will have nearly three weeks without meetings following this week's push. Thanks all!
- Present: Sharron, Brent, Andrew, Shawn, Caleb, Chris, Howard,Laura, Shadi, EricE, Robert, Denis, KrisAnne
- Regrets: Sylvie, Susan, Adina, James
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] James, 12-12-16
- [done] Susan, 12-13-16
- [done] Sylvie, 12-14-16
- [done] Name, date
02 December 2016 Teleconference
- Accessibility, Usability, Inclusion
- edit by James - relationships of the terms "usability", "user-centered design (UCD)", and "user experience"
- edit by Susan - singling out age by saying "including people with age-related impairments" good or bad?
- document title - succinct reflection of the intent and content of the document
- Weekly Work Report - What got done? What's planned next? What help is needed? Current Projects,RM Tool
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (Mary Jo)
- Volunteer to develop sortable table?
- Mobile Accessibility (Susan)
- fyi, Requirements Analysis updated
- Will bring it to EOWG when draft edit of main page done.
- Any other reports?
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (Mary Jo)
- F2F at CSUN - survey results - Please update now that you know when your CSUN presentations are scheduled. Any other comments on Monday-Tuesday vs Friday-Saturday?
- EOWG process evaluation survey
- Work for this Week, Weekly Survey, and Teleconference Availability Survey
The meeting began with reminder from the chairs that there would be an EOWG face to face meeting at CSUN in March. Discussion leaned toward a preference for the meeting to occur on Mon/Tues and Brent asked everyone to finalize their preferences on the survey. Next was the discussion of the Accessibility Usability and Inclusion document. Shadi thanked everyone for their feedback on content and title and will incorporate them into his next iternation for consideration next week. Weekly work reports included:
- Policies: MaryJo was not able to attend today but the update indicated that she is waiting on the creation of a sortable table to hold the data she has gathered. Susan will do that and Sharron will arrange for them to meet.
- Mobile: Susan has updated requirements and EO is welcome but not required to review and comment on them. She and Sharron will meet on Monday to create the next draft.
- Easy Checks: Caleb has completed the work, posted his GitHub pull requests and feels very close to publication.
Work for this week will include more input on the Inclusion document, work on your own resources, input on EOWG processes and work flow. EO participants should complete the open surveys and stay current with review of deliverables. Thanks to one and all.
- Present: Sharron, EricE, Andrew, Brent, Laura, Shadi, Shawn, Caleb, James, James, Robert
- Regrets: KrisAnne, Kazuhito, Sylvie, Chris, Adina, Denis
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, date
18 November 2016 Teleconference
- Participation is up!!!
- EOWG November Face-to-Face Summary
- Minutes: 14 November and 15 November
- Topics covered & work completed
- EOWG Self Evaluation
- Big THANK YOU to Howard and AHG/AHEAD for the meeting room, and Sharron and Knowbility for the Tuesday reception
- 2017 EOWG Face-to-Face #1 confirmed for CSUN
- Complete Preference for Dates survey to help us select days for the meeting
- Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion
- Refresh of Requirements Analysis
- Current Working Draft
- One open issue - to be discussed *after* review of Requirements Analysis and Working Draft
- Weekly Work Report - What got done? What's planned next? What help is needed? Current Projects, RM Tool
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (Mary Jo)
- Web Accessibility Tutorials (Eric)
- Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility (Caleb)
- Mobile Accessibility (Susan)
- Any other reports?
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
Chairs began with sincere thanks to participants for increased activity in attending meetings and answering surveys - thanks! Please keep this momentum going. There was a quick summary of the EOWG face to face meeting from Monday 14 Nov and Tuesday 15 Nov including the work done on the Tutorials, the web site redesign, the new information architecture, and the mobile accessibility documents. We agreed to table the self-evaluation of how new EOWG process are working and will do more by email and surveys. Looking to 2017, the next face to face meeting is confirmed to be held in San Diego, California around the time of the CSUN conference. If you can arrange to be there - even if not attending the CSUN conference - please register the days you are available the week of 27 Feb - 04 Mar. Updates have been made to Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion and group attention is needed to review requirements, see if content properly aligns, and consider subtitle. The weekly RM work reports included the following:
- Tutorials - Eric will reorganize according to F2F input and have new items for review in the next couple of weeks. Tutorial Discussion Outcomes
- Policies - Mary Jo will work on the prototype in GitHUb, integrating comments recently received. She is reconnecting to Andrew and Susan for their support in creating the sortable table and additional help with the forms for inputting new data.
- Easy Checks - Caleb was supported by Eric's tweaking of the illustrations and expects to be able to publish when we meet next - yay!
- Mobile - Brent summarized for Susan that there will be a rewrite of the Overview doc and proposed deprecation of the two supporting docs with an opportunity for review from WAI-IG before making final decisions about that.
Brent will update the work for this week, the survey will be open longer since we have a US holiday next week. Thanks for all you do!
- Present: Sharron, EricE, Andrew, Brent, Laura, shadi, Shawn, KrisAnne, Caleb, Denis, James, Mary Jo
- Regrets: Kazuhito, Sylvie, Chris, Susan, Adina, Howard
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, date
- [done] Susan, 11/30/16
- [done] Howard, 11/30/16
04 November 2016 Teleconference
- Review November EOWG Face-to-Face Agenda draft
- For those joining by phone - add availability on bottom of F2F agenda page
- Planning Resources ready for publication?
- Recently completed: Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Interim Repairs
- Previously completed: Planning and Managing Web Accessibility
- Previously completed: Developing Organizational Policies on Web Accessibility
- Weekly Survey Results
- Weekly Work Report - What got done? What's planned next? What help is needed? Current Projects, RM Tool
- Web Accessibility Tutorials – Call for Comments (Eric)
- Prepared preview versions of the Carousels and Page Structure tutorials
- To prepare for the Face 2 Face, please read through the tutorials and think about the general structure and content.
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (Mary Jo)
- Next steps
- Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility (Caleb)
- Option A or Option B?
- Easy Checks issues
- Any other reports?
- Web Accessibility Tutorials – Call for Comments (Eric)
- Reminder - No meeting on 11 November
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
At the EOWG weekly teleconference, the group first focused on setting an agenda for the upcoming face to face meeting in Boulder at Accessing Higher Ground. Agenda is posted as November face to face meeting agenda on the wiki. Participants who will not attend are encouraged to look at the agenda and indicate on the wiki what times you may be able to attend by phone. Next, Shadi reported on the positive remarks received on the survey regarding the publication of the Planning and Managing suite of three documents. As a result, EO passed the following resolution.
RESOLUTION: The Planning and Managing Suite of three documents is approved for publication.
Next was the weekly update on resource management. These resources were discussed today:
- Tutorials: Eric has processed the many comments - thanks Shadi and all - and streamlined the approach. At the face to face, EO will do focused work on the Carousels and Page Structure Tutorials.
- Policies: MaryJo unable to come today, will report at next meeting on the 18th.
- Tutorials: Eric has processed many comments including especially helpful ones from Shadi about streamlining structural aspects and approach. Questions this week on the survey will help Eric prepare the carousels and the Page Structure tutorials for close consideration at the F2F
- Easy Checks: All congratulated Caleb on his great work processing comments and considering adding content to the Easy Checks. Caleb thanked Shawn for her "fantastic" contribution and the following Resolution passed:
RESOLUTION: The Easy Checks will be published (no longer a draft) with the addition of the Moving, Flashing or Blinking check as one check.
The meeting wrapped up with a reminder to help Eric focus the Tutorials face to face work by answering the survey. Sharron also reminded everyone to get content in shape (resource management tasks) in order to have clean, current, streamlined content as we resolve design and structure issues for the redesigned WAI site. We have new participants so feel free to ask for any help you need. No meeting next week, will reconvene on Nov 18th. Thanks all!
- Present: Brent, Sharron, Eric, Howard, Shadi, Caleb, Robert, Robert, James, Kris Anne, Denis, Susan, Laura
- Regrets: Kazuhito, Sylvie, Andrew, Shawn
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Shawn, 8 Nov
- [done] Andrew, 9 Nov
28 October 2016 Teleconference
- Introductions with new participant Robert Jolly
- Teleconference Notes
- Daylight Savings time changes impacts Friday 4 November time for Europe (and others?)
- No teleconference Friday 11 November or Friday 25 November.
- Planning Resources ready for publication!
- Recently completed: Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Interim Repairs
- Previously completed: Planning and Managing Web Accessibility
- Previously completed: Developing Organizational Policies on Web Accessibility
- Weekly Work Report - What got done? What's planned next? What help is needed? Current Projects, RM Tool
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (Mary Jo)
- Next steps
- Web Accessibility Tutorials (Eric)
- Background information on next steps to be done with this resource
- Open issues to contribute to
- Pull requests that you can view and comment on
- Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility (Caleb)
- Any other reports?
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (Mary Jo)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
First was an introduction to the group of Robert Jolly from Knowbility, living in Colorado. Next was an reminder that time changes and holidays will impact meeting times and dates for the next month. Please watch for details. Updates from Resource Managers were:
- Policies: Shawn reported the contact from an individual who has recently completed a study of accessibility policy world wide and will contribute content.
- Easy Checks: Content is ready for feedback (this week's survey) and approval (next week). Shawn and Caleb will work on minor issues with visual display.
- Tutorials: Eric recognized the useful input from several EOWG participants and asked others to step up and review and contribute to draft tutorials.
- Planning Suite: The First Aide document received plenty of useful comment. All issues have been addressed. Resolution passed at EO meeting will be on survey.
RESOLUTION: All comments have been addressed, the Planning and Managing Suite is ready to publish.
The meeting adjourned with a reminder to keep working on your assigned resources and keep up with Work for This Week - thanks!
- Present: Brent, Sharron, Shawn, Eric, Howard, Caleb, Robert, Robert, James, Kris Anne
- Regrets: Kazuhito, Denis, Sylvie, Andrew, Laura
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Laura Keen, 31 October 2016
- [done] Sylvie, 4 November 2016
- [done] Andrew, 9 November 2016
21 Oct Teleconference
- Availability for EOWG Teleconferences - please keep updated, especially to help for planning around holidays (5 minutes)
- WAI Site Tasks Survey - Any comments before we send it out? (10 minutes)
- Weekly Work Report - What got done? What's planned next? What help is needed? Current Projects, RM Tool (30 minutes)
- Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility (Brent for Caleb)
- Web Accessibility Tutorials (Eric)
- Background information on next steps to be done with this resource
- Open issues to contribute to
- Pull requests that you can view and comment on using pull request reviews or just comments
- Eric sending e-mail to those who want to help - who else on that list?
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (Mary Jo)
- Updating page - current work tracking
- Project Plan page - Timeline of work
- Status & Next Steps
- Any other reports?
- Web Accessibility First Aid (5 minutes)
- James' comments integrated, so version has been updated
- REQUESTED ACTION - complete thorough review & survey by Tuesday, 25 October
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
EOWG participants checked in for a brief meeting to align and report on everyone's Resource Management work, the WAI site redesign and other ongoing deliverables. Chairs reminded everyone to update your availability for teleconferences, especially with holiday season approaching. Next the group considered the questions on the WAI Site Redesign Task survey and had no objections to its distribution as is. It will remain open until Nov 7 and EOWG should spread the word - anyone can take the survey. Resource Management update reports included the following:
- Easy Checks: Caleb has incorporated all comments and will be ready to ask for approval to publish within next two weeks.
- Tutorials: Eric has been able to focus once more on this set of resources and is seeking input from his core group of content volunteers - Shadi, Adina, Denis, and Howard. Others are encouraged to join this group and help with the progress of the tutorials. Eric plans to work on several commented items and will bring for EO review within the next several weeks in a more formal way.
- Policy: Brent updated since MaryJo was not able to attend today's meeting. Steady progress and full update next week.
- First Aid: Shadi has processed more than 100 comments and the resource is taking shape. A thorough review of First Aid survey is posted. The full suite of resources should publish before year's end.
Finally, Brent pointed all to the Work for this Week and asked for serious consideration of these resources. Please take the review process seriously, participate in surveys, and give these resources your full consideration as they head for publication. Thanks all!
- Present: Brent, Sharron, Shawn, Laura, Shadi, Eric, Kris Anne, Chris, Howard, James
- Regrets: Susan, Caleb, Sylvie, Kazuhito, Denis, Adina, Andrew (belated)
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 26 Oct 2016 - read minutes
- [done] Susan, 26 Oct 2016
- [done] Sylvie, 04 November 2016
- [done] Name, date
14 Oct Teleconference
- Introductions with Kris Anne Kinney
- Setting EOWG Work Priorities
- Quick summary of last week's Participation topic
- Milestones & monthly plans in EOWG Current Projects to get chartered deliverables and milestones done (& then prepare for next charter period)
- Action: Update your table
- Draft Version - Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Interim Repairs
- Current Version
- Overview of revisions
- Ready for thorough review
- Weekly Work Report - What got done this week? What's planned for next week? What help is needed?
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (Mary Jo)
- Next steps from 23 Sept telecon: Mary Jo take comments & input from Shawn, Brent, Andrew (and any others) - and make the next draft to put into the survey
- Web Accessibility Tutorials
- Background information on next steps to be done with this resource
- Open issues to contribute to
- Pull requests that you can view and comment on
- Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility (Caleb)
- Mobile Accessibility (Susan)
- Any other reports?
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (Mary Jo)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey & First Aid Survey
The weekly meeting started with an update from the chairs about the need to re-prioritize our work flow. EOWG has specific deliverables called out in its charter and we are responsible for completing those according to a timeline of milestones. While everyone has been working on their own resources as Resource Managers, some of those have gotten behind schedule. Going forward, we will prioritize charter deliverables and expect RM work to be secondary. Chairs will alert EO participants about weekly priorities as they emerge. Next was a round of introduction to Kris Anne Kinney, recently appointed from ETS. Next up, Shadi reported progress on the draft version of the Web Accessibility First Aid document he has been editing. He has made extensive revisions based on group input and would appreciate another look from the group. A separate survey will come out this week with an extended timeline to ensure thorough review. Next Brent announced a change to the reporting format for the RM reporting. Rather than maintaining the reports on a two week cycle, RMs will bring the work to the group on their own timeline as needed. If the resource requires extensive discussion in the meeting, RMs are asked to meet with the planning group on the day before the scheduled meeting. Otherwise we will report as needed in a "standup" fashion to let the group know where you are, what barriers (if any) you have encountered, and what support you need. Reports were just given on the following:
- Web Accessibility Tutorials: This is Eric's resource, he has asked for support and has a list of open GitHub issues that need review and comment. Anyone who has time and interest in the Tutorials and especially those who are part of the support group, please look at the GitHub issues.
- Easy Checks: Caleb has gotten the resource to the point where there is just one more item for group review. He will post that next week.
- Mobile Accessibility: Susan met with the planning group and determined to prioritize the Mobile overview page. She asked for support for anyone who will help review the rest of the site to determine where mobile references should be inserted and to propose a strategy to make these references easily findable.
- Web site redesign: Since we lost our volunteer visual design lead, we need to replace that position. Please think about anyone you know who may take up that job.
Finally, Brent asked everyone to focus on work for this week, answer the survey and look for the additional survey for the First Aid document as well. Thanks all, see you next week!
- Present: Brent, Susan, Shawn, Andrew, Laura, shadi, Caleb, Mary_Jo, Chris, Sharron, Denis, Howard, Kris Anne
- Regrets: Eric, James, Sylvie, Kazuhito
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, date
- [done] {Eric, 2016-Oct-18}
- [done] James, 17-October-2016
07 Oct Teleconference
- TPAC EOWG Debrief
- COGA needs help - anyone willing to join their TF and help? Guidelines for writing Success Criteria
- WAI Site Tasks Survey - any input before sending survey out widely?
- EOWG Participation. Weekly surveys, Tutorials input, careful reviews (e.g., First Aid doc draft),
- Resource Manager Updates - RM Tool
- Referencing and Linking to WAI Guidelines and Technical Documents (Laura)
- Intro to Web Accessibility and related resources (Sharron & Shawn)
- Template for Accessibility Evaluation Reports (Howard)
- Mobile Accessibility (Susan)
- Web Accessibility Tutorials (Eric)
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview (Brent)
- Next Week
- EOWG F2F for 2017 - planning for AccessU in May, W3C TPAC in November (probably/maybe CSUN in Feb) - Survey Results
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
EOWG convened for its weekly teleconference to hear updates on work in progress and review process for upcoming deliverables. First, chairs provided a TPAC debrief. Although EO was not able to hold a full F2F meeting due to lack of travel budgets, nevertheless chairs and some staff (Eric and Shadi) were able to meet with various individuals, TFs, and WGs to inform people of our ongoing work and plan future collaborations and support. Next was an alert that a WAI site survey would soon be opened to capture ranking from EO, WAI-IG participants, and the general public about what tasks they would expect to be able to easily accomplish on the new WAI site. Next the group considered how EOWG is operating since the introduction of the participant resource management process. Conceived as a way to keep content from getting out of date, it may be that group attention is now spread too thin. Chairs asked EO participants to provide deeper focus and more thorough feedback when resources are posted for review. For purposes of time management, if a colleague asks for thorough review and feedback, that should be the high priority for that week. Resource Manager Update for this week included these:
- Referencing and Linking to WAI documents - Laura has reviewed, made revisions, and posted pull requests for this resource.
- Intro to Web Accessibility - Shawn will bring to the Face to Face meeting in November for EO to work on as a group.
- Template for Accessibility Evaluation Reporting - Howard not done much updating, more soon.
- Mobile Suite - Susan has posted the Requirements and begun the rewrite of the resource. She is coordinating with the Mobile TF and will bring them in for review when ready.
- Tutorials - Eric is seeking input from his support team, please provide through review and comments.
WCAG Overview-Brent is updating links and will keep WCAG 2.1 changes in mind for future edits.
Discussion of face to face meeting schedule for 2017 led to decision to confirm meetings at AccessU, TPAC, and (tentatively) CSUN. Work for this Week will include responding to the Task survey and continued dedication of time to your own resources. Thanks all!
- Present: Susan, Howard, Shadi, Sharron, Laura, shawn, Caleb, Brent, Howard, Andrew, Kris_Anne
- Regrets: Eric, Denis, James, Sylvie, Kazuhito
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] James, 11-Oct-2016
- [done] {Eric, 2016-Oct-18}
- [done] Name, date
23 Sep Teleconference
- Easy Checks - Caleb
- Issue 1 - Initial discussion of Caleb's suggested wording
- Update on other issues and next steps
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility - Mary Jo
- Background: Policies_Updating, Project Plan
- Draft revised page and listing template - attached to Mary Jo's e-mail
- Additional Updates - RM Tool
- WAI Site Top Tasks - background in GitHub - Joy & Chris
- Developing Web Accessibility Presentations and Training - Andrew
- (others asked to be deferred to next week)
- Next Week - everyone else ;-)
- Reminders from last week:
- Using GitHub as a Resource Manager
- Reminder: EOWG Face-to-Face in Nov in CO - Meeting confirmed - Please update your availability
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
Co-chair Brent Bakken being in transit, Shawn led the weekly meeting. EO heard updates from RMs on the following:
- Easy Checks: Caleb reported that while there had been discussion of next steps to take the EC to the next level, the current priority is to address all known issues and get the resource out of draft status. To that end, he has relied on Shadi's guidance for making decisions, and Shawn's support on the timeline. Is nearly ready to bring the current draft for group review but asked for discussion on his rewrite of the proposed section on blinking/flashing content. On the call, everyone agreed that the move to include impact on additional disability groups and to simplify the references was a good direction. EO will expect to soon review the completed updates for final approval to publish (without Draft status).
- Policies related to Web Accessibility: MaryJo reviewed the status of the current policy page - outdated info and broken links abound. She has studied the approach and proposes to streamline and simplify how the material is organized, presented, and maintained. The sortable table that she has developed as a prototype was considered by the group and suggestions were offered for notification when policy updates are made and how that is maintained. MaryJo asked EO to consider her questions and send comments to maryjom at us dot ibm dot com. Please copy wai-eo-editors@w3.org.
- WAI site top tasks: Chris and Joy reported tht their review of top task survey results from years previous was unsatisfying and suggested to cull the list and do another survey. EO agreed that would be useful and so Chris and Joy will make a curated list on the wiki using Joy's updated language.
- Presentations and Training: Andrew provided a link to his work analyzing existing pages, reviewing WAI resources created over the past 4-5 years, highlighting things that should be included and making decisions on how to reference draft tutorials and other tricky questions. Expects to have more direction established within the next fortnight or so
Shawn then wrapped up the meeting with a reminder to join Thursday planning call when you have substantial updates; check minutes when you miss meetings; ask for GitHub guidance if/when you need it; and update availability for teleconferences and F2F - the one in November in Colorado is confirmed. Thanks all, have a good weekend.
- Present: Howard, Laura, Andrew, Shawn, Sharron, Caleb, MaryJo, Susan, Chris, Joy, EricE, James
- Regrets: Brent, Denis, Sylvie, AnnaBelle
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- Brent Bakken, 04 October 2016
- [done] Name, date
16 Sep Teleconference
- Secure a Scribe for the meeting (Sharron is out)
- EOWG Face-to-Face in Nov in CO - Meeting confirmed - Please update your availability (5 minutes)
- Resource Manager Updates - RM Tool (25 minutes)
- WAI Site Top Tasks - background in GitHub - who wants to take this on or help?!? (10 minutes)
- Quickref: Proposed Resolution On/Off - (survey results) (10 minutes)
- Using GitHub as a Resource Manager (+-30 minutes)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
- Present: Brent, Chris, Eric, Howard, Joy, Laura, Shawn, James
- Regrets: Denis, Shadi, Andrew, Susan, Sharron, ?Sylvie, ?Kazuhito
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Sharron, 22 September
- [done] Name, date
09 Sep Teleconference
- Resource Manager Updates - RM Tool
- Quick reminder about Weekly Survey questions and RMs addressing comments
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (Mary Jo)
- Web Accessibility Tutorials (Eric)
- Mobile Accessibility (Susan)
- Accessible UI Components List (Eric)
- How to Meet WCAG 2.0 - AKA Quickref (Eric)
- Next Week
- Easy Checks - IE WAT references
- Title of the Short Term Website Accessibility Improvements resource
- Title Survey Results
- Candidate new title: "Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Interim Repairs"
- WAI Site Redesign Task Force - August Sprint Update
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
Brent convened the meeting with a reminder of the Resource Managers tool to be used to track progress on current work on various active resources. Report were provided as follows:
- Mary Jo gave the RM report on Policies including a link to the wiki where her project plan is posted. She is waiting for feedback from the planning group and then will dig in once the plan has been finalized
- Eric next reported on the Web Accessibility Tutorials. He has processed external comments in preparation for publication. Sharron asked about the need for more closely monitored resource due to the need to keep technical guidance quite current and Eric expressed confidence in the RMLC process once we get over the initial hump of publication.
- Susan presented a plan for the Mobile Accessibility revisions. First is a pass at the 'wall of text' on the landing page and then alignment with the two supporting pages.
- Eric addressed the fact that the plan for publishing the Accessible UI Components is complex and inter-related. He expects to have the uninterrupted time he needs to address the issues next week.
- Eric next reported on the animated scrolling behavior of the Quick Ref and outlined options to address the comments made about it. Those options will be in the survey.
Up next week for RM reporting will be Andrew with Preso and Training Outlines; Shawn and Sharron on Accessibility Intro;Howard on Evaluation Templates; Brent on WCAG Overview. Last week's survey included input about the use of WAT in the current Easy Checks draft and an opportunity to rank the suggested title replacements for the 'short term accessibility fix' document. After brief discussion the following resolutions passed:
- Keep IE WAT toolbar for now and publish. Will look for alternative resources. In future iteration will replace as we identify good alternative.
- Title of resource will be "Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Interim Repairs"
James reported on the August sprint for the WAI site redesign task force. Outcomes included baseline analytics; needs definition for IA; submission of style titles; and preliminary consideration of resources to create a smart search. The group will be organized a follows going forward: James is overall Project Manager, Ann Belle is the visual lead, Eric is the technical lead. Finally Brent reminded everyone to review work for this week and update availability for teleconferences.
- Present: James, Denis, Shadi, EricE, Caleb, Howard, Sharron, Brent, Chris, Susan, MaryJo, Kazuhito
- Regrets: Shawn, AnnaBelle, Sylvie, Laura, Andrew
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Laura, 12 September
- [done] Andrew, 14 September 2016
- [done] Shawn, 14 September 2016
02 Sep Teleconference
- Introductions for new participant - Christopher (Chris) Langston - Pearson
- Reminder: 29 August 2016 Weekly Survey extended for those who haven't done it yet.
- Resource Manager Updates - RM Tool
- Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility (Caleb)
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview (Brent)
- Developing Web Accessibility Presentations and Training (Andrew)
- Intro to Web Accessibility and related resources (Sharron & Shawn)
- Template for Accessibility Evaluation Reports (Howard)
- (Draft) Tips for Getting Started with Web Accessibility (Denis)
- Next Week
- Potential face-to-face at Accessing Higher Ground
- Monday 14 - Tuesday 15 November
- Still to confirm room, participants, agenda.
- Short Term Website Accessibility Improvements
- Discuss title (please put additional thoughts in the GitHub thread before the meeting)
- e-mail summary
- Other Business
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
The meeting began with a full round of introductions of current EOWG participants to newly joined Chris Langston from Pearson. Next the group heard the following Resource Management updates:
- Easy Checks - Caleb has addressed many of the GitHub issues to bring the resource out of draft and has additional items for discussion. These will be considered, especially question about use of WAT. All are encouraged to weigh in on GitHub and full discussion will be scheduled for a future meeting.
- WCAG Overview - Brent has made progress since Eric provided a GitHub repository. Expects a draft for group review within the next couple of weeks.
- Training and Presentations - Andrew has also set up a GitHub respository for this resource. it is extensive and he is developing recommendations for what to update, what to archive with no changes and what current resources need to be added.
- Intro to Accessibility - Sharron and Shawn had no new actions to report.
- Template for Web Accessibility Evaluation - Howard has not done much new, is still planning to integrate Shadi's suggestions, update the resource to current references of WCAG-EM Tool, Easy Checks and more.
- Quick Start Tips - Denis has made progress on the GitHub issues of the published Tips. He has reviewed the details of the unpublished ones and is considering how to develop the requirements doc for the "next level" resource he wants EO to consider for next steps.
- For next week we will have Planning and Managing by Shadi; Policies by Mary Jo; Tutorials and UI Components by Eric; and Mobile Accessiiblity by Susan
Next was discussion of potential face to face meeting at Accessing Higher Ground conference in Boulder Colorado. Howard confirmed that ameeting room is available for the chosen dates so those are finalized to be Monday November 14 and Tuesday November 15. Please update your availability to attend as soon as possible. Attention moved to renaming the resource currently called Short Term Web Accessibility Improvement. In seeking a title that communicated that this was an interim rather than long term suggestion, many possibilities were offered through group brainstorming and further comment in welcome on the survey and/or GitHub . Brent will update Work for this Week and there will be a new survey. Hope everyone has a great weekend, and enjoy the holiday for those in the US. Thanks!
- Present: Sharron, Shawn, Chris, Laura, Howard, Brent, Shadi, Andrew, Sylvie, Denis, Caleb, James (on IRC)
- Regrets: AnnaBelle, Adina, Kazuhito,
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, date
- (done) Susan, 6 September
26 August Teleconference
- Web Accessibility Perspectives - Compilation video complete and posted to YouTube
- announcement planned for next week - Resource Manager Updates - RM Tool
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility, Policies Project Plan (Mary Jo)
- Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility (Caleb)
- Planning & Managing related resources (Shadi)
- Other
- Next Week
- EOWG Face to Face in Boulder, CO during AHG Conference - Survey Results
- Short Term Website Accessibility Improvements
(formerly know as: Improving the Accessibility of Your Website)- EOWG defined this document to address the use case: "Help! I need to fix accessibility on my website now!".
It is related to Planning and Managing Web Accessibility, which says: "A companion document, _Improving the Accessibility of Your Website_, provides guidance on more immediate remediation of accessibility barriers in existing websites." - A previous draft didn't meet this goal well.
There was discussion about the title. - A revised draft of Short Term Website Accessibility Improvements is available for review to see if it is sufficiently meeting the goal.
- EOWG defined this document to address the use case: "Help! I need to fix accessibility on my website now!".
- WAI Site Redesign Task Force Work Statement
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
Chris Langston introduced himself as a new EOWG participant from Pearson. Status was then given for the following scheduled Resource Management Updates:
- Web Accessibility Perspectives - Shadi reported that the production company commissioned to develop Perspectives videos also made a pro bono contribution of a compilation video. It will be officially announced next week.
- Policies - Mary Jo reported that she has completed and posted a project plan on the wiki. Brent suggested others might use it as a planning template.
- Easy Checks - Caleb had last minute conflict arise and was unable to attend and report.
- Planning and Managing - This is a suite of documents and updates have mostly been to the document currently called "Short Term Web Site Accessibility Improvements." There is a question about title and content on this week's survey.
- On queue for reporting next week are Caleb on Easy Checks; Denis on Getting Started Tips; Brent on WCAG Overview; Andrew on Presentations and Training; Shawn and Sharron on Accessibility Intro; Susan on Mobile; Howard on Eval Template
Next Brent reminded the group of the possibility of a face to face meeting in November at the Accessing Higher Ground Conference in Boulder CO. Please update your availability to attend. The WAI Site redesign TF work statement was posted to the survey. Please approve and/or comment there. Brent thanked everyone for their efforts and reminded everyone to continue work on their resources, to stay current with work for this week, and to complete the survey.
- Present: Sharron, Shawn, Chris Langston, Laura, Howard, Susan, Brent, Mary Jo, Shadi, AnnaBelle
- Regrets: Adina, Andrew, Kazuhito, Sylvie, Shadi, Denis, Caleb, Joy
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Sylvie, 29 August
- [done] James, 29 August
- [done] Andrew, 30 August
- [done] Name, Date
19 August Teleconference
- Potential EOWG Face-to-Face #3 at Accessing Higher Ground - 14-18 November - Participation Survey Results
- Mobile Accessibility page - draft interim update
- Resource Manager Updates - RM Tool
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview (Brent)
- (Draft) Tips for Getting Started with Web Accessibility (Denis)
- Developing Web Accessibility Presentations and Training (Andrew - via Brent)
- Template for Accessibility Evaluation Reports (Howard)
- Intro to Web Accessibility and related resources (Sharron & Shawn)
- Other
- Next Week
- WAI Site Redesign - Last call for Style Tiles design submissions
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
- Present: Laura, EricE, Shawn, Brent, Sharron, Howard, Caleb, James, Denis, Joy
- Regrets: AnnaBelle, Adina, Andrew, Kazuhito, Shadi, Susan, Sylvie
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 22 August 2016
- [done] Sylvie, 24 August 2016
- [done] Name, Date
12 August Teleconference
- Weekly Survey
- Resource Manager Updates - RM Tool
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (Mary Jo)
- Accessible UI Components List (Eric)
- Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility (Caleb)
- Web Accessibility Tutorials (Eric)
- Other
- Next Week
- WAI Site Redesign Update
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
Brent began the meeting with an apology from the chairs that we failed to notify EO when the survey was posted. As a result we had very little response and so the questions will be folded into the one this week. Moving on the the Resource Management status updates we learned this:
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility - Mary Jo has completed her review of the existing resource, is creating the project plan, thinking about presentation and layout, and expects to bring to the planning meeting on Thursday.
- Accessible UI Components List - Eric looked through the expectation and management issues we discussed a few weeks ago, glad to have group acceptance of the plan, but not yet implemented.
- Easy Checks - Caleb submitted a report with 8 issues still to be addressed. Now that he's back from vacation asked for Eric's help to publish for review.
- Web Accessibility Tutorials - Eric reported that the content is about a year old, would like new eyes on it, main task is to review the pull requests so will assign to specific people for review and recommendation.
Next week we will hear updates from Denis on QuickStart Guide; from Shawn and Sharron on Accessibility Intro; from Andrew on Training Resources; and from Brent on WCAG Overview. James gave a brief update on the Web Site redesign including the news that the search for someone to develop style tiles was launched. Brent reminded everyone not to post broadly but to send to Sharron names of anyone you would like to have included in the invitation list. James also referenced how the agile system was working so far using GitHub as a backlog, piling all the tasks in there and using an agile approach to putting tasks into sprints - each month is a sprint. According to the current plan, we should have the style tile process complete at the end of the September sprint. You can review progress on the wiki and feel free to jump in any time. Laura suggested a collegue to help with smart search and will invite him to a TF meeting. Brent wrapped up with a reminder to stay with the Work for the Week and wished all a good weekend. Minutes of 12 August
- Present: Laura, Susan, EricE, shawn, Brent, Sharron, Andrew, Howard, shadi, Caleb, MaryJo, James
- Regrets: Adina, Denis, Howard, Joy, Kazuhito, Shadi, Shawn, Susan, Sylvie
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Shawn, 16 August
- [done] Denis, 17 August
- [done] Sylvie, 24 August
05 August Teleconference
- Quick FYI on the Quickref Scrolling comment/issue that was raised (10 minutes)
- Current Quickref resources - How to Meet WCAG 2.0
- (Comment/Issue Reference)
- Proposal
- WAI Site Redesign - Smart Search, help with technical implementation options (10 minutes)
- Resource Manager Updates (40 minutes)
- Reminders
- Mobile Accessibility (Susan)
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview (Brent)
- Developing Web Accessibility Presentations and Training (Andrew)
- Intro to Web Accessibility and related resources (Sharron & Shawn)
- Planning & Managing related resources (Shadi)
- Other
- Next Week
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
@@ Summary...
@@ minutes...
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Denis, 17 August
29 July Teleconference
- Accessible Online Learning Community Group: Introduction to the community group, discussion around overlap and complimentary work (25 minutes)
- Group Web Site including group description and current membership
- Group Wiki including background information and working documents
- Group's Work Streams: Information on the group’s two current work streams, focused on assessing accessibility information needs of the online learning sector
- Twitter outreach & feedback
- Resource Manager Updates (45 minutes)
- Reminders
- Set "active" flag as appropriate in the RM Tool
- RM maintenance & update process
- Template for Accessibility Evaluation Reports (Howard)
- Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility (Caleb)
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (Mary Jo)
- Draft - Tips for Getting Started with Web Accessibility (Denis)
- Web Accessibility Tutorials (Eric)
- Accessible UI Components List (Eric)
- Other
- Next Week
- Reminders
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
@@ summary...
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Shawn, 2 August
(no meeting 22 July)
15 July Teleconference
- Resource Management Tool - Proposal to change Priority Flag -> Active Flag. (priority is redundant with urgency) (5 minutes)
- Resource Manager Updates (20 minutes)
- Tips for Getting Started, Draft of 3 more potential Tips pages, Tips project page (Denis)
- WCAG 2.0 Resources - Overview, Documents, FAQ, 2 Differs from 1, Comparison 1 to 2 (Brent)
- Mobile Accessibility (Susan)
- Other
- Next Meeting
- Potential new resource idea (code name: Spec Sheets) (5 minutes)
- WAI Site Redesign Goals (10-30 minutes)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
The weekly EOWG weekly teleconference began with a discussion of the use of the Resource Management database tool. In response to confusion caused by duplicate references to priorities as well as urgency, Brent suggested and the group agreed to merge those categories and rename the status indicator to "active" when a resource is under direct consideration for updates and changes. For example, Brent is leading on eight resources and as he begins work on each one, will then mark as "active" in the database. He also encouraged EO participants to speak out if they have any suggestions for improving the tool.
Next was reporting from the following Resource Managers: Denis said he realized that there was a disconnect between the actual intent of his resource "Getting Started Tips" and his conception of what it might be. In meeting with the planning group, he determined to propose a new resource to meet that need. In the meantime, however, he will review the existing three published Tips as well as the three draft unpublished ones and bring recommendations back to EO for next steps. Then Brent reported on the WCAG 2.0 Overview and the related suite of documents that are referenced. He is keeping redesign requirements in mind as he approaches this. Discussion highlighted the need to make even more clear the fact that WCAG2 is the most modern relevant standard and provide clear association between the WCAG2 support documents. Susan then gave an update of the status of work on the Mobile Web documents. She sees them as one thing, is working on requirements for the update which will be extensive, and met with Shawn and Judy to clarify approach. Brent then urged all RMs to feel free to report at any time and/or to step up to volunteer for next week. Laura will accept assignments for resources from the chairs.
Next Denis laid out the detail of his thinking for a potential new resource which would be a filterable set of practical guidance for people trying to implement accessibility across roles. With the caution that searchability would be critical to success, the group encouraged Denis to expand on the idea and submit as a proposal. AnnaBelle then joined to see how the group has received the updated web site redesign goals and EO passed the following resolution:
- EOWG approves WAI Site Redesign Goals
Brent reminded everyone to stay in touch with work for this week and complete the surveys, including updating availability for teleconferences.
- Present: Susan, Shawn, Brent, Denis, Eric (on IRC), Laura, Caleb, Sharron, James, AnnaBelle
- Regrets: Adina, Andrew, Kazuhito, Joy, Shadi, Sylvie, Howard
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Howard, 7-20-16
- [done] Andrew, 17 Aug
- [done] name, date
08 July Teleconference
- Resource Manager Reporting
- Accessibility Introduction Resources (Sharron & Shawn)
- Accessible UI Components List – FYI on the 24 June survey extended (Eric)
- Tutorials, Tutorials work e-mail (Eric)
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility, Policies Updating (Mary Jo)
- Easy Checks Resource, Easy Checks wiki page with open issues etc (Caleb & James)
- Web Accessibility Perspectives - Approval for Publication Survey
- General Updates
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (10 minutes)
EOWG convened to consider progress on the management of the WAI resources as reported by various RMs. They are as follows:
- Shawn and Sharron reported that the Accessibility intro on the W3C site will be updated with current references and then duplicated (for now) on the WAI site. It will include a link to the Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion doc. Will reconsider after redesign is complete.
- Eric reported that he had worked through all comments of the UI Components list and asked for EO participants to please be sure to comment and demonstrate their position on the presentation and management plan.
- Eric reported that he had circulated a plan for approaching the Tutorials. EO appreciated his plan and suggested using as a template for other RM tasks going forward.
- Mary Jo reported that she and Shawn have met, crafted a high level approach for getting started on policy updates, and promised more soon.
- Caleb reported that the short term goal for Easy Checks was to publish without draft status. He is addressing GitHub issues and once they are met will come back for approval to publish. Developing plan for longer term enhancements, with EO approval.
- Brent reported for Shadi that Perspectives resource has been updated with all comments and approval to publish survey is posted.
- Denis asked if there was intent to update Getting Started Tips or only to manage what is there. Sharron encouraged him to look at set of three that had not been published, recommend how to address those and then make longer term plan to articulate his vision.
- Howard noted that his resource, the general guide to evaluation was written before WCAG2 and still has references to WCAG1. Suggested quick fix and then consider removing. Shawn said not to just jump in and make changes but to bring project plan and requirements analysis to the group to create shared understanding. Eric will make a GitHUb repository.
Brent thanked everyone for the useful updates and reminded them that we will hear from Resource Managers on a regular rotation at every meeting. Anyone wishing to bring a topic to the group please step up. All are welcome to join Thursday planning meeting if it is helpful to you. In reviewing the updates to the Resource Management Life Cycle, James noted that details have been moved to sub-pages and encouraged everyone to add to those. Brent reminded everyone to check the work for this week, update availability, and keep up the good work. Thanks all!
- Present: Shawn, Brent, Howard, Denis, Mary Jo, Eric, Laura, Caleb, Sharron, James, Kazuhito
- Regrets: Adina, Andrew, AnnaBelle, Joy, Shadi, Susan, Sylvie
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Susan, July 11
- [done] Andrew, 17 August
01 July teleconference
No meeting
24 June Teleconference
- Resource Management Tool – Brief comments on the format and some ramifications (5 minutes)
- WAI Web Site Redesign – User Personas (10 minutes)
- Web Accessibility Perspectives - Resolve few open issues (30 minutes)
- Accessible UI Components List approach (30 minutes)
- Resource Development Life Cycle - Quick update (2 minutes)
- Resource Check In (by Resource Managers) (15 minutes)
- Work for this Week & Surveys (10 minutes)
- Weekly Survey
- Availability for potential F2Fs
- Colorado in November 2016? - update 2016 Survey
- 2017 Face-to-Face Planning Survey - Coming Soon
- Web Accessibility Perspectives Approval Survey
EOWG met for its weekly teleconference and got a look at the updates Eric made to the Resource Management Tool. Eric thanked those who has loaded in their resources and encouraged everyone to do so. Sharron presented a draft of the Current Personas developed for the WAI site redesign and asked for group comments, in the hope these can be adopted as workable to meet the requirements of the identified audience(s). Shadi shared his process for addressing the many comments to the Web Accessibility Perspectives text and thanked all those who commented. The following related resolutions were passed:
- "Learn More" section of Web Perspective video sub pages remains as is with no additions of general resources
- Intro sentence "...useful for all" to remain at the top of each of the video subpages.
- Transcripts of videos will stay as is, two versions - one for the caption only version (default) and a separate transcript for the audio described version.
Next was a discussion of the UI Components List and the proposal for expectation management developed by Shadi and Eric. Some in EO expressed concerns that the new requirements would discourage submissions and others felt that quality assurance needed to be strongly supported. The question will be on this week's survey. James is processing comments on the Resource Development Life Cycle guide and will address them at the next meeting. General announcements included the fact that EOWG will not meet on July 1, there are current work lists and a new survey posted, and a request for EOWG to please update your Telecon Availability and your Availability for Face to face in Colorado in November. The meeting adjourned and EOWG will convene again on July 8.
- Present: Susan, Brent, Shawn, Shadi, Eric, Laura, James, Howard
- Regrets: Kazuhito, Anna Belle, Adina, Joy, Caleb, Denis, Joy, Andrew
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, date
- [done] Andrew, 17 Aug
- [done] Caleb, 6/28
17 June 2016 Teleconference
- Resource Management
- Personas - ask non-accessibility aware people, those from broader web community, to complete survey to help create personas
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/T28B59P - Perspectives pages - fyi, edits coming next week
- UI Components List - fyi, draft approach coming
- Work for this Week - work on your resources (UI Components List approach maybe available for review midweek)
Shawn started the meeting by reminding the group that Eric has completed his work on the EOWG Resource Management Tool and we are all invited to move the documentation for resources we manage into that database. The next several minutes were taken with EO participants trying it out, commenting, and asking questions. Sharron next asked participants to ask people to take the survey used to create personas for the WAI website redesign. We are particularly interested in inviting people from outside the accessibility community since we are trying to improve the reach of WAI resources. Shadi next reported that he had received many helpful comments about the text on the Perspectives video pages. He is processing and responding to comments and will bring back newer versions to EOWG in small batches for group approval in the next few weeks. Be alert to notices for when the new versions are ready for review. Also the full public release of the UI Components List has been delayed pending resolution of ideas for different approaches to the "ownership" of components as well as the submission process and the subsequent responsibility for managing comments. Finally Shawn noted that primary work for this week will be the Resource Management. Those who want to give up some resources please enter them in the database and put @@@needed in the column for RM. Thanks to all, the meeting adjourned.
- Present: Susan, Shawn, Sharron, Brent, Caleb, Laura, Shadi, James, Howard, Denis, Andrew
- Regrets: Kazuhito, Eric, Anna Belle, Adina
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, date
10 June 2016 Teleconference
- Draft Resource Management Tool (15 minutes)
- Basic functionality overview
- How to add & update your resource
- Resource Development Life Cycle (10 minutes)
- Update and Status of wiki page
- Sub-pages
- Plan for building out examples, tips, and definition
- WAI Website Redesign Update & Survey Question (10 minutes)
- EOWG Face-to-Face - 19-20 September 2016 (10 minutes)
- Location: Lisbon, Portugal
- Part of the W3C Technical Plenary/Advisory Committee (TPAC): TPAC 2016 website
- Face-to-Face Draft Agenda Page
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
EOWG began the weekly teleconference with a brief walk through the Resource Management Tool, a new sorting and display tool that Eric made to facilitate the work of all who have WAI resources to manage. It is a complete working draft, ready to be used though not yet fully populated with all WAI resources. Eric also posted a follow-up email to the EO List with further instruction about how to use our new internal resource overview list. Next James presented the completed draft of the Resource Development Life Cycle (RDLC) and announced that it is ready for review and approval. He asked everyone to make sure they understand how the pieces fit together and to feel free to add examples and notes as appropriate to the sub-pages. Moving on the the web site redesign effort, James reported that the project plan was in development and would probably be shared in the next couple of weeks. James and AnnaBelle are co-leading the effort and ask EO participants to identify any skills they are willing to contribute. They emphasize that it is not a firm commitment but rather an offer to sit on the bench and see how time allows them to contribute when the time comes during the development of the new site. Brent next spoke about the potential face to face meeting at TPAC. Response indicates that there will likely not be a large attendance from EO participants, and so we will probably place the emphasis more on outreach and coordination with other groups rather than conduct a normal working face to face meeting. A primary goal will be to introduce ourselves to other W3C working groups and listen to their needs and how EO's outreach efforts might support any accessibility related projects or initiatives of other groups. Brent closed the meeting with thanks to all and a reminder to keep working through the assigned resources and complete the open surveys.
- Present: Sharron, EricE, Shawn, Susan, James, Brent, Caleb, Andrew
- Regrets: Denis, Howard, Kazuhito, Laura, Shadi
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Laura, June 13
- [done] Howard, June 15
7 June 2016 meeting on Mobile Accessibility page
Mobile Meeting 7 June 2016 Notes
(no meeting 3 June 2016)
27 May 2016 Teleconference
- Web Accessibility Perspectives (15 minutes)
- Web Accessibility Perspectives Review Survey Reminder – Closes 08 June
- Possible Translations?
- Accessible UI Components List – possible components (10 minutes)
- Resource Management Page – quick update (10 minutes)
- Important to review on the resources that you are managing. – The redesign depends on current documents.
- Anyone want to report on their assigned resources or bring questions to the group?
- WAI Website redesign (45 minutes)
- Team leadership & supporting roles
- Consideration of survey results
- Open discussion of timelines, platforms, etc
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
EOWG met for its weekly teleconference and discussed the Web Accessibility Perspectives, reminding everyone to do thorough review and complete the video text and support materials survey. Eric announced that he had a resource for German translation, Brent is doing Spanish translation and Denis committed to finding a resource for French translation. Eric then let the group know that he has candidates queued up for submission to the Accessible UI Components list. He asked EOWG participants to review any of those listed on the Components Backlog page that he is maintaining. If you are satisfied with a component, please upload to the submission tool, give feedback about how the tool works. Serious concerns were raised about process and how WAI credibility can be maintained if components are not fully accessible. Decisions about that were tabled until more data is gathered and the disclaimer framework is established. Suggestions for a rating system were also tabled. Next, James and AnnaBelle joined for the conversation about the website redesign. James confirmed that he and AB had agreed to co-lead the effort and would be less present at weekly teleconferences and more focused on that effort. Next steps were seen to be getting everyone aligned with the main goal established at the F2F and creating an acceptable project management platform. PMs and chair emphasized the importance of everyone doing their part on managing the resources they signed up for. Some resource shuffling is likely to occur in the short term due to changes in work load and interest. The meeting adjourned with best wishes for the US holiday weekend.
- Present: Denis, Adina, Kazuhito(IRC), AnnaBelle, James, Sharron, Laura, Howard, EricE
- Regrets: Brent, Sylvie, Shadi, Shawn, Joy, Andrew
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Shawn
20 May 2016 Teleconference
- Congrats! (10 minutes)
- Educational Achievement - Heros of Accessibility award - pic
- Positive Web Accessibility Perspectives reception.
- Web Accessibility Perspectives (15 minutes)
- Outreach
- Awareness - videos AND supporting content
- Thorough Review Survey
- Call for adding components to the Accessible UI Components List (10 minutes)
- We consider the resource done, including the submission process. Try it out!
- Recap of 11-12 May Face-to-Face Meeting - minutes (10 minutes)
- Website Redesign - Results of F2F, Pre-Meeting Brainstorm. Discuss: (30 minutes)
- wai-page - better tool coming (WAI Resources Sneak Peek!)
- High priority resource update (1 min each)
- Mobile Accessibility - Susan (Adina)
- Policies Listing, Policies Updating - Wayne (Eric, Shawn, Brent, Mary Jo)
- Easy Checks, Easy Checks GitHub - James (Shawn)
- Tutorials - Eric (Denis, Susan, Adina, Shadi)
- About WAI - Shawn
- Others:
- Getting Started with Web Accessibility (Shawn) - Updated. Comments welcome.
- Finding your WAI (Shawn) - Updated. Comments welcome.
- Using WAI Material (Shawn) - Updated. Comments welcome.
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
EOWG convened for its weekly teleconference which led off with three announcements: First was the Heroes of Accessibility award to WAI for achievement in education about web accessibility. Second was the news of the overwhelmingly positive response from the community for the web perspectives videos - congratulations all! And finally the news that the Accessible UI Components List is complete and launched. Please spread the word and encourage submissions. Sharron provided a quick recap of the face to face meeting of last week. On Day 1, May 11 those who had participated in the reported their findings; the group reviewed process and reporting methods for documenting the status of all; we conducted hands-on work sessions on specific resources as needed. On Day 2, May 12, Annabelle led group through a participatory web site redesign planning session. WAI Web site redesign workshop results were captured on the wiki. Based on those outcomes, James led the group through an exercise to assign tasks and begin to realize the redesign vision. Comments from EO participants who were not there are encouraged.
Next Eric showed an early draft of his update to the resource management tool for RMs to use to document the work they are doing on specific resources. Sharron and Shawn urged everyone to work offline until the tool is complete and not to let that be an impediment to completing your review and recommendations for your resources. In reviewing status of resources that have been designated as High Priority the group learned that:
- Mobile Accessibility has not yet been updated and Susan will confer with the Mobile Task Force
- Policies work is in progress led by Wayne with support from Shawn
- Easy Checks updates needed are minor enough that James as RM recommends simply removing the "draft" status and revisiting after the redesign.
- Tutorials have had not updates and the team of those interested in doing the next round will meet this month to understand what resources are coming and how to coordinate.
Shawn then reported on a few other, less high priority resources, Brent updated the expectations for surveys and work for this week, and the meeting adjourned.
- Present: Shawn, Andrew, Brent, Eric,Howard, Joy, Laura, Sharron,Susan, Caleb
- Regrets: James, Sylvie, Shadi, Denis
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] James, 5/25
- [done] Susan,, 5/31
- [done] Name, date
06 May 2016 Teleconference
- Improving resource document (45 minutes)
- Perspectives (30 minutes)
- Final cuts of the videos - see comments to the production company
- How do you like the new organization of the page? Issue #135
- Plan for release on 17 May
- What needs to happen to resource before release
- Web Accessibility Perspectives Approval for Publication Survey
- Accessible UI Components List – Approval for publish (10 minutes)
- Resource Development Life Cycle (10 minutes)
- Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion (5 minutes)
- Revision by Shawn; continuing to work on it; feedback welcome
- F2F Agenda (10 minutes)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
The weekly EOWG teleconference convened to discuss ongoing work and to make final logistical and agenda decisions for the face to face meeting next week. As a result of current drafts and discussion of current work the following resolutions were passed:
- New title for Improving document will be "Short Term Website Accessibility Improvements"
- EOWG accepts the current version of Basics and Understanding section of the the Improving doc as presented at the meeting today.
- Presentation of Web Perspectives videos will be on individual pages.
- Accept the UI as surveyed for publication of the Accessible UI Components List with the understanding that there are styling changes ongoing and we are OK to leave to Editor's Discretion.
There was general agreement that the Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion piece is moving in the right direction and this will be an option of work at the F2F next week. Details about location and updates to the plans for user feedback sessions, the overall agenda for the F2F, and the web site redesign brainstorm are on the wiki and EO participants are encouraged to participate. Thanks for your good work, look forward to being together in Austin next week.
- Present: Brent, Sharron, Howard, Shawn, Shadi, Caleb, Denis, Susan, James, Kazuhito, Eric, Joy, Adina
- Regrets: Andrew, Laura
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 11 May
- [done] Name, Date
29 April 2016 Teleconference
- Web Accessibility Perspectives — Survey Results (60 minutes)
- Duration and pace - see audio description version of video captions film
- Order of sections - see order comments
- Title changes? - Large Select Areas and Notifications and Feedback
- Discomfort with Understandable video
- Impact of accent - Issue 165
- Background music
- Section text
- Announcement
- Improving Websites (Interim Repairs) (20 minutes)
- Title finding (Issue 63)
- Proposed title: Tips for Interim Website Accessibility Repairs
- Title finding (Issue 63)
- Accessible UI Components List: (5 minutes)
- Reminder of the pending survey – open till May 2nd
- Heads up on the WAI Resources Overview and Management page development (5 minutes)
- Resource Development Life Cycle (5 minutes)
- Request from James - Review latest update and make comments and recommendations on Wiki
- Everyone understand how to edit Wiki?
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
- Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion Document
- Update Availability Survey - Will be making decision about meeting on May 13th
- Continue working on Resource Management Survey - Review your assigned resources
- Survey questions
EOWG began its weekly teleconference with an introduction to new participant Caleb Watson, based in Austin Texas and working with James at Visa. Sevaral comments were submitted to GitHub related to the Web Accessibility Perspectives. Discussion of these comments led to the following resolutions.
- EOWG approves the need to extend video length as needed for clarity and meaning.
- EOWG has considered the presentation order of the videos and will leave final decision about that to TF's discretion.
- EOWG agrees to change title to Large buttons, links, and controls (order at Editor's discretion)
- After consideration of comment to change title, the orginal "Notifications and Feedback" was agreed to more accurately reflect content of video and explanation of issue.
- EOWG accepts the accents in the current videos, and in consideration of time and budget constraints, sees no need to change narration.
Next, the new title of the Improving Websites resource was presented. It is "Tips for Interim Accessibility Repairs." No strong objections were raised, the title will be part of the survey, and EO can comment before finalization. Finally, Brent closed the meeting with a few updates to current work, most of which are referenced on the Work for this Week section of the wiki. Thanks everyone!
- Present: Brent, Sharron, Laura, Howard, Shawn, Shadi, Caleb,Susan, Eric, Joy, Adina
- Regrets: Denis, James, Andrew, Sylvie, Kazuhito
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 2 May 2016
- [done] James, 2 May 2016
- [done] Name, Date
22 April 2016 Teleconference
- Introduction to new EOWG participant Laura Keen from Library of Congress (10 minutes)
- May EOWG Face-to-face Meeting (11-12 May) (10 minutes)
- Draft Agenda
- Proposed plan for meeting topics and tasks
- Resource Priorities (user feedback sessions & resources work)
- Resource Development Life Cycle - Initial Draft
- Updated partial draft of process (10 minutes)
- Accessibility and Inclusion (20 minutes)
- Survey results
- Changes: further trimming and condensing; language simplification
- Visuals: are there suggestions in addition to Venn diagram idea?
- (if time: suggestions by James)
- Improving Websites (25 minutes)
- Issue #62: Not meeting use case
- Suggestion to change title, to something with "Quick Fix" or such - ring a bell?
- Accessible UI Components List (20 minutes)
- Addressed comments from last week, including the addition of AJAX.
- Visual layout and features similar to the Eval Tools List.
- Approval survey coming up.
- Perspectives (5 minutes)
- Open survey until 27 April
- Reminder to complete survey as quickly as possible; any questions on what to look for in the review?
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (5 minutes)
EOWG convened for weekly meeting to discuss works in progress and plan for upcoming face to face meeting. It began with the introduction of new participant Laura Keen from member organization the Library of Congress. Everyone introduced themselves and welcomed Laura to the group. First item to discuss was the May face to face meeting agenda. Focus will be on updates to resources in the context of the web site redesign. We will bring to the meeting the data collected during user input sessions at the previous AccessU as well as the homework each person is doing on the resources where they are assigned as RM. Suggestions for agenda amendments can go on the wiki and will be in the survey. Next James gave a brief update to his work on the Resource Development Life Cycle. It is maintained in the wiki and there is some concern about how to manage edit suggestions. James will consider and suggest a method. The goal is to have this defined in advance of the face to face meeting in two weeks. Next was discussion of the Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion article. While there are still questions about placement and graphic enhancement, this week participants are asked to check the text for agreement with key points, for clarity, validity of arguments, tone and approach for the target audience. Discussion of issues raised about "Improving" resource led to a decision to reconsider the title and approach, including strong disclaimers for software or sites that are woefully inaccessible and can't be subject to "quick fix." Eric then walked everyone through his updates to the Accessible UI Components List. EO agreed it was just getting better at each iteration. Next was a look at the Web Perspective videos. Bravos were heard all around and Shadi asked everyone to review with a consideration that there will be captions, AD, and transcripts but in the meantime to consider the music, the scene length, and the vocal accents. Brent wrapped up the meeting with a note to watch for several surveys, a warm welcome to Laura and thanks to all for their good work on these resources.
- Present: Sharron, Howard, EricE, James, Denis,Brent,Shadi, Andrew, Laura
- Regrets: Susan, Shawn, Joy, Sylvie, Kazuhito
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Shawn, 26 April
15 April 2016 Teleconference
- Accessible UI Components List
- Review latest changes to resource interface
- Review submission criteria feedback – survey results
- Improving the Accessibility of your Website - discuss Issue 62
- Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion - review Requirements Analysis
- Resource Manager (RM) Planning & Meeting Process
- May and September EOWG face-to-face update
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
EOWG met for its weekly teleconference to consider works in progress, make considerations of process for participants to follow as Resource Managers and to plan for the upcoming face to face meetings in Austin and in Lisbon. First Eric walked the group through his updates to the Accessible UI Components List. In looking at the changes to the UI, most people were pleased and had a few suggestions for further improvements. In the review of the submission criteria, Eric reported mostly approval with some small wording suggestions that he has implemented. Next the group considered the current version of Improving the Accessibility of your Website and specifically Shawn's GitHub comments posted as Issue 62. Most people agreed that, as currently written, the article does not meet the targeted use case. Susan took an action to make an edit pass this afternoon. Next up was a review of the requirements analysis for Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion. Given these requirements, group opinion was to create a new approach, different from previous EO documents. Discussion concluded with general agreement on the use case, agreement that this doc does not currently address that use case, general agreement with Shawn's suggested approach, and an understanding that we need to get more pragmatic rather than idealizing the situation. The intention is to make this one more of an informational blog post, less formal, more engaging, and tightly focused. Brent next invited EO participants to attend planning meetings when they have active resources as RM to any of the current documents. Brent described the process by which resources are brought into consideration, put in the survey, and added to the agenda for general group discussion and decisions. Sharron encouraged everyone to update the face to face survey, especially for TPAC in Lisbon in September. For the upcoming F2F in Austin, EO is encouraged to nominate any of the resources that they are managing to be part of the user feedback sessions at AccessU. Brent thanked everyone for their time and adjourned the meeting on time.
- Present: Sharron, Brent, Andrew, Susan, Shawn, Shadi, James, Howard, Eric, Joy
- Regrets: Kazuhito, Denis, Sylvie
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, Date
08 April 2016 Teleconference
- Remember to complete the Approvals Survey for the Getting Started Tips, Improving and Policy documents by Monday, 11 April (0:00-0:05)
- How to Meet WCAG 2.0: (0:05-0:25)
- Button placement 18 March survey results and recommended placement (“Example #5”)
- Discussion on renaming/clarifying the buttons and status bar to make more sense, - read background and see proposal
- Accessible UI Components List: (0:25-0:50)
- Overview UI update introduction including feedback on
- Navigation width, overall styling ideas
- Submission Guidelines discussion, especially:
- Wordpress
tag requirements discussion - Quick introduction of snippets requirements
- Wordpress
- Overview UI update introduction including feedback on
- Resource Management Survey: (0:50-0:55) Survey is currently open as a tool to help you as a Resource Manager (RM) review and report on your resources. Are there any questions or clarification needed about the survey questions and format?
- Resource Development Life Cycle: (0:55-1:45)
- Web Accessibility Perspectives: Quick Update (1:45-1:50)
- Next EOWG Face-to-Face Meeting May, Austin: (1:50-1:55)
- Date: 11-12 May
- Location: Austin, Texas (coinciding with Knowbility's AccessU)
- Current topic ideas for meeting
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey (1:55-2:00)
The Education & Outreach Working Group meet during the normal Friday teleconference time. The meeting started with a reminder that there were two open surveys currently available for completion. First is the approval survey for the Improving and Policy documents as well as an updated activity in the Quick Tips resource. The group was reminded that this survey will close on 11 April. The second survey is a survey to help newly volunteered Resource Managers (RM) review and report on the resources they are in charge of. The RM will look over their resources and determine what updates need to be made and the level of effort and extent needed for updates. RMs will report on their findings in the next few meetings.
The How to Meet WCAG 2.0 (Quickref) resource was discussed. Eric talked about the placement and functionality of the expand/collapse all button, as well as the icons to be used.
- RESOLUTION: We are all happy with the placement of the expand all button.
Eric walked the group through the updates made the the Accessible UI Components List resource asking for initial feedback and reactions to the interface of the list tool. Eric also introduced the latest version of the Submission Criteria for the general public to submit components asking for a read through and discussion/recommendation during the meeting. Eric captured comments and will be creating survey questions about both resources.
Brent and Sharron reminded everyone who is a RM to begin looking at their resources and complete the Resource Management Survey.
James took the lead and walked the group through the comments from last weeks survey around the Resource Development Life Cycle. James walked through each of the 6 stages outlined in the life cycle asking people to review the stage, read the comments for the survey, and then asked for additions and edits that should be made at each stage. James has collected the feedback and will be putting together the next iteration of the life cycle for us to review again. One of the main comments that came from this discussion was that it is important to keep the life cycle itself at a very high level which would be easy to reference and understand, but at the same time to include links to sub-pages that will help explain more detail and act as a "How To" for people that are new to this work but want to take on the resource management task.
Update on Web Accessibility Perspectives - Production company is deep into editing. Working on adding narration, music, transitions, title and closing screens. We will be bringing final draft cuts to the Working Group for final comments as soon as they are available. Looking at sometime next week to put a survey out for reactions.
Next Face to Face meeting is in Austin, TX on 11-12 of May. This will take place in conjunction with AccessU. Similar agenda and resource user feedback planned as last year.
Full minutes from 08 April Meeting
- Present: Susan, Howard, James, Denis, Andrew, Kazuhito, Shadi, Eric, Sharron, Brent
- Regrets: Shawn, Joy, Sylvie
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Shawn, 13 April 2016
01 April 2016 Teleconference
- Two documents up for Approval to Publish
- Update to Tips for Getting Started with Web Accessibility - [Quicktips]
- Introduce updated activity in the Designing section: Include image and media alternatives in your design
- Other minor changes to resource
- Questions on Survey
- Web Accessibility Perspectives
- Update on resource
- Approval of proposed URL: ".../wai/perspectives" for overview page
- 21 & 22 March EOWG face-to-face meeting debrief
- 21 March 2016 full summary and minutes
- 22 March 2016 full summary and minutes
- WAI pages with updated notes, resource manager, status
- CSUN conference debrief: Observations and ideas with implication for EOWG work? (if time - 1:50)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
EOWG met to consider wrapping up several WAI-Dev resources including the approval to publish two documents in the Planning and Managing Suite; an update to one of the Design Quick Start Tips; and the title text on the end screen of the Web Accessibility Perspectives videos. The first two of these considerations will be presented in a survey open until April 11 (please try to respond sooner to help facilitate closing and publishing the resources.) The last consideration resulted in the following resolution:
- RESOLUTION: Each video will end with a title screen saying "Visit w3.org/WAI/perspectives for tips and information"
In debriefing from the face to face, participants expressed strong desire to build on momentum that was created last week. To that end, all agreed to review the documents for which they had agreed to be Resource Manager (RM) and to give a preliminary status recommendation within a framework that the Chairs will post to the weekly survey.
[Minutes 01 April 2016]
- Present: Shadi, Sharron, Andrew, James, Susan, Howard, Brent, Shawn, Denis, Kazuhito, Joy
- Regrets: Sylvie, Eric
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2016
22 March 2016 Face to Face meeting
Full two day agenda on the wiki
Day 2 of the face to face meeting began with a review of the previous days decisions and plans for maintaining WAI-Dev deliverables and other EO resources moving forward. James took the previous day's list of sustainability issues and milestones and created a graphic flow chart (to be posted). The group then considered outreach responsibility for WAI-Dev products and other EO resources and developed plans for promoting them so that they will be more widely known and used. Outreach planning will be based on some of the previous successful campaigns (like ATAG)and will be targeted to the various audiences that will benefit.
With an increased understanding of responsibility, participants reviewed the list of WAI-Dev and other resources and assigned themselves to the role of RM for one or more of these. RM assignments are captured in column 5 of the resource list on WAI-Pages.
Additionally, the group did detailed consideration of the Showcase videos and the Web for all- Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion document. Some Showcase decisions (like the music) were postponed until the videos can be viewed. The Inclusion document was thought to be publishable, although several stated their preference for it to be shorter and more focused - maybe even a blog post.
Finally, in considering the new modern WAI-Dev resources and the plan for sustaining and promoting them to the world in a modern framework, EOWG determine to redesign the WAI web site. The group determined to improve the way these resources are presented. James identified volunteer development resources from his company and we will enquire about WAI procedure for doing this kind of work with Eric as lead and PM. The following ACTIONS were logged:
- ACTION: Brent to capture and create a wiki page for the outreach initiatives.
- ACTION: EricE to be the resource manager for the Presentations and make edits and changes to the CSS.
- ACTION: EricE to be the Resource Manager for the Tutorials, working with Susan, Adina & Shadi.
- ACTION: EricE to create a way to add the review cycle information to Github projects so we can use it programatically.
- ACTION: James and Shawn and others interested will look at Document Review Stages
- ACTION: Sharron to put the Resource Development + Maintenance Life Cycle into a (interactive) graphic, assisted by EricE.
- ACTION: Shawn check on guest contributors
- Present: Shadi, Sharron, James, Susan, Howard, Wayne, Eric, Brent, Margy (Fidelity), Raj (Deque), Shawn, Adina, Denis
- Regrets: Joy, Andrew, Sylvie
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 01 April 2015
- [done] name, 00 Month 2015
21 March 2016 Face to Face Meeting
Full two day agenda on the wiki
EOWG met for the first day of a two day face to face meeting with the following overarching goals:
- Review, acceptance, and maintenance planning for WAI-Dev deliverables
- Develop sustainability plan to maintain WAI-Dev and other EOWG resources
- Develop outreach plan to improve public ability to find and use WAI-Dev and other EOWG resources
Group members then articulated their own personal goals for the meeting. These were captured on flip charts and are being transcribed. The link will be placed here when transcription is done.
EOWG reviewed the charter noted their responsibility to do outreach for more than only our own resources. In taking a long range look, EO first considered a resource developed without external funding - Easy Checks - and then considered the WAI-Dev resources and how the process of development and maintenance was similar and how it differed. Consideration was given to the typical stages of document review and if some of the detailed word-smithing type of discussions were the most productive use of participant time.
In order to maintain the viability of the WAI-Dev resources over time, we will consider this process and extend it to include longer term sustainability. The idea is to have a review schedule so that every document is reviewed at least once a year on a rotating schedule each quarter. Each resource will be assigned to one "Resource Manager" (RM) who will determine or consult with others as needed to determine document status. Every EO participant will assume the role of RM for the materials of most interest and/or be part of the support team related to that document.
Using WAI-Dev resources as the poster child of this new approach, we will assign each an RM who will schedule for periodic review as discussed and identify if additional work is needed at any point and what resources will be needed accomplish it. For example, many expressed interest in extending the scope of the tutorials, introducing new topics and keeping the existing modules current to new technologies and development techniques. Since these are publicly available resources, there is interest in pursuing grant funds to support the effort. The following ACTIONS were logged:
- ACTION: Eric will put WAI pages status and update notes on GitHUb.
- ACTION: EricE will put WAI pages status and update notes on GitHUb.
- ACTION: Wayne to investigate EO grant
- Present: Sharron, James, Susan, Howard, Wayne, Eric, Brent, Richard(DAISY), Shawn, Denis
- Regrets: Joy, Andrew, Sylvie
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 29 March 2015
- [done] name, 00 Month 2015
18 March 2016 Teleconference
Reminder: Meeting time same in US, different in some time zones this week
- Round of Applause for the Announcements :-)
- 21-22 March Face-to-Face Meeting Agenda
- Showcase Examples with Videos
- Work towards resolution on Resource Title - Survey Results & Issue #8
- Work towards resolution on Section Titles - Survey Results
- Work towards resolution on video end Catch Phrases - Survey Results
- If time permits - Starting and Ending screens in videos - Issue #8
- Planning and Managing Web Accessibility: Confirm changes are acceptable to move forward to publish. Changes made as a result of review:
- Change the order of Review websites and Review environment (GitHub 1bfa9ce)
- Added link to ATAG overview and Evaluation tools list to Review environment (GitHub d9eb783)
- Added link to Involving Users to Evaluate early and regularly (GitHub 52b8c72)
- Add in evaluation tools into Review environment (GitHub 52b8c72)
- Add recruitment as a consideration in Determine budget and resources (Two commits linked in GitHub Issue #92)
- Clarification of budget activity content (GitHub 52b8c72)
- Change colour for activity sub-titles (e.g. in Learn the basics) (GitHub 6eb2bcc)
- Fix to Javascript and styling when no JS available (GitHub 343555d)
- Minor grammatical change (GitHub 6fee967)
- Slight change to grammar (GitHub 950e211)
- Minor typo (GitHub 4ebae64)
- How to Meet WCAG 2.0 (quickref)
- Accessible UI Components List
- Survey feedback comments
- [Tentative] Filters
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
- No EOWG Teleconference Meeting 25 March
EOWG met to review and celebrate the important and valuable work done by Shadi, Kevin, and Eric and supported by EO. Shawn shared the fact that WAI had made 14 publication announcements yesterday and congratulations was afforded all around. Brent announced the finalization of the agenda for the CSUN F2F coming right up. EO discussed a few unresolved naming issues for the showcase which led to these resolutions:
- "Web Accessibility Perspectives: Explore the Impact and Benefits for Everyone" will be the title of the resource.
- "Colors with Good Contrast" will be the title of this video.
- Title of topic video will change from "Large Activation Areas" to "Large Select Areas"
- Catchy phrases from survey will be accepted with the title changes resolved above.
Final disposition of comments on the Planning and Managing resource as well as re-positioning of the button on the QuickRef were briefly discussed and will be on the survey. Finally, Brent announced that EOWG will not meet next Friday, March 25th since so many will be traveling. Thanks to all and see you in San Diego!
18 March Teleconference Meeting Minutes
- Present: Brent, Sharron, James, Howard, Joy, Susan, Shawn, Eric, Shadi, Kevin
- Regrets: Kazuhito, Andrew
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 17 March
- [done] Name, DD Month
11 March 2016 Teleconference
- Announcement - Daylight Savings Time Change - Meetings will be at the same time in the US, different in some time zones
- Discuss Survey Results
- Accessible UI Components List: Categories
- Showcase Examples with Videos
- Catchy phrases - Are we happy with this format?
- Item titles (H2s) - Are we happy with these?
- Issue 119 - "Activation Areas" too jargony
- Start/end screens - Do we need to have more?
- Misc questions (if time)
- Showcase Resource Name - Issue #8
- EOWG Participant Matrix
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
EOWG met to discuss resources, several of which are in final stages of development and approval. First Brent reminded the group that the US will implement Daylight Savings time over this coming weekend and to be alert how that might affect schedules in other parts of the world. In discussing changes to the categories of the UI Components list, Eric said he would get further guidance about Susan's objection to adding Themes as a category before making a decision about that. Other considerations led to these resolutions:
- RESOLUTION: A category called "snippets" will be added to the UI Components list
- RESOLUTION: A category called "Templates" will be dropped from the UI Components list
Eric wrapped up that discussion with a reminder that each EOWG participant has been asked to submit a component to the list. If you are having any trouble, please contact Eric for help. Next was an update on the video production status. There has been some difficulty securing participation of actors with disability but those have been settled and shooting will begin in London next week. Discussion of the closing catch phrase for the video led to a proposal for it to say (video subject) for an accessible web: essential for some, useful for all. The final OK for the phrase will be on the survey. Shadi also asked EO to consider the individual video titles. In naming the overall resource, the momentum is moving toward a variation of "Web Accessibility Perspectives: Exploring the Impact and Benefits for all" and EO is asked to weigh in on the options in the survey this week. In wrapping up, Brent asked all of EOWG to contribute to a participant matrix which is meant to gather background within the group to help identify skills (and gaps) in group resources as participants transition into more active roles in creation, maintenance, and outreach of EO materials. In addition there will be three surveys open this week, so stay in touch and please keep updating your availability for meetings. Thanks all.
11 March Teleconference Meeting Minutes
- Present: Brent, Sharron, Kazuhito, James, Howard, Joy, Shawn, Eric, Shadi, Kevin
- Regrets: Susan, Sylvie, Andrew
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 15 March
- [done] Susan, 14 March
- [done] Name, DD Month
04 March 2016 Teleconference
- Planning and Managing Web Accessibility - Final review and Approval to Publish
- WCAG EM Report Tool - Approval to Publish v1.1
- Past Discussions and Resolutions
- 11 December 2015 Weekly Survey - Addressing final issues and naming discussion
- 18 December 2015 Update Resolution
- 08 January 2016 Name Resolution
- Past Discussions and Resolutions
- Showcase Examples with Videos
- Update on script editing
- Closed 77 of 117 issues/commits - objections should be addressed
- Make sure addressed "vital for accessibility" and "main point come through"
- Next: editorial refinements, such as "catchy phrase"
- Need a resource name - weekly survey results
- Most seemed to like "Web Accessibility: Impact and Benefits" - any objections?
- (if time: ideas for catchy short name, like w3.org/WAI/impact/ ?)
- Update on script editing
- Accessible UI Components List
- Info on Themes, Templates and Snippets categorization
- Need assistance gathering Widgets, Templates & Frameworks for the launch of the resource
- Obstacles for submitting
- Send possible additions directly to Eric (ee@w3.org) and copy the Working Group editors email list (wai-eo-editors@w3.org)
- Demo of the UI (Re-watch the video here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ag6zzosn6tj8yun/acuil-add-content.mp4?dl=0 – no captions yet)
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
EOWG met to review current deliverables and determine needed actions before the end of the WAI-Dev project and the CSUN conference. kevin will post a survey to provide EO participants the opportunity for thorough review of the Planning and Managing Web Accessibility guide before it goes for public review. Next was review and discussion of other current projects which led to the following resolutions:
- RESOLUTION: Publish version 1.1 of WCAG-EM Report Tool with the current updates.
- RESOLUTION: Scripts 1 through 10 are accepted in general - the visuals and the general tenor - with the understanding that the closing phrase will be reviewed and other minor word edits may occur.
The video resource still needs a name and EO will be asked to continue that consideration and put ideas into this week's survey. Brent then asked that *everyone* submit an item to the Accessible UI Component List and Eric provided a demo of how to do so. Co-chairs thanked everyone for their contributions, reminded the group to check in with work for the week where there will be two surveys, to add to the agenda for the face to face if you have specific interests that you would like to see represented, and to update availability for meetings.
- Present: Brent, EricE, George, Howard, Kazuhito, Kevin, Shadi, Sharron, Susan
- Regrets: Andrew, Sylvie, James, Shawn, Vicki
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 07 March
- [done] James, 07 March
- [done] Shawn, 9 March
26 Feb 2016 Teleconference
- Showcase Examples with Video - Current video scripts
- Video Scripts 1-5: Closure of issues and approval for production
- improvements to Script #4
- Video Scripts 6-10: Discuss changes based on survey feedback
- "cuckoo clock" in Script #6
- "toast level" in Script #8
- "broken mouse" and "headstick" in Script #10
- concerns about threader example with Script #7
- Discussion on final open video script questions from Working Group
- Add catchy phrase to end all videos
- Add Title Screen at the beginning of all scripts
- Title of Resource (time permitting): Issue #8: what to link to?
- Below are some naming considerations:
- Each examples highlights an accessibility feature that is critical for people with disabilities but beneficial for many more;
- The target audience are people who are new to web accessibility, possibly to the extent that they do not even know what it is;
- These are all examples and rough descriptions of web accessibility, not any normative guidance or interpretation of the requirements;
- Each video links back to this resource, which provides additional (brief) background and links to more resources (eg. Getting Started).
- Video Scripts 1-5: Closure of issues and approval for production
- Accessible UI Components List
- Need assistance gathering Widgets, Templates & Frameworks for the launch of the resource
- Send possible additions directly to Eric (ee@w3.org) and copy the Working Group editors email list (wai-eo-editors@w3.org)
- WCAG EM Report Tool - Approval to Publish v1.1
- Past Discussions and Resolutions
- 11 December 2015 Weekly Survey - Addressing final issues and naming discussion
- 18 December 2015 Update Resolution
- 08 January 2016 Name Resolution
- EOWG 2016 Face-to-Face Meeting Schedule - Reminder of where to find the information and agenda pages: top of this Meetings page
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
At the weekly teleconference, EOWG continued to consider the evolving video scripts for the Showcase. The agenda item to approve the revised WCAG-EM Report Tool for publication was tabled due to time constraints and technical problems with the WebEx connection. The group considered and discussed updates to Video Scripts 8 (customization), 10 (Keyboard), and 7 (Large click areas). Suggestions inlcuded consideration of a different analogy to toast for #8, consideration of a cordless mouse for #10 and the following resolution:
- RESOLUTION: The needle threader will not be used in the large target area video.
A brief reference to Video Script 4 re-introduced the suggestion that there be a common catch phrase throughout the videos to emphasize the point that these features are vital for some; beneficial/useful for all/others. TF was asked to consider using such a phrase in most or all of the videos. Brent wrapped up with reminders that changes and updates to videos and other resources will be coming quickly and urgently. He asked EO to remain alert and to respond quickly when new items are posted for consideration. For example, the video resource needs a name and some elements have been suggested to help with brainstorming and naming. Please review and comment as soon as possible. Important and time-sensitive needs at this time include:
- Everyone in EOWG is asked to contribute to the Accessible Components List by sending examples and urls for accessible widgets, templates, and frameworks to Eric. Please copy WAI editors at wai-eo-editors@w3.org.
- Review the agenda for the upcoming face to face meeting and add comments, questions or additional topics according to your interest.
- Review proposed next version of WCAG-EM Report Tool and be prepared to give approval to publish next week.
Finally, Brent thanked everyone for their valuable contributions to the ongoing work.
- Present: Sharron, Shawn, Brent, Susan, George, Eric, Shadi, James, Kevin, Howard
- Regrets: Vivienne, Vicki, Andrew, Sylvie, Kazuhito
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 02 March
- [done] Name, DD MMM
19 Feb 2016 Teleconference
- Examples Showcase with Video
- Discussion on final open video script questions from Working Group
- Issue #4: Unsure about hearing aid - in Script 1
- Issue #5: Road signs? - in Script 2
- Issue #72: visual stereotyping - in Script 4
- Issue #16: Not sure about café scene - in Script 5
- (if time) Issue #8: what to link to?
- (if time) Other issues that anyone wants to raise on scripts 1-5
- Discussion on final open video script questions from Working Group
- Publication plan for Planning and Mananging Web Accessibility (Timescales)
- Accessibility Requirements for People with Low Vision
- Update on survey results
- EOWG 2016 Face-to-Face Meeting Schedule
- 21-22 March: During CSUN - San Diego, California // CSUN F2F Draft Agenda Page
- 11-12 May: During AccessU - Austin, Texas // AccessU F2F Draft Agenda Page
- 19-23 September (specific dates pending): During the W3C Technical Plenary (TPAC) - Lisbon, Portugal // TPAC F2F Draft Agenda Page
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
During its weekly teleconference meeting, EOWG spent the most time on consideration of the video scripts in the Showcase. The following resolutions emerged from discussion:
- Hearing aid will used in the video caption script.
- Improvements are needed for clarity of the central point of the contrast script - EOWG will continue to consider and post ideas to the wiki and/or GitHub.
- There is no issue with using a cane as symbol of blindness but options can be considered including a preference for a service dog.
- Address the confusion about where action occurs in Layout and Design script by making clear the improvements are to the one home kitchen and then make the cafe transition a very definite location change.
A survey will post to provide the opportunity to continue to review and comment on the videos. Brent thanked those who contributed comments for the Low Vision Task Force and let EOWG know that their comments are being processed by the TF. Kevin is wrapping up the work on Planning and Managing Web Accessibility and will post the review schedule and the first of the remaining steps for final publication early next week. Finally, Brent confirmed the following face to face EOWG meetings for 2016. (Full list and links to proposed agendas listed above.) Brent reminded everyone to be alert to announcements of surveys posted and to update availability for weekly telecons and F2F meetings.
- Present:
- Regrets:
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Name, DD MMM
12 Feb 2016 Teleconference
- Accessible UI Components List
Briefly share perspectives on survey questions for this week (link coming soon):- Need to include "Web"?
- Additional considerations for subtitle?
- “How to Meet WCAG 2.0”
- Take a look on the tags section in the customize panel, the layout has changed from last week.
- *Note:* The tags are currently not applied to the main content, this should be completed by the meeting on Friday.
- Video scripts for Showcase Examples
- Keyboard Compatibility: does the slightly improved car analogy work?
- Color Contrast: do the hypothetical examples (changed roadsigns and person blending into the couch) make sense?
- Text Customization: issue with toilet joke - what are other ideas?
- Clarifying ties to WCAG in Layout and Design, Notifications and Feedback, Large Click Areas, Text Customization, and Simple Language
- Landing page to reference - some suggestions
- Work for this Week & Weekly Survey
EOWG met for the weekly teleconference meeting. Due to concerns with the inadequacy of the resource title, the resolution from 5 February on the naming of the accessible widget list was overturned in favor of a new one:
- RESOLUTION: Change the title to Accessible UI Components List: Widgets, Templates, and Frameworks for a Better Web.
Eric walked the group through the UI changes he has made to the QuickRef. People liked the changes very much and gave feedback for further improvement. In considering the video scripts of the Showcase examples, Shadi thanked everyone for useful feedback. Discussion led to suggestion that the WCAG requirement, guideline of best practice should be reinforced with a display of the source and a short phrase of summary of the issue. For example "Keyboard access makes it better for everyone. See WCAG 2.1.1 for more information." On the question of what to do about those scenarios that do not map directly to WCAG, there will be a question in this week's survey to provide feedback. An additional suggestion was made to include a thread or minor recurring theme through the videos if/when possible. Brent wrapped up with reminders about open surveys and encouragement to stay current with Work for the Week.
- Present: Brent, Sharron, Howard, James, Shawn, Kevin, Shadi, Eric, Kazuhito (IRC)
- Regrets: Sylvie, Vivienne, Vicki, George, Susan, Andrew
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Susan, 16 Feb
- [done] Andrew, 17 Feb
- [done] Name, DD MMM
05 Feb 2016 Teleconference
- How to Meet WCAG 2.0 [Quickref]:
- Update on tagging taxonomy
- Current Prototype of Quickref
- Explore proposed tag interface and functionality in the Filters tab (Please understand that there is still work to be done, bugs to fix)
- Discuss new tagging interface and functionality
- Planning and Managing Web Accessibility
- Feedback on weekly survey
- Unnamed collection of widgets, templates, frameworks
- Name Discussion: Weekly survey results
- Accessible UI Components [X]: [Y]
- What is [X]
- List, Catalog, Index, or Nothing
- What is [Y]
- Nothing, or "Widgets, Templates, Frameworks"
- What is [X]
- Accessible UI Components [X]: [Y]
- Name Discussion: Weekly survey results
- 2016 EOWG Face to Face Meeting Updates
- Reminder of Work for this Week and the two additional surveys (Eval Tools List and Examples Showcase with Video)
EOWG met for its weekly teleconference and made the following resolutions:
- The title of the resource will be Accessible UI Components List with no subtitle.
- QuickRef filter categories will be changed from current prototype expand/collapse to series of checkboxes similar to WCAG Levels selector.
These were the result of consideration of the newly developed filtering interface for the QuickRef prototype. Eric had changed the UI to reflect a tags taxonomy based on activity or roles. After exploration and much discussion, the group suggested a major change in the way the tags were presented, summarized in the resolution above. Kevin then gave a brief update on the work of the Planning and Managing Guide. He is processing the few comments he received on the new activity and working on making clearer the distinction between this resource and the supporting Improving and Policy documents. Next the group discussed the name of the widget collection and came to the resolution above. Shadi urged EOWG to weigh in on the Showcase Examples with Videos scripts and complete the related survey. Also needed is approval to publish the revised Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List. Brent reminded everyone that EOWG has scheduled a F2F meeting at CSUN on March 21 and 22. All are encouraged to adjust your schedule accordingly if you will be there. If you have not yet made plans, please try to come meet with the group for two days of document review, new design planning, editor training, and outreach strategizing. Also planned are F2F meetings at AccessU in May, TPAC in September and possibly AHG in November. Finally and with deep gratitude, we said farewell to David Berman who has served his term as IE. His contributions have been valuable and we will miss him. He will stay in touch and may attend the F2F.
- Present: Brent, Sharron, Susan, Kevin, Howard, Shadi, Eric, James, David, George
- Regrets: Vivienne, Shawn, Vicki, Sylvie, Andrew, Kazuhito
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Shawn, 6 Feb
- [done] Andrew, 11 Feb
29 Jan 2016 Teleconference
- Gallery of Accessible Web Components
- Continue Naming Discussion - brainstorms in survey, 15 Jan minutes, 22 Jan minutes
- Proposal: [X] of Accessible Web Code: Widgets, Templates, Frameworks
(possible nickname: [X] of Code, e.g., Catalog of Code) - [X] might be Catalog, Directory, Index, Gallery, List, [others you want to resurrect]
- Proposal: [X] of Accessible Web Code: Widgets, Templates, Frameworks
- Submission Criteria Discussion
- Contribution Volunteers
- Continue Naming Discussion - brainstorms in survey, 15 Jan minutes, 22 Jan minutes
- Planning and managing web accessibility
- New Assign tasks and support delivery activity
- Improving and Policy documents
- Update on comments from the survey
- Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List
- minor updates, survey coming
- Showcase Examples with Videos
- update from the Task Force
- EOWG pages updated and new:
- Current Projects <https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_Current_Projects>
- EOWG Participation Info <https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_Participation_Info> with telecon info, IRC info, Tips, and *new* EOWG document review stages: <https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_Participation_Info#EOWG_document_review_stages>
- Summary of Work for this week and Weekly Survey
EOWG convened for its weekly teleconference to review work in progress and introduce new projects. Considerable meeting time was devoted to the important task of naming the crowd-sourced repository of accessible widgets, frameworks, and templates being assembled. Considerations include:
- Find one term for the items that will be in the collection.
- Find another term to convey that it is a repository and is not developed or hosted by WAI.
- Avoid use of "Web Components" since that is a defined term for existing W3C initiative.
Extensive discussion at the start of the meeting was revisited with the few remaining minutes at the end and the resulting proposals that gained the most positive response will be posted for further comment in this week's EO survey. A summary of additional agenda items follows:
- Submission requirements: EO concluded that there will be a need for some degree of good faith about conformance claims along with a public rating system. Disclaimer language will be needed.
- Volunteers to ID components: EOWG is encouraged to submit accessible candidates for the collection, thereby populating the resource and having direct experience of the process. Send email to Eric for more detail if interested or simply input your submission
- NEW Content to review in the Implementation section of Planning and Managing Web Accessibility is Assign Tasks and Support Delivery
- Improving and Policy documents related to Planning/Managing can still be reviewed if you have not yet done so. Submit comments preferably in GitHub but can also send email to wai-eo-editors@w3.org .
- Evaluation Tools List will be published as a new 1.1 version. A (separate) survey will be posted highlighting updates and EOWG will have a week to review and approve for publication.
- Showcase Examples with Video Task Force is working with a production company. Review of work in progress will be requested next week in a separate survey. **High Priority** once released.
- EO general info updates are posted, including Current Projects, Participation info and a new summary of the document review process
Because there will be three separate surveys open next week, Chairs and staff will be sending a series of notifications and alerts. Please respond to those in a timely way. Thank you! 29 January 2016 Minutes
- Present: Susan, Sharron, Brent, Shawn, Andrew, Kevin, Shadi, Eric, Howard, James, Kazuhito
- Regrets: Vicki, David
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] David, 2 Feb 2016
- @@@
22 Jan 2016 Teleconference
- Planning and managing web accessibility
- Add in a 'Do' activity, based on Brent's comment
- Discussion around presentation of section pages (Please review Question #5 survey results and rationale set forth by other EOWG members before the meeting and see updated Initiate page without "on this page")
- Introduce Developing Organizational Policies and Improving the Accessibility of Your Website ready for thorough review
- Gallery of Accessible Web Components
- Call for Volunteers
- Submission Criteria
- Continue Naming Discussion - brainstorms in survey, 15 Jan minutes
- Words to describe the collection
- More likes: Catalog, Hub, Directory, Compendium, Index (new)
- No because sounds like we host them: Repository, Library, Bank, Collection
- More not likes: Cache, Co-op, Museum, Toolkit, List, Gallery
- Not use "WAI" in name
- Words of what is being collected
- Reminders:
- not "web components", but "components" otherwise OK
- for now widgets, templates, frameworks (WTF ;-); maybe later separate instance for resources like articles, tutorials, etc.
- More likes: Accessibility Resources, Resources
- More not likes: Components, Assets, Elements
- Reminders:
- For discussion, consider the combinations of the two lists to come up with the name. e.g.: "Catalog of Accessibility Resources", "Accessibility Resources Hub", etc.
- "Accessibility" may have better SEO than "Accessible"?
- Words to describe the collection
- Report on Asia-Pacific-Pacific EOWG sub-group meeting
- Group logistics: CSUN Face-to-Face, planning for dates, W4TW, surveys, etc
EOWG met for its weekly teleconference to get updates on work in progress and receive orientation to new projects in the queue. First was the introduction of a new activity called Perform Accessibility Tasks added in the Implement section of the Planning and Managing resource. Review is requested. Next came the question of whether to use or not an expand/collapse function on the activities within each section. The group had extensive discussion with strong opinions on either side. The resolution was reached to use expand/collapse in presentation of the activities. Kevin then re-introduced a couple of resources that had been tabled earlier in 2015. They are Developing Organizational Policies and Improving Website Accessibility. EOWG will thoroughly review these documents, wordsmithing, ensuring clarity and aligning with the related Planning and Managing resource. Next Eric provided updates on the unnamed component gallery and asked EO to review the component submission criteria and comment on any requested changes. More discussion and brainstorming occurred about naming the resource and we will continue to consider all options. Shawn reported on the Asia Pacific EOWG subgroup orientation meeting, held on Wednesday evening. Current plan is to link in member organization reps from the Asia Pacific region by survey,wiki, and minutes and to hold one teleconference for that sub-group each month. Brent next announced the nearly certain intention to hold a F2F at CSUN and indicated that Monday and Tuesday, the 21st and 22nd are currently the most likely dates. The survey and W4TW will be posted soon, will include Gallery and Planning and Managing as well as the two new resources.
- Present:
- Regrets:
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Andrew, 26 Jan 2016
- [done] Susan Hewitt, 24 Jan
- [done] Vicki
15 Jan 2016 Teleconference
- Planning and managing web accessibility
- Present design ideas for single page presentation
- Introduce topics for survey questions
- Explore big picture for the resource
- Review the overlap within the Sustain section
- Review of 'More information' and 'Related' links
- Update on QuickRef prototype
- Wrapping up work on role-based taxonomy Excel spreadsheet with current data
- Gallery of Accessible Web Components
- Feedback on the prototype from the survey
- Collecting frameworks/widgets/templates in a (sub) group
- Naming the resource (Survey results)
- Reminders: Stay in tune with Work for this Week, update meeting availability and possibilities for attending F2F meetings.
EOWG convened for the weekly teleconference to consider works in progress and new resources in queue. First was look at the layout options for Planning and Managing Web Accessibility. Kevin has created three options for group consideration:
- Initiate: Two column layout with expand/collapse on whole row.
- Implement: Block layout with expand/collapse on 'Read more'
- Plan: Layout with no expand/collapse.
Extensive discussion resulted in six moderate preferences for #2 and three strong preferences for #3. The consideration will go to survey with request for rationale. If needed, question will be presented as part of public review of resource. Next was an introduction to questions about this resource for next week's survey. Editors need more complete direction about EOWG feelings about the overall scope and approach of the resource. Editors ask for deeper consideration of the overall tenor - are the activities complete, anything missing, how appropriate is the overlap between sections, especially "Sustain." What about links to "More Information" and "Related" materials...is this clear and complete? More thorough review and input is requested.
Eric next provided an update on the QuickRef prototype, including current work on roles-based tags taxonomy. By next week the sub-group working on this will bring polished proposal to EOWG including questions of what changes to the UI might be required if this approach is adopted.
Next was an re-introduction to a resource currently called the Gallery of Accessible Web Components, although the name will certainly be changed since "Web Components" is used at W3C for another project. Shadi reminded EO that this is meant to be a collection of external resources that WAI will point to, not develop or host. Howard, Andrew and AnnaBelle volunteered to lead the effort to load the tool with at least 20 pre-qualified resources. *All of EO* is encouraged to submit accessible widgets, templates, and frameworks that they know of. Brainstorming new names was useful and will continue in the weekly survey. Brent closed the meeting with a reminder to stay in touch with work for this week and to complete surveys on F2F and weekly teleconference availability.
- Present: David, Anna Belle, Vicki, Howard, Andrew, Sharron, Shawn, Kevin, Eric, Shadi, Brent
- Regrets: Susan, James, George, Sylvie
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Sylvie, 19 January 2015
- [done] Susan, 19 January 2015
- [done] James, 19 January 2015
08 Jan 2016 Teleconference
- QuickRef prototype: fyi, survey results
- Planning and Managing Web Accessibility
- fyi, Survey results
- Merge each section into one page? (David's comment)
- Getting Started Tips
- Approve update to designing alternative images tip (GitHub Issue #297, start of new comments)
- Gallery of Accessible Web Components – Introduce early wireframe, reminder of requirements
- WCAG-EM Report Tool title - survey results
- Work for this week, remember to update Availability survey
- Middleman training for GitHub, etc. for seeing changes. Training is scheduled for 30 minutes end of meeting. If possible, plan to stay over if it goes longer.
EOWG convened to review works in progress and introduce new projects. Eric indicated that nearly all public review and comments from the EO survey regarding the QuickRef prototype had been addressed and closed without objection. The sole issue remaining open is the need for simpler language in some places but that will be addressed in future versions.
Next, looking at the comments for the Planning and Managing Web Accessibility resource, Kevin noted the need to resolve a suggestion for putting each section of the guide on one page rather than separate pages for each sub-topic. After considering the one-page example of the planning resource, the group resolved to go with that approach but to re-consider the layout of the single page.
Next item was response to the public comment on Tips for Designing. The suggestion has expanded the Tip considerably. We have been refining how to address it. The recent survey produced a few additional comments and EO was asked to consider the current proposed alt text Tip for Designing. It was agreed this is a good direction. However, one perspective is that current presentation may imply the need for text links and cause designers to believe that icons are not acceptable. James will work with Kevin to further refine the example.
Next was a review of what is currently called the WAI Web Components Gallery. EO was asked to review the requirements and the prototype for that resource and was alerted to the fact that there will be introductory material next week and questions on the survey, including brainstorming a new name. It is meant to function much like the WAI Evaluation Tools List in that it facilitates public input of accessible widgets that will be linked from WAI.
The WCAG-EM Report Tool next version is nearing completion. While a new name for the resource was considered, no clear preference has emerged. As a result, EO resolved to leave the current name as is. EOWG was reminded to stay in touch with Work for This Week and to update Availability surveys. The meeting ended with a recorded training session to introduce the Middleman - a way to do GitHub edits beyond text. The session was not minuted but the recording will be posted.
- Present: Shawn, Susan, Sharron, Kevin, Andrew, AnnaBelle, Eric, David, George, Shadi, James
- Regrets: Brent, Vicki, Sylvie (No survey answers from: David, Vicki, George)
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] Brent, 13 January 2016
- [done] Sylvie, 14 January 2016
- [done] Vicki, 15 January 2016
[template] 00 Month 2016 Teleconference
Minutes: @@
- Present: @@
- Regrets: @@ (No survey response from @@)
(people who missed the meeting) Read summary & skimmed minutes
- [done] name, 00 Month 2015