WICG - Isolated Web Apps
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- Group Meetings
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Alberni - North Tower 4th floor
This calendar lists all TPAC 2022 events. See only group meetings or breakout sessions.
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Alberni - North Tower 4th floor
Topic: Performing Arts Information Representation - PAIR-CG
Time: Sep 16, 2022 05:30 PM Eastern Time / 02:30PM PDT
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– Pacific Daylight Time
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Parksville - North Tower 3rd floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Finback - 3rd floor Concourse
Proposal summary : https://github.com/project-oak/arcsjs-chromium/blob/main/doc/explainer/wicg.md
We have had discussions with existing efforts including local fonts, fenced frames.
More background at: https://github.com/project-oak/arcsjs-chromium/tree/main/doc/explainer
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Alberni - North Tower 4th floor
Meeting agenda, notes, and sign-in document: https://goo.gle/fps-meeting-notes
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Alberni - North Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior A - North Tower 3rd floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior B - North Tower 3rd floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Orca - 3rd floor Concourse
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior CD - North Tower 3rd floor
Day 2 of Immersive Web Group meetings agenda is below. We will use the same irc channel but will have 2 different zoom calls for each day.
Looking forward to the discussions!
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Galliano - South Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Port McNeill - North Tower 4th floor
HID: https://github.com/WICG/webhid
Serial: https://github.com/wicg/serial/
USB: https://github.com/wicg/webusb
Bluetooth: https://webbluetoothcg.github.io/web-bluetooth/
Developer facing explainer: https://web.dev/devices
Slides from Wednesday's Breakout session: https://goo.gle/tpac2022-device-apis
In the first session we discussed the overall motivation, usage trends, and areas of adoption of these APIs.
This WICG session is intended to dive deeper into technical design solutions.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Alberni - North Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Finback - 3rd floor Concourse
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Columbia - South Tower 4th floor
13:30 - 14:30 (60 min) Charter & progress review (deck)
In this section we will review the scope of work and deliverables sections of our charter, discuss potential modifications to these sections, survey progress made on deliverables, and discuss next steps.
14:30 - 14:40 (10 min) Break
14:40 - 15:30 (20 min) User script manager support in MV3
15:00 - 15:20 (20 min) Offscreen Documents for Manifest V3 or Limited Event Pages for MV3
15:20 - 15:30 (10 min) Make extension APIs browser neutral
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Orca - 3rd floor Concourse
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Finback - 3rd floor Concourse
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Burrard - South Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Galiano - South Tower 4th floor
Prior meeting, joint with MEIG: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/374385bc-6221-4c77-82d3-1bd345dc3a01
10:30-11:30 DAPT-REQs and DAPT issues
11:30-12:30 TTML2 issues (especially any arising from DAPT work?)
Later meeting, joint with APA: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/f7250d50-9b71-4998-9af8-7d91719e97c7
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Columbia - South Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Orca - 3rd floor Concourse
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Beluga - 3rd floor Concourse
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Parskville - North Tower 3rd floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior A - North Tower 3rd floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior CD - North Tower 3rd floor
Day 1 of Immersive Web Group meetings agenda is below. Additionally, we will have the WebRTC joint meeting on September 13th, in the afternoon. We are working on getting the exact time for the meeting.
We will use the same irc channel but will have 2 different zoom calls for each day. Please see the WebRTC joint meeting information here: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/bc28a876-4512-488e-95ba-99c91d8c4d49
Looking forward to the discussions!
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Granville - South Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Alberni - North Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
The first formal meeting of the Web Thing Protocol Community Group, at TPAC 2022.
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Columbia - South Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior B - North Tower 3rd floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Hardy - North Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Port McNeill - North Tower 4th floor
This the 2022 annual meeting of the Music Notation Community Group.
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– Pacific Daylight Time
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Pavilion foyer - 3rd floor (indoor space), Fountain Square - Lobby Level (outdoor space) - The food station will be in the indoor space only. Drinks will be available both in the indoor and outdoor space.
CNAME records have a reputation as a tool to circumvent resource-blocking and specific privacy measures. However, if used properly, they can help websites integrate third-party services without requiring third-party cookies, providing a great privacy benefit. We want to discuss how browsers could support privacy-preserving usage of CNAMEs while preventing potential abuse. Joint session with a brief overview of chrome's proposed bounce tracking mitigations following the CNAME discussion.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Alberni — North Tower 4th floor
A potentially outrageous idea to move (some) document configuration out of HTTP header space into HTML, in a way that allows document authors to set configuration for their own documents, while (hopefully) avoiding most of the concerns around XSS / injection that existing mechanisms have.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Orca — 3rd floor Concourse
BFCache provides a big performance win for navigation but there are obstacles to pages successfully being cached - Cache-Control: no-store header, unload handlers, in-the-wild telemetry for cache misses. This covers proposals for solving these.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Hardy — North Tower 4th floor
A reflection of the apps that Project Fugu APIs have enabled, including a brief exploration of the present, the future of some of the enabling APIs, and our vision and dreams for the future.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Galiano — South Tower 4th floor
Brief overview of Interest Based Advertising use case and the proposed Topics API as a solution. Informational. Most of the discussion focused on Q/A and driving thorny issues forward.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Burrard — South Tower 4th floor
Give short presentation of overview on Trusted Internet that makes arbitrary data verifiable on the Internet, discuss and gather feedback.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Granville — South Tower 4th floor
Both Chromium and WebKit are prototyping support for text-based audio descriptions published as VTT. Come view a demo, discuss known issues, and share your feedback, opinions, and advice on this emerging technology.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Grand D — North Tower Grand Ballroom Level
WAI-Adapt Content specification enables web content authors to support persons with various cognitive and learning disabilities, including users who need from more familiar icons (and other graphical symbols) in order to comprehend page content, require a simplified page in order to interact successfully, and/or communicate using symbolic languages generally known as Augmentative and Alternative Communications (AAC).
– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior B — North Tower 3rd floor
The Web Components CG will facilitate a discussion with implementers and community members about filling browser gaps in agreed upon features and moving forward with the next wave of top priority features.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior A — North Tower 3rd floor
Discussion on Digital-twin services for Smart Cities specifilally about (1) what is already done by whom (SDOs, vendors, governments, etc.) in which area, (2) what is still missing for expected Web-based Smart Cities, and (3) who and how to lead the discussion to resolve the gaps.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior CD — North Tower 3rd floor
Present the findings of the WebView CG & have an open discussion on further use-cases and challenges
– Pacific Daylight Time
Parksville — North Tower 3rd floor
What Open Web Docs is and how we document the Web on MDN.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Orca - 3rd Floor Concourse
API for capturing an Element as a video stream. Think HTMLCanvasElement.captureStream for an arbitrary type of Element.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Finback — 3rd floor Concourse
A new web API for framing web content in a manner that's isolated from its embedder
– Pacific Daylight Time
Parksville — North Tower 3rd floor
The W3C Process requires adequate implementation experience to be able to transition a document beyond Candidate Recommendation. Some of the past transitions raised concerns about how this should be interpreted. This session is intended to help the community get a better grip on the 3 Big Is – interoperable, independent, implementation.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Grand D — North Tower Grand Ballroom Level
One of the largest developer pain points is styling/modifying the content of the controls/components that ship natively with the user-agent. Open UI will provide an update on the progress on new elements and primitives to improve this.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior B — North Tower 3rd floor
Chromium folks have been working within the CSSWG to give developers an easy way to create page transitions. We'd like to show how it works, and get feedback from implementers, spec folks, and other interested parties.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Alberni — North Tower 4th floor
The climate crisis requires urgent action to reduce energy usage and carbon emissions and there is varied interest in systematic work to make the Internet and the Web more sustainable.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Hardy — North Tower 4th floor
Some big changes to how cookies work in browsers make us rethink how Fetch and HTML integrate with the cookies RFC and whether more cookie behavior could be defined in browser land. Join us to learn about and discuss the future of cookies in standards!
– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior CD — North Tower 3rd floor
Presentation of the W3C Accessibility Maturity Model First Public Working Draft.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Port McNeill — North Tower 4th floor
Present the current status of the Web of Things in the WoT IG/WG and CGs, and showcase a number of application demonstrations.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior A — North Tower 3rd floor
Think about architectural models for allowing user accessibility choices while maintaining privacy and providing data to support product development, with reference to the video element in particular.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Granville — South Tower 4th floor
Go over how User Agent breaking changes can have adverse effects on users due to the time needed for sites to adjust to the changes.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior CD — North Tower 3rd floor
Innovation is the key to success in today's fast-paced, competitive marketplace. To be successful, companies must continuously create new and better products and services. But how can they do this? One answer is to embrace open standards. This Panel Session discusses Innovation best practices that allow companies to share knowledge, ideas, data, and code. We discuss strategies to promote collaboration and enable companies to leverage each other's Innovation Processes. Expert Speakers share enterprise success factors of adopting open standards to speed up the Innovation process, creating better products and services faster.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Finback — 3rd floor Concourse
IP address is a highly identifiable signal used for cross-site identity joining i.e. tracking users. How can we mitigate this privacy risk? Discuss relevant technologies
– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Alberni — North Tower 4th floor
A recurring theme in conversations with and surveys of Web developers is how less polished the developer experience is for the Web compared to e.g. native platforms. While some of this gap is unavoidable in a platform anchored in competing implementations of open standards, there is also likely room for a lot of improvements through better coordination of browser and dev tools providers. This breakout offers to identify such opportunities and will report on some early discussions around coordinated developer-targeting research (as was done with the MDN DNA survey) and increasing the understanding of the interoperable surface of the Web platform (as illustrated by the Interop 2022 effort)
– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior B — North Tower 3rd floor
Discussion on a system where untrusted modular components can access private user data through policy protection and enforcement. Join us to play with prototypes and learn more!
– Pacific Daylight Time
Orca, 3rd floor Concourse
Explore when users exchange rich data through the copy and paste transfer mechanism.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Galiano — South Tower 4th floor
Short and long term, how should login to X with (an associated) Y work? e.g. login to instagram.com with facebook.com, audible.com with amazon.com, youtube.com with google.com and xbox.com/office.com with microsoft.com. Explicitly out of scope of the discussion: ccTLDs X/Y (e.g. login to example.ca with example.co.uk) and other FPS subsets.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior A — North Tower 3rd floor
Presentation & tutorial on the ne Digital Accessibility Apprenticeship Program, funded, and governed by the U.S. Department of Labor.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Port McNeill — North Tower 4th floor
W3Cx is W3C's partnership with edX since 2015. This is where we offer MOOCs on core Web technologies. W3Cx’s catalog is composed of 7 MOOCs: in addition to the Front-End Web Developer program (5 courses on HTML5, CSS and JS), W3C produced “Introduction to Web Accessibility” (available until 31 December 2022) and “Introduction to Web Authentication” (new session to be launched on 8 Nov. 2022, in partnership with Yubico). edX/2U offer a leading global online learning platform. To date, we serve over 44 million learners with access to world-class education in partnership with more than 230 colleges, universities, and corporations. Our people and technology are powering more than 3,600 digital education offerings—from free courses to full degrees—and helping unlock human potential.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Hardy — North Tower 4th floor
A fearless overview of current and prospective edge technologies application to enhance accessibility (including those highly controversial overlays)
– Pacific Daylight Time
Port McNeill — North Tower 4th floor
We will give an update on the group's work and share the 6 main reasons that children with disabilities will benefit from specific consideration in next-generation accessibility standards.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Hudson — South Tower 4th floor
An introduction to the Common Impact Data Standard (CIDS), including an overview of the impact measurement space, the social purpose ecosystem and the challenges that CIDS is designed to solve. We will discuss the technical specification and the possibility of a dedicated Working Group.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Hardy — North Tower 4th floor
Low level device APIs in incubation address a range of needs in education, industrial, small business, and enterprise. Many peripherals people expect to work with computers have become available to web applications. Chrome, Edge, and Samsung browsers have enabled Bluetooth, HID, Serial, and USB. We will discuss the adoption & developer interest to date, answer questions, and discuss opportunities for the web to serve more needs. Presentation Slides
– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior B — North Tower 3rd floor
Discussion of current and upcoming work on the File System Standard, including the high-performance Access Handles API.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior A, North Tower 3rd floor
Interop 2023 is opening up for proposals on September 15.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Alberni, North Tower 4th floor
Update on the Multicast Community Group activities: brief review of motivation and purpose, an overview of draft-jholland-quic-multicast and status on the aioquic implementation, and discussion of the path to browser adoption.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Burrard — South Tower 4th floor
Foundational parts of the HTML Standard, regarding navigation and session history, are being rewritten. Come find out why this is necessary, and what it means for your specs. If you've ever dealt with browsing contexts, iframes, etc., this might be relevant!
– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior CD — North Tower 3rd floor
Introducing W3C member support activities to date and brainstorm what type of member support will be required at the new W3C to hear members' voices.
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Columbia - South Tower 4th floor
Very short presentation of the changes to the Web Monetization community specification draft and gather feedback.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Granville — South Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Finback - 3rd floor Concourse
The Math WG is developing two recommendations:
The meeting is focused on the MathML 4 recommendation.
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Beluga - 3rd floor Concourse
– Pacific Daylight Time
The agenda for this meeting is here: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_September_2022#Wednesday.2C_September_14
As this is only a 2h meeting no break will be scheduled.
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Orca - 3rd floor Concourse
– Pacific Daylight Time
Grand AB - North Tower Grand Ballroom Level
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Galiano - South Tower 4th floor
In TPAC2022, SemInd will introduce its overall goal. its architecture, and the plan for the first year of development.
The SemInd group will present its perspective regarding the semantification of insdustries, industrial machines, sensors, actuators, and systems.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Beluga - 3rd floor Concourse
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Granville - South Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Grand AB - North Tower Grand Ballroom Level
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Orca - 3rd floor Concourse
Moderated Round Table discussion with subject matter experts on the intersections of standards, information architecture, research, accessibility, inclusion, identity, privacy, and security in convergence environments
Virtual meeting on Zoom
Requires logging on to an authenticated Zoom account
Dial in is not available
Waiting room is enabled
– Pacific Daylight Time
PATCG will meet at 13:30 to 15:30 local Vancouver time.
This is a CG event, so involvement is open, according to W3C rules. If you would like to attend the remote event you will need to register for a W3C account and register for this specific event in advance.
The Zoom link will be added to the agenda. See that link below.
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Mc Neill - North Tower 4th floor
Break: 15:00-15:30
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior CD - North Tower 3rd floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Mc Neill - North Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Alberni - North Tower 4th floor
Hello WG,
Like we previously discussed and agreed, we will have our TPAC hybrid WG meeting from 10 am to 4 pm, split in two sessions with the lunch break between noon and 2 pm PDT.
Please see agenda below, additional agenda+ suggestions are welcome.
Please note that all in-person TPAC participants are expected to comply with the following health & safety requirements.
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Columbia - South Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior A - North Tower 3rd floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior B - North Tower 3rd floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Grand D - North Tower Grand Ballroom Level
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Hardy - North Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
The Improving Web Advertising BG will meet at TPAC, 13 September, with remote and on-site (Vancouver, Canada) participation. Remote participation will be via zoom, to integrate with on-site facilities.
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior CD - North Tower 3rd floor
We will review how intelligent personal assistants can interoperate in a similar fashion to web pages. There are 1,000's of intelligent personal assistants in existence, but there are no standards that enable them to interoperate -- each is based on a proprietary platform. Our group is proposing a common architecture and interfaces to promote interoperability. We'll talk about the documents that we've prepared so far and get your feedback. Find out how interoperable intelligent agents can benefit you.
We'll take a break at 9:30.
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Beluga - 3rd floor Concourse
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Galiano - South Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Parksville - North Tower 3rd floor
Open discussion focused on “what’s next for EPUB and publishing community.”
– Pacific Daylight Time
Finback - 3rd floor Concourse
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– Pacific Daylight Time
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Burrard - South Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Orca - 3rd floor Concourse
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Joining Instructions are restricted to W3C users with Member access. You need to log in to see them.
– Pacific Daylight Time
Galiano - South Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior CD - North Tower 3rd Floor
Discussion of the state of JSON-LD and recent work on JSON-LD-star and YAML-LD.
Slides available at https://json-ld.org/presentations/JSON-LD-Update-TPAC-2022/ (subject to change).
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Orca - 3rd floor Concourse
We're planning to run a hands-on, not-so-structured workshop, where WG participants can get their proverbial hands dirty and play around debugging various webperf issues using various browser's developer and browser-developer tools! Join us!!
– Pacific Daylight Time
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior CD - North Tower 3rd Floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Columbia - South Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Beluga - 3rd floor Concourse
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Alberni - North Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Galiano - South Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Burrard - South Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Parksville - North Tower 3rd floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Finback - 3rd floor Concourse
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Columbia - South Tower 4th floor
The Privacy Interest Group (PING) monitors ongoing privacy issues that affect the Web, investigates potential areas for new privacy work, and provides guidelines and advice for addressing privacy in standards development, including privacy considerations in specifications.
PING will have a short meeting on the first morning of TPAC to help coordinate our outreach to other group meetings throughout the week and to discuss the privacy review process and how to improve it.
This is a hybrid meeting: some will attend in person and some remotely. Remote participation details are included in this event page.
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Junior CD - North Tower 3rd Floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Grand D - North Tower Grand Ballroom level
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Mc Neill - North Tower 4th floor
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– Pacific Daylight Time
The W3C ODRL Community Group has been meeting once per month in the last few years with the following declared goals:
This meeting wil rethink the latest ODRL developments and will plan the strategy for the future.
– Pacific Daylight Time
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Granville - South Tower 4th floor
The agenda for this meeting is here: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_September_2022#Monday.2C_September_12
As this is only a 2h meeting no break will be scheduled.
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– Pacific Daylight Time
Port Hardy - North Tower 4th floor
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