W3C News
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W3C Team appointment to the TAG ratified
Lola Odelola is appointed as new TAG member by the W3C Team
W3C invites implementations of Controlled Identifiers (CIDs) v1.0
A controlled identifier document contains cryptographic material and lists service endpoints for the purposes of verifying cryptographic proofs from, and interacting with, the controller of an identifier.
First Public Working Draft: Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) v1.1
This document specifies the DID syntax, a common data model, core properties, serialized representations, DID operations, and an explanation of the process of resolving DIDs to the resources that they represent.
Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements Published as W3C Group Note
The document covers accessibility user needs, requirements, and scenarios for collaborative content creation and development tools.
Draft Note: String Searching
This document describes string searching operations on the Web in order to allow greater interoperability.
Last Call for Review of Proposed Corrections to EPUB 3.3
This specification defines the authoring requirements for EPUB publications and represents the third major revision of the standard.
W3C Invites Implementations of WebGPU
The GPU for the Web Working Group invites implementations of the first Candidate Recommendation Snapshots for WebGPU and WebGPU Shading Language.
First Public Working Draft: CSS Display Module Level 4
This module describes how the CSS formatting box tree is generated from the document element tree and defines the 'display' property that controls it.
First Public Working Draft: CSS Multi-column Layout Module Level 2
This specification describes multi-column layouts in CSS, a style sheet language for the web.
Five Candidate Recommendation Snapshots Published by the Verifiable Credentials Working Group
The Verifiable Credentials Working Group invites implementations of the five updated Candidate Recommendation Snapshots: Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0, Verifiable Credential Data Integrity 1.0, Data Integrity EdDSA Cryptosuites v1.0, Data Integrity ECDSA Cryptosuites v1.0, and Securing Verifiable Credentials using JOSE and COSE.