W3C News
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Group Note: Verifiable Credentials Overview
This document provides a non-normative, high-level overview for W3C's Verifiable Credential specifications and serves as a roadmap for the documents that define, describe, and secure these credentials.
Authorized Translation of WCAG 2.2 in Dutch
W3C published the Authorized Dutch Translation of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2, Richtlijnen voor Toegankelijkheid van Webcontent (WCAG) 2.2.
W3C Advisory Committee Elects Advisory Board
The W3C Advisory Committee has elected five individuals to the W3C Advisory Board (AB) .
W3C Invites Implementations of Propagation format for distributed context: Baggage
This specification defines a standard for representing and propagating a set of application-defined properties associated with a distributed request or workflow execution.
Draft Note: Adlam Layout Requirements
This document describes or points to requirements for the layout and presentation of text in languages that use the Adlam script.
Group Note: EPUB Fixed Layout Accessibility
This document outlines the goals for EPUB accessible fixed layout ebooks while acknowledging the challenges unique to the EPUB Fixed Layout format.
First Public Working Draft: Controller Documents 1.0
A controller document is a set of data that specifies one or more relationships between a controller and a set of data, such as a set of public cryptographic keys.
Authorized Translation of WCAG 2.2 in Catalan
W3C published the Authorized Catalan Translation of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.2, Directrius per a l'accessibilitat del contingut web (WCAG) 2.2.
Updated W3C Recommendation: Media Queries Level 3
The CSS Working Group has republished Media Queries Level 3 as an updated W3C Recommendation.
RDF Dataset Canonicalization is a W3C Recommendation
The RDF Dataset Canonicalization and Hash Working Group published RDF Dataset Canonicalization as a W3C Recommendation.