W3C Advisory Committee Elects Advisory Board

The W3C Advisory Committee has elected the following people to fill five seats on the W3C Advisory Board (AB) starting 1 July 2024: Wei Ding, Max Gendler, Tatsuya Igarashi, Elena Lape and Florian Rivoal. They join continuing participants, Tantek Çelik, Elika J Etemad, Wendy Reid, Avneesh Singh, Chris Wilson and Song XU.
Many thanks to the 6 candidates, and thanks for contributions to the AB to the departing participants, Qing An and Tzviya Siegman, whose terms end at the end of June 2024.
Created in March 1998, the Advisory Board provides ongoing guidance to the W3C Team on issues of strategy, management, legal matters, process, and conflict resolution. The Advisory Board manages the evolution of the Process Document. The elected Members of the Advisory Board participate as individual contributors and not representatives of their organizations. Advisory Board participants use their best judgment to find the best solutions for the Web, not just for any particular network, technology, vendor, or user. Read more about the Advisory Board and its work.