W3C News
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Draft Notes: Thai and Lao Layout Requirements
These two documents respectively describe or point to requirements for the layout and presentation of text in languages that use the Thai and Lao scripts.
IMSC Hypothetical Render Model is a W3C Recommendation
This specification specifies a Hypothetical Render Model (HRM) that constrains the presentation complexity of documents that conform to the Text Profiles specified in any edition of Internet Media Subtitles and Captions (IMSC).
W3C Invites Implementations of Securing Verifiable Credentials using JOSE and COSE
Securing Verifiable Credentials using JOSE and COSE is a W3C Candidate Recommendation Snapshot.
Group Note: Vision for W3C
The W3C Vision articulates W3C’s mission, what W3C is, what it does and why that matters, and the values and principles by which it operates and makes decisions.
Updated Candidate Recommendation: Web Neural Network API
This document describes a dedicated low-level API for neural network inference hardware acceleration.
Draft Note: Khmer Layout Requirements
This document describes or points to requirements for the layout and presentation of text in languages that use the Khmer script.
W3C Invites Implementations of Data Integrity BBS Cryptosuites v1.0
Data Integrity BBS Cryptosuites v1.0 is a W3C Candidate Recommendation Snapshot.
RDF Dataset Canonicalization is a W3C Proposed Recommendation
This document outlines an algorithm for generating a canonical serialization of an RDF dataset given an RDF dataset as input.
Hiring: Accessibility Content Specialist (worldwide); Technical Specialist (USA)
We are seeking a Web Technical Specialist, for full-time remote work in the USA, on a project developing the technical infrastructure to support accessibility materials development and delivery.
Hiring: Chief Development Officer
W3C is seeking a Chief Development Officer, for full-time remote work, to lead our efforts to communicate our organization’s philanthropic value proposition, to accelerate philanthropy and grow and diversify our funding base of support.