W3C News
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Hiring: W3C Director of Legal and Compliance
W3C is seeking a Director of Legal and Compliance with experience in non-profit organizations, for full-time remote work in the USA, to ensure W3C operates in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations throughout the world, to advise on all legal matters, to guide the organization's policies, ultimately furthering our mission and goals.
Updated W3C Recommendation: WOFF File Format 2.0
Based on experience with WOFF 1.0, this specification was developed to provide improved compression and thus lower use of network bandwidth, while still allowing fast decompression even on mobile devices.
W3C opens community-wide survey
W3C opens a 6-minute-or-more survey until 13 September and seeks community-wide input to investigate needs, and understand our community’s vision of how we fulfill our mission for the world-wide web.
W3C Invites Implementations of Payment Request API
This specification standardizes an API to allow merchants (i.e. web sites selling physical or digital goods) to utilize one or more payment methods with minimal integration.
Nine Draft Notes published by the Internationalization Working Group
These documents point to resources for the layout and presentation of text in languages that use the Greek, Gujarati, Tamil, Javanese, Cherokee, Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics (UCAS), Osage, Japanese, and Tibetan scripts.
First Public Working Draft: CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 2
This module contains features to control panning and scrolling behavior with “snap positions”.
Eight Draft Notes published by the Internationalization Working Group
The Internationalization Working Group has published the Mongolian, Korean, Georgian, Ethiopic, Devanagari, Bengali, and Cyrillic Script Resources, as well as the Cyrillic Gap Analysis, as group Draft Notes.
Draft Note: Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements
The document covers accessibility user needs, requirements, and scenarios for collaborative content creation and development tools.
Drafts and Notes: Update of the Media Source Extensions™ (MSE) and Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) families of specifications
The Media Working Group has published 14 updates of the Media Source Extensions™ (MSE) and Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) families of specifications.
Diversity report 2024
W3C released the 2024 diversity report, as part of our commitment and continued focus on diversity and inclusion since 2018.