
The Future of Cookies (in Web Standards)
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Event details

Pacific Daylight Time
Junior CD — North Tower 3rd floor
Johann Hofmann
Leonardo Balter, Providence Baraka, Curt Bellew, Vittorio Bertocci, Christian Biesinger, Steven Bingler, Arnar Birgisson, Aykut Bulut, Judith Bush, Brian Campbell, Tim Cappalli, Gabe Cohen, Alex Cone, Benjamin De Kosnik, Domenic Denicola, Nick Doty, Karl Dubost, Dominic Farolino, Chris Fredrickson, Sam Goto, Yi Gu, Hakan Isbiliroglu, Jeff Jaffe, Artur Janc, Kousuke Koiwai, Anelia Kurteva, Tobie Langel, Don Le, Yifan Luo, Guillermo Movia, Graham Mudd, Mark Nottingham, Theresa O'Connor, Michael O'Neill, Vinod Panicker, Gregorio Pellegrino, Vincent Scheib, Kyra Seevers, Rachit Sharma, Arthur SONZOGNI, Russell Stringham, Tom Van Goethem, Jeffrey Yasskin, Benjamin Young, Emma Zuehlcke
Big meeting:
TPAC 2022 (Calendar)

Some big changes to how cookies work in browsers make us rethink how Fetch and HTML integrate with the cookies RFC and whether more cookie behavior could be defined in browser land. Join us to learn about and discuss the future of cookies in standards!


Facilitators & speakers: Johann Hofmann

Session type: Short talk + open discussion

Summary: Some big changes to how cookies work in browsers make us rethink how Fetch and HTML integrate with the cookies RFC and whether more cookie behavior could be defined in browser land. Join us to learn about and discuss the future of cookies in standards!


  • Give an overview of recent and upcoming cookies changes and get feedback on our ideas for evolving cookie specification across organizations.


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