
Improving the Web Developer Experience
  • Past
  • Confirmed
  • Breakout Sessions


Event details

Pacific Daylight Time
Junior B — North Tower 3rd floor
Dominique Hazaël-Massieux
Irfan Ali, Martin Alvarez-Espinar, Rachel Andrew, Matthew Atkinson, Providence Baraka, David Baron, Curt Bellew, christin cai, Rob Eisenberg, Elika Etemad, James Graham, Annette Greiner, David Grogan, Shirisha Gubba, Christian Liebel, Andy Luhrs, Coralie Mercier, Eric Meyer, Gerald Oskoboiny, Gregorio Pellegrino, Simon Pieters, Vincent Scheib, Cynthia Shelly, David Singer, Sam Sneddon, Miriam Suzanne, Kadir Topal, Jason Waterman, Yoav Weiss, Chris Wilson, Ayşegül Yönet
Big meeting:
TPAC 2022 (Calendar)

A recurring theme in conversations with and surveys of Web developers is how less polished the developer experience is for the Web compared to e.g. native platforms. While some of this gap is unavoidable in a platform anchored in competing implementations of open standards, there is also likely room for a lot of improvements through better coordination of browser and dev tools providers. This breakout offers to identify such opportunities and will report on some early discussions around coordinated developer-targeting research (as was done with the MDN DNA survey) and increasing the understanding of the interoperable surface of the Web platform (as illustrated by the Interop 2022 effort)


Facilitators & speakers: Dominique Hazael-Massieux, Kadir Topal

Session type: short presentation and open discussion

Summary: A recurring theme in conversations with and surveys of Web developers is how less polished the developer experience is for the Web compared to e.g. native platforms. While some of this gap is unavoidable in a platform anchored in competing implementations of open standards, there is also likely room for a lot of improvements through better coordination of browser and dev tools providers. This breakout offers to identify such opportunities and will report on some early discussions around coordinated developer-targeting research (as was done with the MDN DNA survey) and increasing the understanding of the interoperable surface of the Web platform (as illustrated by the Interop 2022 effort)


  • Sketch a shared understanding of the current limitations of the Web Developer Experience
  • Identify opportunities for collaboration on improving the Web Developer Experience


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