
JSON-LD Working Group and JSON for Linking Data Community Group
  • Past
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  • Group Meetings


Event details

Pacific Daylight Time
Orca - 3rd floor Concourse
JSON for Linking Data Community Group ( View calendar)
JSON-LD Working Group ( View calendar)
Ryosuke Abe, Phil Archer, Kevin Dean, Chris Lemmons, Shigeya Suzuki, Kunihiko Toumura, Jeff Waters, Aram Zucker-Scharff
Big meeting:
TPAC 2022 (Calendar)

Discussion of the state of JSON-LD and recent work on JSON-LD-star and YAML-LD.

Slides available at (subject to change).


  1. Announcements and TPAC specifics (13:0-13:10)

  • Safety Reminders
  • Code of Conduct
  • Accessibility and Internationalization
  • Accessibility Tips
  • Tooling
  • Queuing reminders
  • Scribing reminders
  1. Introductions (13:10-13:20)

  1. JSON-LD Retrospective/Promotion (13:20-13:30)

  1. YAML-LD (13:30-15:30)

  • Spec Progress PR yaml-ld#78
  • Replace $-keywords with @-keywords yaml-ld#11
    • Choose prefix character to replace @ yaml-ld#55
  • Conformance Tests yaml-ld#20
  • YAML presentation ("cosmetic") controls yaml-ld#42
  • meld JSON Schema and JSON-LD context/frame yaml-ld#54
  • YAML Streams and JSON Sequences yaml-ld#63
  • YAML-LD datatypes (and tags for datatypes) yaml-ld#17
    • YAML-LD IRI tags yaml-ld#79
    • use regular expressions to resolve literals; URIs, CURIEs yaml-ld#83
  • YAML-LD Primer yaml-ld#81
  1. Break (15:30-16:00)

  1. JSON-LD-star (16:00-16:15)

  1. State of JSON-LD post-REC (16:15-17:00)

  • Ongoing concerns about context retrieval

  • Status of JSON-LD WG

  • JSON-LD 1.1 Syntax

    • Three Errata
    • Three ErratumRaised
    • Ten deferred issues
  • JSON-LD 1.1 API

    • Ten ErratumRaised
    • Eight deferred issues
  • JSON-LD 1.1 Framing

    • Two ErratumRaised
    • Four Deferred Issues
  • JSON-LD Best Practices

    • Unpublished

    • 63 open issues
    • Aging website design
    • Ongoing needs on playground

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