Main WoT WebConf

From Web of Things Interest Group
(Redirected from IG WebConf)

The Main WoT Web Conference is for discussing general WoT IG and WG topics and logistics, and to provide an opportunity to summarize and coordinate the activities of the various task forces. For information on individual task forces, please see the WoT Web Page or follow the links below to the individual task force Wiki pages.

Call Logistics

Please see the W3C WG Calendar.


Deliverable and F2F Meeting Plan

The schedule is under discussion; please see the draft in the wot repo.

Upcoming Publication Moratoriums

  • None currently

Useful resources

Cancellations and Schedule Updates

Unfortunately, the W3C calendar system does not handle cancellations very gracefully. Cancellations cannot be reverted, and the event still shows up in the calendar mashup. It's also not possible to delete events.

Therefore, if a meeting is marked as "tentative" in the W3C Calendar and if "CANCELLED" is in the title, it means it is cancelled. This may be done occasionally to allow a cancellation to be reverted if necessary.

Update: the start/end dates of recurrences can also be updated reversibly. This has the advantage of removing the events from the calendar mash-up here. Several meetings (Architecture, Discovery, Security) have now been "suspended" this way, with their end dates changed to July 15, 2024. When they are reinstated they can be found under "Past Events" and the start/end dates modified.

Likewise to "delete" events just end their recurrences at some appropriate date.

Holidays and Upcoming Events

  • Monday-Friday, Sept 23-27 - TPAC 2024
  • Monday, Sept 16 - Respect for the Aged Day, Japan
  • Monday, Sept 23 - Autumn Equinox, Japan
  • Monday, Oct 14 - Columbus Day (US)/Sports Day (Japan)/Thanksgiving (Canada)
  • Monday, Nov 4, Culture Day (Japan)
  • Tuesday, Nov 5, US Election Day
  • Monday, Nov 11, Remembrance Day/Veteran's Day


NOTE: Security, Discovery, and Architecture meetings are suspended until further notice.

Other cancellations

  • Sept 23-27, Sept 30-Oct 4:
    • All regular calls cancelled due to TPAC
    • Week following also cancelled
  • Oct 23:
    • Use Case call cancelled (Mizushima unavailable)

Note: Please look in W3C Calendar for updated Zoom invites. If you see both a cancelled meeting and an "active" meeting, it means a meeting had to be "uncancelled" by creating a new entry, and the meeting WILL be held. There is unfortunately currently no way to delete cancelled meetings or revoke cancellations.


16 October 2024

Reminder: Plugfest organization call immediately after this call.

9 October 2024

2 October 2024

Cancelled (post-TPAC)

25 September 2024

Cancelled (TPAC)

18 September 2024

Reminder: Plugfest organization call immediately after this call.

Chair: McCool


Scribe: Mahda

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts

  • W3C Patent Policy 2020 for both the WoT-WG and the WoT-IG
  • Patent Policy FAQ - Q6
  • Membership classes and fees
  • New Members: none
  • New IE request:
    • still waiting for one more pending - asking about availability
      • need to schedule 10m for presentation in a future main call...
      • However, now need to let them know that if they can't present today, main call will be cancelled for three weeks.


Quick Items

Notices (Informative)

Meetups (Information only)
  • WoT CG
    • 1st of October: Scientific Instrumentation and Control with WoT. Lasers!
    • 14th of October: using WoT in Smart Building for energy applications. Thomas Jaeckle. Link coming soon.
    • 28th of October: Siemens Smart Edge Connector. Ondrej Tomcik. Link coming soon.
  • WoT JP CG
    • No new plans currently.


  • OPC Foundation
    • Last meeting was September 10 at 7am Pacific
    • Next meeting is September 24 at 7am Pacific
    • Open to WoT IG/WG members - contact Sebastian if interested
  • ETSI ISG CIM (NGSI-LD) Simple Liaison
    • Next meeting Monday October 14
    • After that every two weeks
    • Open to all WoT IG/WG members


F2F Planning


TF Leads

  • Following TFs are currently without leads, meetings suspended:
    • Security - have candidate
    • Discovery
    • Architecture
    • Testing
  • Any nominations?
    • Security work can be done in TFs for now
    • Prioritize finding a new Discovery TF lead
    • Work on Architecture will depend on refactoring discussion results
  • Accelerating Use Cases work
    • McCool will act as a (temporary) second TF moderator to focus on requirements.

Other Topics

TF Reports

Plugfest Organization

Moved to

11 September 2024

Reminder: Profile call today in the hour just before TD call.

Chair: McCool

Regrets: Ege

Scribe: Sebastian

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts

  • W3C Patent Policy 2020 for both the WoT-WG and the WoT-IG
  • Patent Policy FAQ - Q6
  • Membership classes and fees
  • New Members: none
  • New IE request:
    • still waiting for one more pending - asking about availability
      • need to schedule 10m for presentation in a future main call...
      • However, now need to let them know that if they can't present today, main call will be cancelled for three weeks.


Quick Items

Notices (Informative)


Meetups (Information only)



F2F Planning


TF Leads

  • Following TFs are currently without leads, meetings suspended:
    • Security - have candidate
    • Discovery
    • Architecture
    • Testing
  • Any nominations?
    • Security work can be done in TFs for now
    • Prioritize finding a new Discovery TF lead
    • Work on Architecture will depend on refactoring discussion results
  • Accelerating Use Cases work
    • McCool will act as a (temporary) second TF moderator to focus on requirements.

Other Topics

TF Reports

Plugfest Organization

  • Chair: Sebastian

4 September 2024

Chair: McCool

Regrets: Ege, Sebastian

Scribe: Daniel

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts

  • W3C Patent Policy 2020 for both the WoT-WG and the WoT-IG
  • Patent Policy FAQ - Q6
  • Membership classes and fees
  • New Members: none
  • New IE request:
    • still waiting for one more pending - asking about availability
      • need to schedule 10m for presentation in a future main call...
      • However, now need to let them know that if they can't present today, main call will be cancelled for three weeks.


Quick Items

Notices (Informative)


Meetups (Information only)



F2F Planning


TF Leads

  • Following TFs are currently without leads, meetings suspended:
    • Security - have candidate
    • Discovery
    • Architecture
    • Testing
  • Any nominations?
    • Security work can be done in TFs for now
    • Prioritize finding a new Discovery TF lead
    • Work on Architecture will depend on refactoring discussion results
  • Accelerating Use Cases work
    • McCool will act as a (temporary) second TF moderator to focus on requirements.

Other Topics

TF Reports

Plugfest Organization

Defer until Sept 18.

7 August 2024

Extended call: will discuss plugfest after the main call topics.

Chair: McCool


Scribe: Sebastian

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts

  • W3C Patent Policy 2020 for both the WoT-WG and the WoT-IG
  • Patent Policy FAQ - Q6
  • Membership classes and fees
  • New Members: none
  • New IE request:
    • still waiting for one more pending - asking about availability
      • need to schedule 10m for presentation in a future main call...
      • However, now need to let them know that if they can't present today, main call will be cancelled for three weeks.


Quick Items

  • Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities IG
  • Adopter list
  • How to accelerate the Use Cases work?
    • TF Resolution Today: Discuss the new template given in usecases PR in the main call today and call for a resolution to adopt it on Sept 4 - in the meantime, do test cases based on TD use cases and request feedback and suggested changes in the PR.
    • Would like to add a second TF moderator to focus on requirements.

Notices (Informative)

Meetups (Information only)



F2F Planning


TF Leads

  • Following TFs are currently without leads, meetings suspended:
    • Security - have candidate
    • Discovery
    • Architecture
    • Testing
  • Any nominations?
    • Security work can be done in TFs for now
    • Prioritize finding a new Discovery TF lead
    • Work on Architecture will depend on refactoring discussion results

Other Topics

TF Reports


  • Extended meeting to discuss Plugfest
    • Non-recurring meeting
    • Allow 1h for this discussion

Chair: Sebastian

Scribe: McCool

31 July 2024

Chair: Koster


Scribe: Luca

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

  • Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities IG
    • Approval announcement has been sent out
  • Should Planning documents in the main wot repository (see move to specific TF repos? TD TF planning is growing.
    • Report from Ege
  • Adopter list

Notices (Informative)


Meetups (Information only)
  • WoT CG
    • 19th of September: Scientific Instrumentation and Control with WoT. Link coming asap
  • WoT JP CG
    • Use Case event July 26
      • Currently collecting/summarizing UC&R feedback
      • JP CG's re-using the UC template is fine by the WoT IG, but the template is not fixed yet. Also we as the WoT IG need to check the feasibility of the template ourselves beforehand. So we need to see when to let the JP CG use the template.



F2F Planning


TF Leads

  • Following TFs are currently without leads, meetings suspended:
    • Security
    • Discovery
    • Architecture
    • Testing
  • Any nominations?
    • Security work can be done in TFs for now
    • Prioritize finding a new Discovery TF lead
    • Work on Architecture will depend on refactoring discussion results

Other Topics

TF Reports

24 July 2024

1st hour

Chair: Sebastian

Regrets: McCool

Scribe: Michael Koster

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

Notices (Informative)


Meetups (Information only)
  • WoT CG
    • Plans?
  • WoT JP CG
    • Use Case event planned for July 26
      • Currently collecting/summarizing UC&R feedback
    • Request to use the WoT IG's Use Case template for their UC event
      1. The WoT-JP CG would like to copy the WoT Use Case template to their repository.
      2. Then they would like to describe their use cases in Japanese using the template.
      3. And bring the use cases back to the WoT Use Cases TF after translating the use cases in Engish.
      4. The original Japanese use cases should be archived so they are available for future reference.

=> Re-using the UC template itself should be fine, but the template is not fixed yet. Also we as the WoT IG need to check the feasibility of the template ourselves beforehand. So we need to see when to let the JP CG use the template.



F2F Planning


TF Leads

  • Following TFs are currently without leads, meetings suspended:
    • Security
    • Discovery
    • Architecture
    • Testing
  • Any nominations?
    • Security work can be done in TFs for now
    • Prioritize finding a new Discovery TF lead
    • Work on Architecture will depend on refactoring discussion results

Other Topics

TF Reports

2nd hour

  • Extended meeting to discuss Plugfest
    • Non-recurring meeting
    • Allow 1h for this discussion
    • Will cancel Profile call on 24 July as well

Chair: Sebastian

Scribe: Mahda

(Ege can talk about the basic plan for Plugfest during WoT Week in November.)

17 July 2024

Chair: McCool


Scribe: Sebastian

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

  • Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities IG
    • More than 20 supports, so likely approved, but still pending.

Notices (Informative)


Meetups (Information only)
  • WoT CG
    • Plans?
  • WoT JP CG
    • WoT Security event planning in progress
    • Use Case event planned for July 26
      • Currently collecting/summarizing UC&R feedback

Guest Presentation

  • Presentation by Charith Perera, Invited Expert Candidate
  • 10m + 5m Q&A



  • OPC Foundation
    • July 30 - OPC UA Binding WG "Kickoff Meeting" (OPCF Meeting)
  • ETSI ISG CIM (NGSI-LD) Simple Liaison
    • Will reuse ETSI liaison, Kaz now to be listed as contact
    • Considering scheduling a broader meeting...


F2F Planning



  • List of adopters on web page
    • Marcomm has given feedback
    • Best if WG does not do this... but CG can
  • Invitees to WoT Week (including non-WG)
    • Only for "Open Day"
    • Attendance?
    • Presentations?
    • Posters?
    • Demos?
    • Plugfest?


  • Publication
  • Meetings
  • Role
  • Goals

TF Leads

  • Following TFs are currently without leads, meetings suspended:
    • Security
    • Discovery
    • Architecture
    • Testing
  • Any nominations?
    • Security work can be done in TFs for now
    • Prioritize finding a new Discovery TF lead
    • Work on Architecture will depend on refactoring discussion results

Other Topics

TF Reports

10 July 2024

Chair: McCool


Scribe: Ege

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

  • Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities IG
    • More than 20 supports, so likely approved.
  • W3C calendar system shows entries for Discovery, Security, and Architecture
    • We should mark them as suspended for now.
    • No way to delete, and cancellations cannot be reversed
    • Instead, have changed end dates for recurrences to July 15
    • Acts as a "suspension" - to reinstate, can find under past events and edit again.
    • Note also that several recurrences are ending August 1 - should update active meetings
      • End of current IG charter is May 19, 2026
    • Also, link to W3C Calendar from WoT Web page does goes to the IG calendar - does not list all meetings
    • Should link to BOTH IG and WG (and maybe CG?)
  • Marketing
    • Adopters page for marketing page until WoT Week (or better TPAC)

Notices (Informative)


Meetups (Information only)
  • WoT CG
    • Plans?
  • WoT JP CG
    • WoT Security event planning in progress
    • Use Case event planned for July 26
      • Currently collecting/summarizing UC&R feedback


  • OPC Foundation statement of support
    • completed, update sent
  • ETSI ISG CIM (NGSI-LD) Simple Liaison
    • Will reuse ETSI liaison, Kaz now to be listed as contact

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule

F2F Planning



  • Publication
  • Meetings
  • Role
  • Goals

TF Leads

  • Following TFs are currently without leads, meetings suspended:
    • Security
    • Discovery
    • Architecture
    • Testing
  • Any nominations?
    • Security work can be done in TFs for now
    • Prioritize finding a new Discovery TF lead
    • Work on Architecture will depend on refactoring discussion results

Other Topics

TF Reports

3 July 2024

Chair: McCool

Regrets: David, Sebastian

Scribe: Jan

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

  • Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities IG
    • More than 20 supports, so likely approved.
  • W3C calendar system shows entries for Discovery and Security. We should mark them as suspended for now.

Notices (Informative)


Meetups (Information only)
  • WoT CG
    • Plans?
  • WoT JP CG
    • WoT Security event planning in progress
    • Use Case event being planned for July
      • Currently collecting/summarizing UC&R feedback


  • OPC Foundation statement of support
    • pending
  • ETSI ISG CIM (NGSI-LD) Simple Liaison
    • Will reuse ETSI liaison, Kaz now listed as contact

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule

F2F Planning



  • Publication
  • Meetings
  • Role
  • Goals

TF Leads

  • Following TFs are currently without leads, meetings suspended:
    • Security
    • Discovery
    • Architecture
    • Testing
  • Any nominations?
    • Security work can be done in TFs for now
    • Prioritize finding a new Discovery TF lead
    • Work on Architecture will depend on refactoring discussion results

Other Topics

TF Reports

26 June 2024

Chair: McCool


Scribe: Mahda

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

  • Call for AC review (Member-only) sent out for the Draft Charter of Proposed Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities IG (deadline: July 3) - Please ask your AC to respond!
  • Confirm new Editors for Use Case and Requirements
    • Resolution in UC TF: Propose Luca Barbato and Ege Korkan as new Editors for the Use Case and Requirements document, and request a resolution to confirm in the WG main call.
    • Proposed resolution: Confirm Luca Barbato and Ege Korkan as new Editors for the Use Case and Requirements document.
    • Also change status of inactive editors:
    • Proposed resolution: Change status of Michael Lagally and Ryuichi Matsukura to Previous Editors for the Use Case and Requirements document.
    • We really should have a written policy to allow TFs to select editors...

Notices (Informative)


Meetups (Information only)
  • WoT CG
    • Plans?
  • WoT JP CG
    • WoT Security event planning in progress
    • Use Case event being planned for July
      • Currently collecting/summarizing UC&R feedback


  • OPC Foundation statement of support
    • pending
  • ETSI ISG CIM (NGSI-LD) Simple Liaison
    • pending


Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule

F2F Planning

Document Refactoring

  • Where do requirements go?
  • What is the role/status of Architecture?
  • How can we better organize Profiles?
  • Do we have to wait until UC&R is a Note before implementing features?
    • Probably not, but asking for consensus


  • Publication
    • Current version as a Note or as a Rec?
  • Meetings
    • Combine with TD/Binding call?


TF Leads

  • Following TFs are currently without leads, meetings suspended:
    • Security
    • Discovery
  • Any nominations?
    • Security work can be done in TFs for now
    • Prioritize finding a new Discovery TF lead

Other Topics

TF Reports

19 June 2024

Chair: McCool


Scribe: Sebastian

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

Notices (Informative)


Meetups (Information only)
  • WoT CG
    • Plans?
  • WoT JP CG
    • WoT Security event planning in progress
    • Currently collecting/summarizing UC&R feedback


"As a W3C Web of Things Working Group (WoT), we are pleased that the new OPC Foundation working group will specify the OPC UA Binding for the Web of Things. We support these efforts and offer, for instance, through liaison meetings and/or running PlugFests, to ensure compliance with the latest Web of Things approaches (e.g., with WoT Binding Templates). An official OPC UA Binding for the Web of Things provides a new opportunity for simplified integration of datapoints from OPC UA-based systems into IoT-based applications using latest Web technologies."
WoT Co-Chairs (Michael McCool (Intel), Sebastian Käbisch (Siemens), Michael Koster (Invited Expert)), W3C WoT team contact (Ashimura Kazuyuki), and W3C WoT WG members


(To review if Ege present, otherwise defer)

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule

F2F Planning


TF Leads

  • Following TFs are currently without leads, meetings suspended:
    • Security
    • Discovery
  • Any nominations?
    • Security work can be done in TFs for now
    • Prioritize finding a new Discovery TF lead

Other Topics

TF Reports

12 June 2024


5 June 2024

Chair: Sebastian

Regrets: Koster

Scribe: McCool

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

  • Call for AC review (Member-only) sent out for the Draft Charter of Proposed Web-based Digital Twins for Smart Cities IG (deadline: July 3) - Please ask your AC to respond!

Notices (Informative)

Meetups (Information only)


(To review if Ege present, otherwise defer)

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule

F2F Planning


TF Leads

  • Following TFs are currently without leads, meetings suspended:
    • Security
    • Discovery
  • Any nominations?
    • Security work can be done in TFs for now
    • Prioritize finding a new Discovery TF lead

Other Topics

TF Reports

29 May 2024

Chair: McCool

Regrets: Sebastian

Scribe: Kaz

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items


Notices (Information only)


Meetups (Information only)

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule


Task Force Discussion

JSON Schema

F2F Planning

  • TPAC Group Meetings
  • Wiki for F2F 2024 planning
  • Update
    • "WoT @ Industry Leadership Event" (Siemens)
      • Two dates proposed: Nov 18-20 or Nov 25-27
        • Nov 27 most probable for WoT@Industry/OpenDay
        • Once decided, can build rest of schedule around it
      • Munich is now most probable (new building - already booked)
      • In Munich, Nov 25-27 overlaps Münchner Christkindlmarkt
      • Proposed hotel: Dorint Hotel Garching (81 euro/night)
  • Proposal
    • Virtual WoT F2F in June (physical in Munich)
      • Need F2F agenda ASAP
      • Plugfest?
    • WoT F2F in November: Proposal
      • Nov 25-29 overall
      • Nov 25-26: (M-T) Plugfest
      • Nov 27 (W): WoT@Industry / OpenDay - party at night
      • Nov 28-29 (Th-F): F2F (WG) meetings (1.5 - short last day)

TF Leads

  • Following TFs are currently without leads, meetings suspended:
    • Security
    • Discovery
  • Any nominations?
    • Security work can be done in TFs for now
    • Prioritize finding a new Discovery TF lead

Other Topics

TF Reports

22 May 2024

Chair: McCool

Regrets: Sebastian

Scribe: Luca

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items


Notices (Information only)


Meetups (Information only)

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule


TF Discussion

  • Michael McCool to step down as TF lead for Security TF and Discovery TF
  • Nomination email for new TF leads sent
  • To discuss in May 22 main call.

JSON Schema

F2F Planning

  • TPAC Group Meetings
  • Wiki for F2F 2024 planning
  • Update
    • "WoT @ Industry Leadership Event" (Siemens)
      • Two dates proposed: Nov 18-20 or Nov 25-27
        • Nov 27 most probable for WoT@Industry/OpenDay
        • Once decided, can build rest of schedule around it
      • Munich is now most probable (new building - already booked)
      • In Munich, Nov 25-27 overlaps Münchner Christkindlmarkt
      • Proposed hotel: Dorint Hotel Garching (81 euro/night)
  • Proposal
    • Virtual WoT F2F in June (physical in Munich)
      • Need F2F agenda ASAP
      • Plugfest?
    • WoT F2F in November: Proposal
      • Nov 25-29 overall
      • Nov 25-26: (M-T) Plugfest
      • Nov 27 (W): WoT@Industry / OpenDay - party at night
      • Nov 28-29 (Th-F): F2F (WG) meetings (1.5 - short last day)

TF Leads

  • Following TFs are currently without leads, meetings suspended:
    • Security
    • Discovery
  • Any nominations?

Other Topics

TF Reports

15 May 2024

Chair: McCool

Regrets: Sebastian

Scribe: Koster

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

  • Proposed WoT IG charter - reviews completed
    • Strategy Issue 440
    • Still in progress...
    • Expected start date: 1-2wks (late May/start of June)


Recap (discussion last meeting):

  • Errata: First, remind people about the rules we currently have. Secondly, agree on the policy. Finally, adjust the tooling and documents accordingly.
    • Correct use of "errata" label in GitHub issues -> Proposal should be in a policy. For versioned specs, we should use corresponding labels, i.e. TD 1.1 erratas should have "Errata1.1", TD 1.0 should have "Errata1.0".
    • Policy Issue: . This should be written into a policy and then copied to all REC-track documents' errata.html files
    • Tooling Issue: . Ege can make a PR later on.

Next steps/Discuss:

  • Resolution?
    • Should we disable the functionality and do explicit publication of errata?
    • If we do not disable it, how can we prevent accidental publication of errata?
  • Proposal from Ege, Koster, Kaz is below. Let's have resolution on the basics before writing a policy document.
    1. Agree on avoiding misusing the errata relevant label
    2. Change the errata submission procedure to include specific text in square brackets in the issue name, e.g., "[POSSIBLE ERRATA] This sentence is wrong". This means we remove current errata-related labels from the GitHub issues.
    3. Evaluation of the label MUST happen by the Task Force responsible for the document. If the Task Force is not active anymore, the Working Group evaluates it. If the Working Group does not exist anymore, the W3C Team or their delegated entity should evaluate the submission.
    4. Evaluation result should be the "Official Errata SPECVERSION Confirmed" where the SPECVERSION is a specific version of the spec, e.g., TD1.1, TD1.0, Discovery1.0 .
    5. We edit the errata.html document manually based on the issue.
    6. The versioning and resource management discussion should take this into account.
    7. Each TF should edit their errata.html document's policy after the WG policy is agreed upon.

Notices (Information only)


Meetups (Information only)

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule


TF Discussion

  • Michael McCool to step down as TF lead for Security TF and Discovery TF
  • Nomination email for new TF leads sent
  • To discuss in May 22 main call.

JSON Schema

F2F Planning

  • TPAC Group Meetings
    • Need to estimate number of in-person attendees
      • Probably minimal. 5?
    • Need to determine joint calls/groups
      • JSON-LD? RDF-Star? Schemas? (Ege?)
      • SDW? (McCool)
      • Solid? (Ege)
      • VC/DID/FED-ID? (McCool)
    • Need to determine conflicting calls/groups
      • MEIG, Smart Cities IG (Kaz)
      • WebML (McCool)
    • Need to determine timeslot
      • If remotes from Asia and Europe, only early afternoon Pacific (14:00-16:00) slots reasonable
      • Probably just Thursday and Friday
    • Deadline: May 20
    • Possible Breakouts
      • NGSI-LD?
      • Schemas?
  • Wiki for F2F 2024 planning
  • Update
    • "WoT @ Industry Leadership Event" (Siemens)
      • Two dates proposed: Nov 18-20 or Nov 25-27
        • Nov 27 most probable for WoT@Industry/OpenDay
        • Once decided, can build rest of schedule around it
      • Munich is now most probable (new building - already booked)
      • In Munich, Nov 25-27 overlaps Münchner Christkindlmarkt
      • Proposed hotel: Dorint Hotel Garching (81 euro/night)
  • Proposal (10m to discuss)
    • Virtual WoT F2F in June (physical in Munich)
      • Need F2F agenda ASAP
      • Plugfest?
    • WoT F2F in November: Proposal
      • Nov 25-29 overall
      • Nov 25-26: (M-T) Plugfest
      • Nov 27 (W): WoT@Industry / OpenDay - party at night
      • Nov 28-29 (Th-F): F2F (WG) meetings (1.5 - short last day)

Other Topics

TF Reports

8 May 2024

Chair: Sebastian


Scribe: Mahda

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

Notices (Information only)


Meetups (Information only)

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule


TF Discussion

  • Michael McCool to step down as TF lead for Security TF and Discovery TF
  • Nomination email for new TF leads sent
  • To discuss in May 22 main call.

JSON Schema

F2F Planning

  • Wiki for F2F 2024 planning
  • Update
    • "WoT @ Industry Leadership Event" (Siemens)
      • Two dates proposed: Nov 18-20 or Nov 25-27
      • Either Berlin... or now Munich (new building - already booked)
      • In Munich, Nov 25-27 overlaps Münchner Christkindlmarkt
      • Proposed hotel: Dorint Hotel Garching (81 euro/night)
  • Proposal (10m to discuss)
    • Virtual WoT F2F in June (physical in Munich)
      • Need F2F agenda ASAP
      • Plugfest?
    • WoT F2F in November: Proposal
      • Nov 25-29 overall
      • Nov 25-26: (M-T) Plugfest
      • Nov 27 (W): WoT@Industry / OpenDay - party at night
      • Nov 28-29 (Th-F): F2F (WG) meetings (1.5 - short last day)

Other Topics

TF Reports

24 April 2024

Chair: McCool

Regrets: Sebastian

Scribe: Ege

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

Notices (Information only)


Meetups (Information only)

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule



TF Discussion

  • Michael McCool to step down as TF lead for Security TF and Discovery TF
  • Both TFs made resolutions to suspend meetings for now, until new TF leads are chosen
  • We will have to call for and select new TF leads, possibly reorganize/reschedule meetings

JSON Schema

F2F Planning

  • Wiki for F2F 2024 planning
  • Update
    • June is bad for travel in Germany
      • European championship, hotels full, etc.
    • WoT at Industry event (Siemens) deferred to end of November - still in Berlin
  • Proposal:
    • Virtual WoT F2F in June (physical in Munich)
    • WoT F2F in November?
    • TPAC is in September, however...

Other Topics

TF Reports

17 April 2024

Chair: McCool


Scribe: Daniel

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

Notices (Information only)

Meetups (Information only)

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule



JSON Schema

  • JSON Schema standardization
    • Ege will present a draft for group proposal

F2F Planning

  • Wiki for F2F 2024 planning
  • Update
    • June is bad for travel in Germany
      • European championship, hotels full, etc.
    • WoT at Industry event (Siemens) deferred to end of November - still in Berlin
  • Proposal:
    • Virtual WoT F2F in June (physical in Munich)
    • WoT F2F in November?
    • TPAC is in September, however...
TF Discussion
  • Discovery and Security have had poor turnout recently
  • McCool not able to continue as TF lead for these
  • Reorganize? Suspend for now?

Other Topics

TF Reports

10 April 2024

Cancelled - Kaz travelling.

3 April 2024

Meeting extended by 1h for policy meeting.

Chair: McCool (main) / Koster (policy)

Regrets: Sebastian

Scribe: Jan / Luca

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

Notices (Information only)


Meetups (Information only)
  • WoT CG
  • WoT JP CG
    • WoT Security event planning in progress
    • Currently collecting/summarizing UC&R feedback

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule



JSON Schema

F2F Planning

  • Versioning (see also Draft policy in TD repo)
  • Joint TD/Discovery Call held March 28 (this Thursday)
  • A follow-up planned for April 4

Other Topics

TF Reports

For main call.


Extended hour - to use "Testing" slot.

Chair: Koster Discuss open PRs and Issues.


  • Proposal to close this PR and simply rely on the W3C policy of consensus

  • Assertion policy Status check

  • Is this ready or could be made ready?

  • Draft PR, Status check


  • Will this issue be resolved when we resolve the version discussion?

  • IE Policy still needs a paragraph or 2?

  • Roles and Responsibilities

27 March 2024

No second hour on policy - will try to cover policy during the main call.

Chair: McCool

Regrets: Sebastian

Scribe: Koster

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

  • IRC server updated
    • Please don't get surprised...
  • Daylight Saving change
    • Started Sunday March 10 in the US
      • Means meetings will start 1h earlier in places without DST
    • Will start March 31 in Germany
      • So meetings will move one hour earlier for a few weeks, then move back.
    • Note from the MarComm Team (Member-only)
  • Proposed WoT IG charter under review
    • Strategy Issue 440
    • Wide review is ongoing
    • Accessibility, Internationalization, Security approved
    • Waiting for response from Privacy
  • Profile call

Notices (Information only)

Meetups (Information only)
  • WoT CG
  • WoT JP CG
    • WoT Security event planning in progress
    • Currently collecting/summarizing UC&R feedback
  • HiveMQ Community Event

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule



F2F Planning

  • Versioning (see also draft policy)
  • Joint TD/Discovery Call planned for March 28 (this Thursday)


Discuss open PRs and Issues.

Other Topics

TF Reports

13 March 2024

Chair: McCool (main call)

Regrets: any?

Scribe: Ege

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

Notices (Information only)


Meetups (Information only)

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule



F2F Planning

  • TD
    • Redirections updated
    • Versioning Discussion is done asynchronously
    • Joint Call planned for March 28
  • Discovery
    • Rendering updated
    • Draft
    • Still need version policy...
    • For now assuming semantic versioning: 0.2.0-a1

Other Topics

TF Reports
  • Policy meeting week after next (extended call?) on March 27

6 March 2024

Note that this call will be extended by an hour to discuss policy (using the "Testing" call slot after the regular main call slot).

Chair: McCool (main call); Koster (policy)

Regrets: any?

Scribe: Sebastian/Mahda

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

Notices (Information only)


Meetups (Information only)

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule



F2F Planning

  • Tentative: Second week of June?
  • Plugfest?
  • Open Day?
  • Focus on use cases and requirements?
  • TD
    • Redirections updated
    • Versioning Discussion is done asynchronously
  • Discovery
    • Rendering updated
    • Draft
    • Still need version policy...
    • For now assuming semantic versioning: 0.2.0-a1

Other Topics

TF Reports

Policy Meeting

Chair: Michael Koster


28 February 2024

Chair: McCool (main call)

Regrets: any?

Scribe: Koster

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Items

Notices (Information only)


Meetups (Information only)

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule



F2F Planning

  • Tentative: Second week of June?
  • Plugfest?
  • Open Day?
  • Focus on use cases and requirements?
  • TD
    • Redirections updated
    • Versioning Discussion is done asynchronously
  • Discovery
    • Rendering updated
    • Draft
    • Still need version policy...
    • For now assuming semantic versioning: 0.2.0-a1

Other Topics

TF Reports

21 February 2024

Chair: McCool (main call)

Regrets: any?

Scribe: Luca

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Updates

Notices (Information only)

Meetups (Information only)

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule



IG Charter Renewal

  • TD
    • Redirection Settings need to be updated: Kaz is on it.
    • Versioning Discussion is done asynchronously
  • Discovery
    • Updated scripts to render HTML from corresponding TTL
    • However need to make changes to the TTL... missing ranges, comments, etc.
    • Also how to record change logs, URL policy
    • Need to worry about versioning sooner rather than later
      • What process can we use to come up with a concrete policy here?
        • Proposal 1: Discuss in policy meeting Wed Feb 7 in slot after main call ("policy session")
        • Proposal 2: Discuss during Binding/TD slot on Thurs Feb 8
        • What pre-work needs to be done? Use of github, URL schemes, etc.
        • How much time do we need to discuss? 30m?
        • What are the steps? Brainstorming, research, requirements, draft policy...

Other Topics

TF Reports

For main call topics.

Policy Dicussion

Remaining time in hour. McCool to chair.

Agenda TBD.

14 February 2024

No main call due to holidays.

7 February 2024

Note: Discussing the IG charter and (if time) policy (1h) after the main call.

Chair: Sebastian (main call) / Koster/McCool (IG charter/policy)

Regrets: any?

Scribe: Ege/McCool

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Quick Updates

Notices (Information only)

Meetups (Information only)

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule



  • TD
    • Still need to render HTML for TM
    • Some changes to TM TTL needed - how to handle versioning?
      • Need a policy for resource versioning and how to handle updates
      • Ege: TD TF has decided to make one change since the current TTL is not used anywhere (and cannot be really used). Any further update should be versioned
  • Discovery
    • Updated scripts to render HTML from corresponding TTL
    • However need to make changes to the TTL... missing ranges, comments, etc.
    • Also how to record change logs, URL policy
    • Need to worry about versioning sooner rather than later
      • What process can we use to come up with a concrete policy here?
        • Proposal 1: Discuss in policy meeting Wed Feb 7 in slot after main call ("policy session")
        • Proposal 2: Discuss during Binding/TD slot on Thurs Feb 8
        • What pre-work needs to be done? Use of github, URL schemes, etc.
        • How much time do we need to discuss? 30m?
        • What are the steps? Brainstorming, research, requirements, draft policy...

Other Topics

TF Reports

For main call topics.

IG Charter Discussion

  • 30m-1h meeting immediately after main call
    • Remaining time to be used for IG charter and policy discussion
  • Koster/McCool to chair this part
  • Regrets:
Review outstanding PRs
Review outstanding Issues
  • Check the remaining IG charter issues
  • Check the latest Policy issues
  • Have a 3mo extension - to March 31
  • So need to finish by start of Feb to get through reviews in time.

Policy Dicussion

Remaining time in hour. McCool to chair.

Agenda TBD.

31 January 2024

Note: Discussing the IG charter (1h) after the main call.

Chair: McCool (main call) / Koster (IG charter)

Regrets: any?

Scribe: Kaz

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Notices (Information only)

  • any?

Quick Updates

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule



  • TD
    • Still need to render HTML for TM
    • Some changes to TM TTL needed - how to handle versioning?
      • Need a policy for resource versioning and how to handle updates
      • Ege: TD TF has decided to make one change since the current TTL is not used anywhere (and cannot be really used). Any further update should be versioned
  • Discovery
    • Updated scripts to render HTML from corresponding TTL
    • However need to make changes to the TTL... missing ranges, comments, etc.
    • Also how to record change logs, URL policy
    • Need to worry about versioning sooner rather than later
      • What process can we use to come up with a concrete policy here?
        • Proposal 1: Discuss in policy meeting Wed Feb 7 in slot after main call ("policy session")
        • Proposal 2: Discuss during Binding/TD slot on Thurs Feb 8
        • What pre-work needs to be done? Use of github, URL schemes, etc.
        • How much time do we need to discuss? 30m?
        • What are the steps? Brainstorming, research, requirements, draft policy...

Other Topics

Meetups (Information only)
Liaisons and Collaborations
Action Items
TF Reports

For main call topics.

IG Charter Discussion

  • 1h meeting immediately after main call
  • Koster to chair this part
  • Regrets:
Review outstanding PRs
Remaining changes needed
  • Review the issue list and close
  • Have a 3mo extension - to March 31
  • So need to finish by start of Feb to get through reviews in time.

24 January 2024

Note: Discussing the WG planning (1h) after the main call.

Chair: Koster (main call) / Sebastian (WG planning)

Regrets: any?

Scribe: Mahda,

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Notices (Information only)

  • any?

Quick Updates

  • Archival
    • Proposal: Move "Action Items" and "Collaborations" to a sub-page - McCool's action :)

Meeting Schedule Changes

Publication schedule



  • TD
    • Still need to render HTML for TM
    • Some changes to TM TTL needed - how to handle versioning?
      • Need a policy for resource versioning and how to handle updates
      • Ege: TD TF has decided to make one change since the current TTL is not used anywhere (and cannot be really used). Any further update should be versioned
  • Discovery

Other Topics

Meetups (Information only)
  • WoT CG
  • WoT JP CG
  • Nordic Smart Cities and WoT CG
    • No updates
  • Other
    • Global Summit for Node.js - February 21 - Ege Korkan and Cristiano Aguzzi will talk about WoT and node-wot . See here (Cristiano will be added soon)
    • HiveMQ Community Event - March 26 - Ege Korkan will talk about how WoT can be used in MQTT scenarios. A link will be provided later on.
  • W3C
  • ISO
  • OPC UA
    • Discussion of OPC UA Binding
    • Will be developed by OPC UA WG, registered in WoT Binding registry
    • OPC UA is currently reviewing draft of spec for consuming TDs (onboarding)
    • Next: specification for producing TDs (exposing)
Action Items
TF Reports

For main call topics.

WG Planning

wot Issues around WG planning

IG Charter Discussion

Review outstanding PRs
Remaining changes needed
  • Review the issue list and close
  • Have a 3mo extension - to March 31
  • So need to finish by start of Feb to get through reviews in time.

17 January 2024

Note: Discussing the IG charter (1h) after the main call.

Chair: McCool (main call)/Koster (IG Charter)

Regrets: Ezell

Scribe: Luca/Sebastian

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Notices (Information only)

Quick Updates

  • Archival
    • Proposal: Move "Action Items" and "Collaborations" to a sub-page

Meeting Schedule Changes

Rescheduled Meetings

WG Planning



  • TD
    • Still need to render HTML for TM
    • Some changes to TM TTL needed - how to handle versioning?
      • Need a policy for resource versioning and how to handle updates
      • Ege: TD TF has decided to make one change since the current TTL is not used anywhere (and cannot be really used). Any further update should be versioned
  • Discovery

Other Topics

Meetups (Information only)
  • W3C
  • ISO
  • OPC UA
    • Discussion of OPC UA Binding
    • Will be developed by OPC UA WG, registered in WoT Binding registry
    • OPC UA is currently reviewing draft of spec for consuming TDs (onboarding)
    • Next: specification for producing TDs (exposing)
Action Items
TF Reports

For main call topics.

IG Charter Discussion

Review outstanding PRs
Remaining changes needed
  • Review the issue list and close
  • Have a 3mo extension - to March 31
  • So need to finish by start of Feb to get through reviews in time.

10 January 2024

Note: 1h meeting. We probably want to consider discussing the IG charter after the main call next week (Jan 17).

Chair: Sebastian


Scribe: McCool

Main Call Topics

Guests, New Members, and Invited Experts


Notices (Information only)

Quick Updates

  • End-of-year Archival
    • McCool has archived meeting agendas for /2023
    • Also archived "master to main" renaming instructions

Meeting Schedule Changes

Rescheduled Meetings

Planning for New WG Charter Period



  • TD
    • Still need to render HTML for TM
    • Some changes to TM TTL needed - how to handle versioning?
      • Need a policy for resource versioning and how to handle updates
      • Ege: TD TF has decided to make one change since the current TTL is not used anywhere (and cannot be really used). Any further update should be versioned
  • Discovery

Other Topics

Meetups (Information only)
  • WoT CG
  • WoT JP CG
    • Planning an event on "Security"
    • Still being organized...
    • thinking of having regular, small seminars
    • Possible Digital Twins meetup topic; postponed (Kaz)
  • Nordic Smart Cities and WoT CG
    • Next meeting TBD in January 2024
  • W3C
  • ISO
  • OPC UA
    • Discussion of OPC UA Binding
    • Will be developed by OPC UA WG, registered in WoT Binding registry
    • OPC UA is currently reviewing draft of spec for consuming TDs (onboarding)
    • Next: specification for producing TDs (exposing)
Action Items
TF Reports

For main call topics.

Ongoing Items

Past Content