WG WoT Profile WebConf

From Web of Things Interest Group

The WoT Profile task force is responsible for interoperability profiles for the Web of Things.

WebConf Information

This is a call of the WoT Working Group (WG).

Normative Deliverable

WoT Profile

The WoT Profile Specification defines a Profiling Mechanism and a WoT Core Profile, which enables out of the box interoperability among things and devices. Out of the box interoperability implies, that devices can be integrated into various application scenarios without deep level adaptations. Typically only minor configuration operations are necessary (such as entering a network key, or IP address) to use the device in a certain scenario. These actions can be done by anyone without specific training.

Editors draft: https://w3c.github.io/wot-profile/


TF-Lead: Luca Barbato (Luminem SRLs)

WoT Profile Co-Editors:

  • Michael Lagally (Oracle Corp.)
  • Michael McCool (Intel Corp.)
  • Ryuichi Matsukura (Fujitsu Ltd.)
  • Sebastian Kaebisch (Siemens AG)
  • Tomoaki Mizushima (Internet Research Institute, Inc.)


Profile - Jul 17th, 2024

  • Scribe:
  • Past scribes: Kazuyuki Ashimura, Ege, Michael Lagally

Profiles as Ecosystem descriptors

  • Profiles were mainly focused on Greenfield implementations, but they have an importance for Brownfield as well.
  • An Ecosystem covers more than what a single binding protocol does
    • It could include provisions for Discovery, Onboarding, Data Representation

out-of-the-box explanation

  • Discussion on what can be made clearer

Profile - Jul 2nd, 2024


Profile - Jun 18th, 2024


  • Scribe:
  • Past scribes: Kazuyuki Ashimura, Ege, Michael Lagally

Past minutes review

out-of-the-box explanation

  • Discussion on what can be made clearer.

Profile 1.0 pressing issues

Profile - Jun 11th, 2024

  • Scribe: Kazuyuki Ashimura
  • Past scribes: Kazuyuki Ashimura, Ege, Michael Lagally

Past minutes review

Project management

  • Update Ben's role on github to match his Editor status
  • Try to reach the current people listed as Editor.
    • Decide on a timeout/deadline to update the list.

Explainer refresh

Profile 1.0 pressing issues

Profile - Jun 4th, 2024

  • Scribe: Kazuyuki Ashimura
  • Past scribes: Kazuyuki Ashimura, Ege, Michael Lagally

Past minutes review

Explainer refresh

Profile 1.0 pressing issues

Profile - May 28th, 2024

  • Scribe: Kazuyuki Ashimura
  • Past scribes: Kazuyuki Ashimura, Ege, Michael Lagally

Past minutes review

Asyncronous contribution

  • Policy regarding PRs
  • Mailing list threads

Pending pull requests

Profile 1.0 pressing issues

Profile - May 21st, 2024

  • Scribe: N/A
  • Past scribes: Kazuyuki Ashimura, Ege, Michael Lagally

No topics due low attendance

Profile - May 14th, 2024

  • Scribe: Kazuyuki Ashimura
  • Past scribes: Kazuyuki Ashimura, Ege, Michael Lagally

Housekeeping (5 min)

Approval of the minutes of the previous call.

No other topics due low attendance

Profile - May 7th, 2024

  • Scribe: Kazuyuki Ashimura
  • Past scribes: Kazuyuki Ashimura, Ege, Michael Lagally

Housekeeping (5 min)

Approval of the minutes of the previous call.

Quick Pull Requests (1 min)

Profile 1.0 pressing issues

As part of the past weeks email exchange

Profile - Apr 23rd, 2024

  • Scribe: Ege
  • Past scribes: Ege, Michael Lagally, Kazuyuki Ashimura

Housekeeping (5 min)

Approval of the minutes of the previous call.

Asynchronous Actions out of the profile

  • Shall we remove the asynchronous action from profiles and defer to TD work on the topic?
  • Do we have consensus on publishing as REC or NOTE with that part removed?

Profiles with Ontologies

  • Do we have consensus in express a profile as a fixed set of vocabulary terms from well defined ontologies?

Profile - Apr 9nd, 2024

  • Cancelled

Profile - Apr 2nd, 2024


  • Scribe: Ege
  • Past scribes: Michael Lagally, Kazuyuki Ashimura

Housekeeping (5 min)

Approval of the minutes of the previous call.

Actions in Profile

Pending Profile 1.0

Higher priority issues

Profile - Mar 26th, 2024


Profile - Mar 19th, 2024


  • Scribe: Michael Lagally / Kazuyuki Ashimura

Housekeeping (5 min)

Approval of the minutes of the previous call.


  • Were are we? - Michael Lagally
  • Profile 1.0 remaining work - Michael Lagally

Pending Profile 1.0

Higher priority issues


Past Content