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Community & Business Groups

Nordic Chapter Smart City / Web of Things Community Group

A community group around smart city technologies and challenges in the nordic region

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Chairs, when logged in, may publish draft and final reports. Please see report requirements.

Hybrid meeting the 19th of August

New version of ISO/IEC 30141 – IoT Reference Architecture

Welcome to the August meeting of the Working Group Standards & Platforms!

Soon, maybe in time for the August meeting, the new version of the International Reference Architecture for IoT, ISO/IEC 30141, will be published. We concentrate this meeting on an overview of the new edition and related standardization work. If interested, there is a blog on IEC web page about this new edition: Essential IoT standard gets a second edition ( In Sweden, as an example, 30141 has been used as one of the foundations for procurements of IoT platforms in the regions Jönköping and Västra Götaland.

As before, we conduct these meeting as hybrid meetings. You can participate by Zoom or physically on site. If you participate in person, please let me know if you like to join a common lunch, 11.30 at Internetstiftelsen. I´ll be happy to send you an invite.  


Physical presence: Floor 1 , Gradangen, Goto 10, Internetstiftelsen, Hammarby Kaj 10D, 120 07 Stockholm. Goto 10 Stockholm | Goto 10

Meeting time: 13.00 – 15.30 CET with possibility to stay until 17.00 for those attending in person. 

Be most welcome either on Zoom or in person!


Hybrid meeting the 17th of June

Presentations of KMD Data Context Manager and Siemens Building X

Welcome to the June meeting of the Working Group Standards & Platforms. 

In 2024, we focus on market overview of general horizontal IoT platforms for municipalities and regions. Supplemented by reports from standardization, other important initiatives and discussions about interesting related topics and issues.

This time we get a presentation of:

  1. KMD Data Context Manager. Presented by Mads Pohl Petersson, Product Innovation Manager | CTO Office KMD, Denmark. Platform based on Fiware.
  2. Building X from Siemens. Presented by Sasha Fridman, Innovation & Digital Business Professional Solution Architect, Siemens Smart Infrastructure, Sweden.

We conduct this meeting as a hybrid meeting. You can participate by Zoom or physically on site. Please email me at if you are attending in person, so I can plan for coffee and seats.  If so, please also let me know if you like to join a common lunch, 11.30 at Internetstiftelsen. I´ll be happy to send you an invite.


Physical presence: Floor 1 , Gradängen, Goto 10, Internetstiftelsen, Hammarby Kaj 10D, 120 07 Stockholm. Goto 10 Stockholm | Goto 10

Meeting time: 13.00 – 15.30 CET with possibility to stay until 17.00 for those attending in person. 

Be most welcome either on Zoom or in person!


Hybrid meeting the 15th of April

Presentations of IoT Platforms Thingsboard and Sensor-Online

Some more information about the meeting of 15th April. This time we get a presentation of:

  1. Pawel Ostropolski from IoT Squad in Polen + eventual other actors working with Thingsboard will present the platform. See ThingsBoard — Open-source IoT (Internet of Things) Platform and IoT Squad – Empowering Your IoT Journey: From Vision to Reality.
  2. Sensor-Online. Fredrik Öhrberg from Nodeledge present the platform Sensor-Online. Home – Nodeledge AB, vi gör mätvärden till affärsvärden!

We conduct this meeting as a hybrid meeting. That is, with the possibility to participate both via Zoom and physically on site at the Internet Foundation’s facility Goto 10 in Stockholm.


Physical presence: Floor 1 , Gradängen, Goto 10, Internetstiftelsen, Hammarby Kaj 10D, 120 07 Stockholm. Goto 10 Stockholm | Goto 10

Meeting time: 13.00 – 15.30 CET with possibility to stay until 17.00 for those attending in person. 

Please email me at if you are attending in person, so I can plan for coffee and seats.  

Regardless, be most welcome either on Zoom or in person!


Hybrid meeting the 18th of March

Presentations of IoT Platforms by OS2 and ZettaScale

Just a heads up about the meeting of 18th March. This meeting we will get the following presentations:

  1. OS2, OS2 styrker digitaliseringen i det offentlige Danmark,, presented by the OS2-fællesskabet from Denmark. OS2 is an IoT platform developed by several Danish municipalities in collaboration.
  2. ZettaScale, from ZettaScale Technology, which built its IoT platform on Open Source from the Eclipse Foundation.

We conduct this meeting as a hybrid meeting. That is, with the possibility to participate both via Zoom and physically on site at the Internet Foundation’s facility Goto 10 in Stockholm.


Physical presence: Floor 1 , Gradängen, Goto 10, Internetstiftelsen, Hammarby Kaj 10D, 120 07 Stockholm. Goto 10 Stockholm | Goto 10

Please email me at if you are attending in person, so I can plan for coffee and seats.  

Regardless, be most welcome either on Zoom or in person!


Market overview of general horizontal IoT platforms

Survey carried out by the Community / Working Group Standards & Platforms during our meetings 2024

During 2024 the Community / Working Group Standards & Platforms will carry out a market overview of general horizontal IoT platforms for municipal and regional operations at its meetings in close cooperation with RISE Smart City Lab. The first meeting is already on Monday, February 18th.

In 2020, the Working Group conducted a similar survey where 15 actors came and gave presentations to the Group. That market survey is documented in the Working Group’s reports from 2020 and 2021, which can be found on the IoT Sweden website and on the Collaborate web page of SEK IoT Forum. That time, the market research resulted in valuable documentation and material. The material formed the basis for, among other things, the production of procurement material was used in Region Jönköping’s two IoT platform procurements in 2020 and 2022. That procurement material is now being further developed by the “Smart Region Västra Götaland” project for their upcoming IoT procurement during spring 2024 where about 50 municipality, the VG Region and 100 companies are participating.

This year, suppliers will be invited to give a 1-hour presentation each at the working group meetings. This time we also have a clearer template for what we want to get presented. This will hopefully make it easier to compare different solutions and better understand how different platforms are positioned and what strengths and possible weaknesses they may have.

An apology in advance to all English speaking members. Some of the presentations, mainly those from Swedish vendors, will be held in Swedish. We cant force them to translate their presentation material only for these occasions. We will try to announce clearly what will be held in Swedish or English.

During the spring, the Community / Working Group will have meetings the following occasions. All at 13.00 – 15.30.

  • Monday 19 February
  • Monday 18 March
  • Monday 15 April
  • Monday 20 May
  • Monday 17 June

The community / working group’s meetings are open to all interested parties. If you are not on the mailing list for the Working Group but want to receive invitations, calendar bookings and zoom links, you can email me at Most of the meetings will be digital, but we will also try to implement one or some of the meetings as a hybrid meeting with the possibility of also meeting physically at GOTO 10 at the Internet Foundation in Stockholm.

At the first meeting, now on February 19, we will get a presentation of AssetBook (in Swedish) as well as an introduction (in English) to functions from the Open Source group Eclipse Foundation (which the Community / Working Group also heard about in August last year). Later in the spring, we will also get a presentation of some suppliers who have developed platforms based on open-source code from Eclipse.

You can read about AssetBook here: AssetBook | Samla alla smarta enheter på ett ställe

You can read about the Eclipse Foundation here: The Community for Open Collaboration and Innovation | The Eclipse Foundation

In March, the Working Group receives a visit from OS2-fællesskabet from Denmark, who present their work with OS2, an IoT platform that is being developed by several Danish municipalities in collaboration. We also get a presentation of ZettaScale, an Eclipse-based platform.

You can read about OS2 here: OS2 styrker digitaliseringen i det offentlige Danmark

You can read about ZettaScale here: ZettaScale Technology

Several additional suppliers and actors have expressed interest and will be booked during the year. We will get back with updated information as the program for each meeting becomes ready. If you are a supplier but have not registered for a presentation yet, you can contact me at The working group has developed criteria that must be met in order to come and present. This is to get a reasonable number of presentations and that these are relevant in the context. Above all, the Working Group wants to receive presentations of general platforms. For example, there is no room to look at domain-specific solutions for individual industries or applications this time.

Hopefully these sessions will be very interesting and also provide great possibilities to connect and cooperate. Welcome!


Recording of the Market Dialog 15 January

Available on the web site of the project “Smart Region Västra Götaland”

If you missed the interesting Market Dialog regarding public procurement of IoT Platform for the project “Smart Region Västra Götaland” you can now take part in the recording of the meeting. The meeting was held in Swedish. 

You find the recording + additional information about the project here:

Contact me if you are interested in more details about the project, the marked dialog or the procurement. 


Market Dialog – Procurement of long term IoT-platform for a whole Swedish Region

Welcome to participate in the Community’s and Standards & Platforms Working Group’s first meeting for 2024. This time the meeting is an IoT Sweden Forum where the Working Group hosts the project Smart region Västra Götaland’s Market Dialogue for the procurement of a long-term county-wide horizontal IoT platform.

OBS! The meeting will be held in Swedish!

Monday 2024-01-15 13.00 – 15.00 CET


Password: 486440

The market dialogue is carried out in collaboration between IoT Sweden, RISE Smart City Lab, the project Smart region Västra Götaland and the Working Group. The participants in RISE Smart City are also invited, and IoT Sweden has extended an even wider invitation.

The dialogue will deal with selected parts of the procurement documents that VGR and the municipalities in Västra Götaland produce for the procurement of long-term IoT platforms. Among other things, pricing model and security issues. You can read more about the event on IoT Sweden’s website: 

The meeting is of interest for everyone engaged in Web of Things and Smart Cities. It´s also rather unique having over 50 Municipalities and their companies + the Västra Götaland Region and the county board invited to participate in the procurement and project.  

The procurement material will be available for vendors at the Swedish procurement portal Tendsign soon. The material is written in Swedish.  

Welcome to an interesting start of the new year!

Meeting 18 dec about Local digital twins and the metaverse

Welcome to participate in the Community’s and Standards & Platforms Working Group’s last meeting for this year, which aims at the future. We address two exciting topics that are already on the agendas of several municipalities, namely: local digital twins and metaverse that together become CitiVerse.

Monday 18 December 13.00 – 15.30 CET

Zoom link:

Password: 486440

Local digital twins are something that several municipalities have already started investing in. It is about 3D models of city districts, entire municipalities, regions, or countries that are made into digital twins by connecting them with web of things technology.

Metaverses are virtual worlds that can be “visited” through avatars, much like in a computer game world. In metaverse, it is possible to have digital meetings, events and more. Two major players who invest heavily in this are Microsoft and Meta (Facebook).


CitiVerse is when we combine these two, that is, use our local digital twins to create virtual worlds that we can then use for several different applications, for example together with Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). The EU Commission is by example already investing in CitiVerse and has had a first call where several consortia applied to contribute and take part in EU funds.

Combine web of things with digital twins

At this December meeting of the Working Group, we will focus on how we weave together the web of world with the digital twins for municipalities, regions and countries. Likewise on how we can create interoperability to feed the twins with continuously updated data from existing systems and databases.

We continuously monitor interoperability in the Community and Working Group and it is also addressed with MIM’s within the EU and ongoing interoperability projects in Sweden with Region Jönköping County.

Demonstrations of digital twins

We will talk about technology and standardization for Local Digital Twins, Metaverse and CitiVerse. There will also be presentations and demonstrations of digital twins from several Swedish initiatives. We will also hear about Destination Earth, which collects environmental data that we can use for analysis in our Local Digital Twins.

How it is discussed in the EU

The European Commission has just carried out a mapping of the standardization landscape for CitiVerse, i.e. all parts that the EU expects CitiVerse to cover. Among other things, I will talk about what has been discussed within the EU which is the basis for the EU’s investment in CitiVerse. We will also talk about the connection with the international standardization within ISO and IEC around IoT and Digital Twins as well as within W3C.

Contribute on the meeting?

Want to present something or demonstrate a Local Digital Twin or CitiVerse? Please contact me asap to see if we can fit you into the program. There are many interesting presenters on the list already so everyone needs to be brief. 

Welcome to this exciting meeting!

Update on the Nordic Chapter Smart City / Web of Things Community Group

The Nordic Chapter Smart City Community Group will now become more active.

We will use this home page for information and comments. Discussions live, in online meetings, regarding issues of interest to this group will be carried out in the Swedish forum Arbetsgruppen Standarder & Plattformar.

Arbetsgruppen Standarder & Plattformar is a think tank for IoT, Digital Twins, Smart Cities, IoT Platforms and related technology and standards. Arbetsgruppen meets once a month to present and discuss various themes that is decided jointly by the members.

Some of the themes in Arbetsgruppen will refer to ongoing work within W3C. Our intention is to actively participate and engage in relevant initiatives within W3C. That is, take part of the material produced in W3C, discuss and compare with other related material and initiatives as well as our needs and experiences. As a result we will also do our very best to provide relevant input and suggestions back to W3C and ongoing projects within W3C when appropriate.

The group also have a close relationship to TK IoT, the Swedish official standardization committee for IoT and Digital Twins, and keeps track of and discuss whats going on in other standardization organizations for IoT, Digital Twins and Smart Cities, nationally and on the international level.

Arbetsgruppen is hosted by SEK, Svensk Elstandard as an SEK IoT Forum. All presentations and material from the meetings of the group are stored online in Collaborate, provided by SEK. By becoming a member in the SEK IoT Forum (free of charge) you can gain access to that material. Please email me at to get an invite.

Arbetsgruppen is also working closely to the Swedish organisation RISE Smart City Lab where representatives of Swedish municipalities and regions gather to address concerns regarding Smart Cities and IoT.

A disclaimer: The meetings of Arbetsgruppen are currently held in Swedish. If needed, depending on the participants from this Nordic Chapter Smart City Community Group, we might change to English, if and when that is needed. Please contact me in advance if you intend to participate on a meeting in Arbetsgruppen and want us to carry out that meeting in English. 

The following meetings are currently scheduled in Arbetsgruppen:

27 November 13.00 – 15.30 CET

This meeting will focus on:

  1. An overview of the work within W3C related to the Nordic Chapter Smart City Community Group
  2. A first look (by this group) on Web of Things Architecture, Web of Things Description and Semantic Sensor Network Ontology + SOSA.
  3. Planing of a mapping and market overview of general horizontal IoT platforms. The group did this in 2020 and there is a need to do this again. Selected vendors will be invited to present their products during the meetings in Arbetsgruppen 2024.

Zoom Link:

Password: 486440

Correction: Monday 18 December 13.00 – 15.30 CET

This December meeting will focus on:

  1. Interoperability
  2. Local Digital Twins – e.g. digital 3D copies of cities, regions and countries
  3. Metaverse and Citiverse – the European initiative regarding the real world equivalent to Metaverses.

Zoom Link:

Password: 486440

Monday 15 January 2024 13.00 – 15.30 CET

Theme for this meeting remains to be concluded. Most likely this occasion will be a so called IoT Sverige Forum, meaning that the Swedish organisation IoT Sverige will invite their members to participate in the meeting of Arbetsgruppen, discussing and presenting matters of common interest.

Zoom Link:

Password: 486440 

Ideas, thoughts and questions about the Nordic Chapter Smart City Community Group

Thank you for engaging in the Nordic Chapter Smart City Community Group! If you have anything you want to ask about or discuss please don´t hesitate to get in contact with me.

As chair of this group I will do my very best to serve us all and get the community active and interesting. My believe is that this group will provide valuable insights and contacts for everyone participating. At the same time I hope we will contribute substantially to the work in W3C regarding Smart Cities and IoT. As a part of making the world a better place in the long run.

Warmly welcome to participate here on the home page of the Community and at the meetings in Arbetsgruppen!

Torbjörn Lahrin, chair of the Community

Call for Participation in Nordic Chapter Smart City Community Group

The Nordic Chapter Smart City Community Group has been launched:

A community group around smart city technologies and challenges in the nordic region

In order to join the group, you will need a W3C account. Please note, however, that W3C Membership is not required to join a Community Group.

This is a community initiative. This group was originally proposed on 2021-12-08 by Daniel Dersén. The following people supported its creation: Daniel Dersén, Marie-Claire Forgue, Alex Jonsson, Tobias Christian Jensen, Chandice Slafford, Jennifer Chadwick. W3C’s hosting of this group does not imply endorsement of the activities.

The group must now choose a chair. Read more about how to get started in a new group and good practice for running a group.

We invite you to share news of this new group in social media and other channels.

If you believe that there is an issue with this group that requires the attention of the W3C staff, please email us at

Thank you,
W3C Community Development Team