Hybrid meeting the 15th of April
Posted on:Presentations of IoT Platforms Thingsboard and Sensor-Online
Some more information about the meeting of 15th April. This time we get a presentation of:
- Pawel Ostropolski from IoT Squad in Polen + eventual other actors working with Thingsboard will present the platform. See ThingsBoard — Open-source IoT (Internet of Things) Platform and IoT Squad – Empowering Your IoT Journey: From Vision to Reality.
- Sensor-Online. Fredrik Öhrberg from Nodeledge present the platform Sensor-Online. Home – Nodeledge AB, vi gör mätvärden till affärsvärden!
We conduct this meeting as a hybrid meeting. That is, with the possibility to participate both via Zoom and physically on site at the Internet Foundation’s facility Goto 10 in Stockholm.
Zoom: https://iec.zoom.us/j/96221236876?pwd=VUkwdmlGbyt4T2wrOHNvMjdVNWVZZz09
Physical presence: Floor 1 , Gradängen, Goto 10, Internetstiftelsen, Hammarby Kaj 10D, 120 07 Stockholm. Goto 10 Stockholm | Goto 10
Meeting time: 13.00 – 15.30 CET with possibility to stay until 17.00 for those attending in person.
Please email me at tobbe@lahrin.se if you are attending in person, so I can plan for coffee and seats.
Regardless, be most welcome either on Zoom or in person!