Update on the Nordic Chapter Smart City / Web of Things Community Group
Posted on:The Nordic Chapter Smart City Community Group will now become more active.
We will use this home page for information and comments. Discussions live, in online meetings, regarding issues of interest to this group will be carried out in the Swedish forum Arbetsgruppen Standarder & Plattformar.
Arbetsgruppen Standarder & Plattformar is a think tank for IoT, Digital Twins, Smart Cities, IoT Platforms and related technology and standards. Arbetsgruppen meets once a month to present and discuss various themes that is decided jointly by the members.
Some of the themes in Arbetsgruppen will refer to ongoing work within W3C. Our intention is to actively participate and engage in relevant initiatives within W3C. That is, take part of the material produced in W3C, discuss and compare with other related material and initiatives as well as our needs and experiences. As a result we will also do our very best to provide relevant input and suggestions back to W3C and ongoing projects within W3C when appropriate.
The group also have a close relationship to TK IoT, the Swedish official standardization committee for IoT and Digital Twins, and keeps track of and discuss whats going on in other standardization organizations for IoT, Digital Twins and Smart Cities, nationally and on the international level.
Arbetsgruppen is hosted by SEK, Svensk Elstandard as an SEK IoT Forum. All presentations and material from the meetings of the group are stored online in Collaborate, provided by SEK. By becoming a member in the SEK IoT Forum (free of charge) you can gain access to that material. Please email me at tobbe@lahrin.se to get an invite.
Arbetsgruppen is also working closely to the Swedish organisation RISE Smart City Lab where representatives of Swedish municipalities and regions gather to address concerns regarding Smart Cities and IoT.
A disclaimer: The meetings of Arbetsgruppen are currently held in Swedish. If needed, depending on the participants from this Nordic Chapter Smart City Community Group, we might change to English, if and when that is needed. Please contact me in advance if you intend to participate on a meeting in Arbetsgruppen and want us to carry out that meeting in English.
The following meetings are currently scheduled in Arbetsgruppen:
27 November 13.00 – 15.30 CET
This meeting will focus on:
- An overview of the work within W3C related to the Nordic Chapter Smart City Community Group
- A first look (by this group) on Web of Things Architecture, Web of Things Description and Semantic Sensor Network Ontology + SOSA.
- Planing of a mapping and market overview of general horizontal IoT platforms. The group did this in 2020 and there is a need to do this again. Selected vendors will be invited to present their products during the meetings in Arbetsgruppen 2024.
Zoom Link: https://iec.zoom.us/j/96221236876?pwd=VUkwdmlGbyt4T2wrOHNvMjdVNWVZZz09
Password: 486440
Correction: Monday 18 December 13.00 – 15.30 CET
This December meeting will focus on:
- Interoperability
- Local Digital Twins – e.g. digital 3D copies of cities, regions and countries
- Metaverse and Citiverse – the European initiative regarding the real world equivalent to Metaverses.
Zoom Link: https://iec.zoom.us/j/96221236876?pwd=VUkwdmlGbyt4T2wrOHNvMjdVNWVZZz09
Password: 486440
Monday 15 January 2024 13.00 – 15.30 CET
Theme for this meeting remains to be concluded. Most likely this occasion will be a so called IoT Sverige Forum, meaning that the Swedish organisation IoT Sverige will invite their members to participate in the meeting of Arbetsgruppen, discussing and presenting matters of common interest.
Zoom Link: https://iec.zoom.us/j/96221236876?pwd=VUkwdmlGbyt4T2wrOHNvMjdVNWVZZz09
Password: 486440
Ideas, thoughts and questions about the Nordic Chapter Smart City Community Group
Thank you for engaging in the Nordic Chapter Smart City Community Group! If you have anything you want to ask about or discuss please don´t hesitate to get in contact with me. tobbe@lahrin.se
As chair of this group I will do my very best to serve us all and get the community active and interesting. My believe is that this group will provide valuable insights and contacts for everyone participating. At the same time I hope we will contribute substantially to the work in W3C regarding Smart Cities and IoT. As a part of making the world a better place in the long run.
Warmly welcome to participate here on the home page of the Community and at the meetings in Arbetsgruppen!
Torbjörn Lahrin, chair of the Community