22 November 2023


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Luca_Barbato, Mahda_Noura, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima
Koster, McCool, Sebastian
Ege, kaz, mjk

Meeting minutes

Minutes Review

<kaz> Nov-15

McCool: we had resolutions to transition to REC
… we approved TPAC minutes

McCool: Any objections?

McCool: approved

Quick Updates

McCool: Smart Cities discussion with nordic chapter will be monday next week

<kaz> Doodle to see new TD slots

ek: if you are interested in joining the TD call, please answer the td call

Kaz: if we expect more people to the TD calls, we should contact them directly in addition to the doodle poll.

McCool: we should set a deadline for the inputs

McCool: mid december as last input and new slot can be effective as of january

New Charter Organization

McCool: we will discuss policies after this hour

McCool: we should organize the project management ourselves

McCool: we can talk about it in a separate call as well

ek: we have github project as one solution. We need to incorporate use cases, 100+ issues and make it something digestable
… and not force something that people do not like

Kaz: We should focus on the entire process and not on a specific tool

McCool: I forgot to mention but yes, we need to think of the entire process

Kaz: we need clarify what we mean by "Project Management"

McCool: we should focus on such topics as small teams, not involve everyone at the same time
… so they can come up with an initial proposal

Kaz: we should clarify that initial team, how to join it etc.


McCool: We will have a discussion about resources

McCool: but two points to be done for the spec HTML

need to add description on the Changes from the previous Proposed REC version

need to update the URLs for the cross reference among the three specs within the Reference sections

Kaz: second point can be done by me
… but first point should be done by the Editors

McCool: we can go over the diff quickly

Kaz: I will do the URLs work

McCool: I will do for discovery and architecture

McCool: we will have a discussion on resources

<kaz> please go directly to the last line of the agenda to make the long story short. In short, we don't need

Kaz: we do not need to change anything, PLH and Webmaster agreed on the current direction. So I'm already working with the Webmaster to update the .htaccess files for 2019 resources and 2022 resources.

McCool: in that case, we can ignore that agenda item on resources discussion

McCool: it would be good to have human readable versions of the ontologies

McCool: anythine else for the resources?

ek: we should document the process

Press Release

McCool: we got a testimonial from a company called VE3

McCool: we should not accept anymore

sk: we do not know how they have access to this document

McCool: the content looks good assuming they are member

McCool: maybe he is a member but as a different company

<kaz> (kaz is asking the MarComm Team about that)

McCool: we have a separate case with Luca since he has two hats

<McCool> proposal: Accept VE3 additional testimonial to press release for WoT REC publication conditional upon confirmation that VE3 is a W3C member.

Kaz: Do we need another resolution

McCool: if we do a resolution now, we would have pre approved it

McCool: I just want to ask whether the group is ok with this

sk: We want to do a resolution so that it is clarified for later on

Kaz: we should get clarification from marcom first

McCool: ok let's skip and delay by a week

<kaz> q|

TPAC minutes

Kaz: we already approved the minutes from our own WoT meeting day 1/day 2, but still need to clarify action items from the WoT CG joint meeting, e.g., the roles of groups.

Kaz: the minutes are fine but we should get the action items from this

RESOLUTION: approve minutes from CG/IG/WG joint call here: https://github.com/w3c/wot-cg/blob/main/Minutes/2023/2023_09_15-minutes.md

<kaz> initial bullet points on groups' roles

<kaz> [ 10min break]

policy discussion

<kaz> PRs with "Policy" label

PR #1130

<kaz> PR 1130 - [Policy] Move policy-adoption.md from "proposals" to "policies"

Sebastian: this policy is about adopting policies
… describes the process for adopting policies
… is there any discussion?

Kaz: we already had a dedicated discussion some time ago and simplified this process considerably based on the Charter description

McCool: +1 on adopting this

Sebastian: we need to update the links
… (fixed links in live edit)
… any objections to merging?
… merged

PR #1131

<kaz> PR 1131 - [Policy] Move social-media.md from "proposals" to "policies"

<Ege> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Marketing_WebConf

Ege: we have already adopted this policy and are using it
… it describes some rules for publication on social media

Kaz: OK with this policy since it's already approved
… but we need to think about another aspect, which platform to use

McCool: suggest that we add a line requiring a group resolution to adopt a new platform
… or to discontinue using a current platform

Sebastian: (live edit to add the suggested rule)

Kaz: also need to add new settings for using a platform, e.g. user name

McCool: significant change to the use of a current platform

Daniel: change twitter to twitter/X in the document text

Sebastian: any objections to merging this PR and making this the policy?
… or more comments/changes suggested?
… merged

PR #1128 - Chairs decision process


McCool: this includes a list of what can be decided by chairs
… we can add to it when we encounter new situations

Sebastian: it requires a majority decision process and explains how to handle absence of a chair

McCool: the important point is 2 chairs are a quorum and can decide

Kaz: we should move the voting part to the last point and describe an alternate voting process by email

McCool: this is covered in the current policy

Kaz: we should state that the Tuesday meeting is where decisions are made

McCool: we could say that the policy applies to decisions made in the chairs meeting

McCool: we need to think about more considerations for a asynchronous chair decision policy

Kaz: this policy is useful but not sufficient

McCool: suggest we adopt this now and add the async decision process later

Kaz: what kind of topic does this apply to?

McCool: things we haven't discovered yet

Kaz: this is too specific as an initial starting point
… for example, when we decided the IG charter extension by email, we waited for 3 way consensus

Sebastian: we could clarify that this policy can be extended

Kaz: we could start with a much simpler policy without specific detail

McCool: the policy addresses some process we are already using

Kaz: the concern is we have 4 people including the team contact

Kaz: would like the team contact to be involved in the consensus. I don't want to override the Chairs opinions but would like to continue the discussion until getting actual "consensus" within the Chairs Team (=3 co-Chairs and Team Contact)

McCool: we should consider the team contact

Sebastian: we should leave this open and refine in the chairs call

<McCool> time check: 2m left

issue # 1117, roles and responsibilities between WG and IG

<kaz> Issue 1117 - [Policy Proposal] Roles and responsibilities within the WG/IG

McCool: we could address this in the IG charter discussion

<kaz> wot-cg PR 93 - Proposal for WG and IG liaison

Kaz: Ege generated some content about this issue

Ege: doesn't explain enough but is a starting point

McCool: we can use it as a first draft

Sebastian: we are over time, need to close

McCool: we are not planning a 2 hour call next week, but will add the second hour in the meeting after

Sebastian: adjourned

<Ege> We start the TD Call at 10 past

Summary of resolutions

  1. approve minutes from CG/IG/WG joint call here: https://github.com/w3c/wot-cg/blob/main/Minutes/2023/2023_09_15-minutes.md
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 196 (Thu Oct 27 17:06:44 2022 UTC).