Internationalization Working Group - IPR

Licensing Commitments

Participants in this group have made certain licensing commitments by joining the group. In addition to these Participants, non-participating W3C Member may have made licensing commitments.

W3C Members not participating in this group who wish to make the same licensing commitments for specifications developed by this group may do so through a Join form for licensing commitments from non-participating Members.

Other parties making a substantive contribution to the work of the group need to make a Royalty-Free patent commitment, as described in section 6.2.6 of the Process. Team contacts will provide instructions for recording the non-participant licensing commitment before the contribution can be accepted.


W3C Member Organizations
  • Amazon
  • Apple Inc.
  • Autodesk
  • Consensys
  • DAISY Consortium
  • Ecole Mohammadia d'Ingenieurs Rabat (EMI)
  • Google LLC
  • Igalia
  • Kodansha, Publishers, Ltd.
  • Mozilla Foundation
  • Rakuten Group, Inc.
  • SAP SE
  • Wikimedia Foundation

Note: Log in to see links to organizations if you have member access

Invited Experts
  • Matitiahu Allouche
  • David Clarke
  • Andrew Cunningham
  • Martin Dürst
  • John Klensin
  • Tatsuo KOBAYASHI
  • Toshi Kobayashi
  • Addison Phillips
  • Florian Rivoal
  • Bobby Tung
  • François Yergeau
Team members
  • Bert Bos
  • Richard Ishida
  • Atsushi Shimono
  • Fuqiao Xue

See also the list of individuals participating in this group.

The Call for Participation for this group was announced on 2024-10-17; see the Patent Policy FAQ for information about continued participation before re-joining the group.

Specifications published by the Group

The following is the list of specifications produced by the Internationalization Working Group that have associated disclosures obligations, and possible licensing obligations under the W3C Patent Policy.

Documents under the W3C Patent Policy

Document Patent Disclosure Patent Exclusion
Ruby Annotation disclose exclude
Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Fundamentals disclose exclude
Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Resource Identifiers disclose exclude

Documents not/no longer under the W3C Patent Policy

Document Patent Disclosure Patent Exclusion
Requirements for String Identity Matching and String Indexing disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Unicode in XML and other Markup Languages disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Web Services Internationalization Usage Scenarios disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Framework Document for i18n Guidelines 1.0 disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Authoring HTML: Language declarations disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Requirements for the Internationalization of Web Services disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Character Model for the World Wide Web: String Matching disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Authoring HTML: Handling Right-to-left Scripts disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Authoring Techniques for XHTML & HTML Internationalization: Characters and Encodings 1.0 disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Working with Time and Timezones disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Web Services Internationalization (WS-I18N) disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Language Tags and Locale Identifiers for the World Wide Web disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Requirements for Japanese Text Layout 日本語組版処理の要件(日本語版) disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Additional Requirements for Bidi in HTML & CSS disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Use Cases & Exploratory Approaches for Ruby Markup disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Requirements for Hangul Text Layout and Typography : 한국어 텍스트 레이아웃 및 타이포그래피를 위한 요구사항 disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Ready-made Counter Styles disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Encoding disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Indic Layout Requirements disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Requirements for Chinese Text Layout - 中文排版需求 disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Internationalization Best Practices for Spec Developers disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Ethiopic Layout Requirements disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Language enablement index disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Metadata for the Multilingual Web - Usage Scenarios and Implementations disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Requirements for Internationalization Tag Set (ITS) 2.0 disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Arabic & Persian Layout Requirements disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Strings on the Web: Language and Direction Metadata disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Rules for Simple Placement of Japanese Ruby disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Dutch Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Ethiopic Layout Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Georgian Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Modern Greek Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Hungarian Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Arabic Script Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Chinese Layout Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Bengali Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Devanagari Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Gurmukhi Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Gujarati Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Tamil Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Japanese Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Canadian Syllabics Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Cherokee Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Lao Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Khmer Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Javanese Script Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Thai Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Mongolian Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Tibetan Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Tamil Layout Requirements disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Mongolian Layout Requirements disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Tibetan Layout Requirements disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Adlam Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Hebrew Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
German Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
French Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
N’Ko Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Osage Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Internationalization Glossary disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Developing Localizable Manifests disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Perso-arabic Kashmiri Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Uighur Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Gurmukhi Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
N’Ko Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Korean Layout Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Catalan Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Khmer Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Thai Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Lao Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Adlam Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Perso-arabic Kashmiri Layout Requirements disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Uighur Layout Requirements disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Urdu Layout Requirements disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Urdu Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Latin Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Latin Script Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Hebrew Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Arabic Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Chinese Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Cyrillic Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Cyrillic Gap Analysis disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Bengali Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Devanagari Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Ethiopic Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Georgian Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Korean Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Mongolian Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Greek Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Gujarati Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Tamil Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Javanese Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Cherokee Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Osage Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Japanese Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
Tibetan Script Resources disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)
String Searching disclose Exclusion is not possible (document not under PP)

Patent Disclosures and Claim Exclusions

This section summarizes patent disclosures by participants in W3C's Internationalization Working Group as required by section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

W3C takes no position regarding either:

  • the validity or scope of any intellectual property right or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology, or
  • the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available from those not participating in this group.

Where disclosure is required by a W3C Member, the AC Representative makes the disclosure.

Anyone else may also make a disclosure.

Known Disclosures

No patent disclosures have been made for any specifications of this group.

How to Make a Patent Disclosure

W3C Members and Invited Experts (including those not participating in this group) wishing to disclose a patent for any specification produced by the Internationalization Working Group should use the Internationalization Working Group patent disclosure form.

Disclosures from the general public should be sent to the W3C Staff.

For specifications developed under the W3C Patent Policy, parties that commit to the W3C Royalty-Free Licensing Terms are not required to disclose patents. Any party (not just the Working Group Participants) may commit to the W3C Royalty-Free Licensing Terms and may do so by following the instructions in the next section.

Claim Exclusions

Only Internationalization Working Group participants may exclude patent claims concerning specifications developed under the W3C Patent Policy, per section 4 of the W3C Patent Policy. To make an exclusion, participants should use the Internationalization Working Group patent claim exclusion form, but only after first disclosing the patent.

Exclusion Opportunities

The Patent Policy FAQ provides detailed information about exclusion opportunities, that is, when a Working Group Participant can exclude a patent claim.

Each exclusion opportunity has a duration. See section 4.1 of the W3C Patent Policy for information on how the exclusion deadline is calculated.

At each exclusion opportunity, Participants may exclude patent claims with respect to a body of text. The Exclusion Draft is the reference body of text for the current exclusion opportunity.

Note: At each new exclusion opportunity (e.g., in the case of a second Candidate Recommendation Snapshot), exclusions are only with respect to differences since the previous reference body of text. These differences may be less than an entire document, and the summary below does not address that granularity. Also, in some edge cases (discussed in the FAQ), Participants, depending on when they joined the Working Group, will have different Exclusion Drafts; the summary below does not reflect this case.

Exclusion Opportunities

No current exclusion opportunities.

Previous exclusion opportunitiesView previous exclusion opportunities

Internationalization Glossary
Call for exclusion started on 2021-07-08, opportunity until 2021-12-05
Call for exclusion started on 2018-03-27, opportunity until 2018-05-26
Call for exclusion started on 2016-11-10, opportunity until 2017-01-09
Call for exclusion started on 2015-10-20, opportunity until 2015-12-19
Call for exclusion started on 2014-06-03, opportunity until 2014-08-02
Call for exclusion started on 2014-01-28, opportunity until 2014-06-27

Additional Licensing Information

As described in section 5 of the W3C Patent Policy:

All Working Group participants are encouraged to provide a contact from which licensing information can be obtained and other relevant licensing information. Any such information will be made publicly available along with the patent disclosures for the Working Group in question.

Patent holders may:

  1. Provide additional licensing information for documents produced by this Working Group
  2. Provide the same additional licensing information for all documents with associated licensing obligations produced by this Working Group, or
  3. Provide additional licensing information for any W3C document with associated licensing obligations produced by any W3C Working Group under the W3C Patent Policy.

Such licensing information should be sent to the W3C Staff.

Please recall that, per section 5 of the W3C Patent Policy, a W3C Royalty-Free license:

may not impose any further conditions or restrictions on the use of any technology, intellectual property rights, or other restrictions on behavior of the licensee, but may include reasonable, customary terms relating to operation or maintenance of the license relationship such as the following: choice of law and dispute resolution.