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Celebrating OWL interoperability and spec quality
In a Standards and Pseudo Standards item in July, Holger Knublauch gripes that SQL interoperability is still tricky after all these years, and UML is still shaking out bugs, while RDF and OWL are really solid. I hope GRDDL and...
- grddl
- owl
- rdf
- semantic-web
- sparql
Reinventing HTML: discuss
By: Dan Connolly
By now many have seen Tim Berners-Lee on Reinventing HTML: Making standards is hard work. ... A particular case is HTML... The plan is to charter a completely new HTML group... I'll be asking these groups to be very accountable,...
- html
Playing with the new Validator API
A new release of the W3C Markup Validator is usually a good news for Web Designers: it means bug fixes, better documentation, more document types supported, and little usability improvements to make life of HTML coders easier. The latest version of the validator, released this week, is also good news for developers, giving us a new toy to play with, and build upon: a public API.
Transparent Negotiation - the Missing HTTP Feature
I have a story for you. A tale of love and Acceptance. A tale of betrayal. A tale of adventure, of finding riches hidden beneath our feet, spanning the world and its many languages: the story of HTTP and the fabled Transparent Negotiation.
How I explained ITS to my child
My child: Dad, I saw on your computer a mail saying "comment on ITS". What is ITS? Me: it stands for "Internationalization Tag Set". That's some work I am dealing with every day. My child: So that's one of...
- its
- tutorial
Read-Write Web
HTTP is mostly used in two ways, to read or to send data to a resource, that translates into two HTTP verbs: GET and POST. But those are not the sole ones, and one is used to edit documents: PUT....
Web Architecture and Quality: closing the loop
By: Dan Connolly
In the first meeting of the W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG), when we introduced ourselves to each other, I said I wanted to be able to use bookmarks in my bank web site. Over the next three years, we boiled...
- architecture
- collaboration
- quality
- w3c