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Structured Software Assurance and Specifications
By: Karl Dubost
Extreme Markup in Montréal has been wrapped up a few days ago. The proceedings of the conference are available in different formats. There is a lot of good materials there, including Interoperability. But a specific paper by John L. Clark...
kicking the tires with MT
By: Dan Connolly
my standard battery of editing tests... list editing excerpting Four score and seven years ago today W3C hmm... no list editing. Does this thing try to add paragraph breaks? Ah... at user option. Category UI is nice. The javascript buttons...
Iconfactory Gets Busted by W3C Inspector
By: Karl Dubost
Watch out! if your Web site is not clean and standard the W3C QA Boys will come to inspect your Web site. It just happened to Iconfactory (direct link to the movie Day 1). Switch smoothly to Web Standards....
A Peaceful Ear
By: Karl Dubost
Jeffrey Zeldman has written a weblog entry An angry fix about Björn Hörmann's message on his reasons for leaving the group doing the development of W3C validators. He made a few points in his message which will be certainly discussed...
Meet the Unicorn
Why should we have to use ten different tools to check the quality of a single web page? We think there should be a tool to gather observations made on a single document by various validators and quality checkers, and summarize all of that neatly for the user. Do you think we are dreaming? Meet our unicorn.
Combining XHTML and SVG (and MathML) (and XForms) (and...)
By: Olivier Thereaux
A reader asked us recently whether there existed a profile to easily combine XHTML and SVG. The short answer is, yes, there is. The slightly longer answer is that indeed, in 2002, the W3C SVG and HTML working groups got...
- html
"Ciel ! Ma page invalide" or how to be caught!
By: Karl Dubost
We are often recommending Web developers to create good Web pages and to follow Web standards. But do we stand by our own criterias of quality? How much do we eat our own dog food? So we ran the Log...
Minutes of QA IG F2F at the W3C Tech Plenary - February 2006
The first meeting of the QA IG has been very successful with a lot of interesting discussions and many projects for the future. Patrick Curran, participant of the QA IG, wrote about the meeting on his weblog and conclude by:...