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W3C Charters Now Public During Member Review
I participated in numerous discussions during the last few months of 2006 about how W3C needs to do a better job in its communications. We've taken a positive step this week: W3C has begun to make draft charters public while...
- charter
- process
- w3c
The Fuji CSS Validator release
Seasonal gift: a new version of the CSS validator just in time for the 10 years anniversary of CSS.
The New Voyagers - Find Information about Web standards
Voyager 1, already the most distant human-made object in the cosmos, reaches 100 astronomical units from the sun on Tuesday, August 15 at 5:13 p.m. Eastern time (2:13 p.m. Pacific time). That means the spacecraft, which launched nearly three decades...
XML, a decade…
Depending on how you count, you might consider that XML is 10 years old. Round years are not necessary meaningful but they are like milestones on a road helping us to look back and to summarize what has been achieved....
- tutorial
- xml