The W3C blog is for in-depth Web standards topics and educational materials. More information in About W3C Blog.
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W3C is hiring!
There are 4 positions open right now at W3C. It is rare enough to be noted. You are encouraged to send your resume to the appropriate person (not to me). Women applications are welcome. Web Accessibility Engineer Voice Browser Specialist...
Nothing is perfect (and that is why we have QA)
Brian Kelly, of UK Web Focus, gives his thoughts about bugs in validators, in an article entitled Validators Don’t Always Work. I was very impressed with the speed with which this problem was addressed and a solution deployed. [...] I...
Standard Organizations Have a History
WASP has recently published an article about CSS 10 years anniversay weblog. One of the comments by Chris Hunt illustrates that we have a tendency to forget that organizations and technological developments have an history. Not wanting to rain on...