Main Page
This wiki is for connecting the W3C communities (Web developers, implementers, people who make the W3C specifications). W3C has a formal track for making standards specifications. The specs answer a lot of questions, but not all of them. The wiki is used by many communities such as the Open Web Platform and the Semantic Web. You might want to contribute to W3C work.
Pages here have no formal status but may have WikiConsensus. Questions & answers here may be misleading, or just plain wrong. Or, they may be useful. You are welcome to add, fix, develop and rearrange topics.
2015-01-15: Due to spam increase, W3C has limited who can edit this wiki to holders of a W3C account with Member access. You must log in with your account to edit the wiki.
Please feel free to add active W3C groups here:
Closed groups
Many closed groups have plenty of reference material that may be useful for future efforts:
- Social Web Working Group produced Webmention, Micropub, and Activity Streams. See Social Web WG Specifications for more.
- ...
Application Foundations
See CSS.
Open Web Platform
- You might be interested in learning HTML or have a reference about HTML elements.
- The W3C Quality Assurance was a dedicated W3C activity from 2001 to 2005. It included work on the Markup validator, but also touched upon topics such as tracking issues and URI testing among others. W3C maintains a liaison with IETF to coordinate on technologies and specification related to the Open Web Platform.
See current specs. Work being done to improve specs in general:
- SpecProd - an effort to restyle spec content design.
- Spec Advancement - proposals for accelerating spec advancement.
An attempt to round up discussions about extensibility, versioning, naming, identifiers, registries, standards process.
Process 2018 diffs Process2018
Process 2019 diffs Process2019
Encouraging Participation
Please help us identify barriers to participation in W3C activities, discussions, teams, etc. More importantly, contribute ideas on how to get around those barriers! Open to all! Click the title and join in!
Semantic Web
- GoodURIs, OpenFormats, HCLSIG BioRDF Subgroup/Tasks/URI Best Practices
- Semantic Web FAQs, SemanticWebTools, SPARQL, Category:Grddl, OwlAuthoringTools
- Emerging topics: LinkedData, RdfAndSql, EmbeddingRDFinHTML, RDFa
- RESTful thoughts: Semantic Annotations for RESTful Services, Web of Data Objects, SemanticInbox, foaf+ssl
- Semantic Web Education and Outreach Interest Group
- Semantic Bioinformatics
- Semantic Web Job Mart - looking for work in the field? Looking for employees?
Security and Privacy
- Security, starting around March 2006, for discussion on W3C Security-related specifications and enhancements to XML-Dsig.
- Using Web technologies implies traceability, logs, identification, therefore Privacy is becoming a growing concern from the community and need to be addressed at the technical level.
- IdentityBrowser, a wiki page for notes relating to the W3C Identity in the Browser Workshop.
- IdentityCharter, a wiki page for the draft charter which may include Crypto API and Identity API.
- SchemaComposition and topics related to XML Schema, prompted by the W3C Workshop on XML Schema 1.0 User Experiences.
- XprocVnext for candidate requirements discussion by the XML Processing Model WG.
Multimodal Interaction (MMI)
- See the MMI wiki.
- Visit the group's Web page as well.
W3C Organization
- 2020_website_redesign
- Events
- Positive Work Environment
- MailingLists, InternetRelayChat, JabberChickenEgg, ConnectingAudiences, ScheduledTopicChat, AdvancedDevelopment, StaffBooks
- Local communities See: Category Gatherings.
- Holidays that may impact standing meeting schedules
Traditional Wiki starting points:
- RecentChanges: see where people are currently working (see also MailingLists).
- Help pages: to get you going.
- WikiSandBox: feel free to change this page and experiment with editing.
- FindPage: search or browse the database in various ways.
We also keep notes AboutThisService, like WikiUpgrade.
Global Participation
See Global-Participation-Management.
To be classified
Stuff to move to SemanticWebTools:
- Compendium about RDF: Dave Beckett's RDF Resource Guide
- Semantic Web Tools (see SemanticWebTools for a more comprehensive listing):
- Semantic Web Authoring Tools:
- Converters to and from RDF:
- ConverterToRdf
- ConverterFromRdf
- another clump, perhaps for RDFApplicationsAndProjects — or two separate clumps: RDFApplications and RDFProjects
- Semantic Web Applications:
- ConceptualApplications
- DmozRdf
- GeoInfo
- ImageDescription
- Large Scale Distributed Information Systems Lab, University of Georgia
- LodLive Visual SPARQL browser
- LodView RDF browser and IRI dereferencer
- MozillaRdf
- MultiLingual
- RdfCalendar
- RdfThesaurus
- RestaurantRecommendation
- SkosDev
- SeedApplications
- SemanticWebUseCases
- ServiceDescription
- VocabularyMarket
- Project Incubators: Path-Rad Correlation
- Usability and HCI: SemanticWebUsability state of the art in HCI/Usability
- RDF vocabularies:
- Ontology Dowsing (old topic of ontology discovery)
- RdfSchema
- VocabularyMarket
- Design Patterns:
- FAQs:
- Category:Faq
- FaqIdeas (desperately needs refactoring!)
- Semantic Web FAQ
- Serializations of RDF:
- ExtensibilityFramework
- NotationThree
- PieNt
- SimpleRdfXml
- SpotOfDrama (Atom/SOAP/RDF)
- Recent Experiments:
- EdmProofing
- SemanticWebEnablingConferences
- SemWebSpain
- SIMILE (Semantic Interoperability of Metadata and Information in unLike Environments), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- SWAD-Europe work packages: EswWp2, EswWp7 and EswWp10
- New overview: OpenDataCorporations
- Category:Breadcrumbs
Issues for HTML Working Group: HTML
Open Media Web: Standardization Roadmap