Semantic Web (and related) conferences provide a valuable test-bed for deploying and using Semantic Web technologies. Aside from the benefits we gain from these experiences, Semantic Web-enabling Semantic Web conferences demonstrates that we as a community are prepared to "eat our own dogfood".
There have been deployments of Semantic Web technologies at the following conference:
- WWW2004 (deployment focused on photo annotation - does anyone have any more details to add?)
- WWW2006 (RDF version of the programme; anything else?)
- ESWC2006 (RDF data based on the ESWC2006 Conference Ontology; applications and services deployed at the conference)
- ISWC2006 (RDF descriptions of papers, sessions, etc, based on the ISWC2006 ontology (extension of the ESWC2006 ontology)
- ESWC2007 (RDF data based on the (now stabilised xSWC Conference Ontology); other stuff?)
- ISWC2007 (RDF data based on the (now stabilised xSWC Conference Ontology); perhaps some other stuff too?)
- ISWC2008