The use of URIs in RDF facilitates a marketplace of terms and vocabularies. This is not a centralized directory of RDF vocabularies; there is no such thing. But let's use this as a place to advertise our work (though it's not a substitute for MailingLists and such) and a place to look when you're considering whether to BuildOrBuyTerms, and as a place to compare and contrast, and perhaps to facilitate sharing (especially in SeedApplications) vs. supporting redundant vocabularies.
To facilitate comparing and contrasting, please give more than a name and a pointer; try to give a sense for how much endorsement it has, who to contact about changes, any terms and conditions that might restrict use, and the like.
Where can I find RDF schema, vocabularies, and ontologies?
- Watson Many ontologies, advanced search and a powerful API
- (new!) Talis Schemas - many schemas, fast search
- Swoogle Semantic Web search focusses on vocabularies/ontologies (blog)
- FalconS is an ontology, class, property and semantic Web search engine with very good coverage
Where should I submit RDF schema, vocabularies, and ontologies to make them publicly available?
- SchemaWeb - active, running, good gui
- Here.
What should I use for traditional bibliographic stuff, like title/author/date?
- The Dublin Core element set is pretty widely deployed; it's used in DMOZ (LinkMe), XMP etc.
- Open Archives Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE). See also LDOW2009 paper
- See BookVocabularies or the Library Linked Data XG report for more vocabularies related to books.
What should I use for e-commerce data, e.g. for describing businesses, offerings, prices, features, payment options, opening hours, and the like?
- The GoodRelations vocabulary is recommended; it is used by e.g. Yahoo SearchMonkey and BestBuy.
- Developer Resources
- Overview presentation
- Web cast (15 minutes)
Producing magazines is metadata intensive. Anybody using RDF to attack that problem?
How about news/content syndication?
- Rich Site Summary, RSS
Is anybody trying to integrate iCalendar into the framework?
- see RdfCalendar
RDF for email?
- see EmailVocabulary
What should I use for contact information?
- Friend Of A Friend FOAF vocabulary includes stuff like name, homepage, mailbox, as well as relationships between people, documents, interests, etc. Deployment is growing. LinkMe: evidence
- RELATIONSHIP describes relationships between people (friendOf, parentOf, spouseOf, etc.)
- Contact: Utility concepts for everyday life, in the Semantic Web Application Platform by TimBL and company
- Representing vCard Objects in RDF/XML Renato Iannella (editor), W3C Member Submission, Jan 2010.
- Description of a Career (DOAC) allows you to share information about your resume and other information related with your career.
how about music collections?
- MusicBrainz Metadata Initiative 2.1 Last revision: 2003-02-06 by Mayhem & Chaos
- The Music Ontology
content selection? Anybody working on PICS in RDF?
Project Management?
- Project Vocabulary - vocabulary for describing projects independently of the project domain
- also DOAP, to describe open-source projects
Engineering Mathematics ?
- I am interested to develop ontologies for Engineering mathematics. So far, the best model I have found is the one developed by KSL Stanford in OntoLingua (EngMath ontologies). Is anyone aware of some activities porting this ontologies in OWL ? The ontology has been developed in LISP and KIF ? Is it completely portable in OWL or do I need some extensions in OWL such as OWL Rule Language ? The link to EngMath is at http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/knowledge-sharing/papers/engmath.html . If no activities is done for this, I think it may be useful to develop it as an open-source ontology. What would be the best approach to initiate such a project as open-source ? Do other ontologies exist for engineering mathematics ?
What should I use to describe provenance information?
- The Provenance Vocabulary enables providers of Web data to publish provenance-related metadata about their data.
To the extent that these vocabularies get deployed in the public Web, ie as Hypertext RDF - a technique for measuring RDF vocabulary deployment suggests some strategies for automating aspects of this survey. which strategies? lets fold that (tiny) page into this doc... --DanBri
What else?
- browse/search the www-rdf-interest archive. BonusPoints for folks that troll the archive and index stuff here or nearby.
- the W3C RDF homepage lists selected applications
Vocabulary management
- SWD recipes for publishing vocabularies: http://www.w3.org/TR/swbp-vocab-pub/
- White paper on vocabulary management
Some old, outdated links for historians
- Dave Beckett's resource guide lists many others (outdated -- last update in 2005)
- The DAML ontology library has 204 ontologies as of Apr 2003. (outdated -- DAML is history)
- myontology - community maintained ontologies
- The DAML ontology library - outdated (daml is history)
- rdfschema.info's Known Ontologies (now defunct: 2006-03-27)
- Atom in OWL
- see demo/discussion at cambridge March 2003 meeting -- outdated with links to historical daml ontologies.
- So far I have found: ScalaOnWeb