a Multi-lingual Web?
The Web is multilingual. There are people doing stuff like SemWebSpain, SemWebItaly, SemWebMagyar or SemWebGermany.
How do people find documents in their language? Can this Wiki provide a version of a page in a different language, if it is available? (according to JürgenHermann a multi-lingual extension is nearly ready), and the Wiki serves its own interface according to the language preferences your browser sends...
- There is a schema for recording languages that people know which seems like it should be useful with foaf. Note: I'm currently reviewing this schema, in order to correct some mistakes I've made in this vesion (1.1), and also adapt it to OWL.
- There is a schema for translations that is used to manage a list of translations of w3c documents
- Dublin Core has elements and qualifiers for dealing with similar stuff (for example, from the dublin core registry related to versioning).
prepackaged queries
You can find out where there are claims to speak, read and write a language in the "foafnaut data collection".
Now you can also find out what languages people speak (at least according to public rdf information on the web). -- ChaalsMcCN 2003-05-24
Some rules
Processors should apply the following rules (in Notation3) while reading FOAF files which use the Speaks, Reads & Writes Schema:
@prefix lang: <> . @prefix log: <> . @prefix : <#> . this log:forAll :x, :y . { :x lang:masters :y } log:implies { :x lang:reads :y; lang:speaks :y; lang:writes :y } .
at least until we've a inference engine which supports schema based inferences