XML Processing Model Vnext candidate requirements
Try to use the following high-level categories, but if necessary, add new ones. Or, after due consideration, reorganize things.
- Architecture
- XDM. More generally: text, JSON, etc.
- Usability
- Syntax, defaults, constraints, etc.
- New Steps
- And control primitives
- Resource Manager
- More-or-less persistent, named pipeline-local resource creation and access
- Integration
- Profiling, APIs, tooling, ‘choreography’ (e.g. for XRX applications)
At the end of each of these pages, there is a table with navigation links related to XProc.
Unsorted XProc v.Next Issues
Issues from xproc.org
OldWikiVnext: Copy-pasted from [1]
Issues from the XProc CR Issues document
Potential V.next topics, taken from the XProc Candidate Issues document as determined at our October 31 f2f (minutes).
Issue numbers refer to numbers given in the Issues document.
Issue 001: extend our current p:template
in order to have some
higher level construct without going into FULL XSLT
Issue 004: allow attribute value templates within xproc elements
Issue 006: harmonize p:data and p:load
Issue 010: something about document base uri
Issue 015: (V.next unless Norm says it is just closable.) JSON hack
Issue 016: (V.next unless Norm says it is just closable.) conditional output port
Issue 017: simplified store step
Left over from V1 requirements document
ToDo: Go through the V1 requirements document and add anything from there that hasn’t been addressed by V1.
XProc v.Next | Architecture | Usabilitiy | New Steps | Resource Manager | Integration |