Blog - interoperability
The W3C blog is for in-depth Web standards topics and educational materials. More information in About W3C Blog.
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W3C DevMeetup report - Vancouver, 2022
- designers
- open-ui
- private-advertising
- vancouver
- css
- interoperability
W3C Developer meetup in Vancouver, Canada, 13 September
- css
- meetup
- open-ui
- private-advertising
- vancouver
- interoperability
HTML - from 5.1 to 5.2
By: Charles McCathie Nevile
- html
- interoperability
- specification
- web-standards
- working-group
Finishing HTML5.1 … and starting HTML 5.2
By: Charles McCathie Nevile
- html
- html5
- interoperability
- web-standards
Implementing ADMS and the Core Vocabularies
The European Commission has been funding work on developing a number of vocabularies designed to help improve data interoperability, particularly in the public sector. Time to see those vocabularies in action and, in the vernacular of the day, eat some dog food.
- egov
- interoperability
- open-data
Open Web Platform Weekly Summary - 2011-06-21 - 2011-06-28
The weekly summary of the Open Web Platform is out. I like the fact that Anne Van Kesteren has a different overview than mine. His last report. HTML5 is still in Last Call. Conversations Proposals WebKit Team has been experimenting...
- html
- html5
- interoperability
- open-web
Learn about SMIL 3.0 and test it!
SMIL stands for Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language. It is an XML language which has been designed for creating interactive multimedia presentations, including timing and synchronization. For example, a fade effect from black to a photograph, or starting an animation at the same time than an audio file. What's new?
- implementation
- interoperability
- qa
- smil
- svg
- test-suite
Improving Interoperability by Short Release Cycle
When a software is shipped, it has bugs. There are many reasons for these bugs. It can be poor in-house development, it can be careless testing, it can be unclear specifications, and many other things. We have to live with these bugs in software. Is there a way out?
- bug
- html
- html5
- interoperability
- qa
- quality
Open Standards Interoperability
Achieving interoperability is a tedious work. There is a lot of issues. Let's explore some of them and find solutions.
- conformance
- interoperability
- qa
- quality
- specification
- test-suite