Blog - grddl
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The details of data in documents: GRDDL, profiles, and HTML5
GRDDL, a mechanism for putting RDF data in XML/XHTML documents, is specified mostly at the XPath data model level. Some GRDDL software goes beyond XML and supports HTML as she are spoke, aka tag soup. HTML 5 is intended to...
- grddl
- html
- html5
- semantic-web
- xhtml
Celebrating OWL interoperability and spec quality
In a Standards and Pseudo Standards item in July, Holger Knublauch gripes that SQL interoperability is still tricky after all these years, and UML is still shaking out bugs, while RDF and OWL are really solid. I hope GRDDL and...
- grddl
- owl
- rdf
- semantic-web
- sparql