The W3C blog is for in-depth Web standards topics and educational materials. More information in About W3C Blog.
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This is page 4, displaying results 31-40
30th anniversary of licensing the Web for general use and at no cost
The post illustrates why selected W3C standards made the Web the premier information commons it is today; and features a graphical timeline that puts W3C standards in perspective with Internet adoption figures, and important websites or services launched.
Answering “What ARIA can I use?”
Announcing the launch of “Assistive Technology Support” tables in the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG).
Privacy Principles for the Web
The W3C Technical Architecture Group (TAG) is seeking public comments by the end of April on a set of privacy principles for the web.
W3C launches beta of its new website
W3C welcomes feedback on the beta of its new website.
- redesign
- beta
Farewell Karen Myers, W3C Business Development Leader Extraordinaire
Farewell Karen Myers, W3C Business Development Leader Extraordinaire