Minutes from Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT) Task Force meetings
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Resolutions reflect general consensus of participants present in a meeting. They are not formal decisions of the group. Refer to the Decisions page for formal decisions. Context for each resolution is available via its link into the minutes.
- 5 December 2024: Add note to glossary - PR 580 approved
- 7 March 2024: Updated Work Statement - Daniel - ACT TF approves Work Statement
- 1 February 2024: cantTell in consistency - Merge #558 and add to FPWD
- 1 February 2024: Subjective applicability - Merged PR #555 and add it to FPWD
- 18 January 2024: Subjective applicability - Accept PR 555 with edits for first public working draft
- 11 January 2024: Backward compatibility to ACT Rules Format 1.0, PR to Identify Rules Format Version - Accept PR 556 for FPWD
- 30 November 2023: Update ACT Rules Format for secondary req and acc support - Accept PR #540 as ammended
- 30 November 2023: Update ACT Rules Format background and change log - Accept PR 550 as amended
- 9 November 2023: CFCs from last week - Accept CFC'ed rules as ready for the working groups
- 9 November 2023: Defining implementations - Accept PR 541
- 26 October 2023: CFCs from last week - Approve CFCed rules for review by the working groups
- 7 September 2023: Deprecating 4.1.1 rules - Deprecate 4.1.1 rules as soon as WCAG 2.1 is republished
- 6 July 2023: Responses to AGWG feedback - Accept response to AG on issue #226 with editorial changes
- 6 July 2023: Responses to AGWG feedback - Accept response to AG on issue #224 with editorial changes
- 6 July 2023: Responses to AGWG feedback - Accept response to AG on issue #223 with updated rule title and editorial changes
- 25 May 2023: Decide if we want to continue using "test cases" as a term, along with example - Continue using "test cases" as the main heading, and "examples" as sub-headings
- 23 February 2023: Heading has non-empty name, discussion - Remove 1.3.1 from empty-headings rule and deprecate the rule
- 23 February 2023: Heading has non-empty name, discussion - Remove 1.3.1 from empty-headings rule and deprecate the rule
- 9 February 2023: Displaying deprecated ACT rules list - Accept PR #185 to separate the list of deprecated rules
- 26 January 2023: CFC: Images of text rule - Accept Images of text rule as ready for AG
- 5 January 2023: secondary requirements & Editors draft - Accept editors note, and put out editors draft for ACT rules format 1.1
- 17 November 2022: Linters as ACT Implementations - add ember-template-lint to ACT implementations list as first Accessibility Linter
- 17 November 2022: Revisit secondary requirements - Put secondary requirements proposal into a PR and send out as call for review
- 10 November 2022: Several CFCs - Accept new 4 new rules CFCed last week for review for AG
- 10 November 2022: Table header cell has assigned cells - There should be a rule that checks that data cells has a header (in a table with headers)
- 3 November 2022: CFC: Migrate ACT Implementation Report pages to WAI website - Approve report pages after #156 is addressed
- 27 October 2022: CfC: HTML page title is descriptive, ready for AG - Accept title descriptive rule, pending PR #1964
- 18 August 2022: Line height in style attributes is not !important - Accept rule as-is pending confirmation with Chris
- 11 August 2022: CFC for Meta element has no refresh delay - Accept meta-refresh for AG with the update of PR 1908
- 4 August 2022: Priority issues - Keep failed example 7 as a failure of 1.3.1, leave the issue open to improve the example
- 7 July 2022: Report examples as untested when there is an open issue? - Accept current untested examples, going forward, do not skip examples with open issues
- 23 June 2022: Call for consensus: Audio element content has text alternative - Accept Audio element content has text alternative
- 23 June 2022: Call for consensus: Element with aria-hidden has no content in sequential focus navigation - Accept Element with aria-hidden has no content in sequential focus navigation
- 23 June 2022: ACT rules sheet - Move "Meta viewport allows for zoom" to CFC
- 16 June 2022: Update from ACT implementations on WAI website - Accept pull request 103 for merger
- 16 June 2022: CG issues are getting stale, should TF commit to answering open issues? - Wilco to talk to CG chairs about them coming up with a policy on how quickly to address issues
- 26 May 2022: Update from ACT implementations on WAI website - Agree with the direction of the updated ACT pages
- 26 May 2022: Update from ACT implementations on WAI website - Accept PR #104, pending agreement between Wilco & Daniel
- 26 May 2022: role attribute has valid value (674b10) - Do not map Role attribute valid value to WCAG, only to ARIA
- 19 May 2022: Open ACT pull requests https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pulls/ - merge implementation matrix after editorial changes & progress bar removed
- 28 April 2022: Meeting May 5th? - No meeting May 5th, Kathy will let TF know about other meetings in May
- 28 April 2022: CFC AG recharter & ACT - Accept ACT portion of AG recharter as proposed
- 28 April 2022: svg element with explicit role has non-empty accessible name (7d6734) - Accept SVG has name rule for AGWG
- 24 March 2022: Survey response: Element with aria-hidden has no focusable content - Accept the case in 1807 as inapplicable for the aria-hidden rule and add an assumption
- 24 March 2022: Survey response: Element with aria-hidden has no focusable content - Replace passed example 4 with pass and fail example of a modal
- 3 March 2022: How do we test iframes? https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/pull/1464#issuecomment-72548015 - Update iframe rule to allow no accessible name with role=none
- 24 February 2022: CFC Missing input aspects - Adopt changes as proposed in the pull request and send out second CfC
- 17 February 2022: Missing input aspects - Accept PR #526
- 17 February 2022: Missing input aspects - Accept PR 526
- 3 February 2022: CFC: Approve "Element with presentational children has no focusable content" - CFC ready for approval
- 27 January 2022: CFC: Accept "headers attribute refers to cells in the same table element" - Accept "headers attribute specified on a cell refers to cells in the same table element" for AG
- 27 January 2022: Updated WAI rule pages design - Accept new WCAG Test Rule design for publication
- 20 January 2022: CFC: Accept "headers attribute refers to cells in the same table element" - Extend CFC until next meeting
- 20 January 2022: Heading has non-empty accessible name (1ec09b) - Will to test failed examples in AT, if it turns out these are ignored in heading list, the ACT TF recommends the rule to be deprecated.
- 9 December 2021: Mapping rules to fewer success criteria - Task force decided not to adopt PR 1759
- 9 December 2021: Mapping rules to fewer success criteria - Task force decided not to adopt PR 1758
- 9 December 2021: Mapping rules to fewer success criteria - Task force decided not to adopt PR 1757
- 9 December 2021: Mapping rules to fewer success criteria - Task force decided not to adopt PR 1753
- 9 December 2021: Mapping rules to fewer success criteria - Task force decided not to adopt PR 1752
- 9 December 2021: Mapping rules to fewer success criteria - Task force decided not to adopt PR 1750
- 2 December 2021: Update common input aspects - Accept PR 524 for publication
- 11 November 2021: ACT rules sheet and Surveys - Accept updated rules for re-publication.
- 11 November 2021: ACT rules sheet and Surveys - Karen and Will to review pull request #739
- 28 October 2021: CFC: Accept Lang valid tag, and form non-empty name rules - Accept Lang valid tag, and form non-empty name rules
- 28 October 2021: CFC: language input aspect update - Accept language input aspect update
- 21 October 2021: CFC: Accept Autocomplete and Decorative not exposed rules - Accept Autocomplete and Decorative not exposed rules
- 14 October 2021: Surveying proposed rules - Wilco will put "Form field has non-empty accessible name" into CFC
- 7 October 2021: language input aspect update - put the pull request 521 into cfc
- 30 September 2021: Update website migration - Accepting Table of Contents, but will try to add expand and collapse later
- 23 September 2021: CFC Update CSS Styling input aspect - Accepted PR 520 as is.
- 23 September 2021: ACT rules sheet - request AG to add advisory rules to Test Rules list
- 9 September 2021: Surveying proposed rules - word-spacing rule ready for AG ... word-spacing rule ready for AG
- 19 August 2021: Surveying proposed rules - Rules are accepted as they are, agreed to work on updates later
- 17 June 2021: CFC publishing proposed rules - Publish this rule as it is done in PR 53
- 17 June 2021: TPAC 2021 - ACT-TF is not having a dedicated meeting for TPAC, but we will try to participate in other groups meetings
- 21 May 2021: Do Methods need applicability? - Add applicability to the WCAG 3 methods, similar to how ACT rules have an applicability
- 8 April 2021: Feedback from AG: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/act-process-03-2021/ - Only TF Facilitators should merge pull requests that publish to the WAI website
- 8 April 2021: Feedback from AG: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/act-process-03-2021/ - Rename annual review to annual check
- 8 April 2021: Regular Joint ACT TF/CG meetings - Start regular joint CG/TF meetings next week
- 8 April 2021: Migrating to the new publication process - Older rules should be checked before they get published as proposed rules. New rules follow the new process
- 25 March 2021: Propose updating the ACT review process - Process update accepted after editorial changes are made
- 4 March 2021: Joint meetings with ACT-Rules CG - wilco to reach out to CG to see who is interesting to join TF/CG joint meeting
- 18 February 2021: Scrollable element is keyboard accessible (CFC) - Scrollable element is keyboard accessible accepted for publication by TF
- 18 February 2021: Survey, Rule review of "Menuitem has non-empty accessible name": https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTMenuItemName/results - Rule ready for CFC as soon as PR #1550 is merged
- 11 February 2021: Scrollable element is keyboard accessible (Can this rule go to CFC?) - Updates were minimal to resolve issue 484: https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/484 - "Scrollable element is keyboard accessible" rule can go to CFC
- 11 February 2021: Survey, Rule review of "Headers attribute specified to a cell refers to cells in the same table": https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTCellHeader/ - rule needs to go back and will need re-survey
- 4 February 2021: CFC results: Visible label is part of accessible name - no objections, rule is accepted, ready to pass on to AG
- 28 January 2021: Issue 502: minor update to the background section - https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/502 - Change "Bibliography" to "Other Resources" and flip the order of the headings
- 28 January 2021: Survey - Rule review of "Visible label is part of accessible name": https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTVisibleLabel3/ - Put the visible label rule into CFC and close survey ... Not open a survey on the autocomplete rule and ask the CG to resolve the open issues first
- 28 January 2021: Rule tracking table - get status and update: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/Rule_Publication_Tracking - Try to move tracking table to spreadsheet
- 7 January 2021: ARIA required context role: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTARIAContextRole/results - ARIA required context role rule, ready for CFC after editorial change in background
- 17 December 2020: meta element has no refresh delay: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTMetaRefreshDelay/results - "meta elements has no refresh delay" can go to CFC after editorial changes are made
- 10 December 2020: Visible label is part of accessible name:https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTVisibleLabel2/results - send out for CFC, assuming Detlev has no further changes he wants to see
- 3 December 2020: Iframe test cases - Issue 473: https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/473 - iframes without an accessible name should have a rule for SC 4.1.2, that rule must include passing examples using aria-label and aria-labelledby
- 12 November 2020: Autocomplete attribute has valid value: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTAutocomplete/results - autocomplete rule needs editorial changes, can go to CFC as soon as those are made
- 12 November 2020: Object element rendering non-text content has non-empty accessible name: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTObjectName2/results - Object name rule can go to CFC after editorial changes as suggested in survey
- 12 November 2020: Text has minimum contrast: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTMinContrast2/results - Once small edits are made and an implementation is documented, the Text has minimum contrast rule goes out for CfC to the TF.
- 22 October 2020: Review the draft of the ACT TF decision-making process: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTDecisionProcess/ - policy, including proposed edits to go to CfC
- 22 October 2020: 'Audio' or 'video' avoids automatically playing audio: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTAudioPlaysAuto/ - recommend to restructure these rules into a single atomic rule
- 24 September 2020: Image filename is accessible name for image: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTImageFileName/handler - discuss with author to take the rule to AG ... discuss with author to take the rule to AG
- 22 November 2018: "Optional items" section + renaming "Assumptions" #305 - ATH and SES will change pull request
- 26 October 2018: CSS Selectors - remove MAY requirement on CSS Selectors
- 5 October 2018: Issue 225: ACT security checks https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/225 - ACT TF did not identify any relevance to the security checks
- 20 September 2018: Issue 264: Clarify definition of Aspect under Test https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/264 - We will remove the statement
- 26 July 2018: Issue 226: ACT security checks - https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/226 - ACT-TF has not identified any security concerns
- 16 October 2017: Do we need cannot-tell results https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/69 - Add a note that cantTell results should be limited to semi-automated rules
- 16 October 2017: Terminology in Section 8 ACT Data Format https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/115 - We're going with test target, it needs a definition
- 28 August 2017: Reword test cases to test execution steps https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/103 - Use steps in place of test case / test execution steps.
- 21 August 2017: Review: https://wilcofiers.github.io/act-rules/rules/ACT-R1.html - send to the AG group
- 8 May 2017: Benchmark definition - Issue #81 https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues - SES will head up drafting the publication/validation/benchmarking piece, with SAZ supporting
- 23 February 2017: Review pull request 58 https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/58/files?diff=split - Updated Abstract accepted. Will merge.
- 8 February 2017: Draft Section 4.3 Test Input Types https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/44/files?diff=split - Remove Web Driver section from input type
- 8 February 2017: Rework Rule Description https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/42/files?diff=split - Accept Pull Request #42