Meeting minutes
<kathy> agena+ Video element visual-only content is media alternative for text
ACT Standup
Wilco: I have done a lot of work and surveys
Catherine: I did the surveys too.
Daniel: Not much as reviewing the talk we submitted to the CT and planning
Trevor: Not too much - just small updates to the subjective applicability
Tom: I had PTO but did the surveys
Helen: Not much done
Kathy: I added some comments to the subjective PR
Todd: I did a huge audit that has taken up a lot of time so not able to cover much
Upcoming joint TF/CG meeting (February 8th?)
Wilco: I was talking with the lovely CG chairs with the first first public working draft of 1.1 being done, and want a joint meeting to discuss where we are and where are we going?
… On Feb 8th in place of this call but an hour later as we join the CG meeting instead
… I will get Kathy to remind you all!
Daniel: I will make it a joint meeting to share
Subjective applicability
Trevor: Shares screen and talks through the updates
Trevor: I plan to run through Kathy's comments - line 410.
… oppositely - any opnions on changing this to conversely?
Wilco: I prefer the change
Daniel: I prefer the change
Trevor: Ok changed
… Kathy - can you explain the comments on line 412 - did my answer help?
… I am marking this as resolved after the chat agreeing it is target size that uses distance
… Line 419 - this adds the word "objective"
Wilco: I like it
Trevor: Added
… Line 448 - again you are wanting to make the language conform to other examples - by having the expectation there where not in others
Kathy: Yes - it deviated from the previous ones and it threw me slightly
Trevor: I could remove it from this example - the bottom one must have it, but this one - I am not sure
Kathy: I'm 50/50 too
Helen: Leave it in as better to not remove it
Wilco: I'm not sure
Trevor: I will have a think on it later
Daniel: I think for 412 we need some calculation in here to get the distance to stop it being subjective
Wilco: It was not meant to be a major example - and it is meant to be a non-HTML example, maybe we change it?
Trevor: I think we can vote now
<kathy> +1
<ToddL> +1
<thbrunet> +1
<Wilco> +1
<catherine> +1
Wilco: +1 if you think it is ready or -1 if you want another run through
RESOLUTION: Accept PR 555 with edits for first public working draft
Video element visual-only content has audio track alternative
Wilco: Going through the survey results sheet: https://
Wilco: we have some cosmetic and some composite rule tracking to complete - Kathy and I will work on it
Video element visual-only content has transcript
Wilco: Discussing the findings for https://
kathy: Update the description to mention being a cartoon or animated
wilco: Is this a nice to have or do we need to make this change.
trevor: Feel like its more nice to have
wilco: Not really an accessibility failure, wouldn't mind leaving it as is.
kathy: Would probably not fail but would make the suggestion.
wilco: I think we will just leave it for now, if AG wants updates we can do it then
… may also need to explore making the text alternatives clearer.
wilco: Issue with the transcript being both visible and in the accessibility tree. I think it being visible but not in the accessibility tree is a 1.3.1 failure
Link to issue: act-rules/
wilco: CG removed the visibility condition in the issue.
kathy: They are asking if the transcript has to be visible. The CG is saying remove that the expectation has to be visible.
wilco: What I think should removed is that the transcript has to be in the accessibility tree, not that its visible
kathy: This rule is particulary specific about the transcript being visible
… If the video transcript isn't visible on the page, but is available through the accessibility tree. A screen reader user would be able to access the transcript even when its not visible that seems to meet the requirement.
… just like alt text for images that aren't usually visually presented. But it should still be okay.
tom: Put a related comment at the bottom of the survey, I would expect a lot of transcripts are going to load in dynamically
wilco: There is a bit about the transcript being in the page or linked, which was meant to handle accessing the transcript through some control
… i do agree that its a valid scenario to consider
… Kathy is saying that if the transcript is only available to assistive technologies and there is no button to make it visible, that it would still pass
kathy: Yes, and I think that is what issue 1815 is saying
helen: What about an audio description transcript
wilco: Having a hard time believing this would pass without the transcript being visible.
kathy: videos are a sequence of images and we don't require text alternative for image to be visible
tom: Transcript might not be the right word here since there is no audio.
wilco: Reluctant to make this call without checking in with AG. I get where its coming from, but curious if AG would agree
wilco: Kathy to create an issue with AG