Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

27 Jan 2022


Helen, Wilco, kathyeng, trevor, Daniel, Will_C


<Wilco> scribe: Helen

CFC: Accept "headers attribute refers to cells in the same table element"

Wilco: Got all +1s on this so I think this is ready for CFG?

<Wilco> draft RESOLUTION: headers attribute specified on a cell refers to cells in the same table element

<dmontalvo> +1

<Wilco> draft RESOLUTION: Accept "headers attribute specified on a cell refers to cells in the same table element" for AG

<kathyeng> +1

<trevor> +1

Wilco: Please add a +1 if in favor of this resolution?


RESOLUTION: Accept "headers attribute specified on a cell refers to cells in the same table element" for AG

ACT rules sheet and Surveys

Wilco: These rules (pointed at on screen) were accepted to be merged by AG

Trevor: I put out the call for review for Line height - there was no feedback so ready to go to survey status

Kathy: Carlos is still working on the aria-hidden no focusable content

Wilco: I will add Karen's task to my To Do list to go to AG

Will: I made the pull request that is waiting approval for automatically playing audio

Karen: I have feedback for the iframe with negative tabindex task I need to action and aim to do it the next few days

Wilco: Should I remove the liaison name? No I won't

Open ACT pull requests

Wilco: There is a good number of Pull Requests we could help out with and assign to us to help out ...: First one is 1787 - who wants to review? Sent to Trevor, Helen and Kathy
... Next one from Helen 1786 - I had no idea we were doing this but deprecating rules due to now being orphaned
... Assigned to me to review
... Next 1775 - anyone else for this? Daniel, Wilco, and to be confirmed
... 1773, assigned to Kathy and me, I will assign it to Will in my place
... 1765 - needs review - Wilco, Helen Trevor
... 1764, does this relate to Kathy's change?

Kathy: I don't think so?

Wilco: I will assign it to you anyway! ...: 1747: Assigned to everyone so should get reviewed
... 1746: Assigned to Daniel, Carlos and Karen
... 1742: Has not been touched in forever
... 1740: This is editorial so can be merged?

Karen: Yep - I will do that

Wilco: 1683 - still has changes requested on it and my review was dismissed...

Trevor: Yes - I need to work on that and check if I sent the email?

Wilco: I will show everyone how to add labels and if you send a request for reviews email, add the label on it so we can easily track it?

Trevor: To be merged then

Rechartering for AG - do we want a 1.1 rules format

Wilco: This is interesting as the AGWG are looking to recharter, to say what they are going to do for the next 2 years (usual WG W3C protocol) ...: It is likely to be a 2 year charter, and what would we like in it relating to ACT?
... Do we want to work on a 1.1 ACT Rules format
... There are 2 areas worth exploring, the piece where we are defining what is included in an implementation of an ACT Rule
... The other larger piece is what do we do about objectiveness?
... We run into limitations of rules we cannot write well as the requirement must be objective, like where what looks like a heading must be marked as a heading, but that flips the objectiveness upside down as the definition of a heading is subjective
... For some rules we have worked around this, or just not written it as constrained by this format

Will: What is the coverage we want to get for this, like device limitations?

Wilco: Either the applicability or the expectations must be objective, like the heading rule, deciding what is a heading is subjective, but the markup of a heading is either there or not

Will: I don't get it? You take the guess work out of it to test it simply if the <H2> code is there?

Wilco: This is an important point, the way I am thinking about this, is using a Venn diagram, one circle of items marked as a heading, and one that looks like a heading and they should match

Will: So the looks like is subjective

Wilco: Yes so we need to have one we can work out of what is a heading, but flipping it around, the visual parts about headings that are subjective are hard to write tests for

Will: I want to add another part to this of how to define the need of a heading

Wilco: I want to work on another item of the rules format to map to the accessibility requirements, as we can only do black and white pass/fail scenarios - hence a need for 1.1 to add the subjective part. ...: This will take a substantial amount of time as a lot of rule writing, and calculating to get 1.1 off the ground. Is this worth trying? Kathy?

Kathy: If we are writing for more coverage we should update the format. If it means sacrificing time for rule writing, we need to work out how to do that, and we have lots of rules in draft ready...

Wilco: I hope that does not take another 2 years! ...: Yes we would need to carefully balance time to start off with scoping how we will do this successfully

Kathy: We have several with subjectivity in it already?

Wilco: We have that in the tests but not the objectives

Trevor: I agree with Kathy, but what about rewriting for when 3 comes out? Will we duplicate efforts

Helen: I think it might be something that may need a flag to indicate if it is an automation rule etc.

Wilco: Yes - that is something that could make this a much bigger project especially if we add states into the equation
... We have not written any new rules for over a year I think?

Kathy: Do you have an estimate of how many rules are missing that are subjective?

Wilco: About 73 out of 91

Missing input aspects

Updated WAI rule pages design

Wilco: Sharing my screen with the test rules and how the pages will look ...: There is a box on the right with navigation options, it used to contain rule metadata that is now elsewhere in the rule
... 2nd change is the Accessibility Requirements Mapping are now before Input Aspects and after Background in the rule
... They have an expand option and collapsed by default. There was talk of having them collapsed to start with, and talk of an option to expand all/collapse all button - but not for the first release
... The rule identifier is now in the bottom of the page in the footer
... Thoughts?
... There are a few items that might need resolving before we publish, I might switch the date and author around, and add an email for contact, but are we good with what you see here?

Kathy: I think it looks great, the data - what does that indicate?

Wilco: When it was last modified, the script will update it on my behalf

Kathy: So any change will be reflected in that date? ...: That is a bit confusing as would prefer an approval date instead

Wilco: This will be accurate once the design is complete and the date will be when the PR are merged in, and it is a lot of work to remove any update changing the date

<Wilco> draft RESOLUTION: Accept new WCAG Test Rule design for publication


<trevor> +1

<kathyeng> +1 ...: Add a +1 if you agree

<karenherr> +1

<Will_C> +1

RESOLUTION: Accept new WCAG Test Rule design for publication

Missing input aspects

<Will_C> I have to go to prep for my presentation. Sorry!

Wilco: Some of the input aspects we use in the page do not exist, like audio output, audio input and source code. They do not exist in our input notes document ...: Add definitions into the rules or update this document (act-rules-aspects)

<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/TR/act-rules-aspects/

Trevor: I would agree to update the document

Wilco: Ok we need a volunteer for this...

Trevor: Not me I'm afraid

Kathy: You can put me on it

Wilco: I will assign this issue to you and will ask you to bring this up as another item

<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/blob/master/NOTE-act-rules-common-aspects.bs

Wilco: I am not sure how to start, take a look at what is already there?

Kathy: I will ask if needed

Implementation Tables

Wilco: This is a very early preview of the rule implementations ...: I am thinking of showing the summary, with the versions, dates and updated dates
... I am adding items for consistency with the rules and links
... Then I played with the actual tables, currently we have text results that are bulky and it makes the pages bulky
... So I changed the order, by test cases in the columns and the results in the rows, making it a limit of 20 test cases
... It does push the layout, I bought it to the CG this morning and there was push back on the fact it is complex tables, and going back to the originals to simplify it

Karen: Visually I prefer the columns but the accessibility is in question for those for screen reader users.

Wilco: We could split it into smaller tables to reduce the complexity, and will present it at a later date

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. Accept "headers attribute specified on a cell refers to cells in the same table element" for AG
  2. Accept new WCAG Test Rule design for publication
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2022/01/28 11:04:39 $