Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference

07 Jan 2021


Levon, Trevor, Shadi, KathyEng, Wilco, MaryJo

MaryJo, Wilco


ARIA required context role: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTARIAContextRole/results

wilco: have gone through this partially before
... comment 3 from detlev, shadow dom examples

trevor: is it that he's confused about shadow dom?

wilco: this is how shadow dom is coded
... question 5 - should aria spec be cited

levon: it references wai-aria 1.1

wilco: in background, wai-aria is less strict. wai-aria has a broken owned elements model. issue was raised over a year ago and think it will be a requirement in 1.3
... Q5 mary jo's comment

maryjo: difference in owned definition

wilco: owned element definition in wai-aria has known problems. aria wg is working on solution. we didn't want to wait

maryjo: this is in advance of a spec change?

wilco: it's consistent with wcag
... agree it's not ideal. when updated, can update rule.
... issue is open with cg
... Q6, detlev's comment for aria-owns. this rule doesn't require aria-owns but takes it into account
... Q7, comment from Kathy to explain custom aria-owned definition for rule
... explain how the 2 definitions are different, not reference issues in aria specs?

trevor: sounds good

kathy: if the definitions will explain why the original will not work for the rule, yes

wilco: ready to publish - need an editorial update in background for definition
... propose take rule as soon as editorial change is made?

<trevor> +1

<Levon_> +1

<Wilco> +1


<shadi> +1

RESOLUTION: ARIA required context role rule, ready for CFC after editorial change in background

Heading has non-empty accessible name: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTHeadingName/results

wilco: 6 responses
... Q3 comment from wilco - AT ignores empty headings. maryjo - maybe some AT do not ignore empty headings
... empty headings not ignored by AT. whitespace chars are ignored inconsistently. Rule states all headings with empty accname are a failure

shadi: why 1.3.1

maryjo: programmatic structure

wilco: is it a failure if screen readers ignore empty headings?

shadi: to fail 1.3.1, need to confirm structure relationship in presentation
... probably a problem but not always

kathy: ignored by a headings list in sr?

wilco: yes, even with whitespace it is consistently ignored
... cg moved forward with this rule even with my concerns raised
... headings consistently ignored by AT should not fail 1.3.1, which is this rule

shadi: to what degree does this happen?

wilco: frequently

shadi: is empty heading in acc tree?

wilco: yes, sr will ignore bc it's empty
... all major screen readers can ignore empty headings

maryjo: we try not to program to what sr do

wilco: navigating by headings also ignores empty headings

trevor: background describes issue for sighted users

maryjo: but not a 1.3.1 failure

shadi: would want to look at 2.4.6 or 2.4.10 for empty headings

wilco: in favor of going ahead with this rule with some updates?

trevor: any ideas to account for sr?

wilco: no, I don't think this is a good rule.

<maryjom> -1

<trevor> -1


<Levon_> -1

<shadi> -1

shadi: if false positives result from this rule, people will spend time fixing.

wilco: Q4 comment, passed ex 3

trevor: ex is repetitive of passed ex 1, not relevant

wilco: Q5 comment, 2.4.6 doesn't apply to empty heading

shadi: if SR indicates empty heading

wilco: label is defined based on page not markup
... if there's no text, it's not a heading

maryjo: rule publication tracking needs updates
... and reassign charu's

Element with lang attribute has valid language tag: https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/ACTValidLang3/results

<Wilco> https://github.com/act-rules/act-rules.github.io/issues/1525

wilco: Q6 open issues - 3 open
... don't think issue 1525 is a blocker


wilco: needs to be addressed, not a blocker
... this is why it was sent back in previous review: asked not to fail empty tags, but not fixed properly
... I would like to see these fixed.

trevor: this will be a pretty large change for accname. need survey

wilco: this will go back

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. ARIA required context role rule, ready for CFC after editorial change in background
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.200 (CVS log)
$Date: 2021/01/07 16:53:39 $