See also: IRC log
<Wilco> Wilco: The next draft is on the survey of AGWG, it will be discussed tomorrow on their call
Wilco: We need to work with ACT rules
formats in our organisations.
... What would it take to test drive the rules - in the ACT rules
... Talked internally about using the format for new rules.
... Open question - what do you think needs to happen to start using the
rules format.
... As a start to see how it might work.
... Charu?
Charu: First would be to socialise with the dev team - show them the new format. Check if it makes sense.
Wilco: Could you talk with them this week.
... Want to try it for one or two rules.
Charu: We just finished something. So people are out of a cycle. We could see if we could get something in the next cycle. I'll report back next week.
Wilco: Kathy?
Kathy: We can try out some of the rules. We'll get back about scheduling.
Wilco: Fairly long thing - expect 2 months to really hear about process.
Alistair: Need to review.
Wilco: I looked internally - with open
source contributors its good to be able to give them something to work
... Useful for documenting things upfront.
... Trying to test drive the rules format.
Alistair: We could transcode tests into this format for sharing.
Kathy: I agree. There has to be that flexibility.
Shadi: Could you in the coming weeks could you start to export rules to this ACT format.
Wilco: The question should have been what
does it take to re-format your tests into the ACT format. Initial step
would be a transcode.
... ACT format could then be a sharing format.
... We start to convert some rules into the new format - what is
missing, what is not transferring well, etc.
... We need to work out the effort involved in transferring into this
ACT format. If we could think of a plan in the next.
Wilco: Mo created a proposal to reword test
case to test execution steps.
... I think test execution steps is better than test cases.
Alistair: Test case is usually made up a bunch of test execution steps.
Charu: What Alistair is saying makes sense. To prove a SC there are several tests, which each have a number of execution steps.
Wilco: Test is a rule. Each rule is made of a number of execution steps.
Charu: You may have several sub-parts in a rule. Which again are each formed from a number of execution steps.
Wilco: Charu, what are you suggesting we
change in this particular rule.
... Charu are you suggesting that we change test execution steps to
Alistair: I'd remove test case. I'd just use step, rather than execution step.
Wilco: So it would become, each rule
contains one or more stpes.
... Test procedure would be the main heading.
Charu: That's ok.
RESOLUTION: Use steps in place of test case / test execution steps.
Wilco: The question was - should we even do
the user question bit?
... The questions were originally from auto-WCAG. Designed to work with
something like an expert system.
... Auto-WCAG even suggested tool design.
... Romain made the observation that we didn't add that to our format.
... Our format does not prescribe what should be put in the user
Alistair: My take would be we don't need it right now.
Charu: Agree with what Alistair is saying.
In automation you don't want to break the flow / stop the build. It
would make things more manual than automated.
... In this round, it makes more sense to think just about more
automated tests.
Wilco: This feels to me viewed from one
perspective. We need to think that rules might be used in more than one
place than automation testing.
... There is an organisation that does large scale testing, but they
write out there tests for manual testing.
... It might be that the rules we are writing may not always be for
... We are developing tests which can be used in many different areas.
So, we may want to include tests which capture manual steps.
... ACT needs to figure out manual stuff as well.
Charu: It would be good to standardise semi-auto + manual test procedures as well. But, do we want to conquer everything - or maybe focus on automatic tests first.
Wilco: It is true that the need is most for fully automatic tests.
Alistair: It is the blending of automatic with manual then further automatic steps which is issue. As that forms a block.
Wilco: I think we need to continue this
... Auto WCAG call tomorrow.