<scribe> scribe: Daniel
Wilco: I have been working in
code to make the definition of implementation work
... Found a problem. What to do if an implementation procedure
reports more than one results per each case
... For example if it says a test case both fails and
... Questions?
<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/524/files
Wilco: AGWG suggested updates to
the common input aspects document. Now we use positive
... Carlos and JEan-Yves both approved this, is everybody else
in agreement with this?
<Wilco> draft RESOLUTION: Accept PR #524 for publication
<kathyeng> +1
<trevor> +1
<Will_C> +1
<Todd> +1
<JennC> +1
Accept PR 524 for publication
RESOLUTION: Accept PR 524 for publication
<Wilco> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OSkPFocXk4K3zYLnwS78WLsWO4PvE5yRcsauyefuIUI/edit#gid=0
Trevor: I think line height is pretty much ready. Jean-Yves asked for some thing but we are really close now
Kathy: I have a PR waiting for approval, not sure about the other two PRs
Wilco: There is one from Carlos that I approved
Trevor: 1683 is mine
Kathy: Mine is 1725, the other two are 1386 and 1444
Wilco: Two rules surveying,
survey ended today
... The rule on lang attribute has been approved by AG but not
yet published
Wilco: Audio or video avoids automatically playing audio
Kathy: None of the examples auto play, but code looks good and consistent
Wilco: Maybe this is disabled by default in Chromium based browsers?
Jenn: I am good with consensus, not feeling strongly
Wilco: Non-interference required for conformance?
Kathy: I think it should be 2.0 and higher
Wilco: That is a bug in the
website, should not persist when we published. I will look into
... Do you mind if we leave that?
Kathy: Sure
Wilco: Currently there is one
open issue. Looking at the survey results, it seems we can
publish without this issue being resolved
... Some thought this needed to be merged with the other atomic
rules, now it seems the group have changed their mind
Kathy: Shall we close the issue? Sounds like the majority of us feel it is no longer important
Wilco: We can close the
... I will communicate with Carlos about this
... If some months from now we get a rule like it is envisioned
in that PR, would we be OK with that?
... Seems that PR is no longer a blocker, but he is free to
continue working on it if desired
... Accessibility support that Chrome no longer auto plays
audio, I think that is useful to do.
... I feel we should update the accessibility support section
before we publish
... Any volunteers?
Will: I can try
Trevor: I can help if needed
Wilco: Table header cells refers to cells in the same table
Kathy: Not sure about the note in expectations
Wilco: I agree. These look a little redundant
Trevor: We may want to put these in the background
Wilco: Kathy, would you be OK with that?
Kathy: Yes
Wilco: Example 3 fails because
the target does not have a rowheader or columnheader role
... Jenn's comment sounds like an observation. Should we change
... Accessibility support section looks a bit empty. Karen, do
you have an example with two tables that have the same
Karen: If you had a second table with headers with the same id values, would it do something to this rule?
Wilco: It would. And it is something that this rule may need to handle
Trevor: Wouldn't we have a duplicate id rule?
Wilco: Was not published by AGWG
Trevor: I think it is necessary
but slightly off-topic for this rule
... Why AGWG objected for the duplicate id rule?
Wilco: Some thought it was too
strict to fail WCAG
... Are we OK with an assumption that says that the ids are
... If the assumption does not happen it is because it is
tested somewhere else
Kathy: Could we stick this in assumption one?
Wilco: That would be talking about two different things then
Kathy: Yes, I see
Wilco: Daniel #1767
Daniel: Should we consistent with SC name?
Wilco: Yes.
... We have several things to be updated. Karen, would you say
yes once updated?
Karen: Yes
Wilco: We need a liaison for this
Daniel: I think I can do most of this one
Wilco: Not sure if we will have surveys for next week, still working on script to automate the sheet a bit more
Wilco: Daniel's is approved
... Carlo's is not relevant for us at the moment
... Karen will review #1762
... #1761 that was also feedback from AG, Karen will
... Good amount or PRs from Helen. Checks on the rules that
have more than one SC and see if we could remove some. I not
necessarily agree with your assessment
... Can I ask a couple of people to review?
Trevor: I can do
Wilco: Use DFN elements
... Jean-Yves suggested to use dfn elements for inline
... Applies in applicability, expectations, etc
... Then we suggest that we could use an id to use the term in
other places
... That id includes the rule id to make sure that is
... This is the latest iteration and was approved by the CG
Trevor: How are we going to find these ids?
Helen: This are per page, there was an issue that it could conflict with the actual definitions in the glossary
Trevor: How does this look when it is rendered?
Wilco: I would like this to be rendered as bold text
Trevor: Would it take you to the referenced term?
Wilco: nothing on the CG, let's see on the how we could do this on he WAI website
Kathy: Would we include styles here?
Wilco: Yes. If you have further comments, leave them in this PR, 1744