<scribe> scribe: kathy
wilco: had several +1s, and a comment from outside group
<Wilco> https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/pull/526/files#r809876953
wilco: I made a small editorial adjustment to address Jean Yves' comment
Helen and Jen: agree with change
wilco: need another CFC?
daniel: yes
... and then I will ask AGWG for ok
<dmontalvo> +1 to these edits
wilco: any objections?
RESOLUTION: Adopt changes as proposed in the pull request and send out second CfC
wilco: aria-hidden CFC ends tomorrow.
kathy: survey again since there were several changes
<dmontalvo> https://github.com/w3c/wcag/issues/2236
daniel: heading non-empty accname
- no clear agreement
... that it's 1.3.1 or 2.4.6, like us
wilco: will move the rule back to
... hope to get new surveys now that we have a tool for manual
wilco: PR#1800 reviewers added -
Helen, Kathy
... PR#1797 has approvals
... PR#1770 Karen's need to discuss with wilco
<Wilco> https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/act/rules/
wilco: when rule is published to
WAI website
... "ACT" acronym not used. now called Test Rules
... "ACT" used a few places inside rules, like in outcome
wilco: how do we feel about removing "ACT"
helen: is it explained anywhere?
wilco: it is not anymore. The WAI website doesn't really explain the acronym. It's not in the rule pages anymore.
helen: what would we say instead of "ACT"?
daniel: just a "rule"
helen: would be clearer for someone who doesn't know "ACT"
wilco: if nav had "about ACT rules" instead of "about rules"
helen: explain within content to be accessible to audience the first time it's used
wilco: this isn't a problem on CG
site since ACT is everywhere
... on WAI there isn't clear context
<dmontalvo> Kathy: Calling them "test rules" in WAI website makes sense.
<dmontalvo> ... Given how our group is called it can be easily inferred
wilco: ACT is a name, if removed
it's taking the name off our work
... might introduce confusion for those who know about ACT
helen: WAI is explained in the logo. we should keep ACT and explain it on first use
<dmontalvo> Kathy: I think there is a tie between ACT TF and CG. Those who know ACT now will adjust to Test Rules. That would be OK for me
jen: WCAG is well known. ACT is up and coming
wilco: now that people talk about ACT and familiar with it, there may be a disconnect.
helen: about rules does explain ACT acronym
<Helen> https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/act/rules/about/
wilco: all agree to expand on acronym if we continue to use it. should we continue to use it?
helen: need CG opinion also
... I think it should remain and expand it
<dmontalvo> Kathy: I agree to keep it
daniel: WAI website decided to not use ACT just to tie them more to the standards the rules are testing
wilco: to avoid another
... don't like middle ground where it's sometimes used
helen: fully embrace and use it
wilco and kathy: yes, fully embrace it
daniel: would need a proposal to
WAI website
... agree "ACT" brand has value.
wilco: have always promoted "ACT Rules" and recently moved away from that. They aren't just wcag rules
daniel: will reach out to shawn
wilco: from a while ago, do
iframes need accname
... difficulty is browsers are inconsistent. Firefox always
puts focus on iframe, so no accname is a problem.
daniel: empty tab stop for screen readers
wilco: in safari, iframes have
their own context. you actively have to enter and exit for
... in safari, iframes need accname unless role none or
... chrome jaws, don't stop on iframes so accname not needed.
same with edge.
helen: similar problem with AT
tom: iframe doesn't have a defined role so browser do what they want
wilco: iframes are odd in
accessibility tree
... like tom's suggestion to reach out to aria group about
kathy: trusted tester also has a similar challenge with iframe accname
tom: how ibm does it: if it has a tabindex
helen: depends on content
<thbrunet> We treat it as N/A if the iframe is presentation/none, or has a tabindex to indicate not tabbable. We assume iframes are tabbable unless explicitly noted. Otherwise, we require a name.
joyce: JAWS guesses about what to say about iframes depending on verbosity setting. ACT rules need to connect with AT. Need AT to join this group.