Blog - xml
The W3C blog is for in-depth Web standards topics and educational materials. More information in About W3C Blog.
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The World Wide Success That Is XML
- standards
- validation
- xml
- xml-schema
- xquery
- xsd
- xsl
- xslt
XML, JSON, XSLT and XQuery
XSLT 3 and XQuery 3.1 will have access to JSON data, the ability to generate JSON, and also tools to work with JSON in a query or transformation
- xml
- xquery
- xslt
W3C Workshop (industry consultation event) on Publishing
W3C will be holding a Workshop in Paris, Publishing and the Open Web Platform in September of this year, 2013.
- css
- publishing
- workshop
- xml
RDFa Core 1.1, RDFa Lite 1.1 and XHTML+RDFa 1.1 are W3C recommendation
- markup
- rdf
- rdfa
- w3c-recommendation
- xhtml
- xml
RDFa 1.1 Core, RDFa Lite and XHTML+RDFa published as Candidate Recommendations
- html
- rdf
- rdfa
- xhtml
- xml
Default Prefix Declaration
In this posting, my intention is to provide a concise statement of an idea which is neither particularly new nor particularly mine, but which needs a place that can be referenced in the context of the current debate about distributed extensibility and HTML5. It's a very simple proposal to provide an out-of-band, defaultable, document-scoped means to declare namespace prefix bindings.
- extensibility
- html5
- namespaces
- xhtml
- xml
XML and language resources
Language resources are needed by many people and tools: language teachers use computers to store example sentences, present grammars patterns, help learners to find mistakes etc. machine translation tools use word classes, grammar and other information, or large sets...
- language
- resources
- xml
Caching XML data at install time
The W3C web server is spending most of its time serving DTDs to various bits of XML processing software. While XSLT processors such as xsltproc and Xalan have no technical dependency on the XHTML DTDs, I suspect they're used with XHTML enough that shipping copies of the DTDs along with the XSLT processing software is a win all around.
- http
- uri
- xml
Pleasure of Reading Tech Blog Posts
Tech blog posts offer sometimes gems for reading. Here a selection of articles, I have been reading, by Robert O'Callahan, John Resig, and Michael Sperberg-McQueen.
- css
- html
- javascript
- rdf
- svg
- xml