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Make Your Presentations Accessible to All updated - share the news
Do you remember a time when people around you broke out in laughter, but you didn't hear the joke? You could be doing a similar thing to your audience — leaving some people out.... Read on to learn how to make your presentations, talks, meetings, training, conferences, etc. accessible to all of your potential audience, including people with disabilities and others...
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- conference
- presentations
- training
The network at W3C TPAC 2008
Vivien gave us technical details about tpac wifi.
- conference
- tpac
- tpac2008
- w3c
- wifi
- working-group
W3C TPAC 2008 - starting
The big social event of W3C is starting. Join the fun locally or remotely.
- conference
- tpac
- tpac2008
- w3c
- working-group
The Slideshow Must Go On
These are a few hints on how to create a slideshow for a conference. Web conferences busy bees are often in need of illustrations for their slides. There are solutions to easily spice up your technology talk.
- conference
- howto
- slideshow
- tutorial
ParisWeb 2008 - registration is open
ParisWeb 2008 registration is open. This is a unique opportunity to meet active participants of the W3C communities.
- conference
- paris
- w3c
Web Directions East 2008
Web Directions is in Tokyo for the first time on November 7-9, 2008.
- conference
- tokyo
- w3c
- web-design
Video On The Web - The Interviews
By: Karl Dubost
Three video interviews about Video On The Web Workshop have been published by
- conference
- video
- w3c
XML Dev Day Tokyo 2007
Today (21 December 2007) I am attending the Tokyo 10th XML Developers day. This is an annual event, held in Japanese, with latest news from the Japanese XML developers community. The event is organized by Murakta-san. The presentations are of a great variety, providing both technical and rather "political" aspects of XML trends. Below is a summary of the talks, focusing on the technical aspects.
- conference
- xml
Video On the Web - the articles!
You might remember that the W3C is organizing a workshop about Video On the Web in the Silicon Valley at San Jose (12-13 December 2007). The Workshop will be simultaneously displayed in Brussels allowing remote participation from Europe. When W3C...
- conference
- video
- w3c
- workshop