WAI Curricula/WAI Curricula Task Force Meetings
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This page contains links to current work and teleconference connection details, as well as agenda, minutes, and a scribe rotation list for the WAI Curricula Task Force meetings. For further information about the background, objectives, approach, and participation info related to this Task Force, see the WAI Curricula Task Force Work Statement
Current work
Content Author Modules
Participation Info
Teleconference: EOWG's teleconference connection page (requires W3C login permission
IRC: https://irc.w3.org/?channels=#wai-curricula
23 August 2022
- Starting meeting, choosing scribe
- Rewriting Topic Visual Appearance to include grouping, spacing, and line height.
- Anything missing?
- Anything we should remove?
- Module 3: Forms -- Breaking down the responsibilities of each of the roles involved in labels, instructionss, and error messages
- each team does this differently. Should we remove second paragraph, second sentence in the topic intros?
- Module 3: Forms -- Referencing placeholder
- What are the specifics about placeholder behavior that we could mention in a content authors curricula (if at all)?
- Spanning on layout tables explanation
- Use case: a content author creates an email with layout tables because they cannot use CSS. How should we address this?
Meeting Minutes
- 23 August
- 26 July
- 12 July
- 5 July
- 7 June
- 24 May
- 17 May
- 19 April
- 12 April
- 29 March
- 22 March
- 15 March
- 22 February
- 15 February
- 11 January
- 4 January
- 14 December
- 7 December
- 16 November
- 26 October
- 19 October
- 5 October
- September 14
- September 7
- August 31
- August 24
- August 10
- August 3
- June 29
- June 15
- June 8
- June 1
- May 25
- May 11
- April 27
- April 13
- March 9
- February 23
- February 9
- January 19
- January 5
- November 24
- November 17
- November 10
- November 3
- October 27
- September 29
- September 8
- September 1
- August 25
- August 11
- July 28
- June 30
- June 23
- June 9
- May 19
- May 5
Scribing and Minute Taking
We use IRC for scribing and minute taking. People who use IRC often may download an IRC client.
If you are using IRC only for this meeting and do not want to use a client, you can connect to our channel using your browser by following the link to our WAI Curricula IRC channel
IRC and Scribing Tips
When you join IRC, indicate that you are attending the meeting by typing:
and the bots will create a list of attendees based on everybody's present+
Daniel will set the necessary bots and put the agenda in the channel before the meeting starts. If the scribe wants to check the agenda, he/she can type:
zakim, agenda?
and zakim will return all the recorded agenda items
- To set yourself as scribe type
scribe: Your IRC Nickname - To record what is being said, type the name of the person speaking, a colon, a space, and a summary of what he/she said
John: I like this approach. - If the speaker continues to speak after you recorded the first part of what he/she said, you can use three dots (...) and continue to write what they say
... and I am very glad that you mentioned it.
The bots are smart enough to still attribute this to the person speaking without you having to enter his/her name - To get to the next agenda item, type
zakim, take up next
and zakim will print the agenda item it has taken up - To take up a specific agenda item (for example item 4), type
zakim, take up agendum 4 - To add an item that is not in the agenda, type
Topic: Newly added topic
Scribe Rotation List
First names are likely to scribe in the next meeting. Last names are recent scribers.
- Donal F.: ...
- Brent: 29 Mar 2022
- Sarah: 17 May 2022
- Carlos: 7 June 2022
- Howard: 5 July 2022
- Estella: 12 July 2022
- Brian: 26 July 2022
- Daniel: 23 August 2022